DATE Executive Committee
Technical Program Chairs
Vendors Committee
DATE Sponsors Committee
Technical Program Committee
Best Paper Awards
Master Courses
Call for Papers DATE 2005
Volume I
Moderator: J. Figueras, UP Catalunya, ES
Opportunities and Challenges in Building Silicon Products in 65nm and Beyond [p. 2]
G. Spirakis
Moderators: J. Henkel, NEC, US; A. Macii, Politecnico di Torino, IT
Fine-Grained Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling for Precise Energy and
Performance Trade-Off Based on the Ratio of Off-Chip Access to On-Chip Computation Times [p. 4]
K. Choi, R. Soma, and M. Pedram
Hybrid Architectural Dynamic Thermal Management [p. 10]
K. Skadron
Value-Conscious Cache: Simple Technique for Reducing Cache Access Power [p. 16]
Y. Chang, C. Yang, and F. Lai
State-Preserving vs. Non-State-Preserving Leakage Control in Caches [p. 22]
D. Parikh, K. Sankaranarayanan, Y. Li, K. Skadron, Y. Zhang, and M. Stan
Moderators: A. Veneris, Toronto U, CA; K. Winkelmann, Infineon Technologies, DE
Arithmetic Reasoning in DPLL-Based SAT Solving [p. 30]
M. Wedler, D. Stoffel, and W. Kunz
Enhanced Diameter Bounding via Structural Transformation [p. 36]
J. Baumgartner and A. Kuehlmann
Improved Symbolic Simulation by Dynamic Functional Space Partitioning [p. 42]
T. Feng, L. Wang, K. Cheng, and A. Lin
Moderators: S. Kundu, Intel, US; B. Straube, FhG IIS/EAS Dresden, DE
Using BDDs and ZBDDs for Efficient Identification of Testable Path Delay Faults [p. 50]
S. Padmanaban and S. Tragoudas
Level of Similarity: A Metric for Fault Collapsing [p. 56]
I. Pomeranz and S. Reddy
Design of Routing-Constrained Low Power Scan Chains [p. 62]
Y. Bonhomme, P. Girard, L. Guiller, C. Landrault, S. Pravossoudovitch, and A. Virazel
Z-Sets and Z-Detections: Circuit Characteristics that Simplify Fault Diagnosis [p. 68]
I. Pomeranz, S. Venkataraman, S. Reddy, and B. Seshadri
Moderators: A. Rodriguez-Vazquez, IMSE-CNM, ES; P. Wambacq, IMEC, BE
A 2.7V 350µW 11-b Algorithmic Analog-to-Digital Converter with Single-Ended Multiplexed Inputs [p. 76]
A. Nagari and G. Nicollini
Digital Background Gain Error Correction in Pipeline ADCs [p. 82]
A. Ginés, E. Peralías, and A. Rueda
Digital Ground Bounce Reduction by Phase Modulation of the Clock [p. 88]
M. Badaroglu, G. Gielen, H. De Man, P. Wambacq, G. Van Der Plas, and S. Donnay
Pseudo-Random Sequence Based Tuning System for Continuous-Time Filters [p. 94]
A. Baschirotto, S. D'Amico, F. Corsi, C. Marzocca, and G. Matarrese
Moderators: J. Teich, Erlangen-Nuremberg U, DE; P. Cheung, Imperial College London, UK
A Crosstalk Aware Interconnect with Variable Cycle Transmission [p. 102]
L. Li, N. Vijaykrishnan, M. Kandemir, and M. Irwin
Layout Conscious Bus Architecture Synthesis for Deep Submicron Systems on Chip [p. 108]
N. Thepayasuwan and A. Doboli
Loop Shifting and Compaction for the High-Level Synthesis of Designs with Complex Control Flow [p. 114]
S. Gupta, N. Dutt, A. Nicolau, and R. Gupta
Organiser/Moderator: G. Martin, Cadence Berkeley Labs, US; D. Sciuto, Politecnico di Milano
S. Swan, Cadence, US
F. Ghenassia, STMicroelectronics, FR
P. Flake, Synopsys, US
J. Srouji, Intel, Israel
W. Rosenstiel, Tübingen U, DE
SystemC and System Verilog: Where do They Fit? Where are they going? [p. 122]
Moderators: E. Schmidt, Chip Vision Design Systems, DE; C. Guardiani, PDF Solutions, IT
Re-Configurable Bus Encoding Scheme for Reducing Power Consumption of the
Cross Coupling Capacitance for Deep Sub-Micron Instruction Bus [p. 130]
S. Wong and C. Tsui
Hierarchical Adaptive Dynamic Power Management [p. 136]
Z. Ren, B. Krogh, and R. Marculescu
A Self-Tuning Cache Architecture for Embedded Systems [p. 142]
C. Zhang, F. Vahid, and R. Lysecky
Scheduling Reusable Instructions for Power Reduction [p. 148]
J. Hu, N. Vijaykrishnan, S. Kim, M. Kandemir, and M. Irwin
Moderators: R. Drechsler, Bremen U, DE; H. Eveking, TU Darmstadt, DE
Using Counter Example Guided Abstraction Refinement to Find Complex Bugs [p. 156]
P. Bjesse and J. Kukula
Cost-Efficient Block Verification for a UMTS Up-Link Chip-Rate Coprocessor [p. 162]
G. Fey, D. Stoffel, H. Trylus, and K. Winkelmann
Automatic Verification of Safety and Liveness for XScale-Like Processor Models
Using WEB Refinements [p. 168]
P. Manolios and S. Srinivasan
Moderators: H. Obermeir, Infineon Technologies, DE; M. Hsiao, Virginia Tech., US
A Probabilistic Method for the Computation of Testability of RTL Constructs [p. 176]
J. Fernandes, M. Santos, A. Oliveira, and J. Teixeira
Graph-Based Functional Test Program Generation for Pipelined Processors [p. 182]
P. Mishra and N. Dutt
Automatic Generation of Validation Stimuli for Application-Specific Processors [p. 188]
O. Goloubeva, M. Sonza Reorda, and M. Violante
Efficient Static Compaction of Test Sequence Sets through the Application of Set Covering Techniques [p. 194]
M. Dimopoulos and P. Linardis
Moderators: R. Bergamaschi, IBM TJ Watson Res. Center, US; R. Hermida, Madrid Complutense U, ES
Data Reuse Analysis Technique for Software-Controlled Memory Hierarchies [p. 202]
I. Issenin, N. Dutt, E. Brockmeyer, and M. Miranda
Automatic Tuning of Two-Level Caches to Embedded Applications [p. 208]
A. Gordon-Ross, F. Vahid, and N. Dutt
Low Static-Power Frequent-Value Data Caches [p. 214]
C. Zhang, J. Yang, and F. Vahid
Using a Victim Buffer in an Application-Specific Memory Hierarchy [p. 220]
C. Zhang and F. Vahid
Organiser/Moderator: M. Renaudin, TIMA Laboratory, FR; F. Bouesse, TIMA Laboratory, FR
P. Proust, Gemplus Corporate R&D Security Technologies, FR
J. Tual, Axalto - Schlumberger, FR
L. Sourgen, STMicroelectronics, FR
F. Germain, DCSSI - French Government Service on the Security of Information Systems, FR
High Security Smartcards [p. 228]
Moderators: M. Miranda, IMEC, BE; W. Nebel, OFFIS, DE
Energy-Aware Communication and Task Scheduling for Network-on-Chip Architectures
Under Real-Time Constraints [p. 234]
J. Hu and R. Marculescu
A Low Cost Individual-Well Adaptive Body Bias (IWABB) Scheme for Leakage Power
Reduction and Performance Enhancement in the Presence of Intra-Die Variations [p. 240]
T. Chen and J. Gregg
A Logic Level Design Methodology for a Secure DPA Resistant ASIC or FPGA Implementation [p. 246]
K. Tiri and I. Verbauwhede
Power Minimization in a Backlit TFT-LCD Display by Concurrent Brightness and Contrast Scaling [p. 252]
W. Cheng, Y. Hou, and M. Pedram
Moderators: P. Bjesse, Synopsys, US; G. Cabodi, Politecnico di Torino, IT
Managing Don't Cares in Boolean Satisfiability [p. 260]
S. Safarpour, A. Veneris, R. Drechsler, and J. Lee
Exploiting Signal Unobservability for Efficient Translation to CNF in Formal
Verification of Microprocessors [p. 266]
M. Velev
A Novel SAT All-Solutions Solver for Efficient Preimage Computation [p. 272]
B. Li, M. Hsiao, and S. Sheng
Moderators: A. Richardson, Lancaster U, UK; F Azais, LIRMM, FR
Efficient Test Strategy for TDMA Power Amplifiers Using Transient Current Measurements:
Uses and Benefits [p. 280]
G. Srinivasan, S. Bhattacharya, A. Chatterjee, and S. Cherubal
Random Jitter Extraction Technique in a Multi-Gigahertz Signal [p. 286]
C. Ong, D. Hong, K. Cheng, and L. Wang
Low Cost Analog Testing of RF Signal Paths [p. 292]
M. Negreiros, L. Carro, and A. Susin
A Method for Parameter Extraction of Analog Sine-Wave Signals for Mixed-Signal
Built-In-Self-Test Applications [p. 298]
D. Vázquez, G. Huertas, G. Leger, A. Rueda, and J. Huertas
Moderators: E. de Kock, Philips Research, NL; G. Constantinides, Imperial College, UK
A Novel Implementation of Tile-Based Address Mapping [p. 306]
S. Hettiaratchi and P. Cheung
Power Aware Variable Partitioning and Instruction Scheduling for Multiple Memory Banks [p. 312]
Z. Wang and X. Hu
Time-Energy Design Space Exploration for Multi-Layer Memory Architectures [p. 318]
R. Szymanek, K. Kuchcinski, and F. Catthoor
Breaking Instance-Independent Symmetries in Exact Graph Coloring [p. 324]
A. Ramani, F. Aloul, I. Markov, and K. Sakallah
Organiser: R. Lauwereins, IMEC, BE
Moderator: R. Wilson, CMP Media, US
K. Maex, IMEC, BE
P. Groeneveld, Magma Design Automation, US
G. Martin, Cadence, US
A. Cuomo, STMicroelectronics, IT
F. Catthoor, IMEC, BE
P. van de Steeg, Philips Semiconductors, NL
How Can System Level Design Solve the
Interconnect Technology Scaling Problem? [p. 332]
Moderators: Y. Mathys, Motorola, FR; H. Hsieh, UC Riverside, US
System Design Using Kahn Process Networks: The Compaan/Laura Approach [p. 340]
E. Deprettere, B. Kienhuis, T. Stefanov, A. Turjan, and C. Zissulescu
Microarchitecture Development via Metropolis Successive Platform Refinement [p. 346]
D. Densmore, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, and S. Rekhi
Fast Exploration of Parameterized Bus Architecture for Communication-Centric SoC Design [p. 352]
C. Shin, Y. Kim, E. Chung, K. Choi, J. Kong, and S. Eo
SoftContract: An Assertion-Based Software Development Process that Enables Design-by-Contract [p. 358]
J. Brunel, P. Giusto, M. di Natale, A. Ferrari, and L. Lavagno
A System Level Exploration Platform and Methodology for Network Applications Based on
Configurable Processors [p. 364]
D. Quinn, B. Lavigueur, G. Bois, and M. Aboulhamid
Moderators: S. Singh, Xilinx, US; A. Jantsch, Royal Inst. of Tech., SE
Refinement of Mixed-Signal Systems with Affine Arithmetic [p. 372]
C. Grimm, W. Heupke, and K. Waldschmidt
System-Level Performance Analysis in SystemC [p. 378]
H. Posadas, F. Herrera, P. Sánchez, E. Villar, and F. Blasco
Modeling and Validating Globally Asynchronous Design in Synchronous Frameworks [p. 384]
M. Mousavi, P. Le Guernic, J. Talpin, S. Shukla, and T. Basten
Synchronous Protocol Automata: A Framework for Modelling and Verification of
SoC Communication Architectures [p. 390]
V. D'Silva, S. Ramesh, and A. Sowmya
Aspects of Formal and Graphical Design of a Bus System [p. 396]
T. Seceleanu and T. Westerlund
Moderators: R. Dorsch, IBM Deutschland Entwicklung, DE; E. Larsson, Linköping U, SE
Scan Power Minimization through Stimulus and Response Transformations [p. 404]
O. Sinanoglu and A. Orailoglu
Synchro-Tokens: Eliminating Nondeterminism to Enable Chip-Level Test of Globally Asynchronous
Locally-Synchronous SoC's [p. 410]
M. Heath, W. Burleson, and I. Harris
Wrapper Design for Testing IP Cores with Multiple Clock Domains [p. 416]
Q. Xu and N. Nicolici
Efficient Modular Testing of SOCs Using Dual-Speed TAM Architectures [p. 422]
A. Sehgal and K. Chakrabarty
An Arithmetic Structure for Test Data Horizontal Compression [p. 428]
M. Flottes, R. Poirier, and B. Rouzeyre
Moderators: F. Fernandez, IMSE-CNM, ES; R. Schwencker, Infineon Technologies, DE
A Phase-Frequency Transfer Description of Analog and Mixed-Signal Front-End Architectures for
System-Level Design [p. 436]
E. Martens and G. Gielen
Hierarchical Automatic Behavioral Model Generation of Nonlinear Analog Circuits Based on
Nonlinear Symbolic Techniques [p. 442]
L. Näthke, V. Burkhay, L. Hedrich, and E. Barke
Performance Modeling of Analog Integrated Circuits Using Least-Squares Support Vector Machines [p. 448]
T. Kiely and G. Gielen
Extended Subspace Identification of Improper Linear Systems [p. 454]
G. Vandersteen, D. Linten, R. Pintelon, and S. Donnay
Identification and Modeling of Nonlinear Dynamic Behavior in Analog Circuits [p. 460]
X. Huang and H. Mantooth
Moderators: G. Koch, Micronas GmbH, DE; C. Passerone, Politecnico di Torino, IT
Exploring Logic Block Granularity for Regular Fabrics [p. 468]
A. Koorapaty, V. Kheterpal, P. Gopalakrishnan, M. Fu, and L. Pileggi
Network Topology Exploration of Mesh-Based Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Architectures [p. 474]
N. Bansal, S. Gupta, N. Dutt, A. Nicolau, and R. Gupta
A Configurable Logic Architecture for Dynamic Hardware/Software Partitioning [p. 480]
R. Lysecky and F. Vahid
Configuration-Sensitive Process Scheduling for FPGA-Based Computing Platforms [p. 486]
G. Chen, M. Kandemir, and U. Sezer
Moderators: R. Zafalon, STMicroelectronics, IT; K. Roy, Purdue U, US
Simultaneous State, Vt and Tox Assignment for Total Standby Power Minimization [p. 494]
D. Lee, H. Deogun, D. Blaauw, and D. Sylvester
A Scalable ODC-Based Algorithm for RTL Insertion of Gated Clocks [p. 500]
P. Babighian, E. Macii, and L. Benini
Impact of Data Transformations on Memory Bank Locality [p. 506]
M. Kandemir
Why Transition Coding for Power Minimization of On-Chip Buses Does Not Work [p. 512]
C. Kretzschmar, D. Müller, and A. Nieuwland
Overhead-Conscious Voltage Selection for Dynamic and Leakage Energy
Reduction of Time-Constrained Systems [p. 518]
A. Andrei, M. Schmitz, P. Eles, Z. Peng, and B. Al-Hashimi
Moderators: B. Kienhuis, LIACS, Leiden U, NL; F. Petrot, Pierre et Marie Curie U, FR
Dynamic Power Management Using Date Buffers [p. 526]
Y. Lu and L. Cai
Dynamic Memory Management Design Methodology for Reduced Memory.
Footprint in Multimedia and Wireless Network Applications [p. 532]
D. Atienza, J. Mendias, S. Mamagkakis, D. Soudris, and F. Catthoor
High-Level System Modeling and Architecture Exploration with SystemC on a
Network SoC: S3C2510 Case Study [p. 538]
H. Jang, M. Kang, K. Shim, M. Lee, K. Chae, and K. Lee
A SystemC-Based Verification Methodology for Complex Wireless Software IP [p. 544]
G. Post, P. Venkataraghavan, T. Ray, and D. Seetharaman
Moderators: M. Zwolinski, Southampton U, UK; M. Lajolo, NEC Laboratories, US
A New Optimized Implementation of the SystemC Engine Using Acyclic Scheduling [p. 552]
D. Pérez, O. Temam, and G. Mouchard
Stimuli Generation with Late Binding of Values [p. 558]
A. Ziv
Native ISS-SystemC Integration for the Co-Simulation of Multi-Processor SoC [p. 564]
F. Fummi, S. Martini, G. Perbellini, and M. Poncino
Extraction of Schematic Array Models for Memory Circuits [p. 570]
S. Bose and A. Nandi
Moderators: T. Mak, Intel Corp., US; Y. Tsiatouhas, Ioannina U, GR
Effective Software-Based Self-Test Strategies for On-Line Periodic Testing of Embedded Processors [p. 578]
A. Paschalis and D. Gizopoulos
Evaluating the Effects of SEUs Affecting the Configuration Memory of an SRAM-Based FPGA [p. 584]
M. Bellato, P. Bernardi, A. Candelori, M. Rebaudengo, M. Sonza Reorda, M. Violante,
M. Ceschia, D. Bortolato, A. Paccagnella, and P. Zambolin
Early SEU Fault Injection in Digital, Analog and Mixed Signal Circuits: A Global Flow [p. 590]
R. Leveugle and A. Ammari
On Concurrent Error Detection with Bounded Latency in FSMs [p. 596]
S. Almukhaizim, Y. Makris, and P. Drineas
Moderators: H. Graeb, TU Munich, DE; G. Vandersteen, IMEC, BE
Fast, Layout-Inclusive Analog Circuit Synthesis Using Pre-Compiled Parasitic-Aware
Symbolic Performance Models [p. 604]
M. Ranjan, A. Agarwal, H. Sampath, R. Vemuri, W. Verhaegen, and G. Gielen
Sensitivity-Based Modeling and Methodology for Full-Chip Substrate Noise Analysis [p. 610]
R. Murgai, S. Reddy, T. Miyoshi, T Horie, and M. Tahoori
SubCALM: A Program for Hierarchical Substrate Coupling Simulation on Floorplan Level [p. 616]
T. Brandtner and R. Weigel
Optimization of Integrated Spiral Inductors Using Sequential Quadratic Programming [p. 622]
Y. Zhan and S. Sapatnekar
Moderators: B. Juurlink, TU Delft, NL; R. Leupers, RWTH Aachen, DE
System Design for DSP Applications Using the MASIC Methodology [p. 630]
A. K. Deb, A. Jantsch, and J. Öberg
Flexible Software Protection Using Hardware/Software Codesign Techniques [p. 636]
J. Zambreno, A. Choudhary, R. Simha, and B. Narahari
Interactive Cosimulation with Partial Evaluation [p. 642]
P. Schaumont and I. Verbauwhede
Communication Analysis for System on Chip Design [p. 648]
A. Siebenborn, O. Bringmann, and W. Rosenstiel
Organizer/Moderator: C. Piguet, CSEM, CH
J. Gautier, CEA-LETI, FR
C. Heer, Infineon Technologies, DE
I. O'Connor, Ecole centrale de Lyon, FR
U. Schlichtmann, Technical University of Munich, DE
Extremely Low-Power Logic [p. 656]
Decomposition of Instruction Decoder for Low Power Design [p. 664]
W. Kuo, T. Hwang, and A. Wu
Functional Level Power Analysis: An Efficient Approach for Modeling the
Power Consumption of Complex Processors [p. 666]
J. Laurent, N. Julien, E. Senn, and E. Martin
Formal Verification Coverage: Are the RTL-Properties Covering the Design's Architectural Intent? [p. 668]
P. Basu, S. Das, P. Dasgupta, P. Chakrabarti, C. Mohan, and L. Fix
Functional Coverage Metric Generation from Temporal Event Relation Graph [p. 670]
Y. Kwon and C. Kyung
Automatic Scan Insertion and Pattern Generation for Asynchronous Circuits [p. 672]
A. Efthymiou, D. Edwards, and C. Sotiriou
Automatic Synthesis and Simulation of Continuous-Time ΣΔ Modulators [p. 674]
H. Aboushady, L. de Lamarre, N. Beilleau, and M. Louërat
A Methodology for System-Level Analog Design Space Exploration [p. 676]
F. De Bernardinis and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
Systematic Design for Optimization of High-Resolution Pipelined ADCs [p. 678]
R. Lotfi, M. Taherzadeh-Sani, and O. Shoaei
A Direct Bootstrapped CMOS Large Capacitive-Load Driver Circuit [p. 680]
J. García, J. Montiel-Nelson, J. Sosa, and H. Navarro
Co-Processor Synthesis: A New Methodology for Embedded Software Acceleration [p. 682]
B. Hounsell and R. Taylor
Behavioural Bitwise Scheduling Based on Computational Effort Balancing [p. 684]
M. Molina, R. Ruiz-Sautua, J. Mendías, and R. Hermida
A Tool for Automatic Generation of RTL-Level VHDL Description of RNS FIR Filters [p. 686]
A. Nannarelli, A. Del Re, and M. Re
On Transfer Function and Power Consumption Transient Response [p. 688]
L. Cao
Polynomial Abstraction for Verification of Sequentially Implemented Combinational Circuits [p. 690]
T. Raudvere, A. Singh, I. Sander, and A. Jantsch
Regression Simulation: Applying Path-Based Learning in Delay Test and Post-Silicon Validation [p. 692]
L. Wang
A Game Theoretic Approach to Low Energy Wireless Video Streaming [p. 696]
A. Iranli, K. Choi, and M. Pedram
Block-Enabled Memory Macros: Design Space Exploration and Application-Specific Tuning [p. 698]
A. Ivaldi, A. Macii, E. Macii, and L. Benini
Synthesis of Partitioned Shared Memory Architectures for Energy-Efficient Multi-Processor SoC [p. 700]
E. Macii, K. Patel, and M. Poncino
A Low Power Strategy for Future Mobile Terminals [p. 702]
M. Nikitovic and M. Brorsson
A 0.18 µm CMOS Implementation of On-Chip Analogue Test Signal Generation from Digital Test Patterns [p. 704]
L. Rolíndez, S. Mir, G. Prenat, and A. Bounceur
A Digital Test for First-Order ΣΔModulators [p. 706]
G. Leger and A. Rueda
Trim Bit Setting of Analog Filters Using Wavelet-Based Supply Current Analysis [p. 708]
S. Bhunia, A. Raychowdhury, and K. Roy
SoC Test Scheduling with Power-Time Tradeoff and Hot Spot Avoidance [p. 710]
J. Chin and M. Nourani
STEPS: Experimenting a New Software-Based Strategy for Testing SoCs Containing
P1500-Compliant IP Cores [p. 712]
M. Benabdenbi, F. Pêcheux, A. Greiner, M. Tuna and E. Viaud
Are Our Designs for Testability Features Fault Secure? [p. 714]
C. Metra, M. Omaña, and T. Mak
Test Compression and Hardware Decompression for Scan-Based SoCs [p. 716]
F. Wolff, C. Papachristou, and D. McIntyre
Concurrent Sizing, Vdd and Vth Assignment for Low-Power Design [p. 718]
A. Srivastava, D. Sylvester, and D. Blaauw
Sizing and Characterization of Leakage-Control Cells for Layout-Aware Distributed Power-Gating [p. 720]
P. Babighian, E. Macii, and L. Benini
An Asynchronous Synthesis Toolset Using Verilog [p. 724]
F. Burns, D. Shang, A. Koelmans, and A. Yakovlev
Organizing Libraries of DFG Patterns [p. 726]
G. Dittmann
Compositional Memory Systems for Data Intensive Applications [p. 728]
A. Molnos, M. Heijligers, J. Van Eijndhoven, and S. Cotofana
Scalar Metric for Temporal Locality and Estimation of Cache Performance [p. 730]
J. Alakarhu and J. Niittylahti
.NET Framework -- A Solution for the Next Generation Tools for System-Level Modeling and Simulation [p. 732]
J. Lapalme, E. Aboulhamid, G. Nicolescu, L. Charest, J. David, F. Boyer, and G. Bois
Modeling and Simulating Memory Hierarchies in a Platform-Based Design Methodology [p. 734]
P. Viana, E. Barros, S. Rigo, R. Azevedo, and G. Araújo
Integrating the Synchronous Dataflow Model with UML [p. 736]
P. Green and S. Essa
Design and Behavioral Modeling Tools for Optical Network-On-Chip [p. 738]
M. Brière, L. Carrel, T. Michalke, F. Mieyeville, I. O'Connor, and F. Gaffiot
Hierarchical Modeling and Simulation of Large Analog Circuits [p. 740]
S. Tan, Z. Qi, and H. Li
Efficient Mixed-Domain Behavioural Modeling of Ferromagnetic Hysteresis Implemented in VHDL-AMS [p. 742]
P. Wilson, J. Ross, A. Brown, T. Kazmierski, and J. Baranowski
A Fast Algorithm for Finding Maximal Empty Rectangles for Dynamic FPGA Placement [p. 744]
M. Handa and R. Vemuri
Enhancing Reliability of Operational Interconnections in FPGAs [p. 746]
A. Fit-Florea, M. Halas, and F. Kocan
Operating System Support for Interface Virtualization of Reconfigurable Coprocessors [p. 748]
M. Vuletic, L. Righetti, L. Pozzi, and P. Ienne
Volume II
Moderators: R. Ernst, TU Braunschweig, DE; A. Jantsch, Royal Inst. of Tech., SE
Analyzing On-Chip Communication in a MPSoC Environment [p. 752]
F. Angiolini, D. Bertozzi, L. Benini, M. Loghi, and R. Zafalon
A Mapping Strategy for Resource-Efficient Network Processing on Multiprocessor SoCs [p. 758]
M. Grünewald, J. Niemann, M. Porrmann, and U. Rückert
Cost-Performance Trade-Offs in Networks on Chip: A Simulation-Based Approach [p. 764]
S. Pestana, E. Rijpkema, A. Radulescu, K. Goossens, and O. Gangwal
A Case Study in Networks-on-Chip Design for Embedded Video [p. 770]
J. Xu, W. Wolf, T. Lv, J. Henkel, and S. Chakradhar
Moderators: T. Villa, Udine U, IT; T. Shiple, Synopsys, FR
Exploiting Crosstalk to Speed up On-Chip Buses [p. 778]
C. Duan and S. Khatri
False-Noise Analysis for Domino Circuits [p. 784]
A. Glebov, S. Gavrilov, V. Zolotov, M. Becer, C. Oh, and R. Panda
Crosstalk Minimization in Logic Synthesis for PLA [p. 790]
Y. Liu, T. Hwang, and K. Wang
Synthesis for Manufacturability: A Sanity Check [p. 796]
A. Nardi and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
Moderators: G: Carlsson, Ericsson Telecom, SE; K. Chakrabarty, Duke U, US
Design of Sub-10-Picoseconds On-Chip Time Measurement Circuit [p. 804]
M. Abas, D. Kinniment, and G. Russell
Impact of Test Point Insertion on Silicon Area and Timing during Layout [p. 810]
H. Vranken, H. Wunderlich, and F. Sapei
Designing Self Test Programs for Embedded DSP Cores [p. 816]
H. Rizk, C. Papachristou, and F. Wolff
Moderators: P. Feldmann, IBM T.J. Watson Res. Center, US; L. Silveira, INESC ID/IST - TU Lisbon, PT
Automated, Accurate Macromodelling of Digital Aggressors for Power/Ground/Substrate Noise Prediction [p. 824]
Z. Wang, J. Roychowdhury, and R. Murgai
Thermal and Power Integrity Based Power/Ground Networks Optimization [p. 830]
T. Wang, J. Tsai, and C. Chen
Synthesized Compact Models (SCM) of Substrate Noise Coupling Analysis and
Synthesis in Mixed-Signal ICs [p. 836]
H. Lan and R. Dutton
Organizer/Moderator: P. Paulin, STMicroelectronics, FR
R. Bramley, STMicroelectronics
A. Silburt, Cisco, CAN
J. Balzano, Alcatel, FR
K. van Berkel, Philips Research, NL
N. Wehn, Kaiserslautern U, DE
Chips of the Future: Soft, Crunchy or Hard? [p. 844]
Moderators: M. Pedram, Southern California U, US; A. Amara, ISEP, FR
Tuning In-Sensor Data Filtering to Reduce Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks [p. 852]
I. Kadayif and M. Kandemir
Power-Aware Network Swapping for Wireless Palmtop PCs [p. 858]
A. Acquaviva, E. Lattanzi, and A. Bogliolo
Power Aware Interface Synthesis for Bus-Based SoC Design [p. 864]
N. Liveris and P. Banerjee
Asynchronous Design by Conversion: Converting Synchronous Circuits into Asynchronous Ones [p. 870]
A. Branover, R. Kol, and R. Ginosar
Moderators: G. Nicolescu, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, CA; M. Coppola, STMicroelectronics, FR
An Efficient On-Chip Network Interface Offering Guaranteed Services, Shared-Memory Abstraction, and
Flexible Network Configuration [p. 878]
A. Radulescu, J. Dielissen, K. Goossens, E. Rijpkema, and P. Wielage
×pipesCompiler: A Tool for Instantiating Application Specific Networks-on-Chip [p. 884]
S. Murali, G. De Micheli, A. Jalabert, and L. Benini
Guaranteed Bandwidth Using Looped Containers in Temporally Disjoint Networks within the
Nostrum Network on Chip [p. 890]
M. Millberg, E. Nilsson, R. Thid, and A. Jantsch
Bandwidth-Constrained Mapping of Cores onto NoC Architectures [p. 896]
S. Murali and G. De Micheli
Moderators: T. Kutzschebauch, Magma Design Automation, US; L. Stok, IBM, US
Synthesis and Optimization of Threshold Logic Networks with Application to Nanotechnologies [p. 904]
R. Zhang, P. Gupta, L. Zhong, and N. Jha
Fast Comparisons of Circuit Implementations [p. 910]
S. Karandikar and S. Sapatnekar
Saving Power by Mapping Finite-State Machines into Embedded Memory Blocks in FPGAs [p. 916]
A. Tiwari and K. Tomko
MemMap: Technology Mapping Algorithm for Area Reduction in FPGAs with
Embedded Memory Arrays Using Reconvergence Analysis [p. 922]
M. Kumar, J. Bobba, and V. Kamakoti
Organizer: K. Thapar, Mentor Graphics Europe, UK
Moderator: J. Rajski, Mentor Graphics, US
M. Vergniault, STMicroelectronics, FR
P. Muhmenthaler, Infineon Technologies, DE
E. Haioun, Motorola, FR
E. Marinissen, Philips Research, NL
R. Illman, Cadence Design Foundry, UK
B. Bennetts, Bennetts Associates, UK
S. Dowd, Jennic, UK
Nanometer Design: What are the Requirements for Manufacturing Test? [p. 930]
Moderators: I. Elfadel, IBM T.J. Watson Res. Center, US; U. Feldmann, Infineon Technologies, DE
Poor Man's TBR: A Simple Model Reduction Scheme [p. 938]
J. Phillips and L. Silveira
Model Order Reduction Techniques for Linear Systems with Large Numbers of Terminals [p. 944]
P. Feldmann
SCORE: Spice COmpatible Reluctance Extraction [p. 948]
R. Jiang and C. Chen
A Compact Propagation Delay Model for Deep-Submicron CMOS Technologies including Crosstalk [p. 954]
J. Rosselló and J. Segura
Moderators: T. Basten, TU Eindhoven, NL; L. Claesen, National Chiao Tung U, Taiwan, ROC
A Framework for Battery-Aware Sensor Management [p. 962]
S. Dasika, S. Vrudhula, S. Chopra, and R. Srinivasan
Local Decisions and Triggering Mechanisms for Dynamic Fault Tolerance [p. 968]
P. Stanley-Marbell and D. Marculescu
An Algorithm for Nano-Pipelining of Circuits and Architectures for a Nanotechnology [p. 974]
P. Gupta and N. Jha
Smaller Two-Qubit Circuits for Quantum Communication and Computation [p. 980]
V. Shende, I. Markov, and S. Bullock
Organizer: E. Macii, Politecnico di Torino, IT
Moderator: N. Chang, Seoul National U, KR
I. Verbauwhede, UCLA, US
C. Piguet, CSEM, CH
P. Schaumont, UCLA, US
B. Kienhuis, Leiden U, NL
Architectures and Design Techniques for Energy Efficient
Embedded DSP and Multimedia Processing [p. 988]
Moderators: R. Seepold, Carlos III de Madrid U, ES; T. Riesgo, UP Madrid, ES
Measurement of IP Qualification Costs and Benefits [p. 996]
A. Vörg, W. Rosenstiel, and M. Radetzki
Architecture-Level Performance Estimation for IP-Based Embedded Systems [p. 1002]
K. Ueda, K. Sakanushi, Y. Takeuchi, and M. Imai
Generalized Latency-Insensitive Systems for Single-Clock and Multi-Clock Architectures [p. 1008]
M. Singh and M. Theobald
Platform Based on Open-Source Cores for Industrial Applications [p. 1014]
M. Bolado, J. Castillo, P. Huerta, H. Posadas, P. Sánchez, C. Sánchez, F. Blasco, and H. Fouren
MINCE: Matching INstructions with Combinational Equivalence for Extensible Processor [p. 1020]
N. Cheung, S. Parameswaran, J. Henkel, and J. Chan
Moderators: S. Hu, Notre Dame U, US; F. Wolf, Volkswagen, DE
Design Optimization of Multi-Cluster Embedded Systems for Real-Time Applications [p. 1028]
P. Pop, P. Eles, Z. Peng, V. Izosimov, M. Hellring, and O. Bridal
Timing Analysis for Preemptive Multi-Tasking Real-Time Systems with Caches [p. 1034]
Y. Tan and V. Mooney
Workload Characterization Model for Tasks with Variable Execution Demand [p. 1040]
A. Maxiaguine, S. Künzli, and L. Thiele
Context-Aware Performance Analysis for Efficient Embedded System Design [p. 1046]
M. Jersak, R. Henia, and R. Ernst
Compact Binaries with Code Compression in a Software Dynamic Translator [p. 1052]
S. Shogan and B. Childers
Moderators: R. Aitken, Artisan, US; H. Manhaeve, Q-star Test, BE
Pattern Selection for Testing of Deep Sub-Micron Timing Defects [p. 1060]
M. C. Chao, L. Wang, and K. Cheng
Balanced Excitation and its Effect on the Fortuitous Detection of Dynamic Defects [p. 1066]
J. Dworak, B. Cobb, J. Wingfield, and M. Mercer
Intermittent Scan Chain Fault Diagnosis Based on Signal Probability Analysis [p. 1072]
Y. Huang, W. Cheng, C. Hsieh, H. Tseng, A. Huang, and Y. Hung
A Modeling Approach for Addressing Power Supply Switching Noise Related Failures of Integrated Circuits [p. 1078]
C. Tirumurti, S. Kundu, S. Sur-Kolay, and Y. Chang
Soft Faults and the Importance of Stresses in Memory Testing [p. 1084]
Z. Al-Ars and A. van De Goor
Moderators: J. Lienig, TU Dresden, DE; R. Otten, TU Eindhoven, NL
Wire Retiming for System-On-Chip by Fixpoint Computation [p. 1092]
C. Lin and H. Zhou
Boosting: Min-Cut Placement with Improved Signal Delay [p. 1098]
A. Kahng, S. Reda, and I. Markov
Optimal Algorithm for Minimizing the Number of Twists in an On-Chip Bus [p. 1104]
L. Deng and M. Wong
A Fast Word-Level Statistical Estimator of Intra-Bus Crosstalk [p. 1110]
S. Gupta and S. Katkoori
Full-Chip Multilevel Routing for Power and Signal Integrity [p. 1116]
J. Xiong and L. He
Organizer/Moderator: E. Pol, Philips Research, NL
H. Van Antwerpen, Philips Research, NL
R. von Vignau, Philips Research, NL
R. Gupta, UC San Diego, US
N. Dutt, UC Irvine, US
N. Venkatasubramanian, UC Irvine, US
S. Mohapatra, UC California Irvine, US
C. Pereira, UC California San Diego, US
Energy-Aware System Design for Wireless Multimedia [p. 1124]
Moderators: K. Goossens, Philips Research, NL; L. Benini, Bologna U, IT
Unified Component Integration Flow for Multi-Processor SoC Design and Validation [p. 1132]
M. Dziri, W. Cesário, A. Jerraya, and F. Wagner
An Interconnect Channel Design Methodology for High Performance Integrated Circuits [p. 1138]
V. Chandra, A. Xu, H. Schmit, and L. Pileggi
Modeling Shared Resource Contention Using a Hybrid Simulation/Analytical Approach [p. 1144]
A. Bobrek, J. Pieper, J. Nelson, J. Paul, and D. Thomas
Supporting Cache Coherence in Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Systems [p. 1150]
T. Suh, D. Blough, and H. Lee
Moderators: R. Ernst, TU Braunschweig; P. Kajfasz, Thales Communications, FR
Exploiting Processor Workload Heterogeneity for Reducing Energy Consumption in Chip Multiprocessors [p. 1158]
I. Kadayif, M. Kandemir, and I. Kolcu
Fault-Tolerant Deployment of Embedded Software for Cost-Sensitive
Real-Time Feedback-Control Applications [p. 1164]
C. Pinello, L. Carloni, and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
Task Feasibility Analysis and Dynamic Voltage Scaling in Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Embedded Systems [p. 1170]
Y. Zhang and K. Chakrabarty
Quasi-Static Scheduling for Real-Time Systems with Hard and Soft Tasks [p. 1176]
L. Cortés, P. Eles, and Z. Peng
Organizer/Moderator: B. Bennetts, Bennetts Associates, UK
Status of IEEE Testability Standards 1149.4, 1532 and 1149.6 [p. 1184]
S. Sunter, A. Osseiran, A. Cron, N. Jacobson, D. Bonnett, B. Eklow, C. Barnhart, and B. Bennetts
Moderators: I. Markov, Michigan U, US; J. Lienig, TU Dresden, DE
Eliminating False Positives in Crosstalk Noise Analysis [p. 1192]
Y. Ran, M. Marek-Sadowska, A. Kondratyev, and Y. Watanabe
A New Approach to Timing Analysis Using Event Propagation and Temporal Logic [p. 1198]
A. Mondal, P. Chakrabarti, and C. Mandal
A New Effective Congestion Model in Floorplan Design [p. 1204]
Y. Hsieh and T. Hsieh
ULSI Interconnect Length Distribution Model Considering Core Utilization [p. 1210]
H. Nakashima, J. Inoue, K. Okada, and K. Masu
Moderators: Y. Tanurhan, Actel, US; W. Rosenstiel, Tuebingen U and FZI Karlsruhe, DE
Implementation of a UMTS Turbo-decoder on a Dynamically Reconfigurable Platform [p. 1218]
A. La Rosa, C. Passerone, F. Gregoretti, and L. Lavagno
Design Methodology for a Tightly Coupled VLIW/Reconfigurable Matrix Architecture: A Case Study [p. 1224]
B. Mei, R. Lauwereins, S. Vernalde, and D. Verkest
Efficient Implementations of Mobile Video Computations on Domain-Specific Reconfigurable Arrays [p. 1230]
I. Ahmed, S. Baloch, A. Pai, T. Arslan, N. Aydin, S. Khawam, and F. Westall
Mapping Multi-Million Gate SoCs on FPGAs: Industrial Methodology and Experience [p. 1236]
H. Krupnova
Moderators: B. Candaele, Thales, FR; A. Jerraya, TIMA Laboratory, FR
Using a Communication Architecture Specification in an Application-Driven Retargetable
Prototyping Platform for Multiprocessing [p. 1244]
X. Zhu and S. Malik
A Power and Performance Model for Network-on-Chip Architectures [p. 1250]
N. Banerjee, P. Vellanki, and K. Chatha
A System Level Processor/Communication Co-Exploration Methodology for
Multi-Processor System-on-Chip Platforms [p. 1256]
A. Wieferink, T. Kogel, R. Leupers, G. Ascheid, H. Meyr, G. Braun, and A. Nohl
Moderators: F. Rousseau, TIMA Laboratory, FR; J. Madsen, TU Denmark, DK
Cache-Aware Scratchpad Allocation Algorithm [p. 1264]
M. Verma, L. Wehmeyer, and P. Marwedel
Phase Coupled Code Generation for DSPs Using a Genetic Algorithm [p. 1270]
M. Lorenz and P. Marwedel
A Methodology and Tool Suite for C Compiler Generation from ADL Processor Models [p. 1276]
M. Hohenauer, H. Scharwaechter, K. Karuri, O. Wahlen, T. Kogel,
R. Leupers, G. Ascheid, H. Meyr, G. Braun, and H. van Someren
Moderators: H. Vranken, Philips Research, NL; C. Papachristou, Case Western Reserve U, US
Nine-Coded Compression Technique with Application to Reduced Pin-Count Testing and
Flexible On-Chip Decompression [p. 1284]
M. Tehranipour, M. Nourani, and K. Chakrabarty
CircularScan: A Scan Architecture for Test Cost Reduction [p. 1290]
B. Arslan and A. Orailoglu
Hybrid Delay Scan: A Low Hardware Overhead Scan-Based Delay Test Technique for
High Fault Coverage and Compact Test Sets [p. 1296]
S. Wang, S. Chakradhar, and X. Liu
Diagnosis of Scan-Chains by Use of a Configurable Signature Register and Error-Correcting Codes [p. 1302]
A. Leininger, P. Muhmenthaler, and M. Goessel
Moderators: T. Kazmierski, Southampton U, UK; S. Yoo, TIMA Laboratory, FR
Hierarchical Multi-Dimensional Table Lookup for Model Compiler Based Circuit Simulation [p. 1310]
B. Wan and C. Shi
Direct Nonlinear Order Reduction with Variational Analysis [p. 1316]
L. Feng, X. Zeng, C. Chiang, D. Zhou, and Q. Fang
Steady-State Analysis of Nonlinear Circuits Using Discrete Singular Convolution Method [p. 1322]
X. Zhou, D. Zhou, J. Liu, R. Li, X. Zeng, and C. Chiang
Hybrid Reduction Technique for Efficient Simulation of Linear/Nonlinear Mixed Circuits [p. 1327]
T. Mine, H. Kubota, A. Kamo, T. Watanabe, and H. Asai
Organizer/Moderator: H. Schlebusch, Synopsys, DE
Speaker: T. Fitzpatrick, Synopsys, US
System Verilog for VHDL Users [p. 1334]
Organizer/Moderator: P. Eles, Linkoping U, SE
R. Marculescu, Carnegie Mellon U, US
J. Henkel, NEC, US
M. Pedram, Southern California U, US
Distributed Multimedia System Design: A Holistic Perspective [p. 1342]
Adaptive Prefetching for Multimedia Applications in Embedded Systems [p. 1350]
H. Sbeyti, S. Niar, and L. Eeckhout
Data Windows: A Data-Centric Approach for Query Execution in Memory-Resident Databases [p. 1352]
J. Pisharath, A. Choudhary, and M. Kandemir
High-Performance QuIDD-Based Simulation of Quantum Circuits [p. 1354]
G. Viamontes, I. Markov, and J. Hayes
An Application of Parallel Discrete Event Simulation Algorithms to Mixed Domain System Simulation [p. 1356]
D. Reed, S. Levitan, J. Boles, J. Martinez, and D. Chiarulli
Fault Tolerance of Programmable Switch Blocks [p. 1358]
J. Huang, M. Tahoori, and F. Lombardi
A New Self-Checking Sum-Bit Duplicated Carry-Select Adder [p. 1360]
E. Sogomonyan, D. Marienfeld, V. Ocheretnij, and M. Gössel
A Macromodelling Methodology for Efficient High-Level Simulation of Substrate Noise Generation [p. 1362]
L. Elvira, F. Martorell, X. Aragonés, and J. González
Accurate Estimation of Parasitic Capacitances in Analog Circuits [p. 1364]
A. Agarwal, H. Sampath, V. Yelamanchili, and R. Vemuri
GRAAL -- A Development Framework for Embedded Graphics Accelerators [p. 1366]
D. Crisu, S. Cotofana, S. Vassiliadis, and P. Liuha
From Synchronous to Asynchronous: An Automatic Approach [p. 1368]
J. Cortadella, A. Kondratyev, L. Lavagno, K. Lwin, and C. Sotiriou
Enhancing Testability of System on Chips Using Network Management Protocols [p. 1370]
O. Laouamri and C. Aktouf
Minimization of Crosstalk Noise, Delay and Power Using a Modified Bus Invert Technique [p. 1372]
M. Lampropoulos, B. Al-Hashimi, and P. Rosinger
Energy-Efficient Design for Highly Associative Instruction Caches in Next-Generation Embedded Processors [p. 1374]
J. Aragon, D. Nicolaescu, A. Veidenbaum, and A. Badulescu
Dynamic Voltage and Cache Reconfiguration for Low Power [p. 1376]
A. Nacul and A. Givargis
Overhead-free Polymorphism in Network-on-Chip Implementation of Object-Oriented Models [p. 1380]
M. Goudarzi, S. Hessabi, and A. Mycroft
Multi-Processor SoC Design Methodology Using a Concept of Two-Layer Hardware-Dependent Software [p. 1382]
S. Yoo, M. Youssef, A. Bouchhima, A. Jerraya, and M. Diaz-Nava
Synthesis of Reversible Logic [p. 1384]
A. Agrawal and N. Jha
A Unified Design Space for Regular Parallel Prefix Adders [p. 1386]
M. Ziegler and M. Stan
MODD: A New Decision Diagram and Representation for Multiple Output Binary Functions [p. 1388]
A. Jabir and D. Pradhan
Issues in Implementing Latency Insensitive Protocols [p. 1390]
M. Casu and L. Macchiarulo
Model-Based Specification and Execution of Embedded Real-Time Systems [p. 1392]
T. Schattkowsky and W. Mueller
A Demonstration of Co-Design and Co-Verification in a Synchronous Language [p. 1394]
S. Singh
Profile Guided Management of Code Partitions for Embedded Systems [p. 1396]
S. Zhou, B. Childers, and N. Kumar
Realizable Reduction for Electromagnetically Coupled RLMC Interconnects [p. 1400]
R. Jiang and C. Chen
Statistically Aware Buffer Planning [p. 1402]
G. Garcea, N. van der Meijs, and R. Otten
A Tunneling Model for Gate Oxide Failure in Deep Sub-Micron Technology [p. 1404]
S. Bernadini, J. Portal, and P. Masson
Power Supply Noise Monitor for Signal Integrity Faults [p. 1406]
J. Vázquez and J. de Gyvez
Testing of Quantum Dot Cellular Automata Based Designs [p. 1408]
M. Tahoori and F. Lombardi
Net and Pin Distribution for 3D Package Global Routing [p. 1410]
J. Minz, M. Pathak, and S. Lim
Placement Using a Localization Probability Model (LPM) [p. 1412]
M. Olbrich and E. Barke
CMOS Structures Suitable for Secured Hardware [p. 1414]
S. Guilley, P. Hoogvorst, Y. Mathieu, R. Pacalet, and J. Provost
Timing Correction and Optimization with Adaptive Delay Sequential Elements [p. 1416]
K. Rahimi, S. Bridges, and C. Diorio