[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]
- Abelein, Ulrich
[2] Non-Intrusive Integration of Advanced Diagnosis Features in Automotive E/E-Architectures - 12.5_1
- Abella, Jaume
[4] Bus Designs for Time-Probabilistic Multicore Processors - 03.5_2
- Abellán, José L.
[6] Thermal Management of Manycore Systems with Silicon-Photonic Networks 11.2_2
- Abraham, Jacob A.
[8] A Novel Low Power 11-bit Hybrid ADC Using Flash and Delay Line Architectures - 02.4_6
- Abraham, Jacob A.
[10] Connecting Different Worlds - Technology Abstraction for Reliability-Aware Design and Test - 09.5
- Acquaviva, Jean-Thomas
[12] A Unified Methodology for a Fast Benchmarking of Parallel Architecture - 07.6_7
- Adam, Daniel
[14] Hardware Virtualization Support for Shared Resources in Mixed-Criticality Multicore Systems - 04.2_4
- Adler, Oshri
[16] Facilitating Timing Debug by Logic Path Correspondence - 09.7_1
- Adyanthaya, S.
[18] Timing Analysis of First-Come First-Served Scheduled Interval-Timed Directed Acyclic Graphs - 10.5_2
- Afacan, Engin
[20] Model Based Hierarchical Optimization Strategies for Analog Design Automation - 02.4_5
- Afzali Kusha, Ali
[22] Dynamic Flip-Flop Conversion to Tolerate Process Variation in Low Power Circuits - 05.4_5
- Afzali-Kusha, Ali
[24] Improving Efficiency of Extensible Processors by Using Approximate Custom Instructions - 08.6_7
- Agbo, Innocent
[26] Bias Temperature Instability Analysis of FinFET Based SRAM Cells - 02.7_2
- Aghaee, Nima
[28] An Efficient Temperature-Gradient Based Burn-In Technique for 3D Stacked ICs - 05.7_5
- Agrawal, Prashant
[30] Energy Efficient Data Flow Transformation for Givens Rotation Based QR Decomposition - 08.4_5
- Agrawal, Supriya
[32] EDT: A Specification Notation for Reactive Systems - 08.5_3
- Aguilera, Paula
[34] Process Variation-Aware Workload Partitioning Algorithms for GPUs Supporting Spatial-Multitasking - 07.4_4
- Ahari, Ali
[36] A Power-Efficient Reconfigurable Architecture Using PCM Configuration Technology - 11.7_2
- Ahmad, Tariq B.
[38] Fast STA Prediction-based Gate-level Timing Simulation - 09.4_1
- Ahmad, Ubaid
[40] Energy Efficient MIMO Processing: A Case Study of Opportunistic Run-Time Approximations - 08.4_1
- Ahrendts, Leonie
[42] Failure Analysis of a Network-on-Chip for Real-Time Mixed-Critical Systems - 10.2_5
- Aitken, Rob
[44] Panel: Emerging vs. Established Technologies: A Two Sphinxes' Riddle at the Crossroads? - 02.2
- Akesson, Benny
[46] Coupling TDM NoC and DRAM Controller for Cost and Performance Optimization of Real-Time Systems - 03.5_1
- Akesson, Benny
[48] Exploiting Expendable Process-Margins in DRAMs for Run-Time Performance Optimization - 07.4_1
- Aksanli, Baris
[50] Providing Regulation Services and Managing Data Center Peak Power Budgets - 06.3_6
- Aksoy, Levent
[52] Optimization of Design Complexity in Time-Multiplexed Constant Multiplications - 10.7_7
- Al Faruque, Mohammad Abdullah
[54] GPU-EvR: Run-time Event Based Real-time Scheduling Framework on GPGPU Platform - 08.6_2
- Al Faruque, Mohammad Abdullah
[56] Multi-Disciplinary Integrated Design Automation Tool for Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems - 11.3_5
- Alaghi, Armin
[58] Fast and Accurate Computation Using Stochastic Circuits - 04.4_4
- Alam, Faisal
[60] Energy Optimization in Android Applications through Wakelock Placement - 04.6_5
- Al-Dujaily, Ra'ed
[62] Hybrid Wire-Surface Wave Architecture for One-to-Many Communication in Network-on-Chip - 10.2_4
- Alekseyev, Arseniy
[64] Design of Safety Critical Systems by Refinement - 04.6_4
- Alexandrescu, Dan
[66] Comprehensive Analysis of Alpha and Neutron Particle-induced Soft Errors in an Embedded Processor at Nanoscales - 02.7_1
- Alexandrescu, Dan
[68] INFORMER: An Integrated Framework for Early-Stage Memory Robustness Analysis - 02.7_4
- Alhammad, Ahmed
[70] Time-predictable Execution of Multithreaded Applications on Multicore Systems - 02.6_4
- Al-Hashimi, Bashir M.
[72] Advanced SIMD: Extending the Reach of Contemporary SIMD Architectures - 02.5_6
- Al-Hashimi, Bashir M.
[74] Clock-Modulation Based Watermark for Protection of Embedded Processors - 03.3_3
- Alì, Giuseppe
[76] Implicit Index-aware Model Order Reduction for RLC/RC Networks 03.4_3
- Alizadeh, Bijan
[22] Dynamic Flip-Flop Conversion to Tolerate Process Variation in Low Power Circuits - 05.4_5
- Alorda, B.
[78] Word-Line Power Supply Selector for Stability Improvement of Embedded SRAMs in High Reliability Applications - 06.7_2
- Althaus, Ernst
[80] Simple Interpolants for Linear Arithmetic - 05.5_3
- Altmeyer, Sebastian
[82] On the Correctness, Optimality and Precision of Static Probabilistic Timing Analysis - 02.6_1
- Amano, Hideharu
[84] Design and Evaluation of Fine-Grained Power-Gating for Embedded Microprocessors - 06.4_1
- Amano, Hideharu
[86] Low-Latency Wireless 3D NoCs via Randomized Shortcut Chips - 10.2_3
- Amaru, Luca
[88] Advanced System on a Chip Design Based on Controllable-Polarity FETs - 09.1_2
- Amarú, Luca
[90] An Efficient Manipulation Package for Biconditional Binary Decision Diagrams - 10.7_3
- Aminifar, Amir
[92] Bandwidth-Efficient Controller-Server Co-Design with Stability Guarantees - 03.6_2
- Aminot, Alexandre
[94] Early Design Stage Thermal Evaluation and Mitigation: The Locomotiv Architectural Case - 11.3_4
- Amir, Mohammad Faisal
[96] Ultra-low Power Electronics with Si/Ge Tunnel FET - 08.8_1
- Amrouch, Hussam
[98] hevcDTM: Application-Driven Dynamic Thermal Management for High Efficiency Video Coding - 08.6_6
- Amrouch, Hussam
[100] mDTM: Multi-Objective Dynamic Thermal Management for On-Chip Systems - 11.6_2
- Andrades, Cristian
[102] Signature Indexing of Design Layouts for Hotspot Detection - 12.4_2
- Annaswamy, Anuradha M.
[104] Fault-tolerant Control Synthesis and Verification of Distributed Embedded Systems - 03.6_3
- Annavaram, Murali
[106] Reliability-Aware Exceptions: Tolerating Intermittent Faults in Microprocessor Array Structures W - 05.3_2
- Ansaloni, Giovanni
[108] Hardware/Software Approach for Code Synchronization in Low-Power Multi-Core Sensor Nodes - 07.3_1
- Anton, Mario
[110] Panel: The World Is Going... Analog & Mixed-Signal! What about EDA? - 03.2
- Antoniadis, Dimitri
[112] Efficient Performance Estimation with Very Small Sample Size via Physical Subspace Projection and Maximum A Posteriori Estimation - 08.7_1
- Araújo, Guido
[114] Wear-out Analysis of Error Correction Techniques in Phase-change Memory - 02.7_5
- Arbel, Eli
[16] Facilitating Timing Debug by Logic Path Correspondence - 09.7_1
- Arora, Divya
[116] Formal Verification of Taint-propagation Security Properties in a Commercial SoC Design - 11.3_3
- Asadi, Hossein
[36] A Power-Efficient Reconfigurable Architecture Using PCM Configuration Technology - 11.7_2
- Ashammagari, Adarsh Reddy
[118] Exploiting STT-NV Technology for Reconfigurable, High Performance, Low Power, and Low Temperature Functional Unit Design - 11.7_1
- Ascheid, Gerd
[120] Time-Decoupled Parallel SystemC Simulation - 07.6_6
- Ascheid, Gerd
[122] Automatic Detection of Concurrency Bugs through Event Ordering Constraints - 10.4_1
- Ascheid, Gerd
[124] Optimized Buffer Allocation in Multicore Platforms - 11.5_2
- Ascheid, Gerd
[126] A Flexible ASIP Architecture for Connected Components Labeling in Embedded Vision Applications - 12.3_2
- Ascia, Giuseppe
[128] An Adaptive Transmitting Power Technique for Energy Efficient mm-Wave Wireless NoCs - 10.2_1
- Atienza, David
[130] Integrated Microfluidic Power Generation and Cooling for Bright Silicon MPSoCs - 06.1_2
- Atienza, David
[108] Hardware/Software Approach for Code Synchronization in Low-Power Multi-Core Sensor Nodes - 07.3_1
- Atienza, David
[132] A Quality-Scalable and Energy-Efficient Approach for Spectral Analysis of Heart Rate Variability - 07.3_4
- Atienza, David
[134] Resolving the Memory Bottleneck for Single Supply Near-Threshold Computing - 08.2_3
- Atienza, David
[136] Global Fan Speed Control Considering Non-Ideal Temperature Measurements in Enterprise Servers - 10.3_1
- Averbouch, Ilia
[16] Facilitating Timing Debug by Logic Path Correspondence - 09.7_1
- Ay, Simge
[20] Model Based Hierarchical Optimization Strategies for Analog Design Automation - 02.4_5
- Ayari, H.
[138] New Implementions of Predictive Alternate Analog/RF test with Augmented Model Redundancy - 05.7_7
- Aysu, Aydin
[140] Analyzing and Eliminating the Causes of Fault Sensitivity Analysis - 08.3_2
- Azais, F.
[138] New Implementions of Predictive Alternate Analog/RF test with Augmented Model Redundancy - 05.7_7
- Azevedo, Rodolfo
[114] Wear-out Analysis of Error Correction Techniques in Phase-change Memory - 02.7_5
- Azim, Akramul
[142] Generation of Communication Schedules for Multi-Mode Distributed Real-Time Applications - 10.6_3
- Bacivarov, Iuliana
[144] COOLIP: Simple yet Effective Job Allocation for Distributed Thermally-Throttled Processors - 10.3_5
- Bacivarov, Iuliana
[146] Reliability-Aware Mapping Optimization of Multi-Core Systems with Mixed-Criticality - 11.5_5
- Baghdadi, Amer
[148] Energy-Efficient FPGA Implementation for Binomial Option Pricing Using OpenCL - 08.4_2
- Bahar, R. Iris
[150] ABACUS: A Technique for Automated Behavioral Synthesis of Approximate Computing Circuits - 12.5_2
- Bähr, Steffen
[14] Hardware Virtualization Support for Shared Resources in Mixed-Criticality Multicore Systems - 04.2_4
- Bahrebar, Poona
[152] Improving Hamiltonian-based Routing Methods for On-chip Networks: A Turn Model Approach - 09.2_5
- Bai, Yu
[154] Isochronous Networks by Construction - 06.6_2
- Balachandran, Shankar
[156] Introducing Thread Criticality Awareness in Prefetcher Aggressiveness Control - 04.5_3
- Balck, Kenneth
[158] Model-based Protocol Log Generation for Testing a Telecommunication Test Harness Using CLP - 07.6_5
- Bamakhrama, Mohamed A.
[160] System-level Scheduling of Real-time Streaming Applications Using a Semi-partitioned Approach - 12.5_4
- Bampi, Sergio
[162] dSVM: Energy-Efficient Distributed Scratchpad Video Memory Architecture for the Next-Generation High Efficiency Video Coding - 02.5_2
- Banagaaya, Nicodemus
[76] Implicit Index-aware Model Order Reduction for RLC/RC Networks 03.4_3
- Bandinu, M.
[164] Sensitivity-based Weighting for Passivity Enforcement of Linear Macromodels in Power Integrity Applications - 03.4_1
- Banerjee, Kajori
[166] Acceptance and Random Generation of Event Sequences under Real Time Calculus Constraints - 09.6_2
- Bao, Jiming
[168] Multi Resolution Touch Panel with Built-in Fingerprint Sensing Support - 09.3_3
- Bapp, Falco
[14] Hardware Virtualization Support for Shared Resources in Mixed-Criticality Multicore Systems - 04.2_4
- Bardizbanyan, Alen
[170] Reducing Set-Associative L1 Data Cache Energy by Early Load Data Dependence Detection (ELD3) - 04.5_6
- Barke, E.
[172] Application of Mission Profiles to Enable Cross-Domain Constraint-Driven Design - 03.8_4
- Bartolini, Andrea
[174] A Linux-Governor Based Dynamic Realiability Manager for Android Mobile Devices - 05.3_5
- Bartolini, Andrea
[176] Hybrid Memory Architecture for Voltage Scaling in Ultra-Low Power Multi-Core Biomedical Processors - 07.3_2
- Bartolini, Andrea
[178] Unveiling Eurora - Thermal and Power Characterization of the Most Energy-Efficient Supercomputer in the World - 10.3_2
- Bartolini, Andrea
[180] Thermal Analysis and Model Identification Techniques for a Logic + WIDEIO Stacked DRAM Test Chip - 11.6_4
- Bartolini, Sandro
[182] Assessing the Energy Break-Even Point between an Optical NoC Architecture and an Aggressive Electronic Baseline 11.2_3
- Baskaya, Faik
[20] Model Based Hierarchical Optimization Strategies for Analog Design Automation - 02.4_5
- Basten, Twan
[184] Memory-Constrained Static Rate-Optimal Scheduling of Synchronous Dataflow Graphs via Retiming - 11.5_3
- Batude, Perrine
[186] 3D FPGA Using High-density Interconnect Monolithic Integration - 11.7_4
- Bautista Gomez, L.
[188] GPGPUs: How to Combine High Computational Power with High Reliability - 11.8
- Bazargan, Kia
[190] IIR Filters Using Stochastic Arithmetic - 04.4_1
- Becker, Andrew
[192] SKETCHILOG: Sketching Combinational Circuits - 06.5_5
- Becker, Bernd
[194] Efficient SMT-based ATPG for Interconnect Open Defects - 05.7_1
- Becker, Bernd
[196] An Effective Approach to Automatic Functional Processor Test Generation for Small-Delay Faults - 05.7_3
- Becker, Bernd
[198] Using MaxBMC for Pareto-Optimal Circuit Initialization - 06.5_1
- Becker, Jürgen
[14] Hardware Virtualization Support for Shared Resources in Mixed-Criticality Multicore Systems - 04.2_4
- Beer, Ilan
[16] Facilitating Timing Debug by Logic Path Correspondence - 09.7_1
- Beerel, Peter
[200] Stochastic Analysis of Bubble Razor - 05.4_3
- Beltrame, Giovanni
[202] Efficient Transient Thermal Simulation of 3D ICs with Liquid-Cooling and Through Silicon Vias - 04.4_2
- Beneventi, Francesco
[180] Thermal Analysis and Model Identification Techniques for a Logic + WIDEIO Stacked DRAM Test Chip - 11.6_4
- Benini, Luca
[204] A Tightly-coupled Hardware Controller to Improve Scalability and Programmability of Shared-Memory Heterogeneous Clusters - 02.5_7
- Benini, Luca
[206] A Multi Banked - Multi Ported - non Blocking Shared L2 Cache for MPSoC Platforms 04.5_4
- Benini, Luca
[208] Temporal Memoization for Energy-Efficient Timing Error Recovery in GPGPUs - 05.3_1
- Benini, Luca
[174] A Linux-Governor Based Dynamic Realiability Manager for Android Mobile Devices - 05.3_5
- Benini, Luca
[210] Tightly-Coupled Hardware Support to Dynamic Parallelism Acceleration in Embedded Shared Memory Clusters - 06.6_3
- Benini, Luca
[176] Hybrid Memory Architecture for Voltage Scaling in Ultra-Low Power Multi-Core Biomedical Processors - 07.3_2
- Benini, Luca
[212] Context Aware Power Management for Motion-sensing Body Area Network Nodes - 07.3_3
- Benini, Luca
[178] Unveiling Eurora - Thermal and Power Characterization of the Most Energy-Efficient Supercomputer in the World - 10.3_2
- Benini, Luca
[214] Energy Optimization in 3D MPSoCs with Wide-I/O DRAM Using Temperature Variation Aware Bank-wise Refresh - 10.3_6
- Benini, Luca
[180] Thermal Analysis and Model Identification Techniques for a Logic + WIDEIO Stacked DRAM Test Chip - 11.6_4
- Beretta, Ivan
[108] Hardware/Software Approach for Code Synchronization in Low-Power Multi-Core Sensor Nodes - 07.3_1
- Bergmann, Neil W.
[216] A Dynamic Computation Method for Fast and Accurate Performance Evaluation of Multi-core Architectures 10.5_3
- Bernard, Florent
[218] On the Assumption of Mutual Independence of Jitter Realizations in P-Trng Stochastic Models - 03.3_2
- Bernard, S.
[138] New Implementions of Predictive Alternate Analog/RF test with Augmented Model Redundancy - 05.7_7
- Bernardi, Paolo
[196] An Effective Approach to Automatic Functional Processor Test Generation for Small-Delay Faults - 05.7_3
- Beroulle, Vincent
[220] A Multiple Fault Injection Methodology Based on Cone Partitioning towards RTL Modeling of Laser Attacks - 08.3_4
- Bertacco, Valeria
[222] Brisk and Limited-Impact NoC Routing Reconfiguration - 11.2_1
- Bertacco, Valeria
[224] ArChiVED: Architectural Checking via Event Digests for High Performance Validation - 11.4_1
- Bertozzi, Davide
[226] SSDExplorer: A Virtual Platform for Fine-Grained Design Space Exploration of Solid State Drives - 10.4_3
- Bertozzi, Davide
[182] Assessing the Energy Break-Even Point between an Optical NoC Architecture and an Aggressive Electronic Baseline 11.2_3
- Beyranvand Nejad, Ashkan
[228] CoMik: A Predictable and Cycle-Accurately Composable Real-Time Microkernel - 08.6_4
- Bhargava, Mudit
[230] An Efficient Reliable PUF-Based Cryptographic Key Generator in 65nm CMOS - 04.3_2
- Bhunia, Swarup
[232] Toward Ultralow-Power Computing at Exteme with Silicon Carbide (SiC) Nanoelectromechanical Logic - 08.8_3
- Bhunia, Swarup
[234] Energy-Efficient Hardware Acceleration through Computing in the Memory - 09.8_3
- Biewer, Alexander
[236] A Novel Model for System-Level Decision Making with Combined ASP and SMT Solving - 08.5_5
- Bin Nasir, Saad
[238] Modeling and Analysis of Digital Linear Dropout Regulators with Adaptive Control for High Efficiency under Wide Dynamic Range Digital Loads - 06.4_3
- Bini, Enrico
[92] Bandwidth-Efficient Controller-Server Co-Design with Stability Guarantees - 03.6_2
- Bini, Enrico
[240] Rate-Adaptive Tasks: Model, Analysis, and Design Issues - 09.6_1
- Bishnoi, Rajendra
[242] Asynchronous Asymmetrical Write Termination (AAWT) for a Low Power STT-MRAM - 07.5_1
- Bocquet, Marc
[244] Resistive Memories: Which Applications? - 10.1_4
- Boettcher, Matthias
[72] Advanced SIMD: Extending the Reach of Contemporary SIMD Architectures - 02.5_6
- Bogdan, Paul
[86] Low-Latency Wireless 3D NoCs via Randomized Shortcut Chips - 10.2_3
- Boit, Christian
[246] Physical Vulnerabilities of Physically Unclonable Functions - 12.2_5
- Bolchini, C.
[248] Combined DVFS and Mapping Exploration for Lifetime and Soft-Error Susceptibility Improvement in MPSoCs - 03.7_2
- Bolle, Michael
[250] The Connected Car and Its Implication to the Automotive Chip Roadmap - 07.0
- Bombieri, N.
[252] A Cross-Level Verification Methodology for Digital IPs Augmented with Embedded Timing Monitors - 09.4_2
- Boning, Duane
[112] Efficient Performance Estimation with Very Small Sample Size via Physical Subspace Projection and Maximum A Posteriori Estimation - 08.7_1
- Borg, B.M.
[254] III-V Semiconductor Nanowires for Future Devices - 09.1_1
- Bortolotti, Daniele
[176] Hybrid Memory Architecture for Voltage Scaling in Ultra-Low Power Multi-Core Biomedical Processors - 07.3_2
- Bota, S.
[78] Word-Line Power Supply Selector for Stability Improvement of Embedded SRAMs in High Reliability Applications - 06.7_2
- Bouganis, Christos
[256] Image Progressive Acquisition for Hardware Systems - 12.3_3
- Bournoutian, Garo
[258] On-Device Objective-C Application Optimization Framework for High-Performance Mobile Processors - 04.6_2
- Boussetta, Hela
[94] Early Design Stage Thermal Evaluation and Mitigation: The Locomotiv Architectural Case - 11.3_4
- Braojos, Rubén
[108] Hardware/Software Approach for Code Synchronization in Low-Power Multi-Core Sensor Nodes - 07.3_1
- Bringmann, Oliver
[260] Mission Profile Aware Robustness Assessment of Automotive Power Devices - 03.8_3
- Brück, Rainer
[262] System Integration - The Bridge between More than Moore and More Moore - 05.8
- Brunelli, Davide
[264] Real-time Optimization of the Battery Banks Lifetime in Hybrid Residential Electrical Systems - 06.3_2
- Burg, Andreas
[132] A Quality-Scalable and Energy-Efficient Approach for Spectral Analysis of Heart Rate Variability - 07.3_4
- Burger, Andreas
[260] Mission Profile Aware Robustness Assessment of Automotive Power Devices - 03.8_3
- Burger, Doug
[266] EVX: Vector Execution on Low Power EDGE Cores - 02.5_4
- Burghartz, Joachim N.
[268] Low-Voltage Organic Transistors for Flexible Electronics - 11.1_3
- Burgio, Paolo
[204] A Tightly-coupled Hardware Controller to Improve Scalability and Programmability of Shared-Memory Heterogeneous Clusters - 02.5_7
- Burgio, Paolo
[210] Tightly-Coupled Hardware Support to Dynamic Parallelism Acceleration in Embedded Shared Memory Clusters - 06.6_3
- Burleson, Wayne
[270] Special Session: How Secure are PUFs Really? On the Reach and Limits of Recent PUF Attacks - 12.2_1
- Burleson, Wayne
[272] Hybrid Side-Channel / Machine-Learning Attacks on PUFs: A New Threat? - 12.2_4
- Burlyaev, Dmitry
[274] Verification-guided Voter Minimization in Triple-Modular Redundant Circuits - 04.7_2
- Büter, Wolfgang
[276] DCM: An IP for the Autonomous Control of Optical and Electrical Reconfigurable NoCs. - 11.2_4
- Butschke, Jörg
[268] Low-Voltage Organic Transistors for Flexible Electronics - 11.1_3
- Buttazzo, Giorgio C.
[240] Rate-Adaptive Tasks: Model, Analysis, and Design Issues - 09.6_1
- Buttle, Darren
[240] Rate-Adaptive Tasks: Model, Analysis, and Design Issues - 09.6_1
- Cabodi, G.
[278] Tightening BDD-based Approximate Reachability with SAT-based Clause Generalization - 05.5_4
- Cacciari, Matteo
[178] Unveiling Eurora - Thermal and Power Characterization of the Most Energy-Efficient Supercomputer in the World - 10.3_2
- Calimera, Andrea
[280] Pass-XNOR Logic: A New Logic Style for P-N Junction Based Graphene Circuits - 09.7_7
- Canal, Ramon
[282] SSFB: A Highly-Efficient and Scalable Simulation Reduction Technique for SRAM Yield Analysis - 02.7_3
- Canal, Ramon
[68] INFORMER: An Integrated Framework for Early-Stage Memory Robustness Analysis - 02.7_4
- Canal, Ramon
[284] DRAM-based Coherent Caches and How to Take Advantage of the Coherence Protocol to Reduce the Refresh Energy - 04.5_5
- Canedo, Arquimedes
[56] Multi-Disciplinary Integrated Design Automation Tool for Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems - 11.3_5
- Canelas, António
[286] Electromigration-Aware and IR-Drop Avoidance Routing in Analog Multiport Terminal Structures - 02.4_1
- Cannella, Emanuele
[160] System-level Scheduling of Real-time Streaming Applications Using a Semi-partitioned Approach - 12.5_4
- Caplan, Jonah
[288] Trade-offs in Execution Signature Compression for Reliable Processor Systems - 04.7_3
- Cappello, F.
[188] GPGPUs: How to Combine High Computational Power with High Reliability - 11.8
- Carmona, C.
[78] Word-Line Power Supply Selector for Stability Improvement of Embedded SRAMs in High Reliability Applications - 06.7_2
- Carro, L.
[188] GPGPUs: How to Combine High Computational Power with High Reliability - 11.8
- Carvajal, Gonzalo
[142] Generation of Communication Schedules for Multi-Mode Distributed Real-Time Applications - 10.6_3
- Casamassima, Filippo
[212] Context Aware Power Management for Motion-sensing Body Area Network Nodes - 07.3_3
- Caspar, Mirko
[290] Automated System Testing Using Dynamic and Resource Restricted Clients - 11.4_6
- Castellana, Vito Giovanni
[292] An Adaptive Memory Interface Controller for Improving Bandwidth Utilization of Hybrid and Reconfigurable Systems - 07.4_7
- Castrillon, Jeronimo
[122] Automatic Detection of Concurrency Bugs through Event Ordering Constraints - 10.4_1
- Castro-López, R.
[294] Implementation Issues in the Hierarchical Composition of Performance Models of Analog Circuits - 02.4_3
- Catania, Vincenzo
[128] An Adaptive Transmitting Power Technique for Energy Efficient mm-Wave Wireless NoCs - 10.2_1
- Catthoor, Francky
[296] Feasibility Exploration of NVM Based I-Cache through MSHR Enhancements - 02.5_3
- Catthoor, Francky
[26] Bias Temperature Instability Analysis of FinFET Based SRAM Cells - 02.7_2
- Catthoor, Francky
[134] Resolving the Memory Bottleneck for Single Supply Near-Threshold Computing - 08.2_3
- Catthoor, Francky
[40] Energy Efficient MIMO Processing: A Case Study of Opportunistic Run-Time Approximations - 08.4_1
- Catthoor, Francky
[30] Energy Efficient Data Flow Transformation for Givens Rotation Based QR Decomposition - 08.4_5
- Cauwenberghs, Gert
[298] Video Analytics Using Beyond CMOS Devices - 12.1_3
- Cavazzoni, Carlo
[178] Unveiling Eurora - Thermal and Power Characterization of the Most Energy-Efficient Supercomputer in the World - 10.3_2
- Cazorla, Francisco J.
[4] Bus Designs for Time-Probabilistic Multicore Processors - 03.5_2
- Cech, Christian
[300] Power Modeling and Analysis in Early Design Phases - 08.1_1
- Cha, Daeseo
[302] Predictive Parallel Event-driven HDL Simulation with A New Powerful Prediction Strategy - 11.3_6
- Chakrabarty, Krishnendu
[304] Multi-Site Test Optimization for Multi-Vdd SoCs Using Space- and Time-Division Multiplexing - 05.7_4
- Chakraborty, Koushik
[306] DARP: Dynamically Adaptable Resilient Pipeline Design in Microprocessors - 03.7_3
- Chakraborty, Samarjit
[104] Fault-tolerant Control Synthesis and Verification of Distributed Embedded Systems - 03.6_3
- Chakraborty, Samarjit
[308] Optimal Dimensioning of Active Cell Balancing Architectures - 06.3_3
- Chandra, Vikas
[310] Cross Layer Resiliency in Real World - 07.2
- Chandramoorthy, Nandhini
[312] Modeling Steep Slope Devices: From Circuits to Architectures - 06.2_2
- Chandrasekar, Karthik
[48] Exploiting Expendable Process-Margins in DRAMs for Run-Time Performance Optimization - 07.4_1
- Chang, Doohwang
[314] Approximating the Age of RF/Analog Circuits through Re-characterization and Statistical Estimation - 02.7_6
- Chang, Naehyuck
[316] Minimizing State-of-Health Degradation in Hybrid Electrical Energy Storage Systems with Arbitrary Source and Load Profiles - 05.4_4
- Chang, Naehyuck
[318] Optimal Design and Management of a Smart Residential PV and Energy Storage System - 06.3_4
- Chang, Naehyuck
[320] FEPMA: Fine-Grained Event-Driven Power Meter for Android Smartphones Based on Device Driver Layer Event Monitoring - 12.6_4
- Chang, Ru-Hua
[322] Scenario-aware Data Placement and Memory Area Allocation for Multi-Processor System-on-Chips with Reconfigurable 3D-stacked SRAMs - 11.5_1
- Chang, Shih-Chieh
[324] Package Geometric Aware Thermal Analysis by Infrared-Radiation Thermal Images - 03.4_5
- Chang, Shih-Chieh
[326] Yield and Timing Constrained Spare TSV Assignment for Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuits - 05.3_6
- Chang, Yuan-Hao
[328] Garbage Collection for Multi-version Index on Flash Memory - 03.6_4
- Chappert, Claude
[330] Spintronics for Low-Power Computing - 11.1_1
- Chatterjee, Debapriya
[224] ArChiVED: Architectural Checking via Event Digests for High Performance Validation - 11.4_1
- Chen, Chien-Hao
[332] An Activity-Sensitive Contention Delay Model for Highly Efficient Deterministic Full-System Simulations - 08.5_1
- Chen, Deming
[334] Highly Accurate SPICE-Compatible Modeling for Single- and Double-Gate GNRFETs with Studies on Technology Scaling - 05.6_3
- Chen, Gang
[336] Resource Optimization for CSDF-modeled Streaming Applications with Latency Constraints - 07.6_3
- Chen, Hu
[306] DARP: Dynamically Adaptable Resilient Pipeline Design in Microprocessors - 03.7_3
- Chen, Hung-Ming
[338] Cost-Effective Decap Selection for Beyond Die Power Integrity - 03.4_6
- Chen, Hung-Ming
[340] Memcomputing: The Cape of Good Hope - 09.8_1
- Chen, Jian-Yu
[342] Area Minimization Synthesis for Reconfigurable Single-Electron Transistor Arrays with Fabrication Constraints - 05.6_6
- Chen, Kevin J.
[344] Characterizing Power Delivery Systems with On/Off-Chip Voltage Regulators for Many-Core Processors - 03.4_7
- Chen, Licheng
[346] Achieving Efficient Packet-based Memory System by Exploiting Correlation of Memory Requests - 04.5_1
- Chen, Lizhong
[348] Application Mapping for Express Channel-Based Networks-on-Chip - 09.2_1
- Chen, Mingyu
[346] Achieving Efficient Packet-based Memory System by Exploiting Correlation of Memory Requests - 04.5_1
- Chen, Qiuwen
[350] Battery Aware Stochastic QoS Boosting in Mobile Computing Devices - 07.3_5
- Chen, Shi-Hao
[338] Cost-Effective Decap Selection for Beyond Die Power Integrity - 03.4_6
- Chen, Shuang
[352] Concurrent Placement, Capacity Provisioning, and Request Flow Control for a Distributed Cloud Infrastructure - 10.3_4
- Chen, Shu-Yung
[332] An Activity-Sensitive Contention Delay Model for Highly Efficient Deterministic Full-System Simulations - 08.5_1
- Chen, Tai-Chen
[354] Design-for-Debug Routing for FIB Probing - 11.4_4
- Chen, Weiwei
[356] May-Happen-in-Parallel Analysis Based on Segment Graphs for Safe ESL Models - 10.5_1
- Chen, Yi-En
[338] Cost-Effective Decap Selection for Beyond Die Power Integrity - 03.4_6
- Chen, Yi-Hang
[342] Area Minimization Synthesis for Reconfigurable Single-Electron Transistor Arrays with Fabrication Constraints - 05.6_6
- Chen, Yi-Jung
[322] Scenario-aware Data Placement and Memory Area Allocation for Multi-Processor System-on-Chips with Reconfigurable 3D-stacked SRAMs - 11.5_1
- Chen, Ying-Yu
[334] Highly Accurate SPICE-Compatible Modeling for Single- and Double-Gate GNRFETs with Studies on Technology Scaling - 05.6_3
- Chen, Yiran
[358] ICE: Inline Calibration for Memristor Crossbar-based Computing Engine - 07.5_5
- Chen, Yiran
[360] Energy Efficient Neural Networks for Big Data Analytics - 12.1_4
- Chen, Yi-Ting
[322] Scenario-aware Data Placement and Memory Area Allocation for Multi-Processor System-on-Chips with Reconfigurable 3D-stacked SRAMs - 11.5_1
- Chen, Yong
[362] A Wear-Leveling-Aware Dynamic Stack for PCM Memory in Embedded Systems - 04.6_6
- Chen, Yuankai
[364] Recovery-Based Resilient Latency-Insensitive Systems - 05.3_4
- Chen, Yu-Guang
[326] Yield and Timing Constrained Spare TSV Assignment for Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuits - 05.3_6
- Chen, Yung-Chih
[366] Rewiring for Threshold Logic Circuit Minimization - 05.6_4
- Chen, Yung-Chih
[368] Width Minimization in the Single-Electron Transistor Array Synthesis - 05.6_5
- Cheng, Kwang-Ting
[370] Joint Virtual Probe: Joint Exploration of Multiple Test Items' Spatial Patterns for Efficient Silicon Characterization and Test Prediction - 08.7_2
- Cheshmi, Kazem
[372] CHAMELEON: CHANNEL Efficient Optical Network-on-Chip - 11.1_2
- Cheung, Peter Y.K.
[256] Image Progressive Acquisition for Hardware Systems - 12.3_3
- Chevallaz, Christophe
[374] Future SoC Verification Methodology: UVM Evolution or Revolution? - 12.8
- Chiang, Chang-En
[368] Width Minimization in the Single-Electron Transistor Array Synthesis - 05.6_5
- Chiang, Charles C.
[102] Signature Indexing of Design Layouts for Hotspot Detection - 12.4_2
- Chiarulli, Don
[298] Video Analytics Using Beyond CMOS Devices - 12.1_3
- Chien, Hsi-An
[376] Mask-Cost-Aware ECO Routing - 03.4_8
- Chien, Jui-Hung
[324] Package Geometric Aware Thermal Analysis by Infrared-Radiation Thermal Images - 03.4_5
- Chien, Tzu-Kai
[378] Metal Layer Planning for Silicon Interposers with Consideration of Routability and Manufacturing Cost - 12.4_3
- Childers, Bruce R.
[380] Program Affinity Performance Models for Performance and Utilization - 02.5_5
- Chinea, A.
[164] Sensitivity-based Weighting for Passivity Enforcement of Linear Macromodels in Power Integrity Applications - 03.4_1
- Cho, Yeongon
[382] Energy-Efficient Scheduling for Memory-Intensive GPGPU Workloads - 02.5_1
- Cibrario, Gérald
[186] 3D FPGA Using High-density Interconnect Monolithic Integration - 11.7_4
- Ciesielski, Maciej J.
[38] Fast STA Prediction-based Gate-level Timing Simulation - 09.4_1
- Ciganda, Lyl
[196] An Effective Approach to Automatic Functional Processor Test Generation for Small-Delay Faults - 05.7_3
- Cilardo, Alessandro
[384] Joint Communication Scheduling and Interconnect Synthesis for FPGA-based Many-Core Systems - 11.7_5
- Clay, Steve
[386] Cross-correlation of Specification and RTL for Soft IP Analysis - 10.5_4
- Clediere, Jessy
[388] Efficiency of a Glitch Detector against Electromagnetic Fault Injection - 08.3_1
- Clermidy, Fabien
[244] Resistive Memories: Which Applications? - 10.1_4
- Clermidy, Fabien
[186] 3D FPGA Using High-density Interconnect Monolithic Integration - 11.7_4
- Comte, M.
[138] New Implementions of Predictive Alternate Analog/RF test with Augmented Model Redundancy - 05.7_7
- Cong, Kai
[390] Coverage Evaluation of Post-silicon Validation Tests with Virtual Prototypes - 11.4_2
- Conos, Nathaniel A.
[392] Provably Minimal Energy Using Coordinated DVS and Power Gating - 10.7_1
- Conti, Francesco
[210] Tightly-Coupled Hardware Support to Dynamic Parallelism Acceleration in Embedded Shared Memory Clusters - 06.6_3
- Cook, Alejandro
[2] Non-Intrusive Integration of Advanced Diagnosis Features in Automotive E/E-Architectures - 12.5_1
- Corporaal, H.
[18] Timing Analysis of First-Come First-Served Scheduled Interval-Timed Directed Acyclic Graphs - 10.5_2
- Cortadella, J.
[394] Hardware Primitives for the Synthesis of Multithreaded Elastic Systems - 10.7_8
- Cortez, Mafalda
[396] Testing PUF-Based Secure Key Storage Circuits - 07.7_2
- Coskun, Ayse K.
[6] Thermal Management of Manycore Systems with Silicon-Photonic Networks 11.2_2
- Costenaro, Enrico
[66] Comprehensive Analysis of Alpha and Neutron Particle-induced Soft Errors in an Embedded Processor at Nanoscales - 02.7_1
- Costenaro, Enrico
[68] INFORMER: An Integrated Framework for Early-Stage Memory Robustness Analysis - 02.7_4
- Coussy, Philippe
[204] A Tightly-coupled Hardware Controller to Improve Scalability and Programmability of Shared-Memory Heterogeneous Clusters - 02.5_7
- Cristal, Adrian
[266] EVX: Vector Execution on Low Power EDGE Cores - 02.5_4
- Crouch, Al
[398] Making it Harder to Unlock an LSIB: Honeytraps and Misdirection in a P1687 Network - 07.7_3
- Dabiri, Foad
[392] Provably Minimal Energy Using Coordinated DVS and Power Gating - 10.7_1
- Dahir, Nizar
[62] Hybrid Wire-Surface Wave Architecture for One-to-Many Communication in Network-on-Chip - 10.2_4
- Damodaran, Preethi P.
[400] Distributed Cooperative Shared Last-Level Caching in Tiled Multiprocessor System on Chip - 04.5_7
- Daneshtalab, Masoud
[402] Adaptive Power Allocation for Many-core Systems Inspired from Multiagent Auction Model - 11.6_5
- Danger, Jean-Luc
[404] Hacking and Protecting IC Hardware - 05.2
- Danilo, Robin
[204] A Tightly-coupled Hardware Controller to Improve Scalability and Programmability of Shared-Memory Heterogeneous Clusters - 02.5_7
- Das, A.
[248] Combined DVFS and Mapping Exploration for Lifetime and Soft-Error Susceptibility Improvement in MPSoCs - 03.7_2
- Das, Anup
[406] Temperature Aware Energy-Reliability Trade-offs for Mapping of Throughput-Constrained Applications on Multimedia MPSoCs - 05.3_3
- Dasgupta, Pallab
[166] Acceptance and Random Generation of Event Sequences under Real Time Calculus Constraints - 09.6_2
- Das Kunungo, P.
[254] III-V Semiconductor Nanowires for Future Devices - 09.1_1
- Datta, Suman
[368] Width Minimization in the Single-Electron Transistor Array Synthesis - 05.6_5
- Datta, Suman
[298] Video Analytics Using Beyond CMOS Devices - 12.1_3
- Davis, Robert I.
[82] On the Correctness, Optimality and Precision of Static Probabilistic Timing Analysis - 02.6_1
- De Micheli, Giovanni
[44] Panel: Emerging vs. Established Technologies: A Two Sphinxes' Riddle at the Crossroads? - 02.2
- De Micheli, Giovanni
[88] Advanced System on a Chip Design Based on Controllable-Polarity FETs - 09.1_2
- De Micheli, Giovanni
[90] An Efficient Manipulation Package for Biconditional Binary Decision Diagrams - 10.7_3
- Deb, Abhijit
[408] Startup Error Detection and Containment to Improve the Robustness of Hybrid FlexRay Networks - 02.3_2
- DeBardeleben, N.
[188] GPGPUs: How to Combine High Computational Power with High Reliability - 11.8
- Dehbaoui, Amine
[388] Efficiency of a Glitch Detector against Electromagnetic Fault Injection - 08.3_1
- Del Bel, Brandon
[410] Improving STT-MRAM Density through Multibit Error Correction - 07.5_3
- Delvaux, Jeroen
[412] Key-recovery Attacks on Various RO PUF Constructions via Helper Data Manipulation - 04.3_4
- Deng, Peng
[414] MSim: A General Cycle Accurate Simulation Platform for Memcomputing Studies - 09.8_2
- Deng, Qingxu
[416] Partitioned Mixed-Criticality Scheduling on Multiprocessor Platforms - 10.6_2
- Devitt, Simon
[418] Software-based Pauli Tracking in Fault-tolerant Quantum Circuits - 05.6_7
- Dhruva, Neil
[420] Computing a Language-Based Guarantee for Timing Properties of Cyber-Physical Systems - 07.6_2
- Di Carlo, Stefano
[226] SSDExplorer: A Virtual Platform for Fine-Grained Design Space Exploration of Solid State Drives - 10.4_3
- Di Natale, Giorgio
[404] Hacking and Protecting IC Hardware - 05.2
- Di Natale, Giorgio
[396] Testing PUF-Based Secure Key Storage Circuits - 07.7_2
- Di Pendina, G.
[422] Magnetic Memories: From DRAM Replacement to Ultra Low Power Logic Chips - 10.1_3
- Diemer, Jonas
[42] Failure Analysis of a Network-on-Chip for Real-Time Mixed-Critical Systems - 10.2_5
- Dieny, B.
[422] Magnetic Memories: From DRAM Replacement to Ultra Low Power Logic Chips - 10.1_3
- Dietrich, Manfred
[262] System Integration - The Bridge between More than Moore and More Moore - 05.8
- Dimitrakopoulos, G.
[424] ElastiStore: An Elastic Buffer Architecture for Network-on-Chip Routers - 09.2_3
- Dimitrakopoulos, G.
[394] Hardware Primitives for the Synthesis of Multithreaded Elastic Systems - 10.7_8
- Ding, Huping
[426] WCET-Centric Dynamic Instruction Cache Locking - 02.6_2
- Dinh, Trung Anh
[428] A Logic Integrated Optimal Pin-Count Design for Digital Microfluidic Biochips - 04.4_3
- Disch, Stefan
[80] Simple Interpolants for Linear Arithmetic - 05.5_3
- Doan, Hong Chinh
[430] Flexible and Scalable Implementation of H.264/AVC Encoder for Multiple Resolutions Using ASIPs - 12.3_1
- Doboli, Alex
[432] Novel Circuit Topology Synthesis Method Using Circuit Feature Mining and Symbolic Comparison - 02.4_8
- Dogan, Ahmed
[108] Hardware/Software Approach for Code Synchronization in Low-Power Multi-Core Sensor Nodes - 07.3_1
- Dogaru, Emanuel
[434] A Flexible BIST Strategy for SDR Transmitters - 12.7_3
- Dömer, Rainer
[356] May-Happen-in-Parallel Analysis Based on Segment Graphs for Safe ESL Models - 10.5_1
- Domic, Antun
[44] Panel: Emerging vs. Established Technologies: A Two Sphinxes' Riddle at the Crossroads? - 02.2
- Dong, Chuansheng
[436] Minimizing Stack Memory for Hard Real-time Applications on Multicore Platforms - 02.6_3
- Dou, Wenhua
[438] SAFE: Security-Aware FlexRay Scheduling Engine - 02.3_5
- Drechsler, Rolf
[440] Towards Verifying Determinism of SystemC Designs - 06.5_6
- Drechsler, Rolf
[374] Future SoC Verification Methodology: UVM Evolution or Revolution? - 12.8
- Du, Yuelin
[442] Optimization of Standard Cell Based Detailed Placement for 16 nm FinFET Process - 12.4_1
- Duan, Guangshan
[444] Exploiting Narrow-Width Values for Improving Non-Volatile Cache Lifetime - 03.5_4
- Dubois, Michel
[106] Reliability-Aware Exceptions: Tolerating Intermittent Faults in Microprocessor Array Structures W - 05.3_2
- Dündar, Günhan
[20] Model Based Hierarchical Optimization Strategies for Analog Design Automation - 02.4_5
- Dupont de Dinechin, Benoît
[446] Time-Critical Computing on a Single Chip Massively Parallel Processor - 05.1_2
- Duric, Milovan
[266] EVX: Vector Execution on Low Power EDGE Cores - 02.5_4
- Dutertre, Jean-Max
[388] Efficiency of a Glitch Detector against Electromagnetic Fault Injection - 08.3_1
- Dutoit, Denis
[180] Thermal Analysis and Model Identification Techniques for a Logic + WIDEIO Stacked DRAM Test Chip - 11.6_4
- Dutt, Nikil
[448] Minimal Sparse Observability of Complex Networks: Application to MPSoC Sensor Placement and Run-time Thermal Estimation & Tracking - 11.6_1
- Duy, Viet Vu
[14] Hardware Virtualization Support for Shared Resources in Mixed-Criticality Multicore Systems - 04.2_4
- Dweik, Waleed
[106] Reliability-Aware Exceptions: Tolerating Intermittent Faults in Microprocessor Array Structures W - 05.3_2
- Dworak, Jennifer
[398] Making it Harder to Unlock an LSIB: Honeytraps and Misdirection in a P1687 Network - 07.7_3
- Dwyer, Chris
[450] RETLab: A Fast Design-automation Framework for Arbitrary RET Networks - 05.6_1
- Ebi, Thomas
[100] mDTM: Multi-Objective Dynamic Thermal Management for On-Chip Systems - 11.6_2
- Ebrahimi, Mojtaba
[66] Comprehensive Analysis of Alpha and Neutron Particle-induced Soft Errors in an Embedded Processor at Nanoscales - 02.7_1
- Ebrahimi, Mojtaba
[242] Asynchronous Asymmetrical Write Termination (AAWT) for a Low Power STT-MRAM - 07.5_1
- Ebrahimi, Mojtaba
[452] Aging-aware Standard Cell Library Design - 09.7_6
- Echeverri, Juan
[454] Logic Synthesis of Low-power ICs with Ultra-wide Voltage and Frequency Scaling - 11.3_2
- Echeverri, Juan Diego
[456] Standard Cell Library Tuning for Variability Tolerant Designs - 08.7_4
- Ecker, Wolfgang
[458] The Metamodeling Approach to System Level Synthesis - 11.3_1
- Eles, Petru
[92] Bandwidth-Efficient Controller-Server Co-Design with Stability Guarantees - 03.6_2
- Eles, Petru
[28] An Efficient Temperature-Gradient Based Burn-In Technique for 3D Stacked ICs - 05.7_5
- Elfadel, Ibrahim (Abe) M.
[112] Efficient Performance Estimation with Very Small Sample Size via Physical Subspace Projection and Maximum A Posteriori Estimation - 08.7_1
- Elfadel, Ibrahim (Abe) M.
[460] Unified, Ultra Compact, Quadratic Power Proxies for Multi-Core Processors - 11.6_6
- Engelke, Piet
[2] Non-Intrusive Integration of Advanced Diagnosis Features in Automotive E/E-Architectures - 12.5_1
- Erb, Dominik
[194] Efficient SMT-based ATPG for Interconnect Open Defects - 05.7_1
- Ernst, Rolf
[42] Failure Analysis of a Network-on-Chip for Real-Time Mixed-Critical Systems - 10.2_5
- Eusse, Juan Fernando
[126] A Flexible ASIP Architecture for Connected Components Labeling in Embedded Vision Applications - 12.3_2
- Evans, Adrian
[66] Comprehensive Analysis of Alpha and Neutron Particle-induced Soft Errors in an Embedded Processor at Nanoscales - 02.7_1
- Evans, Adrian
[10] Connecting Different Worlds - Technology Abstraction for Reliability-Aware Design and Test - 09.5
- Eyole, Mbou
[72] Advanced SIMD: Extending the Reach of Contemporary SIMD Architectures - 02.5_6
- Fabrie, Sebastien
[456] Standard Cell Library Tuning for Variability Tolerant Designs - 08.7_4
- Fahrny, Jim
[462] ARO-PUF: An Aging-Resistant Ring Oscillator PUF Design - 04.3_1
- Falk, Joachim
[464] Model-Based Actor Multiplexing with Application to Complex Communication Protocols 08.5_4
- Fan, Deliang
[466] Brain-Inspired Computing with Spin Torque Devices - 08.8_2
- Fang, B.
[188] GPGPUs: How to Combine High Computational Power with High Reliability - 11.8
- Farahpour, Nazanin
[40] Energy Efficient MIMO Processing: A Case Study of Opportunistic Run-Time Approximations - 08.4_1
- Farbeh, Hamed
[468] PSP-Cache: A Low-Cost Fault-Tolerant Cache Memory Architecture - 06.7_5
- Farella, Elisabetta
[212] Context Aware Power Management for Motion-sensing Body Area Network Nodes - 07.3_3
- Farhady Ghalaty, Nahid
[140] Analyzing and Eliminating the Causes of Fault Sensitivity Analysis - 08.3_2
- Farmahini-Farahani, Amin
[34] Process Variation-Aware Workload Partitioning Algorithms for GPUs Supporting Spatial-Multitasking - 07.4_4
- Feng, Philip X.-L.
[232] Toward Ultralow-Power Computing at Exteme with Silicon Carbide (SiC) Nanoelectromechanical Logic - 08.8_3
- Feng, Tao
[168] Multi Resolution Touch Panel with Built-in Fingerprint Sensing Support - 09.3_3
- Ferent, Cristian
[432] Novel Circuit Topology Synthesis Method Using Circuit Feature Mining and Symbolic Comparison - 02.4_8
- Fernández, F.V.
[294] Implementation Issues in the Hierarchical Composition of Performance Models of Analog Circuits - 02.4_3
- Fernández, F.V.
[20] Model Based Hierarchical Optimization Strategies for Analog Design Automation - 02.4_5
- Fernández Villena, Jorge
[470] Efficient Analysis of Variability Impact on Interconnect Lines and Resistor Networks - 03.4_2
- Ferrandi, Fabrizio
[292] An Adaptive Memory Interface Controller for Improving Bandwidth Utilization of Hybrid and Reconfigurable Systems - 07.4_7
- Ferro, Luca
[94] Early Design Stage Thermal Evaluation and Mitigation: The Locomotiv Architectural Case - 11.3_4
- Finn, John B.
[472] Contract-Based Design of Control Protocols for Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems 03.6_6
- Firouzi, Farshad
[474] P/G TSV Planning for IR-drop Reduction in 3D-ICs - 03.4_4
- Firouzi, Farshad
[452] Aging-aware Standard Cell Library Design - 09.7_6
- Fischer, Peter
[476] Thinfilm Printed Ferro-Electric Memories and Integrated Products - 10.1_5
- Fischer, Viktor
[218] On the Assumption of Mutual Independence of Jitter Realizations in P-Trng Stochastic Models - 03.3_2
- Fischer, Bernhard
[300] Power Modeling and Analysis in Early Design Phases - 08.1_1
- Fischmeister, Sebastian
[142] Generation of Communication Schedules for Multi-Mode Distributed Real-Time Applications - 10.6_3
- Flores, Paulo
[52] Optimization of Design Complexity in Time-Multiplexed Constant Multiplications - 10.7_7
- Forte, Domenic
[462] ARO-PUF: An Aging-Resistant Ring Oscillator PUF Design - 04.3_1
- Fourmigue, Alain
[202] Efficient Transient Thermal Simulation of 3D ICs with Liquid-Cooling and Through Silicon Vias - 04.4_2
- Fradet, Pascal
[274] Verification-guided Voter Minimization in Triple-Modular Redundant Circuits - 04.7_2
- Francillon, Aurélien
[478] A Minimalist Approach to Remote Attestation - 09.3_2
- Friedler, Ophir
[480] Effective Post-Silicon Failure Localization Using Dynamic Program Slicing - 11.4_3
- Frijns, R.M.W.
[18] Timing Analysis of First-Come First-Served Scheduled Interval-Timed Directed Acyclic Graphs - 10.5_2
- Fu, Jian
[482] A Fault Detection Mechanism in a Data-flow Scheduled Multithreaded Processor - 03.7_4
- Fujiwara, Ikki
[86] Low-Latency Wireless 3D NoCs via Randomized Shortcut Chips - 10.2_3
- Fummi, F.
[252] A Cross-Level Verification Methodology for Digital IPs Augmented with Embedded Timing Monitors - 09.4_2
- Fummi, Franco
[484] Moving from Co-Simulation to Simulation for Effective Smart Systems Design - 10.4_5
- Fummi, Franco
[374] Future SoC Verification Methodology: UVM Evolution or Revolution? - 12.8
- Fusella, Edoardo
[384] Joint Communication Scheduling and Interconnect Synthesis for FPGA-based Many-Core Systems - 11.7_5
- Gabrielli, Giacomo
[72] Advanced SIMD: Extending the Reach of Contemporary SIMD Architectures - 02.5_6
- Gaillardon, Pierre-Emmanuel
[88] Advanced System on a Chip Design Based on Controllable-Polarity FETs - 09.1_2
- Gaillardon, Pierre-Emmanuel
[90] An Efficient Manipulation Package for Biconditional Binary Decision Diagrams - 10.7_3
- Gal, Raviv
[224] ArChiVED: Architectural Checking via Event Digests for High Performance Validation - 11.4_1
- Galfano, Salvatore
[226] SSDExplorer: A Virtual Platform for Fine-Grained Design Space Exploration of Solid State Drives - 10.4_3
- Gallo, Luca
[384] Joint Communication Scheduling and Interconnect Synthesis for FPGA-based Many-Core Systems - 11.7_5
- Galzur, Ori
[110] Panel: The World Is Going... Analog & Mixed-Signal! What about EDA? - 03.2
- Ganapathy, Shrikanth
[68] INFORMER: An Integrated Framework for Early-Stage Memory Robustness Analysis - 02.7_4
- Gangopadhya, Samantak
[238] Modeling and Analysis of Digital Linear Dropout Regulators with Adaptive Control for High Efficiency under Wide Dynamic Range Digital Loads - 06.4_3
- Gao, Yue
[486] An Energy-Aware Fault Tolerant Scheduling Framework for Soft Error Resilient Cloud Computing Systems - 04.7_4
- García-Ortiz, Alberto
[276] DCM: An IP for the Autonomous Control of Optical and Electrical Reconfigurable NoCs. - 11.2_4
- Geilen, M.C.W.
[18] Timing Analysis of First-Come First-Served Scheduled Interval-Timed Directed Acyclic Graphs - 10.5_2
- Geilen, Marc
[184] Memory-Constrained Static Rate-Optimal Scheduling of Synchronous Dataflow Graphs via Retiming - 11.5_3
- Gemmeke, Tobias
[134] Resolving the Memory Bottleneck for Single Supply Near-Threshold Computing - 08.2_3
- Geraci, James R.
[488] Utilization-aware Load Balancing for the Energy Efficient Operation on the big.LITTLE Processor - 08.6_5
- Geng, Hui
[414] MSim: A General Cycle Accurate Simulation Platform for Memcomputing Studies - 09.8_2
- Ghasemazar, Amin
[24] Improving Efficiency of Extensible Processors by Using Approximate Custom Instructions - 08.6_7
- Ghiribaldi, Alberto
[182] Assessing the Energy Break-Even Point between an Optical NoC Architecture and an Aggressive Electronic Baseline 11.2_3
- Gholipour, Morteza
[334] Highly Accurate SPICE-Compatible Modeling for Single- and Double-Gate GNRFETs with Studies on Technology Scaling - 05.6_3
- Giannopoulou, Georgia
[490] Mapping Mixed-Criticality Applications on Multi-Core Architectures - 05.1_3
- Giannopoulou, Georgia
[420] Computing a Language-Based Guarantee for Timing Properties of Cyber-Physical Systems - 07.6_2
- Gimmler-Dumont, Christina
[10] Connecting Different Worlds - Technology Abstraction for Reliability-Aware Design and Test - 09.5
- Gines, Antonio
[492] Sigma-Delta Testability for Pipeline A/D Converters - 12.7_4
- Girault, Alain
[274] Verification-guided Voter Minimization in Triple-Modular Redundant Circuits - 04.7_2
- Gladigau, Jens
[236] A Novel Model for System-Level Decision Making with Combined ASP and SMT Solving - 08.5_5
- Glaβ, Michael
[494] A Self-Propagating Wakeup Mechanism for Point-to-Point Networks with Partial Network Support - 02.3_3
- Glaβ, Michael
[496] Multi-Variant-based Design Space Exploration for Automotive Embedded Systems - 02.3_4
- Glaβ, Michael
[498] Multi-Objective Distributed Run-time Resource Management for Many-Cores - 08.6_3
- Glaβ, Michael
[10] Connecting Different Worlds - Technology Abstraction for Reliability-Aware Design and Test - 09.5
- Glaβ, Michael
[2] Non-Intrusive Integration of Advanced Diagnosis Features in Automotive E/E-Architectures - 12.5_1
- Goens, Andrés
[124] Optimized Buffer Allocation in Multicore Platforms - 11.5_2
- Gómez Pérez, José Ignacio
[296] Feasibility Exploration of NVM Based I-Cache through MSHR Enhancements - 02.5_3
- Gomony, Manil Dev
[46] Coupling TDM NoC and DRAM Controller for Cost and Performance Optimization of Real-Time Systems - 03.5_1
- Goncalves, O.
[422] Magnetic Memories: From DRAM Replacement to Ultra Low Power Logic Chips - 10.1_3
- González, Antonio
[68] INFORMER: An Integrated Framework for Early-Stage Memory Robustness Analysis - 02.7_4
- Goossens, Kees
[46] Coupling TDM NoC and DRAM Controller for Cost and Performance Optimization of Real-Time Systems - 03.5_1
- Goossens, Kees
[48] Exploiting Expendable Process-Margins in DRAMs for Run-Time Performance Optimization - 07.4_1
- Goossens, Kees
[228] CoMik: A Predictable and Cycle-Accurately Composable Real-Time Microkernel - 08.6_4
- Goossens, Sven
[48] Exploiting Expendable Process-Margins in DRAMs for Run-Time Performance Optimization - 07.4_1
- Goryachev, Alex
[374] Future SoC Verification Methodology: UVM Evolution or Revolution? - 12.8
- Goswami, Dip
[104] Fault-tolerant Control Synthesis and Verification of Distributed Embedded Systems - 03.6_3
- Goyal, Ajay
[458] The Metamodeling Approach to System Level Synthesis - 11.3_1
- Graf, Sebastian
[496] Multi-Variant-based Design Space Exploration for Automotive Embedded Systems - 02.3_4
- Grani, Paolo
[182] Assessing the Energy Break-Even Point between an Optical NoC Architecture and an Aggressive Electronic Baseline 11.2_3
- Gregorek, Daniel
[276] DCM: An IP for the Autonomous Control of Optical and Electrical Reconfigurable NoCs. - 11.2_4
- Grijnevitch, Inna
[16] Facilitating Timing Debug by Logic Path Correspondence - 09.7_1
- Grimm, Christoph
[500] Emulation-Based Robustness Assessment for Automotive Smart-Power ICs - 02.3_1
- Grimm, Christoph
[502] Semi-Symbolic Analysis of Mixed-Signal Systems Including Discontinuities - 02.4_7
- Grinchtein, Olga
[158] Model-based Protocol Log Generation for Testing a Telecommunication Test Harness Using CLP - 07.6_5
- Grivet-Talocia, S.
[164] Sensitivity-based Weighting for Passivity Enforcement of Linear Macromodels in Power Integrity Applications - 03.4_1
- Gross, Kenny
[136] Global Fan Speed Control Considering Non-Ideal Temperature Measurements in Enterprise Servers - 10.3_1
- Grube, Matthias
[504] Reconfigurable Silicon Nanowire Devices and Circuits: Opportunities and Challenges - 09.1_3
- Grünewald, Armin
[262] System Integration - The Bridge between More than Moore and More Moore - 05.8
- Gu, Chuancai
[416] Partitioned Mixed-Criticality Scheduling on Multiprocessor Platforms - 10.6_2
- Guan, Nan
[506] General and Efficient Response Time Analysis for EDF Scheduling - 09.6_3
- Guan, Nan
[416] Partitioned Mixed-Criticality Scheduling on Multiprocessor Platforms - 10.6_2
- Guarnieri, V.
[252] A Cross-Level Verification Methodology for Digital IPs Augmented with Embedded Timing Monitors - 09.4_2
- Guerre, Alexandre
[12] A Unified Methodology for a Fast Benchmarking of Parallel Architecture - 07.6_7
- Guerre, Alexandre
[94] Early Design Stage Thermal Evaluation and Mitigation: The Locomotiv Architectural Case - 11.3_4
- Guillaume-Sage, Ludovic
[388] Efficiency of a Glitch Detector against Electromagnetic Fault Injection - 08.3_1
- Güneysu, Tim
[508] Lightweight Code-based Cryptography: QC-MDPC McEliece Encryption on Reconfigurable Devices - 03.3_1
- Guo, Hui
[510] EATBit: Effective Automated Test for Binary Translation with High Code Coverage - 04.6_1
- Gupta, Rajesh K.
[208] Temporal Memoization for Energy-Efficient Timing Error Recovery in GPGPUs - 05.3_1
- Gupta, Sandeep K.
[486] An Energy-Aware Fault Tolerant Scheduling Framework for Soft Error Resilient Cloud Computing Systems - 04.7_4
- Gurumurthi, S.
[188] GPGPUs: How to Combine High Computational Power with High Reliability - 11.8
- Ha, Soonhoi
[146] Reliability-Aware Mapping Optimization of Multi-Core Systems with Mixed-Criticality - 11.5_5
- Ha, Yajun
[512] Thermal-Aware Frequency Scaling for Adaptive Workloads on Heterogeneous MPSoCs - 10.6_1
- Haase, Joachim
[514] Probabilistic Standard Cell Modeling Considering Non-Gaussian Parameters and Correlations - 08.7_5
- Haddad, Patrick
[218] On the Assumption of Mutual Independence of Jitter Realizations in P-Trng Stochastic Models - 03.3_2
- Hahn, Kai
[262] System Integration - The Bridge between More than Moore and More Moore - 05.8
- Hairbucher, Jürgen
[14] Hardware Virtualization Support for Shared Resources in Mixed-Criticality Multicore Systems - 04.2_4
- Halak, Basel
[516] A Low-Cost Radiation Hardened Flip-flop - 06.7_4
- Hamdioui, Said
[26] Bias Temperature Instability Analysis of FinFET Based SRAM Cells - 02.7_2
- Hamdioui, Said
[404] Hacking and Protecting IC Hardware - 05.2
- Hamdioui, Said
[518] Interconnect Test for 3D Stacked Memory-on-Logic - 05.7_2
- Hamdioui, Said
[396] Testing PUF-Based Secure Key Storage Circuits - 07.7_2
- Han, Gang
[438] SAFE: Security-Aware FlexRay Scheduling Engine - 02.3_5
- Han, Jaehoon
[302] Predictive Parallel Event-driven HDL Simulation with A New Powerful Prediction Strategy - 11.3_6
- Han, Jie
[520] A Low-Power, High-Performance Approximate Multiplier with Configurable Partial Error Recovery - 04.7_5
- Han, Jie
[522] A Hybrid Non-Volatile SRAM Cell with Concurrent SEU Detection and Correction - 06.7_6
- Han, Seung-Soo
[524] A Deep Learning Methodology to Proliferate Golden Signoff Timing - 09.7_4
- Han, Xu
[356] May-Happen-in-Parallel Analysis Based on Segment Graphs for Safe ESL Models - 10.5_1
- Han, Yinhe
[526] SuperRange: Wide Operational Range Power Delivery Design for Both STV and NTV Computing - 06.4_2
- Hannig, Frank
[528] Code Generation for Embedded Heterogeneous Architectures on Android - 04.6_3
- Hao, Kecheng
[530] Equivalence Checking for Function Pipelining in Behavioral Synthesis - 06.5_3
- Hardt, Wolfram
[290] Automated System Testing Using Dynamic and Resource Restricted Clients - 11.4_6
- Harrant, Manuel
[500] Emulation-Based Robustness Assessment for Automotive Smart-Power ICs - 02.3_1
- Harrant, Manuel
[260] Mission Profile Aware Robustness Assessment of Automotive Power Devices - 03.8_3
- Hartmann, Matthias
[296] Feasibility Exploration of NVM Based I-Cache through MSHR Enhancements - 02.5_3
- Haubelt, Christian
[464] Model-Based Actor Multiplexing with Application to Complex Communication Protocols 08.5_4
- Haubelt, Christian
[236] A Novel Model for System-Level Decision Making with Combined ASP and SMT Solving - 08.5_5
- Hayes, John P.
[58] Fast and Accurate Computation Using Stochastic Circuits - 04.4_4
- Hayes, Michael
[532] Design and Fabrication of a 315 μH Bondwire Micro-Transformer for Ultra-Low Voltage Energy Harvesting - 06.3_5
- He, Tina
[232] Toward Ultralow-Power Computing at Exteme with Silicon Carbide (SiC) Nanoelectromechanical Logic - 08.8_3
- He, Xin
[526] SuperRange: Wide Operational Range Power Delivery Design for Both STV and NTV Computing - 06.4_2
- He, Ruining
[510] EATBit: Effective Automated Test for Binary Translation with High Code Coverage - 04.6_1
- He, Yanxiang
[362] A Wear-Leveling-Aware Dynamic Stack for PCM Memory in Embedded Systems - 04.6_6
- Heidmann, Nils
[534] Modeling of an Analog Recording System Design for ECoG and AP Signals - 02.4_4
- Heinig, Andy
[262] System Integration - The Bridge between More than Moore and More Moore - 05.8
- Heinzig, André
[504] Reconfigurable Silicon Nanowire Devices and Circuits: Opportunities and Challenges - 09.1_3
- Helfmeier, Clemens
[246] Physical Vulnerabilities of Physically Unclonable Functions - 12.2_5
- Hellwege, Nico
[534] Modeling of an Analog Recording System Design for ECoG and AP Signals - 02.4_4
- Hély, David
[220] A Multiple Fault Injection Methodology Based on Cone Partitioning towards RTL Modeling of Laser Attacks - 08.3_4
- Henkel, Jörg
[162] dSVM: Energy-Efficient Distributed Scratchpad Video Memory Architecture for the Next-Generation High Efficiency Video Coding - 02.5_2
- Henkel, Jörg
[536] Compiler-Driven Dynamic Reliability Management for On-Chip Systems under Variabilities - 05.3_7
- Henkel, Jörg
[538] Software Architecture of High Efficiency Video Coding for Many-Core Systems with Power-Efficient Workload Balancing - 08.6_1
- Henkel, Jörg
[98] hevcDTM: Application-Driven Dynamic Thermal Management for High Efficiency Video Coding - 08.6_6
- Henkel, Jörg
[100] mDTM: Multi-Objective Dynamic Thermal Management for On-Chip Systems - 11.6_2
- Henker, S.
[540] Integrated Circuits Processing Chemical Information: Prospects and Challenges - 12.1_1
- Henrichsen, Arne
[542] Monitoring and WCET Analysis in COTS Multi-core-SoC-based Mixed-Criticality Systems - 04.2_3
- Henriksson, Tomas
[124] Optimized Buffer Allocation in Multicore Platforms - 11.5_2
- Hensel, Burkhard
[544] The Energy Benefit of Level-crossing Sampling Including the Actuator's Energy Consumption - 06.3_7
- Heo, Deukhyoun
[546] Performance Evaluation of Wireless NoCs in Presence of Irregular Network Routing Strategies - 10.2_2
- Herber, Christian
[14] Hardware Virtualization Support for Shared Resources in Mixed-Criticality Multicore Systems - 04.2_4
- Herkersdorf, Andreas
[14] Hardware Virtualization Support for Shared Resources in Mixed-Criticality Multicore Systems - 04.2_4
- Herkersdorf, Andreas
[400] Distributed Cooperative Shared Last-Level Caching in Tiled Multiprocessor System on Chip - 04.5_7
- Herkersdorf, Andreas
[262] System Integration - The Bridge between More than Moore and More Moore - 05.8
- Herkersdorf, Andreas
[10] Connecting Different Worlds - Technology Abstraction for Reliability-Aware Design and Test - 09.5
- Hess, Christopher
[112] Efficient Performance Estimation with Very Small Sample Size via Physical Subspace Projection and Maximum A Posteriori Estimation - 08.7_1
- Hill, Stephen
[74] Clock-Modulation Based Watermark for Protection of Embedded Processors - 03.3_3
- Hiller, Matthias
[548] Increasing the Efficiency of Syndrome Coding for PUFs with Helper Data Compression - 04.3_3
- Ho, Tsung-Yi
[428] A Logic Integrated Optimal Pin-Count Design for Digital Microfluidic Biochips - 04.4_3
- Ho, Tsung-Yi
[550] A Thermal Resilient Integration of Many-core Microprocessors and Main Memory by 2.5D TSI I/Os - 07.4_5
- Hochapfel, Erik
[148] Energy-Efficient FPGA Implementation for Binomial Option Pricing Using OpenCL - 08.4_2
- Hoffman, Caio
[114] Wear-out Analysis of Error Correction Techniques in Phase-change Memory - 02.7_5
- Höhlein, Tim
[534] Modeling of an Analog Recording System Design for ECoG and AP Signals - 02.4_4
- Holcomb, Daniel E.
[552] PUFs at a Glance - 12.2_2
- Homayoun, Houman
[118] Exploiting STT-NV Technology for Reconfigurable, High Performance, Low Power, and Low Temperature Functional Unit Design - 11.7_1
- Hon, Wing-Kai
[326] Yield and Timing Constrained Spare TSV Assignment for Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuits - 05.3_6
- Hong, Seongsoo
[488] Utilization-aware Load Balancing for the Energy Efficient Operation on the big.LITTLE Processor - 08.6_5
- Horrein, Pierre-Henri
[148] Energy-Efficient FPGA Implementation for Binomial Option Pricing Using OpenCL - 08.4_2
- Horstmann, Manfred
[44] Panel: Emerging vs. Established Technologies: A Two Sphinxes' Riddle at the Crossroads? - 02.2
- Horta, Nuno
[286] Electromigration-Aware and IR-Drop Avoidance Routing in Analog Multiport Terminal Structures - 02.4_1
- Hortváth, András
[554] Impact of Steep-Slope Transistors on Non-Von Neumann Architectures: CNN Case Study - 06.2_3
- Hoskote, Yatin
[556] Automatic Generation of Custom SIMD Instructions for Superword Level Parallelism - 12.5_3
- Hsieh, Jen-Wei
[328] Garbage Collection for Multi-version Index on Flash Memory - 03.6_4
- Hsu, Chang-Hong
[224] ArChiVED: Architectural Checking via Event Digests for High Performance Validation - 11.4_1
- Hsu, Chun-Kai
[370] Joint Virtual Probe: Joint Exploration of Multiple Test Items' Spatial Patterns for Efficient Silicon Characterization and Test Prediction - 08.7_2
- Hsu, Ruei-Siang
[324] Package Geometric Aware Thermal Analysis by Infrared-Radiation Thermal Images - 03.4_5
- Hu, Alan J.
[374] Future SoC Verification Methodology: UVM Evolution or Revolution? - 12.8
- Hu, X. Sharon
[558] Design of 3D Nanomagnetic Logic Circuits: A Full-Adder Case Study - 05.6_2
- Hu, X. Sharon
[554] Impact of Steep-Slope Transistors on Non-Von Neumann Architectures: CNN Case Study - 06.2_3
- Hu, Yu
[560] Partial-SET: Write Speedup of PCM Main Memory - 03.5_5
- Huang, Ching-Yi
[366] Rewiring for Threshold Logic Circuit Minimization - 05.6_4
- Huang, Ching-Yi
[368] Width Minimization in the Single-Electron Transistor Array Synthesis - 05.6_5
- Huang, Juinn-Dar
[342] Area Minimization Synthesis for Reconfigurable Single-Electron Transistor Arrays with Fabrication Constraints - 05.6_6
- Huang, Libo
[562] Leveraging On-Chip Networks for Efficient Prediction on Multicore Coherence - 07.4_6
- Huang, Pengcheng
[490] Mapping Mixed-Criticality Applications on Multi-Core Architectures - 05.1_3
- Huang, Po-Chun
[328] Garbage Collection for Multi-version Index on Flash Memory - 03.6_4
- Huang, Shih-Hsu
[564] Leakage-Power-Aware Clock Period Minimization - 09.7_3
- Huang, Zhengfeng
[566] A High Performance SEU-Tolerant Latch for Nanoscale CMOS Technology - 06.7_3
- Hum, Robert
[44] Panel: Emerging vs. Established Technologies: A Two Sphinxes' Riddle at the Crossroads? - 02.2
- Hum, Robert
[110] Panel: The World Is Going... Analog & Mixed-Signal! What about EDA? - 03.2
- Hwang, Hyeon I
[568] A Layered Approach for Testing Timing in the Model-Based Implementation - 07.6_4
- Iannopollo, Antonio
[472] Contract-Based Design of Control Protocols for Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems 03.6_6
- Iannopollo, Antonio
[570] Library-Based Scalable Refinement Checking for Contract-Based Design - 06.6_1
- Ienne, Paolo
[192] SKETCHILOG: Sketching Combinational Circuits - 06.5_5
- Ienne, Paolo
[40] Energy Efficient MIMO Processing: A Case Study of Opportunistic Run-Time Approximations - 08.4_1
- Iliasov, Alex
[64] Design of Safety Critical Systems by Refinement - 04.6_4
- Imhof, Michael E.
[572] Bit-Flipping Scan - A Unified Architecture for Fault Tolerance and Offline Test - 07.7_1
- Indaco, Marco
[226] SSDExplorer: A Virtual Platform for Fine-Grained Design Space Exploration of Solid State Drives - 10.4_3
- Ivanov, Radoslav
[574] Attack-Resilient Sensor Fusion - 03.6_1
- Izu, Cruz
[576] Dynamic Construction of Circuits for Reactive Traffic in Homogeneous CMPs - 09.2_4
- Jaber, K.
[422] Magnetic Memories: From DRAM Replacement to Ultra Low Power Logic Chips - 10.1_3
- Jain, Arvind
[304] Multi-Site Test Optimization for Multi-Vdd SoCs Using Space- and Time-Division Multiplexing - 05.7_4
- Jaksić, Zoran
[284] DRAM-based Coherent Caches and How to Take Advantage of the Coherence Protocol to Reduce the Refresh Energy - 04.5_5
- Jalle, Javier
[4] Bus Designs for Time-Probabilistic Multicore Processors - 03.5_2
- Jancke, Roland
[514] Probabilistic Standard Cell Modeling Considering Non-Gaussian Parameters and Correlations - 08.7_5
- Jantsch, Axel
[578] Parallel Probe Based Dynamic Connection Setup in TDM NoCs - 09.2_2
- Javaid, Haris
[580] Hardware-Based Fast Exploration of Cache Hierarchies in Application Specific MPSoCs - 10.4_2
- Javaid, Haris
[430] Flexible and Scalable Implementation of H.264/AVC Encoder for Multiple Resolutions Using ASIPs - 12.3_1
- Jeong, Jae Woong
[582] Built-In Self-Test and Characterization of Polar Transmitter Parameters in the Loop-Back Mode - 12.7_2
- Jerke, Goeran
[584] Mission Profile Aware IC Design - A Case Study - 03.8_2
- Jesshope, Chris R.
[482] A Fault Detection Mechanism in a Data-flow Scheduled Multithreaded Processor - 03.7_4
- Jiang, Yingtao
[402] Adaptive Power Allocation for Many-core Systems Inspired from Multiagent Auction Model - 11.6_5
- Jiang, Nan
[362] A Wear-Leveling-Aware Dynamic Stack for PCM Memory in Embedded Systems - 04.6_6
- Jin, Yier
[586] Real-Time Trust Evaluation in Integrated Circuits - 04.7_1
- Jin, Yier
[588] EDA Tools Trust Evaluation through Security Property Proofs - 09.3_5
- Jones, Timothy M.
[590] ALLARM: Optimizing Sparse Directories for Thread-Local Data - 04.5_2
- Jonna, Gnaneswara Rao
[592] Minimally Buffered Single-Cycle Deflection Router - 11.2_5
- Joosten, Sebastiaan J.C.
[594] Scalable Liveness Verification for Communication Fabrics - 05.5_1
- Jose, John
[592] Minimally Buffered Single-Cycle Deflection Router - 11.2_5
- Joshi, Ajay
[596] Sub-threshold Logic Circuit Design Using Feedback Equalization - 05.4_2
- Joshi, Ajay
[6] Thermal Management of Manycore Systems with Silicon-Photonic Networks 11.2_2
- Jovanovic, Natalija
[244] Resistive Memories: Which Applications? - 10.1_4
- Jung, Matthias
[214] Energy Optimization in 3D MPSoCs with Wide-I/O DRAM Using Temperature Variation Aware Bank-wise Refresh - 10.3_6
- Junsangsri, Pilin
[522] A Hybrid Non-Volatile SRAM Cell with Concurrent SEU Detection and Correction - 06.7_6
- Kabitzsch, Klaus
[544] The Energy Benefit of Level-crossing Sampling Including the Actuator's Energy Consumption - 06.3_7
- Kaczer, Ben
[26] Bias Temperature Instability Analysis of FinFET Based SRAM Cells - 02.7_2
- Kadry, Wisam
[480] Effective Post-Silicon Failure Localization Using Dynamic Program Slicing - 11.4_3
- Kagami, Takahiro
[86] Low-Latency Wireless 3D NoCs via Randomized Shortcut Chips - 10.2_3
- Kahng, Andrew B.
[584] Mission Profile Aware IC Design - A Case Study - 03.8_2
- Kahng, Andrew B.
[598] Co-Optimization of Memory BIST Grouping, Test Scheduling, and Logic Placement - 07.7_4
- Kahng, Andrew B.
[524] A Deep Learning Methodology to Proliferate Golden Signoff Timing - 09.7_4
- Kamal, Mehdi
[24] Improving Efficiency of Extensible Processors by Using Approximate Custom Instructions - 08.6_7
- Kang, Shin-Haeng
[146] Reliability-Aware Mapping Optimization of Multi-Core Systems with Mixed-Criticality - 11.5_5
- Kang, Wang
[330] Spintronics for Low-Power Computing - 11.1_1
- Kang, Ilgweon
[598] Co-Optimization of Memory BIST Grouping, Test Scheduling, and Logic Placement - 07.7_4
- Karakonstantis, Georgios
[132] A Quality-Scalable and Energy-Efficient Approach for Spectral Analysis of Heart Rate Variability - 07.3_4
- Karam, Robert
[234] Energy-Efficient Hardware Acceleration through Computing in the Memory - 09.8_3
- Karg, S.
[254] III-V Semiconductor Nanowires for Future Devices - 09.1_1
- Karkar, Ammar
[62] Hybrid Wire-Surface Wave Architecture for One-to-Many Communication in Network-on-Chip - 10.2_4
- Karlsson, Christer
[476] Thinfilm Printed Ferro-Electric Memories and Integrated Products - 10.1_5
- Karri, Ramesh
[314] Approximating the Age of RF/Analog Circuits through Re-characterization and Statistical Estimation - 02.7_6
- Karvouniari, Anna
[600] Spatial Pattern Prediction Based Management of Faulty Data Caches - 03.7_1
- Katzschke, C.
[172] Application of Mission Profiles to Enable Cross-Domain Constraint-Driven Design - 03.8_4
- Kauer, Matthias
[104] Fault-tolerant Control Synthesis and Verification of Distributed Embedded Systems - 03.6_3
- Kauer, Matthias
[308] Optimal Dimensioning of Active Cell Balancing Architectures - 06.3_3
- Kaule, Dirk
[14] Hardware Virtualization Support for Shared Resources in Mixed-Criticality Multicore Systems - 04.2_4
- Kavousianos, Xrysovalantis
[304] Multi-Site Test Optimization for Multi-Vdd SoCs Using Space- and Time-Division Multiplexing - 05.7_4
- Keramidas, Georgios
[600] Spatial Pattern Prediction Based Management of Faulty Data Caches - 03.7_1
- Kerkhoff, Hans G.
[602] An Embedded Offset and Gain Instrument for OpAmp IPs - 02.4_9
- Kerzerho, V.
[138] New Implementions of Predictive Alternate Analog/RF test with Augmented Model Redundancy - 05.7_7
- Khaleghi, Behnam
[36] A Power-Efficient Reconfigurable Architecture Using PCM Configuration Technology - 11.7_2
- Khan, Muhammad Usman Karim
[538] Software Architecture of High Efficiency Video Coding for Many-Core Systems with Power-Efficient Workload Balancing - 08.6_1
- Khan, Seyab
[26] Bias Temperature Instability Analysis of FinFET Based SRAM Cells - 02.7_2
- Khdr, Heba
[100] mDTM: Multi-Objective Dynamic Thermal Management for On-Chip Systems - 11.6_2
- Kiamehr, Saman
[452] Aging-aware Standard Cell Library Design - 09.7_6
- Kim, BaekGyu
[568] A Layered Approach for Testing Timing in the Model-Based Implementation - 07.6_4
- Kim, Chris H.
[410] Improving STT-MRAM Density through Multibit Error Correction - 07.5_3
- Kim, Dongyoung
[604] Coarse-grained Bubble Razor to Exploit the Potential of Two-Phase Transparent Latch Designs - 12.6_3
- Kim, Geunho
[606] Mixed Allocation of Adjustable Delay Buffers Combined with Buffer Sizing in Clock Tree Synthesis of Multiple Power Mode Designs - 09.7_8
- Kim, Hayoung
[604] Coarse-grained Bubble Razor to Exploit the Potential of Two-Phase Transparent Latch Designs - 12.6_3
- Kim, Jae-Joon
[604] Coarse-grained Bubble Razor to Exploit the Potential of Two-Phase Transparent Latch Designs - 12.6_3
- Kim, Jay
[302] Predictive Parallel Event-driven HDL Simulation with A New Powerful Prediction Strategy - 11.3_6
- Kim, John
[382] Energy-Efficient Scheduling for Memory-Intensive GPGPU Workloads - 02.5_1
- Kim, Jongyeon
[410] Improving STT-MRAM Density through Multibit Error Correction - 07.5_3
- Kim, Jungsoo
[136] Global Fan Speed Control Considering Non-Ideal Temperature Measurements in Enterprise Servers - 10.3_1
- Kim, Kibeom
[488] Utilization-aware Load Balancing for the Energy Efficient Operation on the big.LITTLE Processor - 08.6_5
- Kim, Kitae
[320] FEPMA: Fine-Grained Event-Driven Power Meter for Android Smartphones Based on Device Driver Layer Event Monitoring - 12.6_4
- Kim, Moon Seok
[312] Modeling Steep Slope Devices: From Circuits to Architectures - 06.2_2
- Kim, Myungsun
[488] Utilization-aware Load Balancing for the Energy Efficient Operation on the big.LITTLE Processor - 08.6_5
- Kim, Namdo
[302] Predictive Parallel Event-driven HDL Simulation with A New Powerful Prediction Strategy - 11.3_6
- Kim, Nam Sung
[34] Process Variation-Aware Workload Partitioning Algorithms for GPUs Supporting Spatial-Multitasking - 07.4_4
- Kim, Ryan
[546] Performance Evaluation of Wireless NoCs in Presence of Irregular Network Routing Strategies - 10.2_2
- Kim, Sungchan
[146] Reliability-Aware Mapping Optimization of Multi-Core Systems with Mixed-Criticality - 11.5_5
- Kim, Taemin
[556] Automatic Generation of Custom SIMD Instructions for Superword Level Parallelism - 12.5_3
- Kim, Taewhan
[606] Mixed Allocation of Adjustable Delay Buffers Combined with Buffer Sizing in Clock Tree Synthesis of Multiple Power Mode Designs - 09.7_8
- Kirscher, Jérôme
[500] Emulation-Based Robustness Assessment for Automotive Smart-Power ICs - 02.3_1
- Klauk, Hagen
[268] Low-Voltage Organic Transistors for Flexible Electronics - 11.1_3
- Kleeberger, Veit B.
[10] Connecting Different Worlds - Technology Abstraction for Reliability-Aware Design and Test - 09.5
- Klein, Jacques-Olivier
[330] Spintronics for Low-Power Computing - 11.1_1
- Kobyashi, Hiroaki
[84] Design and Evaluation of Fine-Grained Power-Gating for Embedded Microprocessors - 06.4_1
- Koedam, Martijn
[48] Exploiting Expendable Process-Margins in DRAMs for Run-Time Performance Optimization - 07.4_1
- Koedam, Martijn
[228] CoMik: A Predictable and Cycle-Accurately Composable Real-Time Microkernel - 08.6_4
- Koibuchi, Michihiro
[86] Low-Latency Wireless 3D NoCs via Randomized Shortcut Chips - 10.2_3
- Komalan, Manu
[296] Feasibility Exploration of NVM Based I-Cache through MSHR Enhancements - 02.5_3
- Komoda, Toshiya
[84] Design and Evaluation of Fine-Grained Power-Gating for Embedded Microprocessors - 06.4_1
- Kondo, Masaaki
[84] Design and Evaluation of Fine-Grained Power-Gating for Embedded Microprocessors - 06.4_1
- Kong, Pingfan
[608] Energy Efficient In-Memory AES Encryption Based on Nonvolatile Domain-wall Nanowire - 07.5_4
- König, Markus
[504] Reconfigurable Silicon Nanowire Devices and Circuits: Opportunities and Challenges - 09.1_3
- Könighofer, Robert
[610] Partial Witnesses from Preprocessed Quantified Boolean Formulas - 06.5_2
- Kordes, Alexander
[408] Startup Error Detection and Containment to Improve the Robustness of Hybrid FlexRay Networks - 02.3_2
- Kosmidis, Leonidas
[4] Bus Designs for Time-Probabilistic Multicore Processors - 03.5_2
- Koundinya, Pranav
[168] Multi Resolution Touch Panel with Built-in Fingerprint Sensing Support - 09.3_3
- Koushanfar, Farinaz
[612] D2Cyber: A Design Automation Tool for Dependable Cybercars - 03.6_5
- Koushanfar, Farinaz
[614] Quo Vadis, PUF? Trends and Challenges of Emerging Physical-Disorder Based Security - 12.2_7
- Kraft, Ulrike
[268] Low-Voltage Organic Transistors for Flexible Electronics - 11.1_3
- Kress, Rainer
[110] Panel: The World Is Going... Analog & Mixed-Signal! What about EDA? - 03.2
- Kreupl, Franz
[616] Advancing CMOS with Carbon Electronics - 09.1_4
- Kröhnert, Steffen
[262] System Integration - The Bridge between More than Moore and More Moore - 05.8
- Kriebel, Florian
[536] Compiler-Driven Dynamic Reliability Management for On-Chip Systems under Variabilities - 05.3_7
- Kuehlmann, Andreas
[618] Property Directed Invariant Refinement for Program Verification - 05.5_2
- Kudo, Masaru
[84] Design and Evaluation of Fine-Grained Power-Gating for Embedded Microprocessors - 06.4_1
- Kufel, Jedrzej
[74] Clock-Modulation Based Watermark for Protection of Embedded Processors - 03.3_3
- Kukner, Halil
[26] Bias Temperature Instability Analysis of FinFET Based SRAM Cells - 02.7_2
- Kumar, A.
[248] Combined DVFS and Mapping Exploration for Lifetime and Soft-Error Susceptibility Improvement in MPSoCs - 03.7_2
- Kumar, Akash
[406] Temperature Aware Energy-Reliability Trade-offs for Mapping of Throughput-Constrained Applications on Multimedia MPSoCs - 05.3_3
- Kumar, Pratyush
[420] Computing a Language-Based Guarantee for Timing Properties of Cyber-Physical Systems - 07.6_2
- Kumar, Pratyush
[144] COOLIP: Simple yet Effective Job Allocation for Distributed Thermally-Throttled Processors - 10.3_5
- Kuroda, Tadahiro
[86] Low-Latency Wireless 3D NoCs via Randomized Shortcut Chips - 10.2_3
- Kwak, Doowhan
[302] Predictive Parallel Event-driven HDL Simulation with A New Powerful Prediction Strategy - 11.3_6
- Lager, Guillaume
[446] Time-Critical Computing on a Single Chip Massively Parallel Processor - 05.1_2
- Lagraa, Sofiane
[620] Scalability Bottlenecks Discovery in MPSoC Platforms Using Data Mining on Simulation Traces - 07.6_1
- Lai, Kuan-Yu
[326] Yield and Timing Constrained Spare TSV Assignment for Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuits - 05.3_6
- Lam, Kam-Yiu
[328] Garbage Collection for Multi-version Index on Flash Memory - 03.6_4
- Lange, André
[514] Probabilistic Standard Cell Modeling Considering Non-Gaussian Parameters and Correlations - 08.7_5
- Larsson-Edefors, Per
[170] Reducing Set-Associative L1 Data Cache Energy by Early Load Data Dependence Detection (ELD3) - 04.5_6
- Lauer, Christoph
[496] Multi-Variant-based Design Space Exploration for Automotive Embedded Systems - 02.3_4
- Lauwereins, Rudy
[622] Interfacing to Living Cells - 12.1_2
- Layer, C.
[422] Magnetic Memories: From DRAM Replacement to Ultra Low Power Logic Chips - 10.1_3
- Le Beux, Sébastien
[372] CHAMELEON: CHANNEL Efficient Optical Network-on-Chip - 11.1_2
- Le, Hoang M.
[440] Towards Verifying Determinism of SystemC Designs - 06.5_6
- Le Nours, Sébastien
[216] A Dynamic Computation Method for Fast and Accurate Performance Evaluation of Multi-core Architectures 10.5_3
- Lee, Chia-Yi
[354] Design-for-Debug Routing for FIB Probing - 11.4_4
- Lee, Doowon
[222] Brisk and Limited-Impact NoC Routing Reconfiguration - 11.2_1
- Lee, Haeseung
[54] GPU-EvR: Run-time Event Based Real-time Scheduling Framework on GPGPU Platform - 08.6_2
- Lee, Hsun-Cheng
[8] A Novel Low Power 11-bit Hybrid ADC Using Flash and Delay Line Architectures - 02.4_6
- Lee, Insup
[574] Attack-Resilient Sensor Fusion - 03.6_1
- Lee, Insup
[568] A Layered Approach for Testing Timing in the Model-Based Implementation - 07.6_4
- Lee, Jungseob
[34] Process Variation-Aware Workload Partitioning Algorithms for GPUs Supporting Spatial-Multitasking - 07.4_4
- Lee, Ming-Chao
[326] Yield and Timing Constrained Spare TSV Assignment for Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuits - 05.3_6
- Lee, Minseok
[382] Energy-Efficient Scheduling for Memory-Intensive GPGPU Workloads - 02.5_1
- Lee, Sunggu
[624] Accelerating Graph Computation with Racetrack Memory and Pointer-Assisted Graph Representation - 06.6_6
- Lee, Sunggu
[604] Coarse-grained Bubble Razor to Exploit the Potential of Two-Phase Transparent Latch Designs - 12.6_3
- Lee, Young-Joon
[626] On GPU Bus Power Reduction with 3D IC Technologies - 07.4_3
- Lee, Youngtak
[238] Modeling and Analysis of Digital Linear Dropout Regulators with Adaptive Control for High Efficiency under Wide Dynamic Range Digital Loads - 06.4_3
- Lee, Woojoo
[628] VRCon: Dynamic Reconfiguration of Voltage Regulators in a Multicore Platform - 12.6_2
- Leeser, Miriam
[630] Make it Real: Effective Floating-Point Reasoning via Exact Arithmetic - 05.5_5
- Leger, Gildas
[492] Sigma-Delta Testability for Pipeline A/D Converters - 12.7_4
- Lei, Li
[390] Coverage Evaluation of Post-silicon Validation Tests with Virtual Prototypes - 11.4_2
- Leibe, Bastian
[126] A Flexible ASIP Architecture for Connected Components Labeling in Embedded Vision Applications - 12.3_2
- Leo, K.
[632] Organic Electronics - From Lab to Markets - 11.0
- Letzkus, Florian
[268] Low-Voltage Organic Transistors for Flexible Electronics - 11.1_3
- Leupers, Rainer
[634] Technology Transfer towards Horizon 2020 - 02.8
- Leupers, Rainer
[120] Time-Decoupled Parallel SystemC Simulation - 07.6_6
- Leupers, Rainer
[122] Automatic Detection of Concurrency Bugs through Event Ordering Constraints - 10.4_1
- Leupers, Rainer
[124] Optimized Buffer Allocation in Multicore Platforms - 11.5_2
- Leupers, Rainer
[126] A Flexible ASIP Architecture for Connected Components Labeling in Embedded Vision Applications - 12.3_2
- Leveugle, Régis
[220] A Multiple Fault Injection Methodology Based on Cone Partitioning towards RTL Modeling of Laser Attacks - 08.3_4
- Levitan, Steve
[298] Video Analytics Using Beyond CMOS Devices - 12.1_3
- Lhuillier, Yves
[12] A Unified Methodology for a Fast Benchmarking of Parallel Architecture - 07.6_7
- Li, Bing
[560] Partial-SET: Write Speedup of PCM Main Memory - 03.5_5
- Li, Boxun
[358] ICE: Inline Calibration for Memristor Crossbar-based Computing Engine - 07.5_5
- Li, Boxun
[360] Energy Efficient Neural Networks for Big Data Analytics - 12.1_4
- Li, Hai (Helen)
[358] ICE: Inline Calibration for Memristor Crossbar-based Computing Engine - 07.5_5
- Li, Helen
[624] Accelerating Graph Computation with Racetrack Memory and Pointer-Assisted Graph Representation - 06.6_6
- Li, Huawei
[636] Functional Test Generation Guided by Steady-State Probabilities of Abstract Design - 11.4_5
- Li, Hui
[372] CHAMELEON: CHANNEL Efficient Optical Network-on-Chip - 11.1_2
- Li, Jiayin
[638] Write-Once-Memory-Code Phase Change Memory - 07.5_2
- Li, Min
[30] Energy Efficient Data Flow Transformation for Givens Rotation Based QR Decomposition - 08.4_5
- Li, Qingan
[362] A Wear-Leveling-Aware Dynamic Stack for PCM Memory in Embedded Systems - 04.6_6
- Li, Tai-Hung
[354] Design-for-Debug Routing for FIB Probing - 11.4_4
- Li, Xiaowei
[560] Partial-SET: Write Speedup of PCM Main Memory - 03.5_5
- Li, Xiaowei
[526] SuperRange: Wide Operational Range Power Delivery Design for Both STV and NTV Computing - 06.4_2
- Li, Xiaowei
[636] Functional Test Generation Guided by Steady-State Probabilities of Abstract Design - 11.4_5
- Li, Yaping
[438] SAFE: Security-Aware FlexRay Scheduling Engine - 02.3_5
- Li, Yueting
[150] ABACUS: A Technique for Automated Behavioral Synthesis of Approximate Computing Circuits - 12.5_2
- Li, Zhen
[640] A Low Power and Robust Carbon Nanotube 6T SRAM Design with Metallic Tolerance - 05.4_6
- Liang, Yun
[426] WCET-Centric Dynamic Instruction Cache Locking - 02.6_2
- Lilja, David J.
[190] IIR Filters Using Stochastic Arithmetic - 04.4_1
- Lim, Sung Kyu
[626] On GPU Bus Power Reduction with 3D IC Technologies - 07.4_3
- Lin, Chia-Chun
[366] Rewiring for Threshold Logic Circuit Minimization - 05.6_4
- Lin, Fan
[370] Joint Virtual Probe: Joint Exploration of Multiple Test Items' Spatial Patterns for Efficient Silicon Characterization and Test Prediction - 08.7_2
- Lin, Hsin-Chang
[376] Mask-Cost-Aware ECO Routing - 03.4_8
- Lin, Hsueh-Ju
[324] Package Geometric Aware Thermal Analysis by Infrared-Radiation Thermal Images - 03.4_5
- Lin, Xue
[316] Minimizing State-of-Health Degradation in Hybrid Electrical Energy Storage Systems with Arbitrary Source and Load Profiles - 05.4_4
- Lin, Yang
[516] A Low-Cost Radiation Hardened Flip-flop - 06.7_4
- Lin, Zhiqiang
[642] Programmable Decoder and Shadow Threads: Tolerate Remote Code Injection Exploits with Diversified Redundancy - 03.5_3
- Lippmann, Mirko
[290] Automated System Testing Using Dynamic and Resource Restricted Clients - 11.4_6
- Liu, Bao
[644] Embedded Reconfigurable Logic for ASIC Design Obfuscation against Supply Chain Attacks - 09.3_1
- Liu, Chian-Wei
[368] Width Minimization in the Single-Electron Transistor Array Synthesis - 05.6_5
- Liu, Cong
[520] A Low-Power, High-Performance Approximate Multiplier with Configurable Partial Error Recovery - 04.7_5
- Liu, Di
[336] Resource Optimization for CSDF-modeled Streaming Applications with Latency Constraints - 07.6_3
- Liu, Jianming
[414] MSim: A General Cycle Accurate Simulation Platform for Memcomputing Studies - 09.8_2
- Liu, Jianxiong
[256] Image Progressive Acquisition for Hardware Systems - 12.3_3
- Liu, Leibo
[646] Extending Lifetime of Battery-Powered Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Computing Platforms - 11.7_3
- Liu, Shaoteng
[578] Parallel Probe Based Dynamic Connection Setup in TDM NoCs - 09.2_2
- Liu, Wen-Hao
[378] Metal Layer Planning for Silicon Interposers with Consideration of Routability and Manufacturing Cost - 12.4_3
- Liu, Xuchen
[372] CHAMELEON: CHANNEL Efficient Optical Network-on-Chip - 11.1_2
- Liu, Ziyi
[642] Programmable Decoder and Shadow Threads: Tolerate Remote Code Injection Exploits with Diversified Redundancy - 03.5_3
- Lo, Paul
[110] Panel: The World Is Going... Analog & Mixed-Signal! What about EDA? - 03.2
- Loi, Igor
[206] A Multi Banked - Multi Ported - non Blocking Shared L2 Cache for MPSoC Platforms 04.5_4
- Lombardi, Fabrizio
[520] A Low-Power, High-Performance Approximate Multiplier with Configurable Partial Error Recovery - 04.7_5
- Lombardi, Fabrizio
[522] A Hybrid Non-Volatile SRAM Cell with Concurrent SEU Detection and Correction - 06.7_6
- Long, Yanchen
[648] Analysis and Evaluation of Per-Flow Delay Bound for Multiplexing Models - 09.4_4
- Lora, Michele
[484] Moving from Co-Simulation to Simulation for Effective Smart Systems Design - 10.4_5
- Lorenz, Ingolf
[514] Probabilistic Standard Cell Modeling Considering Non-Gaussian Parameters and Correlations - 08.7_5
- Lourenço, Nuno
[286] Electromigration-Aware and IR-Drop Avoidance Routing in Analog Multiport Terminal Structures - 02.4_1
- Lu, Tianyue
[346] Achieving Efficient Packet-based Memory System by Exploiting Correlation of Memory Requests - 04.5_1
- Lu, Youyou
[650] p-OFTL: An Object-based Semantic-aware Parallel Flash Translation Layer - 06.6_4
- Lu, Zhonghai
[578] Parallel Probe Based Dynamic Connection Setup in TDM NoCs - 09.2_2
- Lu, Zhonghai
[652] Empowering Study of Delay Bound Tightness with Simulated Annealing - 09.4_3
- Lu, Zhonghai
[648] Analysis and Evaluation of Per-Flow Delay Bound for Multiplexing Models - 09.4_4
- Lübbers, Enno
[14] Hardware Virtualization Support for Shared Resources in Mixed-Criticality Multicore Systems - 04.2_4
- Lukasiewycz, Martin
[308] Optimal Dimensioning of Active Cell Balancing Architectures - 06.3_3
- Luo, Rong
[360] Energy Efficient Neural Networks for Big Data Analytics - 12.1_4
- Lv, Tao
[636] Functional Test Generation Guided by Steady-State Probabilities of Abstract Design - 11.4_5
- M, Vijaykumar,
[654] Statistical Static Timing Analysis Using a Skew-Normal Canonical Delay Model - 09.7_2
- Macii, E.
[252] A Cross-Level Verification Methodology for Digital IPs Augmented with Embedded Timing Monitors - 09.4_2
- Macii, Enrico
[656] Cache Aging Reduction with Improved Performance Using Dynamically Re-sizable Cache - 07.4_2
- Macii, Enrico
[280] Pass-XNOR Logic: A New Logic Style for P-N Junction Based Graphene Circuits - 09.7_7
- Macii, Enrico
[658] Thermal Management of Batteries Using a Hybrid Supercapacitor Architecture - 11.6_3
- Macrelli, Enrico
[532] Design and Fabrication of a 315 μH Bondwire Micro-Transformer for Ultra-Low Voltage Energy Harvesting - 06.3_5
- Magarshack, Philippe
[44] Panel: Emerging vs. Established Technologies: A Two Sphinxes' Riddle at the Crossroads? - 02.2
- Mahmood, Haroon
[656] Cache Aging Reduction with Improved Performance Using Dynamically Re-sizable Cache - 07.4_2
- Mahmoodi, Hamid
[118] Exploiting STT-NV Technology for Reconfigurable, High Performance, Low Power, and Low Temperature Functional Unit Design - 11.7_1
- Mai, Ken
[230] An Efficient Reliable PUF-Based Cryptographic Key Generator in 65nm CMOS - 04.3_2
- Maistri, Paolo
[220] A Multiple Fault Injection Methodology Based on Cone Partitioning towards RTL Modeling of Laser Attacks - 08.3_4
- Mak, Terrence
[62] Hybrid Wire-Surface Wave Architecture for One-to-Many Communication in Network-on-Chip - 10.2_4
- Mak, Terrence
[402] Adaptive Power Allocation for Many-core Systems Inspired from Multiagent Auction Model - 11.6_5
- Makris, Yiorgos
[660] An Analog Non-Volatile Neural Network Platform for Prototyping RF BIST Solutions - 12.7_1
- Maliuk, Dzmitry
[660] An Analog Non-Volatile Neural Network Platform for Prototyping RF BIST Solutions - 12.7_1
- Maniatakos, Michail
[662] HEROIC: Homomorphically EncRypted One Instruction Computer - 09.3_4
- Marculescu, Radu
[86] Low-Latency Wireless 3D NoCs via Randomized Shortcut Chips - 10.2_3
- Mariani, Giovanni
[664] DeSpErate: Speeding-up Design Space Exploration by Using Predictive Simulation Scheduling - 08.5_6
- Marinissen, Erik Jan
[518] Interconnect Test for 3D Stacked Memory-on-Logic - 05.7_2
- Marongiu, Andrea
[204] A Tightly-coupled Hardware Controller to Improve Scalability and Programmability of Shared-Memory Heterogeneous Clusters - 02.5_7
- Marongiu, Andrea
[210] Tightly-Coupled Hardware Support to Dynamic Parallelism Acceleration in Embedded Shared Memory Clusters - 06.6_3
- Martins, Ricardo
[286] Electromigration-Aware and IR-Drop Avoidance Routing in Analog Multiport Terminal Structures - 02.4_1
- Masadeh, Mahmoud
[518] Interconnect Test for 3D Stacked Memory-on-Logic - 05.7_2
- Masrur, Alejandro
[666] The Schedulability Region of Two-Level Mixed-Criticality Systems Based on EDF-VD - 09.6_4
- Mathew, Jimson
[640] A Low Power and Robust Carbon Nanotube 6T SRAM Design with Metallic Tolerance - 05.4_6
- Mathew, Jimson
[668] Complementary Resistive Switch Based Stateful Logic Operations Using Material Implication - 07.5_6
- Matsunaga, Kensaku
[84] Design and Evaluation of Fine-Grained Power-Gating for Embedded Microprocessors - 06.4_1
- Matsunaga, Yusuke
[670] Synthesis Algorithm of Parallel Index Generation Units - 10.7_4
- Matsutani, Hiroki
[86] Low-Latency Wireless 3D NoCs via Randomized Shortcut Chips - 10.2_3
- Mattheakis, P.
[394] Hardware Primitives for the Synthesis of Multithreaded Elastic Systems - 10.7_8
- Maurer, Peter M.
[672] A Universal Symmetry Detection Algorithm - 10.7_6
- Maurine, Philippe
[388] Efficiency of a Glitch Detector against Electromagnetic Fault Injection - 08.3_1
- Mavropoulos, Michail
[600] Spatial Pattern Prediction Based Management of Faulty Data Caches - 03.7_1
- Mazzeo, Antonino
[384] Joint Communication Scheduling and Interconnect Synthesis for FPGA-based Many-Core Systems - 11.7_5
- Meeus, Wim
[674] Automating Data Reuse in High-Level Synthesis - 10.7_5
- Meguerdichian, Saro
[392] Provably Minimal Energy Using Coordinated DVS and Power Gating - 10.7_1
- Mehregany, Mehran
[232] Toward Ultralow-Power Computing at Exteme with Silicon Carbide (SiC) Nanoelectromechanical Logic - 08.8_3
- Meijer, Maurice
[454] Logic Synthesis of Low-power ICs with Ultra-wide Voltage and Frequency Scaling - 11.3_2
- Membarth, Richard
[528] Code Generation for Embedded Heterogeneous Architectures on Android - 04.6_3
- Mena Morales, Valentin
[148] Energy-Efficient FPGA Implementation for Binomial Option Pricing Using OpenCL - 08.4_2
- Mensch, P.
[254] III-V Semiconductor Nanowires for Future Devices - 09.1_1
- Mera, Maria Isabel
[288] Trade-offs in Execution Signature Compression for Reliable Processor Systems - 04.7_3
- Mercati, Pietro
[174] A Linux-Governor Based Dynamic Realiability Manager for Android Mobile Devices - 05.3_5
- Meyer, Brett H.
[288] Trade-offs in Execution Signature Compression for Reliable Processor Systems - 04.7_3
- Meyer zu Bexten, V.
[172] Application of Mission Profiles to Enable Cross-Domain Constraint-Driven Design - 03.8_4
- Michel, Bruno
[130] Integrated Microfluidic Power Generation and Cooling for Bright Silicon MPSoCs - 06.1_2
- Michel, Hans Ulrich
[14] Hardware Virtualization Support for Shared Resources in Mixed-Criticality Multicore Systems - 04.2_4
- Micheloni, Rino
[226] SSDExplorer: A Virtual Platform for Fine-Grained Design Space Exploration of Solid State Drives - 10.4_3
- Miele, A.
[248] Combined DVFS and Mapping Exploration for Lifetime and Soft-Error Susceptibility Improvement in MPSoCs - 03.7_2
- Mikolajick, Thomas
[504] Reconfigurable Silicon Nanowire Devices and Circuits: Opportunities and Challenges - 09.1_3
- Milder, Peter
[288] Trade-offs in Execution Signature Compression for Reliable Processor Systems - 04.7_3
- Miller, Felix
[262] System Integration - The Bridge between More than Moore and More Moore - 05.8
- Minematsu, Kazuhiko
[676] A Smaller and Faster Variant of RSM - 08.3_3
- Mineo, Andrea,
[128] An Adaptive Transmitting Power Technique for Energy Efficient mm-Wave Wireless NoCs - 10.2_1
- Miremadi, Seyed Ghassem
[468] PSP-Cache: A Low-Cost Fault-Tolerant Cache Memory Architecture - 06.7_5
- Mitra, Tulika
[426] WCET-Centric Dynamic Instruction Cache Locking - 02.6_2
- Mohanram, Kartik
[638] Write-Once-Memory-Code Phase Change Memory - 07.5_2
- Mokhov, Andrey
[64] Design of Safety Critical Systems by Refinement - 04.6_4
- Molnos, Anca
[228] CoMik: A Predictable and Cycle-Accurately Composable Real-Time Microkernel - 08.6_4
- Monteiro, José
[52] Optimization of Design Complexity in Time-Multiplexed Constant Multiplications - 10.7_7
- Moore, Ryan W.
[380] Program Affinity Performance Models for Performance and Utilization - 02.5_5
- Morad, Ronny
[224] ArChiVED: Architectural Checking via Event Digests for High Performance Validation - 11.4_1
- Morad, Ronny
[374] Future SoC Verification Methodology: UVM Evolution or Revolution? - 12.8
- Moreira, Orlando
[678] Mode-Controlled Dataflow Based Modeling & Analysis of a 4G-LTE Receiver - 08.4_6
- Moreno, Javier
[502] Semi-Symbolic Analysis of Mixed-Signal Systems Including Discontinuities - 02.4_7
- Morgenshtein, Arkadiy
[480] Effective Post-Silicon Failure Localization Using Dynamic Program Slicing - 11.4_3
- Morrow, Katherine
[34] Process Variation-Aware Workload Partitioning Algorithms for GPUs Supporting Spatial-Multitasking - 07.4_4
- Moselund, K.
[254] III-V Semiconductor Nanowires for Future Devices - 09.1_1
- Mottaghi, Mohammad D.
[450] RETLab: A Fast Design-automation Framework for Arbitrary RET Networks - 05.6_1
- Muhr, Hannes
[300] Power Modeling and Analysis in Early Design Phases - 08.1_1
- Mukherjee, Saoni
[630] Make it Real: Effective Floating-Point Reasoning via Exact Arithmetic - 05.5_5
- Mukhopadhyay, Saibal
[96] Ultra-low Power Electronics with Si/Ge Tunnel FET - 08.8_1
- Müller, Dirk
[666] The Schedulability Region of Two-Level Mixed-Criticality Systems Based on EDF-VD - 09.6_4
- Munir, Arslan
[612] D2Cyber: A Design Automation Tool for Dependable Cybercars - 03.6_5
- Murali Krishna, G.
[32] EDT: A Specification Notation for Reactive Systems - 08.5_3
- Murillo, Luis Gabriel
[122] Automatic Detection of Concurrency Bugs through Event Ordering Constraints - 10.4_1
- Murmann, Boris
[268] Low-Voltage Organic Transistors for Flexible Electronics - 11.1_3
- Murray, Jacob
[546] Performance Evaluation of Wireless NoCs in Presence of Irregular Network Routing Strategies - 10.2_2
- Mutyam, Madhu
[592] Minimally Buffered Single-Cycle Deflection Router - 11.2_5
- Myers, James
[74] Clock-Modulation Based Watermark for Protection of Embedded Processors - 03.3_3
- Nahas, Joseph
[558] Design of 3D Nanomagnetic Logic Circuits: A Full-Adder Case Study - 05.6_2
- Nahas, Joseph
[554] Impact of Steep-Slope Transistors on Non-Von Neumann Architectures: CNN Case Study - 06.2_3
- Nahir, Amir
[480] Effective Post-Silicon Failure Localization Using Dynamic Program Slicing - 11.4_3
- Nakamura, Hiroshi
[84] Design and Evaluation of Fine-Grained Power-Gating for Embedded Microprocessors - 06.4_1
- Namiki, Mitaro
[84] Design and Evaluation of Fine-Grained Power-Gating for Embedded Microprocessors - 06.4_1
- Naqvi, Syed Rameez
[680] A Tree Arbiter Cell for High Speed Resource Sharing in Asynchronous Environments - 10.7_2
- Narayan, Sanjiv
[60] Energy Optimization in Android Applications through Wakelock Placement - 04.6_5
- Narayanan, Vijaykrishnan
[368] Width Minimization in the Single-Electron Transistor Array Synthesis - 05.6_5
- Narayanan, V.
[312] Modeling Steep Slope Devices: From Circuits to Architectures - 06.2_2
- Narayanan, Vijaykrishnan
[298] Video Analytics Using Beyond CMOS Devices - 12.1_3
- Narayanaswamy, Swaminathan
[308] Optimal Dimensioning of Active Cell Balancing Architectures - 06.3_3
- Nassif, Sani R.
[10] Connecting Different Worlds - Technology Abstraction for Reliability-Aware Design and Test - 09.5
- Natarajan, Vishwanath
[582] Built-In Self-Test and Characterization of Polar Transmitter Parameters in the Loop-Back Mode - 12.7_2
- Nath, Siddhartha
[524] A Deep Learning Methodology to Proliferate Golden Signoff Timing - 09.7_4
- Nathan, Ralph
[682] Nostradamus: Low-Cost Hardware-Only Error Detection for Processor Cores - 06.7_1
- Nawinne, Isuru
[580] Hardware-Based Fast Exploration of Cache Hierarchies in Application Specific MPSoCs - 10.4_2
- Nedospasov, Dmitry
[246] Physical Vulnerabilities of Physically Unclonable Functions - 12.2_5
- Nejat, Mehrzad
[22] Dynamic Flip-Flop Conversion to Tolerate Process Variation in Low Power Circuits - 05.4_5
- Nelson, Andrew
[228] CoMik: A Predictable and Cycle-Accurately Composable Real-Time Microkernel - 08.6_4
- Nemoto, Kae
[418] Software-based Pauli Tracking in Fault-tolerant Quantum Circuits - 05.6_7
- Nepal, Kumud
[150] ABACUS: A Technique for Automated Behavioral Synthesis of Approximate Computing Circuits - 12.5_2
- Nguyen, Quan
[478] A Minimalist Approach to Remote Attestation - 09.3_2
- Nicolescu, Gabriela
[202] Efficient Transient Thermal Simulation of 3D ICs with Liquid-Cooling and Through Silicon Vias - 04.4_2
- Nicolescu, Gabriela
[372] CHAMELEON: CHANNEL Efficient Optical Network-on-Chip - 11.1_2
- Nicopoulos, C.
[424] ElastiStore: An Elastic Buffer Architecture for Network-on-Chip Routers - 09.2_3
- Nieh, Yow-Tyng
[564] Leakage-Power-Aware Clock Period Minimization - 09.7_3
- Niemier, Michael
[558] Design of 3D Nanomagnetic Logic Circuits: A Full-Adder Case Study - 05.6_2
- Niemier, Michael
[554] Impact of Steep-Slope Transistors on Non-Von Neumann Architectures: CNN Case Study - 06.2_3
- Nikitakis, Antonis
[684] A Novel Embedded System for Vision Tracking - 11.7_6
- Nikolos, Dimitris
[600] Spatial Pattern Prediction Based Management of Faulty Data Caches - 03.7_1
- Nirmaier, Thomas
[500] Emulation-Based Robustness Assessment for Automotive Smart-Power ICs - 02.3_1
- Nirmaier, Thomas
[260] Mission Profile Aware Robustness Assessment of Automotive Power Devices - 03.8_3
- Novo, David
[192] SKETCHILOG: Sketching Combinational Circuits - 06.5_5
- Novo, David
[40] Energy Efficient MIMO Processing: A Case Study of Opportunistic Run-Time Approximations - 08.4_1
- Nowotsch, Jan
[542] Monitoring and WCET Analysis in COTS Multi-core-SoC-based Mixed-Criticality Systems - 04.2_3
- Nozieres, J.P.
[422] Magnetic Memories: From DRAM Replacement to Ultra Low Power Logic Chips - 10.1_3
- Nuzzo, Pierluigi
[472] Contract-Based Design of Control Protocols for Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems 03.6_6
- Nuzzo, Pierluigi
[570] Library-Based Scalable Refinement Checking for Contract-Based Design - 06.6_1
- Öberg, Johnny
[686] From Simulink to NoC-based MPSoC on FPGA - 11.5_6
- Oboril, Fabian
[474] P/G TSV Planning for IR-drop Reduction in 3D-ICs - 03.4_4
- Oboril, Fabian
[242] Asynchronous Asymmetrical Write Termination (AAWT) for a Low Power STT-MRAM - 07.5_1
- Connor, Ian O'
[372] CHAMELEON: CHANNEL Efficient Optical Network-on-Chip - 11.1_2
- Odendahl, Maximilian
[124] Optimized Buffer Allocation in Multicore Platforms - 11.5_2
- Okamura, Toshihiko
[676] A Smaller and Faster Variant of RSM - 08.3_3
- Olbrich, M.
[172] Application of Mission Profiles to Enable Cross-Domain Constraint-Driven Design - 03.8_4
- Olivo, Pirero
[226] SSDExplorer: A Virtual Platform for Fine-Grained Design Space Exploration of Solid State Drives - 10.4_3
- Onkaraiah, Santhosh
[244] Resistive Memories: Which Applications? - 10.1_4
- Orailoglu, Alex
[258] On-Device Objective-C Application Optimization Framework for High-Performance Mobile Processors - 04.6_2
- Ortín, Marta
[576] Dynamic Construction of Circuits for Reactive Traffic in Homogeneous CMPs - 09.2_4
- Osewold, Christof
[276] DCM: An IP for the Autonomous Control of Optical and Electrical Reconfigurable NoCs. - 11.2_4
- Ottavi, Marco
[668] Complementary Resistive Switch Based Stateful Logic Operations Using Material Implication - 07.5_6
- Oucheikh, Houcine
[244] Resistive Memories: Which Applications? - 10.1_4
- Ouyang, Peng
[646] Extending Lifetime of Battery-Powered Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Computing Platforms - 11.7_3
- Ozev, Sule
[314] Approximating the Age of RF/Analog Circuits through Re-characterization and Statistical Estimation - 02.7_6
- Ozev, Sule
[582] Built-In Self-Test and Characterization of Polar Transmitter Parameters in the Loop-Back Mode - 12.7_2
- Paganelli, Rudi Paolo
[532] Design and Fabrication of a 315 μH Bondwire Micro-Transformer for Ultra-Low Voltage Energy Harvesting - 06.3_5
- Paganos, Theofilos
[684] A Novel Embedded System for Vision Tracking - 11.7_6
- Pajic, Miroslav
[574] Attack-Resilient Sensor Fusion - 03.6_1
- Paler, Alexandru
[418] Software-based Pauli Tracking in Fault-tolerant Quantum Circuits - 05.6_7
- Palermo, Gianluca
[688] Voltage Island Management in Near Threshold Manycore Architectures to Mitigate Dark Silicon - 08.2_2
- Palermo, Gianluca
[664] DeSpErate: Speeding-up Design Space Exploration by Using Predictive Simulation Scheduling - 08.5_6
- Palesi, Maurizio
[128] An Adaptive Transmitting Power Technique for Energy Efficient mm-Wave Wireless NoCs - 10.2_1
- Palesi, Maurizio
[402] Adaptive Power Allocation for Many-core Systems Inspired from Multiagent Auction Model - 11.6_5
- Palit, Indranil
[554] Impact of Steep-Slope Transistors on Non-Von Neumann Architectures: CNN Case Study - 06.2_3
- Palella, Pietro
[110] Panel: The World Is Going... Analog & Mixed-Signal! What about EDA? - 03.2
- Palomar, Oscar
[266] EVX: Vector Execution on Low Power EDGE Cores - 02.5_4
- Palomino, Daniel
[98] hevcDTM: Application-Driven Dynamic Thermal Management for High Efficiency Video Coding - 08.6_6
- Pan, Xiao
[502] Semi-Symbolic Analysis of Mixed-Signal Systems Including Discontinuities - 02.4_7
- Panda, Biswabandan
[156] Introducing Thread Criticality Awareness in Prefetcher Aggressiveness Control - 04.5_3
- Panda, Preeti Ranjan
[60] Energy Optimization in Android Applications through Wakelock Placement - 04.6_5
- Panda, Preeti Ranjan
[30] Energy Efficient Data Flow Transformation for Givens Rotation Based QR Decomposition - 08.4_5
- Pande, Partha Pratim
[546] Performance Evaluation of Wireless NoCs in Presence of Irregular Network Routing Strategies - 10.2_2
- Pandey, Sujan
[690] Transient Errors Resiliency Analysis Technique for Automotive Safety Critical Applications - 02.3_6
- Papachristou, Christos
[386] Cross-correlation of Specification and RTL for Soft IP Analysis - 10.5_4
- Papadimitriou, Athanasios
[220] A Multiple Fault Injection Methodology Based on Cone Partitioning towards RTL Modeling of Laser Attacks - 08.3_4
- Papaefstathiou, Ioannis
[684] A Novel Embedded System for Vision Tracking - 11.7_6
- Parameswaran, Sri
[580] Hardware-Based Fast Exploration of Cache Hierarchies in Application Specific MPSoCs - 10.4_2
- Parameswaran, Sri
[430] Flexible and Scalable Implementation of H.264/AVC Encoder for Multiple Resolutions Using ASIPs - 12.3_1
- Parekhji, Rubin
[304] Multi-Site Test Optimization for Multi-Vdd SoCs Using Space- and Time-Division Multiplexing - 05.7_4
- Parikh, Ritesh
[222] Brisk and Limited-Impact NoC Routing Reconfiguration - 11.2_1
- Park, Eunhyek
[624] Accelerating Graph Computation with Racetrack Memory and Pointer-Assisted Graph Representation - 06.6_6
- Park, Junhyuck
[302] Predictive Parallel Event-driven HDL Simulation with A New Powerful Prediction Strategy - 11.3_6
- Park, Kitae
[606] Mixed Allocation of Adjustable Delay Buffers Combined with Buffer Sizing in Clock Tree Synthesis of Multiple Power Mode Designs - 09.7_8
- Park, Taejoon
[568] A Layered Approach for Testing Timing in the Model-Based Implementation - 07.6_4
- Pasini, P.
[278] Tightening BDD-based Approximate Reachability with SAT-based Clause Generalization - 05.5_4
- Paterna, Francesco
[174] A Linux-Governor Based Dynamic Realiability Manager for Android Mobile Devices - 05.3_5
- Paterna, Francesco
[692] Ambient Variation-tolerant and Inter Components Aware Thermal Management for Mobile System on Chips - 08.4_4
- Pattabiraman, K.
[188] GPGPUs: How to Combine High Computational Power with High Reliability - 11.8
- Paul, Somnath
[234] Energy-Efficient Hardware Acceleration through Computing in the Memory - 09.8_3
- Paul, Steffen
[534] Modeling of an Analog Recording System Design for ECoG and AP Signals - 02.4_4
- Paulitsch, Michael
[542] Monitoring and WCET Analysis in COTS Multi-core-SoC-based Mixed-Criticality Systems - 04.2_3
- P.D., Sai Manoj
[694] Zonotope-based Nonlinear Model Order Reduction for Fast Performance Bound Analysis of Analog Circuits with Multiple-interval-valued Parameter Variations - 02.4_2
- P. D., Sai Manoj
[550] A Thermal Resilient Integration of Many-core Microprocessors and Main Memory by 2.5D TSI I/Os - 07.4_5
- Pearson, Justin
[158] Model-based Protocol Log Generation for Testing a Telecommunication Test Harness Using CLP - 07.6_5
- Pedram, Massoud
[486] An Energy-Aware Fault Tolerant Scheduling Framework for Soft Error Resilient Cloud Computing Systems - 04.7_4
- Pedram, Massoud
[316] Minimizing State-of-Health Degradation in Hybrid Electrical Energy Storage Systems with Arbitrary Source and Load Profiles - 05.4_4
- Pedram, Massoud
[318] Optimal Design and Management of a Smart Residential PV and Energy Storage System - 06.3_4
- Pedram, Massoud
[24] Improving Efficiency of Extensible Processors by Using Approximate Custom Instructions - 08.6_7
- Pedram, Massoud
[348] Application Mapping for Express Channel-Based Networks-on-Chip - 09.2_1
- Pedram, Massoud
[352] Concurrent Placement, Capacity Provisioning, and Request Flow Control for a Distributed Cloud Infrastructure - 10.3_4
- Pedram, Massoud
[628] VRCon: Dynamic Reconfiguration of Voltage Regulators in a Multicore Platform - 12.6_2
- Pedram, Massoud
[320] FEPMA: Fine-Grained Event-Driven Power Meter for Android Smartphones Based on Device Driver Layer Event Monitoring - 12.6_4
- Pellizzoni, Rodolfo
[70] Time-predictable Execution of Multithreaded Applications on Multicore Systems - 02.6_4
- Pellizzoni, Rodolfo
[142] Generation of Communication Schedules for Multi-Mode Distributed Real-Time Applications - 10.6_3
- Peltier, Nicolas
[94] Early Design Stage Thermal Evaluation and Mitigation: The Locomotiv Architectural Case - 11.3_4
- Pelz, Georg
[500] Emulation-Based Robustness Assessment for Automotive Smart-Power ICs - 02.3_1
- Pelz, Georg
[260] Mission Profile Aware Robustness Assessment of Automotive Power Devices - 03.8_3
- Peng, Zebo
[92] Bandwidth-Efficient Controller-Server Co-Design with Stability Guarantees - 03.6_2
- Peng, Zebo
[28] An Efficient Temperature-Gradient Based Burn-In Technique for 3D Stacked ICs - 05.7_5
- Peng, Zhen-Yu
[376] Mask-Cost-Aware ECO Routing - 03.4_8
- Perricone, Robert
[558] Design of 3D Nanomagnetic Logic Circuits: A Full-Adder Case Study - 05.6_2
- Perricone, Robert
[312] Modeling Steep Slope Devices: From Circuits to Architectures - 06.2_2
- Peters-Drolshagen, Dagmar
[534] Modeling of an Analog Recording System Design for ECoG and AP Signals - 02.4_4
- Petricca, M.
[252] A Cross-Level Verification Methodology for Digital IPs Augmented with Embedded Timing Monitors - 09.4_2
- Pétrot, Frédéric
[620] Scalability Bottlenecks Discovery in MPSoC Platforms Using Data Mining on Simulation Traces - 07.6_1
- Pigorsch, Florian
[80] Simple Interpolants for Linear Arithmetic - 05.5_3
- Pineda de Gyvez, José
[456] Standard Cell Library Tuning for Variability Tolerant Designs - 08.7_4
- Pineda de Gyvez, Jose
[454] Logic Synthesis of Low-power ICs with Ultra-wide Voltage and Frequency Scaling - 11.3_2
- Polian, Ilia
[418] Software-based Pauli Tracking in Fault-tolerant Quantum Circuits - 05.6_7
- Pomeranz, Irith
[696] Test and Non-Test Cubes for Diagnostic Test Generation Based on Merging of Test Cubes - 05.7_6
- Pomeranz, Irith
[698] Substituting Transition Faults with Path Delay Faults as a Basic Delay Fault Model - 08.7_3
- Poncino, M.
[252] A Cross-Level Verification Methodology for Digital IPs Augmented with Embedded Timing Monitors - 09.4_2
- Poncino, Massimo
[656] Cache Aging Reduction with Improved Performance Using Dynamically Re-sizable Cache - 07.4_2
- Poncino, Massimo
[280] Pass-XNOR Logic: A New Logic Style for P-N Junction Based Graphene Circuits - 09.7_7
- Poncino, Massimo
[658] Thermal Management of Batteries Using a Hybrid Supercapacitor Architecture - 11.6_3
- Pongratz, Werner
[542] Monitoring and WCET Analysis in COTS Multi-core-SoC-based Mixed-Criticality Systems - 04.2_3
- Pontarelli, Salvatore
[668] Complementary Resistive Switch Based Stateful Logic Operations Using Material Implication - 07.5_6
- Poon, Chung Keung
[328] Garbage Collection for Multi-version Index on Flash Memory - 03.6_4
- Portal, Jean-Michel
[244] Resistive Memories: Which Applications? - 10.1_4
- Poss, Raphael
[482] A Fault Detection Mechanism in a Data-flow Scheduled Multithreaded Processor - 03.7_4
- Postula, Adam
[216] A Dynamic Computation Method for Fast and Accurate Performance Evaluation of Multi-core Architectures 10.5_3
- Potkonjak, Miodrag
[392] Provably Minimal Energy Using Coordinated DVS and Power Gating - 10.7_1
- Potkonjak, Miodrag
[614] Quo Vadis, PUF? Trends and Challenges of Emerging Physical-Disorder Based Security - 12.2_7
- Potter, John
[398] Making it Harder to Unlock an LSIB: Honeytraps and Misdirection in a P1687 Network - 07.7_3
- Poulhiès, Marc
[446] Time-Critical Computing on a Single Chip Massively Parallel Processor - 05.1_2
- Pradhan, Dhiraj K.
[640] A Low Power and Robust Carbon Nanotube 6T SRAM Design with Metallic Tolerance - 05.4_6
- Pradhan, Dhiraj K
[668] Complementary Resistive Switch Based Stateful Logic Operations Using Material Implication - 07.5_6
- Prakash, Varun
[168] Multi Resolution Touch Panel with Built-in Fingerprint Sensing Support - 09.3_3
- Prejbeanu, I.L.
[422] Magnetic Memories: From DRAM Replacement to Ultra Low Power Logic Chips - 10.1_3
- Prenat, G.
[422] Magnetic Memories: From DRAM Replacement to Ultra Low Power Logic Chips - 10.1_3
- Prinetto, Paolo
[226] SSDExplorer: A Virtual Platform for Fine-Grained Design Space Exploration of Solid State Drives - 10.4_3
- Psarras, A.
[424] ElastiStore: An Elastic Buffer Architecture for Network-on-Chip Routers - 09.2_3
- Psarras, A. ,
[394] Hardware Primitives for the Synthesis of Multithreaded Elastic Systems - 10.7_8
- Pu, Yu
[454] Logic Synthesis of Low-power ICs with Ultra-wide Voltage and Frequency Scaling - 11.3_2
- Puri, Ruchir
[234] Energy-Efficient Hardware Acceleration through Computing in the Memory - 09.8_3
- Qi, Ji
[700] Efficient Simulation and Modelling of Non-rectangular NoC Topologies - 10.4_4
- Qiu, Qinru
[350] Battery Aware Stochastic QoS Boosting in Mobile Computing Devices - 07.3_5
- Qiu, Qinru
[702] Contention Aware Frequency Scaling on CMPs with Guaranteed Quality of Service - 10.3_3
- Quer, S.
[278] Tightening BDD-based Approximate Reachability with SAT-based Clause Generalization - 05.5_4
- Querlioz, Damien
[330] Spintronics for Low-Power Computing - 11.1_1
- Quiñones, Eduardo
[4] Bus Designs for Time-Probabilistic Multicore Processors - 03.5_2
- Radhakrishnan, Rachana
[592] Minimally Buffered Single-Cycle Deflection Router - 11.2_5
- Radojicic, Carna
[502] Semi-Symbolic Analysis of Mixed-Signal Systems Including Discontinuities - 02.4_7
- Raghavan, Praveen
[296] Feasibility Exploration of NVM Based I-Cache through MSHR Enhancements - 02.5_3
- Raghavan, Praveen
[26] Bias Temperature Instability Analysis of FinFET Based SRAM Cells - 02.7_2
- Raghavan, Praveen
[134] Resolving the Memory Bottleneck for Single Supply Near-Threshold Computing - 08.2_3
- Raghunathan, Anand
[704] ASLAN: Synthesis of Approximate Sequential Circuits - 12.6_1
- Raha, Arnab
[704] ASLAN: Synthesis of Approximate Sequential Circuits - 12.6_1
- Rahimi, Abbas
[208] Temporal Memoization for Energy-Efficient Timing Error Recovery in GPGPUs - 05.3_1
- Rahman, Md. Tauhidur
[462] ARO-PUF: An Aging-Resistant Ring Oscillator PUF Design - 04.3_1
- Rajgopal, Srihari
[232] Toward Ultralow-Power Computing at Exteme with Silicon Carbide (SiC) Nanoelectromechanical Logic - 08.8_3
- Rallapalli, Arjun
[450] RETLab: A Fast Design-automation Framework for Arbitrary RET Networks - 05.6_1
- Ramachandran, Jaideep
[630] Make it Real: Effective Floating-Point Reasoning via Exact Arithmetic - 05.5_5
- Rambo, Eberle A
[42] Failure Analysis of a Network-on-Chip for Real-Time Mixed-Critical Systems - 10.2_5
- Ramini, Luca
[182] Assessing the Energy Break-Even Point between an Optical NoC Architecture and an Aggressive Electronic Baseline 11.2_3
- Ramos, Luiz
[114] Wear-out Analysis of Error Correction Techniques in Phase-change Memory - 02.7_5
- Rana, Manish
[282] SSFB: A Highly-Efficient and Scalable Simulation Reduction Technique for SRAM Yield Analysis - 02.7_3
- Ranganathan, Vaishnavi
[232] Toward Ultralow-Power Computing at Exteme with Silicon Carbide (SiC) Nanoelectromechanical Logic - 08.8_3
- Ranjan, Ashish
[704] ASLAN: Synthesis of Approximate Sequential Circuits - 12.6_1
- Rasmussen, Kasper B.
[478] A Minimalist Approach to Remote Attestation - 09.3_2
- Ravelosona, Dafiné
[330] Spintronics for Low-Power Computing - 11.1_1
- Ray, Sandip
[530] Equivalence Checking for Function Pipelining in Behavioral Synthesis - 06.5_3
- Raychowdhury, Arijit
[238] Modeling and Analysis of Digital Linear Dropout Regulators with Adaptive Control for High Efficiency under Wide Dynamic Range Digital Loads - 06.4_3
- Rebernak, William
[434] A Flexible BIST Strategy for SDR Transmitters - 12.7_3
- Rech, P.
[188] GPGPUs: How to Combine High Computational Power with High Reliability - 11.8
- Reda, Sherief
[150] ABACUS: A Technique for Automated Behavioral Synthesis of Approximate Computing Circuits - 12.5_2
- Rehman, Semeen
[536] Compiler-Driven Dynamic Reliability Management for On-Chip Systems under Variabilities - 05.3_7
- Reiche, Oliver
[528] Code Generation for Embedded Heterogeneous Architectures on Android - 04.6_3
- Reid Alastair,
[72] Advanced SIMD: Extending the Reach of Contemporary SIMD Architectures - 02.5_6
- Reimann, Felix
[2] Non-Intrusive Integration of Advanced Diagnosis Features in Automotive E/E-Architectures - 12.5_1
- Reimer, Sven
[198] Using MaxBMC for Pareto-Optimal Circuit Initialization - 06.5_1
- Reineke, Jan
[706] Impact of Resource Sharing on Performance and Performance Prediction - 05.1_1
- Reisinger, Jochen
[262] System Integration - The Bridge between More than Moore and More Moore - 05.8
- Renovell, M.
[138] New Implementions of Predictive Alternate Analog/RF test with Augmented Model Redundancy - 05.7_7
- Richter, A.
[540] Integrated Circuits Processing Chemical Information: Prospects and Challenges - 12.1_1
- Richter, Andre
[14] Hardware Virtualization Support for Shared Resources in Mixed-Criticality Multicore Systems - 04.2_4
- Richter, Harald
[268] Low-Voltage Organic Transistors for Flexible Electronics - 11.1_3
- Richter, Jan H.
[56] Multi-Disciplinary Integrated Design Automation Tool for Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems - 11.3_5
- Riedel, Marc D.
[190] IIR Filters Using Stochastic Arithmetic - 04.4_1
- Riefert, Andreas
[196] An Effective Approach to Automatic Functional Processor Test Generation for Small-Delay Faults - 05.7_3
- Riel, H.
[254] III-V Semiconductor Nanowires for Future Devices - 09.1_1
- Ries, Benjamin
[124] Optimized Buffer Allocation in Multicore Platforms - 11.5_2
- Robino, Francesco
[686] From Simulink to NoC-based MPSoC on FPGA - 11.5_6
- Roca, E.
[294] Implementation Issues in the Hierarchical Composition of Performance Models of Analog Circuits - 02.4_3
- Rödel, Reinhold
[268] Low-Voltage Organic Transistors for Flexible Electronics - 11.1_3
- Rodríguez, M. Andrea
[102] Signature Indexing of Design Layouts for Hotspot Detection - 12.4_2
- Rodríguez Gómez, Laura
[2] Non-Intrusive Integration of Advanced Diagnosis Features in Automotive E/E-Architectures - 12.5_1
- Roelofs, Gijs
[396] Testing PUF-Based Secure Key Storage Circuits - 07.7_2
- Romani, Aldo
[532] Design and Fabrication of a 315 μH Bondwire Micro-Transformer for Ultra-Low Voltage Energy Harvesting - 06.3_5
- Rosenstiel, Wolfgang
[260] Mission Profile Aware Robustness Assessment of Automotive Power Devices - 03.8_3
- Rosing, Tajana
[50] Providing Regulation Services and Managing Data Center Peak Power Budgets - 06.3_6
- Rosing, Tajana Simunic
[692] Ambient Variation-tolerant and Inter Components Aware Thermal Management for Mobile System on Chips - 08.4_4
- Rossi, Maurizio
[264] Real-time Optimization of the Battery Banks Lifetime in Hybrid Residential Electrical Systems - 06.3_2
- Rossi, Davide
[176] Hybrid Memory Architecture for Voltage Scaling in Ultra-Low Power Multi-Core Biomedical Processors - 07.3_2
- Rostami, Masoud
[614] Quo Vadis, PUF? Trends and Challenges of Emerging Physical-Disorder Based Security - 12.2_7
- Rosvall, Kathrin
[708] A Constraint-Based Design Space Exploration Framework for Real-Time Applications on MPSoCs - 11.5_4
- Roy, Amitabha
[590] ALLARM: Optimizing Sparse Directories for Thread-Local Data - 04.5_2
- Roy, Kaushik
[466] Brain-Inspired Computing with Spin Torque Devices - 08.8_2
- Roy, Kaushik
[704] ASLAN: Synthesis of Approximate Sequential Circuits - 12.6_1
- Roy, Saibal
[532] Design and Fabrication of a 315 μH Bondwire Micro-Transformer for Ultra-Low Voltage Energy Harvesting - 06.3_5
- Roy, Sanghamitra
[306] DARP: Dynamically Adaptable Resilient Pipeline Design in Microprocessors - 03.7_3
- Rozeau, Olivier
[186] 3D FPGA Using High-density Interconnect Monolithic Integration - 11.7_4
- Rubio, Antonio
[68] INFORMER: An Integrated Framework for Early-Stage Memory Robustness Analysis - 02.7_4
- Ruch, Patrick
[130] Integrated Microfluidic Power Generation and Cooling for Bright Silicon MPSoCs - 06.1_2
- Rührmair, Ulrich
[270] Special Session: How Secure are PUFs Really? On the Reach and Limits of Recent PUF Attacks - 12.2_1
- Rührmair, Ulrich
[552] PUFs at a Glance - 12.2_2
- Rührmair, Ulrich
[710] PUF Modeling Attacks: An Introduction and Overview - 12.2_3
- Rührmair, Ulrich
[712] Protocol Attacks on Advanced PUF Protocols and Countermeasures - 12.2_6
- Russ, Thomas
[2] Non-Intrusive Integration of Advanced Diagnosis Features in Automotive E/E-Architectures - 12.5_1
- Ryu, Soojung
[382] Energy-Efficient Scheduling for Memory-Intensive GPGPU Workloads - 02.5_1
- Sabry, Mohamed M.
[130] Integrated Microfluidic Power Generation and Cooling for Bright Silicon MPSoCs - 06.1_2
- Sabry, Mohamed M.
[132] A Quality-Scalable and Energy-Efficient Approach for Spectral Analysis of Heart Rate Variability - 07.3_4
- Sabry, Mohamed M.
[134] Resolving the Memory Bottleneck for Single Supply Near-Threshold Computing - 08.2_3
- Sabry, Mohamed M.
[136] Global Fan Speed Control Considering Non-Ideal Temperature Measurements in Enterprise Servers - 10.3_1
- Sadasue, Tamon
[126] A Flexible ASIP Architecture for Connected Components Labeling in Embedded Vision Applications - 12.3_2
- Sadri, Mohammadsadegh
[214] Energy Optimization in 3D MPSoCs with Wide-I/O DRAM Using Temperature Variation Aware Bank-wise Refresh - 10.3_6
- Sakamoto, Ryuichi
[84] Design and Evaluation of Fine-Grained Power-Gating for Embedded Microprocessors - 06.4_1
- Salunkhe, Hrishikesh
[678] Mode-Controlled Dataflow Based Modeling & Analysis of a 4G-LTE Receiver - 08.4_6
- Sampaio, Felipe
[162] dSVM: Energy-Efficient Distributed Scratchpad Video Memory Architecture for the Next-Generation High Efficiency Video Coding - 02.5_2
- Sampson, Jack
[312] Modeling Steep Slope Devices: From Circuits to Architectures - 06.2_2
- Sander, Ingo
[708] A Constraint-Based Design Space Exploration Framework for Real-Time Applications on MPSoCs - 11.5_4
- Sander, Oliver
[14] Hardware Virtualization Support for Shared Resources in Mixed-Criticality Multicore Systems - 04.2_4
- Sandionigi, Chiara
[94] Early Design Stage Thermal Evaluation and Mitigation: The Locomotiv Architectural Case - 11.3_4
- Sandmann, Timo
[14] Hardware Virtualization Support for Shared Resources in Mixed-Criticality Multicore Systems - 04.2_4
- Sangai, Amit
[334] Highly Accurate SPICE-Compatible Modeling for Single- and Double-Gate GNRFETs with Studies on Technology Scaling - 05.6_3
- Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Alberto L.
[472] Contract-Based Design of Control Protocols for Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems 03.6_6
- Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Alberto
[570] Library-Based Scalable Refinement Checking for Contract-Based Design - 06.6_1
- Sankaranarayanan, Aviinaash
[132] A Quality-Scalable and Energy-Efficient Approach for Spectral Analysis of Heart Rate Variability - 07.3_4
- Sapatnekar, Sachin S.
[410] Improving STT-MRAM Density through Multibit Error Correction - 07.5_3
- Saraf, Naman
[190] IIR Filters Using Stochastic Arithmetic - 04.4_1
- Sarma, Santanu
[448] Minimal Sparse Observability of Complex Networks: Application to MPSoC Sensor Placement and Run-time Thermal Estimation & Tracking - 11.6_1
- Sassolas, Tanguy
[94] Early Design Stage Thermal Evaluation and Mitigation: The Locomotiv Architectural Case - 11.3_4
- Sassone, A.
[252] A Cross-Level Verification Methodology for Digital IPs Augmented with Embedded Timing Monitors - 09.4_2
- Sauer, Matthias
[194] Efficient SMT-based ATPG for Interconnect Open Defects - 05.7_1
- Sauer, Matthias
[196] An Effective Approach to Automatic Functional Processor Test Generation for Small-Delay Faults - 05.7_3
- Sauer, Matthias
[198] Using MaxBMC for Pareto-Optimal Circuit Initialization - 06.5_1
- Saxena, Sharad
[112] Efficient Performance Estimation with Very Small Sample Size via Physical Subspace Projection and Maximum A Posteriori Estimation - 08.7_1
- Schacht, Andreas
[542] Monitoring and WCET Analysis in COTS Multi-core-SoC-based Mixed-Criticality Systems - 04.2_3
- Schaumont, Patrick
[140] Analyzing and Eliminating the Causes of Fault Sensitivity Analysis - 08.3_2
- Scheibler, Karsten
[194] Efficient SMT-based ATPG for Interconnect Open Defects - 05.7_1
- Schiffelers, R.R.H.
[18] Timing Analysis of First-Come First-Served Scheduled Interval-Timed Directed Acyclic Graphs - 10.5_2
- Schilders, Wil. H.A.
[76] Implicit Index-aware Model Order Reduction for RLC/RC Networks 03.4_3
- Schirner, Gunar
[714] Automatic Specification Granularity Tuning for Design Space Exploration - 08.5_2
- Schirrmeister, Frank
[374] Future SoC Verification Methodology: UVM Evolution or Revolution? - 12.8
- Schlichtmann, Ulf
[514] Probabilistic Standard Cell Modeling Considering Non-Gaussian Parameters and Correlations - 08.7_5
- Schlichtmann, Ulf
[10] Connecting Different Worlds - Technology Abstraction for Reliability-Aware Design and Test - 09.5
- Schlichtmann, Ulf
[270] Special Session: How Secure are PUFs Really? On the Reach and Limits of Recent PUF Attacks - 12.2_1
- Schmaltz, Julien
[594] Scalable Liveness Verification for Communication Fabrics - 05.5_1
- Schmid, H.
[254] III-V Semiconductor Nanowires for Future Devices - 09.1_1
- Schmidt, V.
[254] III-V Semiconductor Nanowires for Future Devices - 09.1_1
- Schneider, Klaus
[154] Isochronous Networks by Construction - 06.6_2
- Schneider, Josef
[580] Hardware-Based Fast Exploration of Cache Hierarchies in Application Specific MPSoCs - 10.4_2
- Scholl, Stefan
[716] Hardware Implementation of a Reed-Solomon Soft Decoder Based on Information Set Decoding - 08.4_3
- Scholl, Christoph
[80] Simple Interpolants for Linear Arithmetic - 05.5_3
- Schubert, Tobias
[198] Using MaxBMC for Pareto-Optimal Circuit Initialization - 06.5_1
- Schüffny, R.
[540] Integrated Circuits Processing Chemical Information: Prospects and Challenges - 12.1_1
- Schulte, Michael
[34] Process Variation-Aware Workload Partitioning Algorithms for GPUs Supporting Spatial-Multitasking - 07.4_4
- Schumacher, Christoph
[120] Time-Decoupled Parallel SystemC Simulation - 07.6_6
- Schwarzer, Tobias
[464] Model-Based Actor Multiplexing with Application to Complex Communication Protocols 08.5_4
- Sedighi, Behnam
[312] Modeling Steep Slope Devices: From Circuits to Architectures - 06.2_2
- Sedighi, Behnam
[554] Impact of Steep-Slope Transistors on Non-Von Neumann Architectures: CNN Case Study - 06.2_3
- Seidl, Martina
[610] Partial Witnesses from Preprocessed Quantified Boolean Formulas - 06.5_2
- Seifert, Jean-Pierre
[246] Physical Vulnerabilities of Physically Unclonable Functions - 12.2_5
- Seitanidis, I.
[424] ElastiStore: An Elastic Buffer Architecture for Network-on-Chip Routers - 09.2_3
- Seitanidis, I.
[394] Hardware Primitives for the Synthesis of Multithreaded Elastic Systems - 10.7_8
- Sen, Shreyas
[582] Built-In Self-Test and Characterization of Polar Transmitter Parameters in the Loop-Back Mode - 12.7_2
- Seo, Woong
[382] Energy-Efficient Scheduling for Memory-Intensive GPGPU Workloads - 02.5_1
- Seyler, Jan R.
[494] A Self-Propagating Wakeup Mechanism for Point-to-Point Networks with Partial Network Support - 02.3_3
- Seyyedi, Razi
[66] Comprehensive Analysis of Alpha and Neutron Particle-induced Soft Errors in an Embedded Processor at Nanoscales - 02.7_1
- Shafik, Rishad A.
[640] A Low Power and Robust Carbon Nanotube 6T SRAM Design with Metallic Tolerance - 05.4_6
- Shafique, Muhammad
[162] dSVM: Energy-Efficient Distributed Scratchpad Video Memory Architecture for the Next-Generation High Efficiency Video Coding - 02.5_2
- Shafique, Muhammad
[536] Compiler-Driven Dynamic Reliability Management for On-Chip Systems under Variabilities - 05.3_7
- Shafique, Muhammad
[538] Software Architecture of High Efficiency Video Coding for Many-Core Systems with Power-Efficient Workload Balancing - 08.6_1
- Shafique, Muhammad
[98] hevcDTM: Application-Driven Dynamic Thermal Management for High Efficiency Video Coding - 08.6_6
- Shafique, Muhammad
[100] mDTM: Multi-Objective Dynamic Thermal Management for On-Chip Systems - 11.6_2
- Shahrour, Anas
[460] Unified, Ultra Compact, Quadratic Power Proxies for Multi-Core Processors - 11.6_6
- Shan, ShuChang
[560] Partial-SET: Write Speedup of PCM Main Memory - 03.5_5
- Shang, Delong
[718] Asynchronous Design for New On-Chip Wide Dynamic Range Power Electronics - 06.3_1
- Shankar, Arunprasath
[386] Cross-correlation of Specification and RTL for Soft IP Analysis - 10.5_4
- Sharad, Mrigank
[466] Brain-Inspired Computing with Spin Torque Devices - 08.8_2
- Sharma, Namita
[60] Energy Optimization in Android Applications through Wakelock Placement - 04.6_5
- Sharma, Namita
[30] Energy Efficient Data Flow Transformation for Givens Rotation Based QR Decomposition - 08.4_5
- Shen, Hao
[350] Battery Aware Stochastic QoS Boosting in Mobile Computing Devices - 07.3_5
- Shen, Hao
[702] Contention Aware Frequency Scaling on CMPs with Guaranteed Quality of Service - 10.3_3
- Shi, Yiyu
[326] Yield and Timing Constrained Spare TSV Assignment for Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuits - 05.3_6
- Shi, Yiyu
[340] Memcomputing: The Cape of Good Hope - 09.8_1
- Shi, Yiyu
[414] MSim: A General Cycle Accurate Simulation Platform for Memcomputing Studies - 09.8_2
- Shi, Weidong
[642] Programmable Decoder and Shadow Threads: Tolerate Remote Code Injection Exploits with Diversified Redundancy - 03.5_3
- Shi, Weidong
[168] Multi Resolution Touch Panel with Built-in Fingerprint Sensing Support - 09.3_3
- Shin, Donghwa
[658] Thermal Management of Batteries Using a Hybrid Supercapacitor Architecture - 11.6_3
- Shin, Donghwa
[320] FEPMA: Fine-Grained Event-Driven Power Meter for Android Smartphones Based on Device Driver Layer Event Monitoring - 12.6_4
- Shrotri, Ulka
[32] EDT: A Specification Notation for Reactive Systems - 08.5_3
- Shu, Jiwu
[650] p-OFTL: An Object-based Semantic-aware Parallel Flash Translation Layer - 06.6_4
- Siddique, Umair
[720] Towards the Formal Analysis of Microresonators Based Photonic Systems - 06.5_4
- Sigl, Georg
[548] Increasing the Efficiency of Syndrome Coding for PUFs with Helper Data Compression - 04.3_3
- Signorello, G.
[254] III-V Semiconductor Nanowires for Future Devices - 09.1_1
- Silvano, Cristina
[688] Voltage Island Management in Near Threshold Manycore Architectures to Mitigate Dark Silicon - 08.2_2
- Silvano, Cristina
[664] DeSpErate: Speeding-up Design Space Exploration by Using Predictive Simulation Scheduling - 08.5_6
- Silveira, L. Miguel
[470] Efficient Analysis of Variability Impact on Interconnect Lines and Resistor Networks - 03.4_2
- Simunic Rosing, Tajana
[174] A Linux-Governor Based Dynamic Realiability Manager for Android Mobile Devices - 05.3_5
- Sinanoglu, Ozgur
[314] Approximating the Age of RF/Analog Circuits through Re-characterization and Statistical Estimation - 02.7_6
- Singh, Bhanu
[386] Cross-correlation of Specification and RTL for Soft IP Analysis - 10.5_4
- Själander, Magnus
[170] Reducing Set-Associative L1 Data Cache Energy by Early Load Data Dependence Detection (ELD3) - 04.5_6
- Slamani, Mustapha
[582] Built-In Self-Test and Characterization of Polar Transmitter Parameters in the Loop-Back Mode - 12.7_2
- Smailbegovic, Fethulah
[404] Hacking and Protecting IC Hardware - 05.2
- Smith, Aaron
[266] EVX: Vector Execution on Low Power EDGE Cores - 02.5_4
- Sohn, M.-P.
[172] Application of Mission Profiles to Enable Cross-Domain Constraint-Driven Design - 03.8_4
- Sohrmann, Christoph
[514] Probabilistic Standard Cell Modeling Considering Non-Gaussian Parameters and Correlations - 08.7_5
- Sokhin, Vitali
[480] Effective Post-Silicon Failure Localization Using Dynamic Program Slicing - 11.4_3
- Sokolov, Danil
[64] Design of Safety Critical Systems by Refinement - 04.6_4
- Son, Sang H.
[568] A Layered Approach for Testing Timing in the Model-Based Implementation - 07.6_4
- Song, Seokwoo
[382] Energy-Efficient Scheduling for Memory-Intensive GPGPU Workloads - 02.5_1
- Song, Yang
[694] Zonotope-based Nonlinear Model Order Reduction for Fast Performance Bound Analysis of Analog Circuits with Multiple-interval-valued Parameter Variations - 02.4_2
- Sonza Reorda, M.
[188] GPGPUs: How to Combine High Computational Power with High Reliability - 11.8
- Sonza Reorda, Matteo
[196] An Effective Approach to Automatic Functional Processor Test Generation for Small-Delay Faults - 05.7_3
- Sorin, Daniel J.
[682] Nostradamus: Low-Cost Hardware-Only Error Detection for Processor Cores - 06.7_1
- Sölter, Jan
[710] PUF Modeling Attacks: An Introduction and Overview - 12.2_3
- Soudbakhsh, Damoon
[104] Fault-tolerant Control Synthesis and Verification of Distributed Embedded Systems - 03.6_3
- Sousa, R.
[422] Magnetic Memories: From DRAM Replacement to Ultra Low Power Logic Chips - 10.1_3
- Spägele, Matthias
[494] A Self-Propagating Wakeup Mechanism for Point-to-Point Networks with Partial Network Support - 02.3_3
- Spasic, Jelena
[336] Resource Optimization for CSDF-modeled Streaming Applications with Latency Constraints - 07.6_3
- Sridhar, Arvind
[130] Integrated Microfluidic Power Generation and Cooling for Bright Silicon MPSoCs - 06.1_2
- Stamelakos, Ioannis
[688] Voltage Island Management in Near Threshold Manycore Architectures to Mitigate Dark Silicon - 08.2_2
- Stefanni, Francesco
[484] Moving from Co-Simulation to Simulation for Effective Smart Systems Design - 10.4_5
- Stefanov, Todor
[336] Resource Optimization for CSDF-modeled Streaming Applications with Latency Constraints - 07.6_3
- Stefanov, Todor
[160] System-level Scheduling of Real-time Streaming Applications Using a Semi-partitioned Approach - 12.5_4
- Steinhorst, Sebastian
[308] Optimal Dimensioning of Active Cell Balancing Architectures - 06.3_3
- Steininger, Andreas
[680] A Tree Arbiter Cell for High Speed Resource Sharing in Asynchronous Environments - 10.7_2
- Stenström, Per
[722] Effective Resource Management towards Efficient Computinga - 06.1_3
- Stoimenov, Nikolay
[490] Mapping Mixed-Criticality Applications on Multi-Core Architectures - 05.1_3
- Streichert, Thilo
[494] A Self-Propagating Wakeup Mechanism for Point-to-Point Networks with Partial Network Support - 02.3_3
- Stroobandt, Dirk
[152] Improving Hamiltonian-based Routing Methods for On-chip Networks: A Turn Model Approach - 09.2_5
- Stroobandt, Dirk
[674] Automating Data Reuse in High-Level Synthesis - 10.7_5
- Stuijk, S.
[18] Timing Analysis of First-Come First-Served Scheduled Interval-Timed Directed Acyclic Graphs - 10.5_2
- Stuijk, Sander
[184] Memory-Constrained Static Rate-Optimal Scheduling of Synchronous Dataflow Graphs via Retiming - 11.5_3
- Stuijt, Jan
[134] Resolving the Memory Bottleneck for Single Supply Near-Threshold Computing - 08.2_3
- Su, Yongtao
[724] System-level Design Methodology Enabling Fast Development of Baseband MP-SoC for 4G Small Cell Base Station - 08.1_2
- Suárez, Darío
[576] Dynamic Construction of Circuits for Reactive Traffic in Homogeneous CMPs - 09.2_4
- Subramanyan, Pramod
[116] Formal Verification of Taint-propagation Security Properties in a Commercial SoC Design - 11.3_3
- Sudowe, Patrick
[126] A Flexible ASIP Architecture for Connected Components Labeling in Embedded Vision Applications - 12.3_2
- Sullivan, Dean
[586] Real-Time Trust Evaluation in Integrated Circuits - 04.7_1
- Sun, Haiyan
[726] Lifetime Holes Aware Register Allocation for Clustered VLIW Processors - 04.6_7
- Sun, Luo
[640] A Low Power and Robust Carbon Nanotube 6T SRAM Design with Metallic Tolerance - 05.4_6
- Susin, Altamiro
[98] hevcDTM: Application-Driven Dynamic Thermal Management for High Efficiency Video Coding - 08.6_6
- Swaminathan, Karthik
[312] Modeling Steep Slope Devices: From Circuits to Architectures - 06.2_2
- Syed, Rizwan
[512] Thermal-Aware Frequency Scaling for Adaptive Workloads on Heterogeneous MPSoCs - 10.6_1
- Sylvester, Dennis
[608] Energy Efficient In-Memory AES Encryption Based on Nonvolatile Domain-wall Nanowire - 07.5_4
- Tagliavini, Giuseppe
[210] Tightly-Coupled Hardware Support to Dynamic Parallelism Acceleration in Embedded Shared Memory Clusters - 06.6_3
- Tahar, Sofiène
[720] Towards the Formal Analysis of Microresonators Based Photonic Systems - 06.5_4
- Tahoori, Mehdi B.
[66] Comprehensive Analysis of Alpha and Neutron Particle-induced Soft Errors in an Embedded Processor at Nanoscales - 02.7_1
- Tahoori, Mehdi B.
[474] P/G TSV Planning for IR-drop Reduction in 3D-ICs - 03.4_4
- Tahoori, Mehdi B.
[242] Asynchronous Asymmetrical Write Termination (AAWT) for a Low Power STT-MRAM - 07.5_1
- Tahoori, Mehdi B.
[452] Aging-aware Standard Cell Library Design - 09.7_6
- Tahoori, Mehdi B.
[36] A Power-Efficient Reconfigurable Architecture Using PCM Configuration Technology - 11.7_2
- Tajik, Shahin
[246] Physical Vulnerabilities of Physically Unclonable Functions - 12.2_5
- Take, Yasuhiro
[86] Low-Latency Wireless 3D NoCs via Randomized Shortcut Chips - 10.2_3
- Takimiya, Kazuo
[268] Low-Voltage Organic Transistors for Flexible Electronics - 11.1_3
- Tang, Shan
[724] System-level Design Methodology Enabling Fast Development of Baseband MP-SoC for 4G Small Cell Base Station - 08.1_2
- Taouil, Mottaqiallah
[518] Interconnect Test for 3D Stacked Memory-on-Logic - 05.7_2
- Tartagni, Marco
[532] Design and Fabrication of a 315 μH Bondwire Micro-Transformer for Ultra-Low Voltage Energy Harvesting - 06.3_5
- Tatenguem Fankem, Hervé
[182] Assessing the Energy Break-Even Point between an Optical NoC Architecture and an Aggressive Electronic Baseline 11.2_3
- Taylor, Michael B.
[728] A Landscape of the New Dark Silicon Design Regime - 06.1_1
- Tecchiolli, Giampietro
[178] Unveiling Eurora - Thermal and Power Characterization of the Most Energy-Efficient Supercomputer in the World - 10.3_2
- Teglia, Yannick
[218] On the Assumption of Mutual Independence of Jitter Realizations in P-Trng Stochastic Models - 03.3_2
- Tehranipoor, Mark
[404] Hacking and Protecting IC Hardware - 05.2
- Tehranipoor, Mohammad
[462] ARO-PUF: An Aging-Resistant Ring Oscillator PUF Design - 04.3_1
- Teich, Jürgen
[494] A Self-Propagating Wakeup Mechanism for Point-to-Point Networks with Partial Network Support - 02.3_3
- Teich, Jürgen
[496] Multi-Variant-based Design Space Exploration for Automotive Embedded Systems - 02.3_4
- Teich, Jürgen
[528] Code Generation for Embedded Heterogeneous Architectures on Android - 04.6_3
- Teich, Jürgen
[464] Model-Based Actor Multiplexing with Application to Complex Communication Protocols 08.5_4
- Teich, Jürgen
[498] Multi-Objective Distributed Run-time Resource Management for Many-Cores - 08.6_3
- Teich, Jürgen
[2] Non-Intrusive Integration of Advanced Diagnosis Features in Automotive E/E-Architectures - 12.5_1
- Tenace, Valerio
[280] Pass-XNOR Logic: A New Logic Style for P-N Junction Based Graphene Circuits - 09.7_7
- Tenllado, Christian
[296] Feasibility Exploration of NVM Based I-Cache through MSHR Enhancements - 02.5_3
- ter Braak, Timon D.
[730] Using Guided Local Search for Adaptive Resource Reservation in Large-scale Embedded Systems - 06.6_5
- Termier, Alexandre
[620] Scalability Bottlenecks Discovery in MPSoC Platforms Using Data Mining on Simulation Traces - 07.6_1
- Thanner, Manfred
[732] Virtual Prototype Life Cycle in Automotive Applications - 08.1_3
- Theocharides, Theocharis
[734] High-Quality Real-Time Hardware Stereo Matching Based on Guided Image Filtering - 12.3_4
- Theril, Sandhya
[168] Multi Resolution Touch Panel with Built-in Fingerprint Sensing Support - 09.3_3
- Thiele, Lothar
[490] Mapping Mixed-Criticality Applications on Multi-Core Architectures - 05.1_3
- Thiele, Lothar
[420] Computing a Language-Based Guarantee for Timing Properties of Cyber-Physical Systems - 07.6_2
- Thiele, Lothar
[144] COOLIP: Simple yet Effective Job Allocation for Distributed Thermally-Throttled Processors - 10.3_5
- Thiele, Lothar
[146] Reliability-Aware Mapping Optimization of Multi-Core Systems with Mixed-Criticality - 11.5_5
- Thomas, Olivier
[244] Resistive Memories: Which Applications? - 10.1_4
- Tischendorf, Caren
[76] Implicit Index-aware Model Order Reduction for RLC/RC Networks 03.4_3
- Tobich, Karim
[388] Efficiency of a Glitch Detector against Electromagnetic Fault Injection - 08.3_1
- Tong, Kenneth
[62] Hybrid Wire-Surface Wave Architecture for One-to-Many Communication in Network-on-Chip - 10.2_4
- Toppano, Alessandro
[264] Real-time Optimization of the Battery Banks Lifetime in Hybrid Residential Electrical Systems - 06.3_2
- Torrellas, Josep
[736] Extreme-Scale Computer Architecture: Energy Efficiency from the Ground up - 08.2_1
- Tosoratto, Laura
[120] Time-Decoupled Parallel SystemC Simulation - 07.6_6
- Trachanis, Dimitrios
[484] Moving from Co-Simulation to Simulation for Effective Smart Systems Design - 10.4_5
- Trajkovic, Jelena
[372] CHAMELEON: CHANNEL Efficient Optical Network-on-Chip - 11.1_2
- Tria, Assia
[388] Efficiency of a Glitch Detector against Electromagnetic Fault Injection - 08.3_1
- Tripakis, Stavros
[570] Library-Based Scalable Refinement Checking for Contract-Based Design - 06.6_1
- Tripathi, Nikhil
[60] Energy Optimization in Android Applications through Wakelock Placement - 04.6_5
- Tristl, M.
[172] Application of Mission Profiles to Enable Cross-Domain Constraint-Driven Design - 03.8_4
- Trivedi, Amit Ranjan
[96] Ultra-low Power Electronics with Si/Ge Tunnel FET - 08.8_1
- Trommer, Jens
[504] Reconfigurable Silicon Nanowire Devices and Circuits: Opportunities and Challenges - 09.1_3
- Tsai, Meng-Ling
[322] Scenario-aware Data Placement and Memory Area Allocation for Multi-Processor System-on-Chips with Reconfigurable 3D-stacked SRAMs - 11.5_1
- Tsai, Tu-Hsiung
[338] Cost-Effective Decap Selection for Beyond Die Power Integrity - 03.4_6
- Tsay, Ren-Song
[332] An Activity-Sensitive Contention Delay Model for Highly Efficient Deterministic Full-System Simulations - 08.5_1
- Tschiene, Alexander
[42] Failure Analysis of a Network-on-Chip for Real-Time Mixed-Critical Systems - 10.2_5
- Tsiouris, K.
[394] Hardware Primitives for the Synthesis of Multithreaded Elastic Systems - 10.7_8
- Tsoutso, Nektarios Georgios
[662] HEROIC: Homomorphically EncRypted One Instruction Computer - 09.3_4
- Tsudik, Gene
[478] A Minimalist Approach to Remote Attestation - 09.3_2
- Tsukamoto, Jun
[84] Design and Evaluation of Fine-Grained Power-Gating for Embedded Microprocessors - 06.4_1
- Tsunoo, Yukiyasu
[676] A Smaller and Faster Variant of RSM - 08.3_3
- Ttofis, Christos
[734] High-Quality Real-Time Hardware Stereo Matching Based on Guided Image Filtering - 12.3_4
- Tumeo, Antonino
[292] An Adaptive Memory Interface Controller for Improving Bandwidth Utilization of Hybrid and Reconfigurable Systems - 07.4_7
- Turkyilmaz, Ogun
[244] Resistive Memories: Which Applications? - 10.1_4
- Turkyilmaz, Ogun
[186] 3D FPGA Using High-density Interconnect Monolithic Integration - 11.7_4
- Ubolli, A.
[164] Sensitivity-based Weighting for Passivity Enforcement of Linear Macromodels in Power Integrity Applications - 03.4_1
- Ull, Dominik
[2] Non-Intrusive Integration of Advanced Diagnosis Features in Automotive E/E-Architectures - 12.5_1
- Unsal, Osman
[266] EVX: Vector Execution on Low Power EDGE Cores - 02.5_4
- Usami, Kimiyoshi
[84] Design and Evaluation of Fine-Grained Power-Gating for Embedded Microprocessors - 06.4_1
- Vaidyanathan, Kalyan
[136] Global Fan Speed Control Considering Non-Ideal Temperature Measurements in Enterprise Servers - 10.3_1
- Valero, Mateo
[266] EVX: Vector Execution on Low Power EDGE Cores - 02.5_4
- van Amstel, Duco
[446] Time-Critical Computing on a Single Chip Massively Parallel Processor - 05.1_2
- van Battum, Gerard
[404] Hacking and Protecting IC Hardware - 05.2
- van Berkel, Kees
[678] Mode-Controlled Dataflow Based Modeling & Analysis of a 4G-LTE Receiver - 08.4_6
- van Dijk, Marten
[712] Protocol Attacks on Advanced PUF Protocols and Countermeasures - 12.2_6
- Vanhese, Jan
[484] Moving from Co-Simulation to Simulation for Effective Smart Systems Design - 10.4_5
- Vartziotis, Fotios
[304] Multi-Site Test Optimization for Multi-Vdd SoCs Using Space- and Time-Division Multiplexing - 05.7_4
- Vasudevan, V
[654] Statistical Static Timing Analysis Using a Skew-Normal Canonical Delay Model - 09.7_2
- Vaton, Sandrine
[148] Energy-Efficient FPGA Implementation for Binomial Option Pricing Using OpenCL - 08.4_2
- Veeravalli, B.
[248] Combined DVFS and Mapping Exploration for Lifetime and Soft-Error Susceptibility Improvement in MPSoCs - 03.7_2
- Veeravalli, Bharadwaj
[406] Temperature Aware Energy-Reliability Trade-offs for Mapping of Throughput-Constrained Applications on Multimedia MPSoCs - 05.3_3
- Velasco-Jiménez, M.
[294] Implementation Issues in the Hierarchical Composition of Performance Models of Analog Circuits - 02.4_3
- Velten, Michael
[458] The Metamodeling Approach to System Level Synthesis - 11.3_1
- Vendraminetto, D.
[278] Tightening BDD-based Approximate Reachability with SAT-based Clause Generalization - 05.5_4
- Venkataramani, Swagath
[704] ASLAN: Synthesis of Approximate Sequential Circuits - 12.6_1
- Venkatesh, R.
[32] EDT: A Specification Notation for Reactive Systems - 08.5_3
- Verbauwhede, Ingrid
[412] Key-recovery Attacks on Various RO PUF Constructions via Helper Data Manipulation - 04.3_4
- Vermeulen, Bart
[408] Startup Error Detection and Containment to Improve the Robustness of Hybrid FlexRay Networks - 02.3_2
- Vermeulen, Bart
[690] Transient Errors Resiliency Analysis Technique for Automotive Safety Critical Applications - 02.3_6
- Vertregt, Maarten
[456] Standard Cell Library Tuning for Variability Tolerant Designs - 08.7_4
- Vianello, Elisa
[244] Resistive Memories: Which Applications? - 10.1_4
- Viehl, Alexander
[260] Mission Profile Aware Robustness Assessment of Automotive Power Devices - 03.8_3
- Villarroya, María
[576] Dynamic Construction of Circuits for Reactive Traffic in Homogeneous CMPs - 09.2_4
- Viñals, Víctor
[576] Dynamic Construction of Circuits for Reactive Traffic in Homogeneous CMPs - 09.2_4
- Vinci dos Santos, Filipe
[434] A Flexible BIST Strategy for SDR Transmitters - 12.7_3
- Vinco, S.
[252] A Cross-Level Verification Methodology for Digital IPs Augmented with Embedded Timing Monitors - 09.4_2
- Vinco, Sara
[484] Moving from Co-Simulation to Simulation for Effective Smart Systems Design - 10.4_5
- Vivet, Pascal
[94] Early Design Stage Thermal Evaluation and Mitigation: The Locomotiv Architectural Case - 11.3_4
- Vivet, Pascal
[180] Thermal Analysis and Model Identification Techniques for a Logic + WIDEIO Stacked DRAM Test Chip - 11.6_4
- Vöcking, Berthold
[124] Optimized Buffer Allocation in Multicore Platforms - 11.5_2
- Voeten, J.P.M.
[18] Timing Analysis of First-Come First-Served Scheduled Interval-Timed Directed Acyclic Graphs - 10.5_2
- Voigt, A.
[540] Integrated Circuits Processing Chemical Information: Prospects and Challenges - 12.1_1
- Völp, M.
[540] Integrated Circuits Processing Chemical Information: Prospects and Challenges - 12.1_1
- von Maurich, Ingo
[508] Lightweight Code-based Cryptography: QC-MDPC McEliece Encryption on Reconfigurable Devices - 03.3_1
- Vydyanathan, Ashok S.
[524] A Deep Learning Methodology to Proliferate Golden Signoff Timing - 09.7_4
- Wada, Motoki
[84] Design and Evaluation of Fine-Grained Power-Gating for Embedded Microprocessors - 06.4_1
- Wahl, Michael G.
[408] Startup Error Detection and Containment to Improve the Robustness of Hybrid FlexRay Networks - 02.3_2
- Wahl, Thomas
[630] Make it Real: Effective Floating-Point Reasoning via Exact Arithmetic - 05.5_5
- Wallentowitz, Stefan
[400] Distributed Cooperative Shared Last-Level Caching in Tiled Multiprocessor System on Chip - 04.5_7
- Wan, Jinbo
[602] An Embedded Offset and Gain Instrument for OpAmp IPs - 02.4_9
- Wang, Brandon
[644] Embedded Reconfigurable Logic for ASIC Design Obfuscation against Supply Chain Attacks - 09.3_1
- Wang, Chun-Yao
[366] Rewiring for Threshold Logic Circuit Minimization - 05.6_4
- Wang, Chun-Yao
[368] Width Minimization in the Single-Electron Transistor Array Synthesis - 05.6_5
- Wang, Hong
[370] Joint Virtual Probe: Joint Exploration of Multiple Test Items' Spatial Patterns for Efficient Silicon Characterization and Test Prediction - 08.7_2
- Wang, Jian
[636] Functional Test Generation Guided by Steady-State Probabilities of Abstract Design - 11.4_5
- Wang, Jiantao
[328] Garbage Collection for Multi-version Index on Flash Memory - 03.6_4
- Wang, Kanwen
[550] A Thermal Resilient Integration of Many-core Microprocessors and Main Memory by 2.5D TSI I/Os - 07.4_5
- Wang, Ningning
[532] Design and Fabrication of a 315 μH Bondwire Micro-Transformer for Ultra-Low Voltage Energy Harvesting - 06.3_5
- Wang, Shengcheng
[474] P/G TSV Planning for IR-drop Reduction in 3D-ICs - 03.4_4
- Wang, Shuai
[444] Exploiting Narrow-Width Values for Improving Non-Volatile Cache Lifetime - 03.5_4
- Wang, Tiancheng
[636] Functional Test Generation Guided by Steady-State Probabilities of Abstract Design - 11.4_5
- Wang, Ting-Chi
[376] Mask-Cost-Aware ECO Routing - 03.4_8
- Wang, Ting-Chi
[378] Metal Layer Planning for Silicon Interposers with Consideration of Routability and Manufacturing Cost - 12.4_3
- Wang, Ting-Hsiung
[376] Mask-Cost-Aware ECO Routing - 03.4_8
- Wang, Wei
[650] p-OFTL: An Object-based Semantic-aware Parallel Flash Translation Layer - 06.6_4
- Wang, Weihan
[84] Design and Evaluation of Fine-Grained Power-Gating for Embedded Microprocessors - 06.4_1
- Wang, Xiaohang
[402] Adaptive Power Allocation for Many-core Systems Inspired from Multiagent Auction Model - 11.6_5
- Wang, Xuan
[344] Characterizing Power Delivery Systems with On/Off-Chip Voltage Regulators for Many-Core Processors - 03.4_7
- Wang, Yan
[738] Efficient High-Sigma Yield Analysis for High Dimensional Problems - 05.4_1
- Wang, Yanzhi
[486] An Energy-Aware Fault Tolerant Scheduling Framework for Soft Error Resilient Cloud Computing Systems - 04.7_4
- Wang, Yanzhi
[316] Minimizing State-of-Health Degradation in Hybrid Electrical Energy Storage Systems with Arbitrary Source and Load Profiles - 05.4_4
- Wang, Yanzhi
[318] Optimal Design and Management of a Smart Residential PV and Energy Storage System - 06.3_4
- Wang, Yanzhi
[352] Concurrent Placement, Capacity Provisioning, and Request Flow Control for a Distributed Cloud Infrastructure - 10.3_4
- Wang, Yanzhi
[628] VRCon: Dynamic Reconfiguration of Voltage Regulators in a Multicore Platform - 12.6_2
- Wang, Yanzhi
[320] FEPMA: Fine-Grained Event-Driven Power Meter for Android Smartphones Based on Device Driver Layer Event Monitoring - 12.6_4
- Wang, Yu
[358] ICE: Inline Calibration for Memristor Crossbar-based Computing Engine - 07.5_5
- Wang, Yu
[360] Energy Efficient Neural Networks for Big Data Analytics - 12.1_4
- Wang, Yuhao
[608] Energy Efficient In-Memory AES Encryption Based on Nonvolatile Domain-wall Nanowire - 07.5_4
- Wang, Zhe
[344] Characterizing Power Delivery Systems with On/Off-Chip Voltage Regulators for Many-Core Processors - 03.4_7
- Wang, Zhehui
[344] Characterizing Power Delivery Systems with On/Off-Chip Voltage Regulators for Many-Core Processors - 03.4_7
- Wang, Zhenjiang
[510] EATBit: Effective Automated Test for Binary Translation with High Code Coverage - 04.6_1
- Warkentin, Juri
[494] A Self-Propagating Wakeup Mechanism for Point-to-Point Networks with Partial Network Support - 02.3_3
- Wawroschek, Simon
[122] Automatic Detection of Concurrency Bugs through Event Ordering Constraints - 10.4_1
- Weber, Walter M.
[504] Reconfigurable Silicon Nanowire Devices and Circuits: Opportunities and Challenges - 09.1_3
- Wehn, Norbert
[48] Exploiting Expendable Process-Margins in DRAMs for Run-Time Performance Optimization - 07.4_1
- Wehn, Norbert
[716] Hardware Implementation of a Reed-Solomon Soft Decoder Based on Information Set Decoding - 08.4_3
- Wehn, Norbert
[10] Connecting Different Worlds - Technology Abstraction for Reliability-Aware Design and Test - 09.5
- Wehn, Norbert
[214] Energy Optimization in 3D MPSoCs with Wide-I/O DRAM Using Temperature Variation Aware Bank-wise Refresh - 10.3_6
- Wei, Shaojun
[646] Extending Lifetime of Battery-Powered Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Computing Platforms - 11.7_3
- Weinstock, Jan Henrik
[120] Time-Decoupled Parallel SystemC Simulation - 07.6_6
- Weis, Christian
[176] Hybrid Memory Architecture for Voltage Scaling in Ultra-Low Power Multi-Core Biomedical Processors - 07.3_2
- Weis, Christian
[48] Exploiting Expendable Process-Margins in DRAMs for Run-Time Performance Optimization - 07.4_1
- Weis, Christian
[214] Energy Optimization in 3D MPSoCs with Wide-I/O DRAM Using Temperature Variation Aware Bank-wise Refresh - 10.3_6
- Welp, Tobias
[618] Property Directed Invariant Refinement for Program Verification - 05.5_2
- Wendt, James B.
[614] Quo Vadis, PUF? Trends and Challenges of Emerging Physical-Disorder Based Security - 12.2_7
- Westphal, Thomas
[534] Modeling of an Analog Recording System Design for ECoG and AP Signals - 02.4_4
- Wettin, Paul
[546] Performance Evaluation of Wireless NoCs in Presence of Irregular Network Routing Strategies - 10.2_2
- Weyer, Daniel
[386] Cross-correlation of Specification and RTL for Soft IP Analysis - 10.5_4
- Whalley, David
[170] Reducing Set-Associative L1 Data Cache Energy by Early Load Data Dependence Detection (ELD3) - 04.5_6
- Whatmough, Paul N.
[74] Clock-Modulation Based Watermark for Protection of Embedded Processors - 03.3_3
- Wild, Thomas
[262] System Integration - The Bridge between More than Moore and More Moore - 05.8
- Wildermann, Stefan
[498] Multi-Objective Distributed Run-time Resource Management for Many-Cores - 08.6_3
- Wilhelm, Reinhard
[706] Impact of Resource Sharing on Performance and Performance Prediction - 05.1_1
- Wilson, Peter
[74] Clock-Modulation Based Watermark for Protection of Embedded Processors - 03.3_3
- Wolff, Francis
[386] Cross-correlation of Specification and RTL for Soft IP Analysis - 10.5_4
- Wong, Martin D. F.
[442] Optimization of Standard Cell Based Detailed Placement for 16 nm FinFET Process - 12.4_1
- Wong, Philip
[298] Video Analytics Using Beyond CMOS Devices - 12.1_3
- Wu, Chenggang
[510] EATBit: Effective Automated Test for Binary Translation with High Code Coverage - 04.6_1
- Wu, Chi-Feng
[376] Mask-Cost-Aware ECO Routing - 03.4_8
- Wu, Hui
[726] Lifetime Holes Aware Register Allocation for Clustered VLIW Processors - 04.6_7
- Wu, Sih-Sian
[550] A Thermal Resilient Integration of Many-core Microprocessors and Main Memory by 2.5D TSI I/Os - 07.4_5
- Wu, Xiaowen
[344] Characterizing Power Delivery Systems with On/Off-Chip Voltage Regulators for Many-Core Processors - 03.4_7
- Wu, Yun-Ru
[376] Mask-Cost-Aware ECO Routing - 03.4_8
- Wunderlich, Hans-Joachim
[572] Bit-Flipping Scan - A Unified Architecture for Fault Tolerance and Offline Test - 07.7_1
- Wunderlich, Hans-Joachim
[2] Non-Intrusive Integration of Advanced Diagnosis Features in Automotive E/E-Architectures - 12.5_1
- Wuttig, Matthias
[740] Exploring the Limits of Phase Change Memories - 10.1_2
- Xia, Fei
[718] Asynchronous Design for New On-Chip Wide Dynamic Range Power Electronics - 06.3_1
- Xie, Fei
[530] Equivalence Checking for Function Pipelining in Behavioral Synthesis - 06.5_3
- Xie, Fei
[390] Coverage Evaluation of Post-silicon Validation Tests with Virtual Prototypes - 11.4_2
- Xie, Qing
[316] Minimizing State-of-Health Degradation in Hybrid Electrical Energy Storage Systems with Arbitrary Source and Load Profiles - 05.4_4
- Xie, Qing
[320] FEPMA: Fine-Grained Event-Driven Power Meter for Android Smartphones Based on Device Driver Layer Event Monitoring - 12.6_4
- Xiong, Jinjun
[414] MSim: A General Cycle Accurate Simulation Platform for Memcomputing Studies - 09.8_2
- Xiong, Wei
[268] Low-Voltage Organic Transistors for Flexible Electronics - 11.1_3
- Xu, Chao
[362] A Wear-Leveling-Aware Dynamic Stack for PCM Memory in Embedded Systems - 04.6_6
- Xu, Jiang
[344] Characterizing Power Delivery Systems with On/Off-Chip Voltage Regulators for Many-Core Processors - 03.4_7
- Xu, Ningyi
[360] Energy Efficient Neural Networks for Big Data Analytics - 12.1_4
- Xu, Shouhuai
[642] Programmable Decoder and Shadow Threads: Tolerate Remote Code Injection Exploits with Diversified Redundancy - 03.5_3
- Xu, Xiaolin
[272] Hybrid Side-Channel / Machine-Learning Attacks on PUFs: A New Threat? - 12.2_4
- Xue, Chun Jason
[362] A Wear-Leveling-Aware Dynamic Stack for PCM Memory in Embedded Systems - 04.6_6
- Xue, Jingling
[726] Lifetime Holes Aware Register Allocation for Clustered VLIW Processors - 04.6_7
- Xydis, Sotirios
[688] Voltage Island Management in Near Threshold Manycore Architectures to Mitigate Dark Silicon - 08.2_2
- Yakovlev, Alex
[718] Asynchronous Design for New On-Chip Wide Dynamic Range Power Electronics - 06.3_1
- Yakovlev, Alex
[62] Hybrid Wire-Surface Wave Architecture for One-to-Many Communication in Network-on-Chip - 10.2_4
- Yamashita, Noritaka
[676] A Smaller and Faster Variant of RSM - 08.3_3
- Yamashita, Shigeru
[428] A Logic Integrated Optimal Pin-Count Design for Digital Microfluidic Biochips - 04.4_3
- Yan, Guihai
[526] SuperRange: Wide Operational Range Power Delivery Design for Both STV and NTV Computing - 06.4_2
- Yan, Xiaolang
[648] Analysis and Evaluation of Per-Flow Delay Bound for Multiplexing Models - 09.4_4
- Yang, Hoeseok
[144] COOLIP: Simple yet Effective Job Allocation for Distributed Thermally-Throttled Processors - 10.3_5
- Yang, Hoeseok
[146] Reliability-Aware Mapping Optimization of Multi-Core Systems with Mixed-Criticality - 11.5_5
- Yang, Huazhong
[358] ICE: Inline Calibration for Memristor Crossbar-based Computing Engine - 07.5_5
- Yang, Huazhong
[360] Energy Efficient Neural Networks for Big Data Analytics - 12.1_4
- Yang, Mei
[402] Adaptive Power Allocation for Many-core Systems Inspired from Multiagent Auction Model - 11.6_5
- Yang, Qiang
[482] A Fault Detection Mechanism in a Data-flow Scheduled Multithreaded Processor - 03.7_4
- Yang, Rui
[232] Toward Ultralow-Power Computing at Exteme with Silicon Carbide (SiC) Nanoelectromechanical Logic - 08.8_3
- Yang, Seiyang
[302] Predictive Parallel Event-driven HDL Simulation with A New Powerful Prediction Strategy - 11.3_6
- Yang, Yuanfan
[668] Complementary Resistive Switch Based Stateful Logic Operations Using Material Implication - 07.5_6
- Yang, Zhenkun
[390] Coverage Evaluation of Post-silicon Validation Tests with Virtual Prototypes - 11.4_2
- Yasin, Muhammad
[460] Unified, Ultra Compact, Quadratic Power Proxies for Multi-Core Processors - 11.6_6
- Ye, Zuochang
[738] Efficient High-Sigma Yield Analysis for High Dimensional Problems - 05.4_1
- Yeh, Hua-Hsin
[564] Leakage-Power-Aware Clock Period Minimization - 09.7_3
- Yi, Wang
[506] General and Efficient Response Time Analysis for EDF Scheduling - 09.6_3
- Yi, Wang
[416] Partitioned Mixed-Criticality Scheduling on Multiprocessor Platforms - 10.6_2
- Yin, Shouyi
[646] Extending Lifetime of Battery-Powered Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Computing Platforms - 11.7_3
- Yogendra, Karthik
[466] Brain-Inspired Computing with Spin Torque Devices - 08.8_2
- Yoo, Sungjoo
[624] Accelerating Graph Computation with Racetrack Memory and Pointer-Assisted Graph Representation - 06.6_6
- Yoo, Sungjoo
[604] Coarse-grained Bubble Razor to Exploit the Potential of Two-Phase Transparent Latch Designs - 12.6_3
- Yu, Hao
[694] Zonotope-based Nonlinear Model Order Reduction for Fast Performance Bound Analysis of Analog Circuits with Multiple-interval-valued Parameter Variations - 02.4_2
- Yu, Hao
[324] Package Geometric Aware Thermal Analysis by Infrared-Radiation Thermal Images - 03.4_5
- Yu, Hao
[550] A Thermal Resilient Integration of Many-core Microprocessors and Main Memory by 2.5D TSI I/Os - 07.4_5
- Yu, Hao
[608] Energy Efficient In-Memory AES Encryption Based on Nonvolatile Domain-wall Nanowire - 07.5_4
- Yu, Heng
[512] Thermal-Aware Frequency Scaling for Adaptive Workloads on Heterogeneous MPSoCs - 10.6_1
- Yu, Li
[112] Efficient Performance Estimation with Very Small Sample Size via Physical Subspace Projection and Maximum A Posteriori Estimation - 08.7_1
- Yu, Mingbin
[550] A Thermal Resilient Integration of Many-core Microprocessors and Main Memory by 2.5D TSI I/Os - 07.4_5
- Yu, Xinmin
[546] Performance Evaluation of Wireless NoCs in Presence of Irregular Network Routing Strategies - 10.2_2
- Yue, Siyu
[348] Application Mapping for Express Channel-Based Networks-on-Chip - 09.2_1
- Zaccaria, Vittorio
[664] DeSpErate: Speeding-up Design Space Exploration by Using Predictive Simulation Scheduling - 08.5_6
- Zafari, Leily
[458] The Metamodeling Approach to System Level Synthesis - 11.3_1
- Zaki, Tarek
[268] Low-Voltage Organic Transistors for Flexible Electronics - 11.1_3
- Zambelli, Cristian
[226] SSDExplorer: A Virtual Platform for Fine-Grained Design Space Exploration of Solid State Drives - 10.4_3
- Zangeneh, Mahmoud
[596] Sub-threshold Logic Circuit Design Using Feedback Equalization - 05.4_2
- Zanotelli, Joe
[692] Ambient Variation-tolerant and Inter Components Aware Thermal Management for Mobile System on Chips - 08.4_4
- Zatt, Bruno
[162] dSVM: Energy-Efficient Distributed Scratchpad Video Memory Architecture for the Next-Generation High Efficiency Video Coding - 02.5_2
- Zebelein, Christian
[464] Model-Based Actor Multiplexing with Application to Complex Communication Protocols 08.5_4
- Zeng, Haibo
[438] SAFE: Security-Aware FlexRay Scheduling Engine - 02.3_5
- Zeng, Haibo
[436] Minimizing Stack Memory for Hard Real-time Applications on Multicore Platforms - 02.6_3
- Zeng, Xuan
[364] Recovery-Based Resilient Latency-Insensitive Systems - 05.3_4
- Zhai, Jiali Teddy
[336] Resource Optimization for CSDF-modeled Streaming Applications with Latency Constraints - 07.6_3
- Zhang, Chun
[414] MSim: A General Cycle Accurate Simulation Platform for Memcomputing Studies - 09.8_2
- Zhang, Chunyuan
[482] A Fault Detection Mechanism in a Data-flow Scheduled Multithreaded Processor - 03.7_4
- Zhang, Guowei
[200] Stochastic Analysis of Bubble Razor - 05.4_3
- Zhang, Jian
[88] Advanced System on a Chip Design Based on Controllable-Polarity FETs - 09.1_2
- Zhang, Jiaxing
[714] Automatic Specification Granularity Tuning for Design Space Exploration - 08.5_2
- Zhang, Moning
[738] Efficient High-Sigma Yield Analysis for High Dimensional Problems - 05.4_1
- Zhang, Shuangyue
[370] Joint Virtual Probe: Joint Exploration of Multiple Test Items' Spatial Patterns for Efficient Silicon Characterization and Test Prediction - 08.7_2
- Zhang, Tiansheng
[6] Thermal Management of Manycore Systems with Silicon-Photonic Networks 11.2_2
- Zhang, Xuefu
[718] Asynchronous Design for New On-Chip Wide Dynamic Range Power Electronics - 06.3_1
- Zhang, Xuemeng
[726] Lifetime Holes Aware Register Allocation for Clustered VLIW Processors - 04.6_7
- Zhang, Youguang
[330] Spintronics for Low-Power Computing - 11.1_1
- Zhang, Yue
[330] Spintronics for Low-Power Computing - 11.1_1
- Zhao, Baoxin
[402] Adaptive Power Allocation for Many-core Systems Inspired from Multiagent Auction Model - 11.6_5
- Zhao, Weisheng
[330] Spintronics for Low-Power Computing - 11.1_1
- Zhao, Xueqian
[652] Empowering Study of Delay Bound Tightness with Simulated Annealing - 09.4_3
- Zhou, Hai
[364] Recovery-Based Resilient Latency-Insensitive Systems - 05.3_4
- Zhu, Chun Jiang
[328] Garbage Collection for Multi-version Index on Flash Memory - 03.6_4
- Zhu, Di
[318] Optimal Design and Management of a Smart Residential PV and Energy Storage System - 06.3_4
- Zhu, Di
[348] Application Mapping for Express Channel-Based Networks-on-Chip - 09.2_1
- Zhu, Qi
[414] MSim: A General Cycle Accurate Simulation Platform for Memcomputing Studies - 09.8_2
- Zhu, Xue-Yang
[184] Memory-Constrained Static Rate-Optimal Scheduling of Synchronous Dataflow Graphs via Retiming - 11.5_3
- Zhu, Ziyuan
[724] System-level Design Methodology Enabling Fast Development of Baseband MP-SoC for 4G Small Cell Base Station - 08.1_2
- Zschieschang, Ute
[268] Low-Voltage Organic Transistors for Flexible Electronics - 11.1_3
- Zuolo, Lorenzo
[226] SSDExplorer: A Virtual Platform for Fine-Grained Design Space Exploration of Solid State Drives - 10.4_3
- Zussa, Loic
[388] Efficiency of a Glitch Detector against Electromagnetic Fault Injection - 08.3_1
- Zwolinski, Mark
[516] A Low-Cost Radiation Hardened Flip-flop - 06.7_4
- Zwolinski, Mark
[700] Efficient Simulation and Modelling of Non-rectangular NoC Topologies - 10.4_4
- Zygmontowicz, Adam
[398] Making it Harder to Unlock an LSIB: Honeytraps and Misdirection in a P1687 Network - 07.7_3