[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]
- Aasaraai, K
- Toward Virtualizing Branch Direction Prediction [p. 455]
- Abate, F
- Middleware Services for Network Interoperability in Smart Energy Efficient Buildings [p. 338]
- Abdallah, L
- Testing RF Circuits with True Non-Intrusive Built-In Sensors [p. 1090]
- Abed, I S
- Double-Patterning Friendly Grid-Based Detailed Routing with Online Conflict Resolution [p. 1475]
- Abelein, U
- Complexity, Quality and Robustness - The Challenges of Tomorrow's Automotive Electronics [p. 870]
- Abellan, J L
- Design of a Collective Communication Infrastructure for Barrier Synchronization in Cluster-Based Nanoscale MPSoCs [p. 491]
- Aboushady, H
- Holistic Modeling of Embedded Systems with Multi-Discipline Feedback: Application to a Precollision Mitigation Braking System [p. 739]
- Abraham, J A
- On-Chip Source Synchronous Interface Timing Test Scheme with Calibration [p. 1146]
- Acacio, M E
- Design of a Collective Communication Infrastructure for Barrier Synchronization in Cluster-Based Nanoscale MPSoCs [p. 491]
- Acquaviva, A
- Middleware Services for Network Interoperability in Smart Energy Efficient Buildings [p. 338]
- Adlkofer, H
- Embedded Systems and Software Challenges in Electric Vehicles [p. 424]
- Adve, S V
- CrashTest'ing SWAT: Accurate, Gate-Level Evaluation of Symptom-Based Resiliency Solutions [p. 1106]
- Afzali-Kusha, A
- An Architecture-Level Approach for Mitigating the Impact of Process Variations on Extensible Processors [p. 467]
- Ahn, J H
- CACTI-3DD: Architecture-level Modeling for 3D Die-stacked DRAM Main Memory [p. 33]
- Ahopelto, J
- Beyond CMOS - Benchmarking for Future Technologies [p. 129]
- Aisopos, K
- PCASA: Probabilistic Control-Adjusted Selective Allocation for Shared Caches [p. 473]
- Akbari, S
- AFRA: A Low Cost High Performance Reliable Routing for 3D Mesh NoCs [p. 332]
- Akesson, B
- DRAM Selection and Configuration for Real-Time Mobile Systems [p. 51]
- Memory-Map Selection for Firm Real-Time SDRAM Controllers [p. 828]
- Aksanli, B
- Benefits of Green Energy and Proportionality in High Speed Wide Area Networks Connecting Data Centers [p. 175]
- Aksoy, L
- Design of Low-Complexity Digital Finite Impulse Response Filters on FPGAs [p. 1197]
- Aktouf, O-E-K
- Evaluation of a New RFID System Performance Monitoring Approach [p. 1439]
- Al-Faruque, M A
- Intelligent and Collaborative Embedded Computing in Automation Engineering [p. 344]
- Towards Parallel Execution of IEC 61131 Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems Applications [p. 554]
- Al-Hashimi, B M
- Response-surface-based Design Space Exploration and Optimization of Wireless Sensor Nodes with Tunable Energy Harvesters [p. 733]
- Almeroth, B
- Towards A Wireless Medic Smart Card - Invited Paper [p. 1483]
- Aloufi, M
- Response-surface-based Design Space Exploration and Optimization of Wireless Sensor Nodes with Tunable Energy Harvesters [p. 733]
- Altet, J
- Testing RF Circuits with True Non-Intrusive Built-In Sensors [p. 1090]
- Alvarez-Herault, J
- Impact of Resistive-Open Defects on the Heat Current of TAS-MRAM Architectures [p. 532]
- Amara, A
- Stability and Yield-Oriented Ultra-Low-Power Embedded 6T SRAM Cell Design Optimization [p. 93]
- Ambrose, A
- A TDM NoC Supporting QoS, Multicast, and Fast Connection Set-Up [p. 1283]
- Anagnostopoulos, I
- A Divide and Conquer Based Distributed Run-time Mapping Methodology for Many-Core Platforms [p. 111]
- Anderson, J
- Leveraging Reconfigurability to Raise Productivity in FPGA Functional Debug [p. 292]
- Anghel, L
- Design for Test and Reliability in Ultimate CMOS [p. 677]
- Anis, M
- AIR (Aerial Image Retargeting): A Novel Technique for In-Fab Automatic Model-Based Retargeting-for-Yield [p. 1603]
- Annaswamy, A
- Timing Analysis of Cyber-Physical Applications for Hybrid Communication Protocols [p. 1233]
- Appleton, E
- Experimentally Driven Verification of Synthetic Biological Circuits [p. 236]
- Aridhi, H
- Towards Improving Simulation of Analog Circuits Using Model Order Reduction [p. 1337]
- Ascheid, G
- Hybrid Simulation for Extensible Processor Cores [p. 288]
- Ashouei, M
- Ultra Low Power Litho Friendly Local Assist Circuitry for Variability Resilient 8T SRAM [p. 1042]
- Atienza, D
- Thermal Balancing of Liquid-Cooled 3D-MPSoCs Using Channel Modulation [p. 599]
- Multi-Core Architecture Design for Ultra-Low-Power Wearable Health Monitoring Systems [p. 988]
- A Hybrid HW-SW Approach for Intermittent Error Mitigation in Streaming-Based Embedded Systems [p. 1110]
- Aubert, A
- Comparison of Self-Timed Ring and Inverter Ring Oscillators as Entropy Sources in FPGAs [p. 1325]
- Augustine, C
- A Framework for Simulating Hybrid MTJ/CMOS Circuits: Atoms to System Approach [p. 1443]
- Austin, T
- CrashTest'ing SWAT: Accurate, Gate-Level Evaluation of Symptom-Based Resiliency Solutions [p. 1106]
- Avresky, D
- Design for Test and Reliability in Ultimate CMOS [p. 677]
- Axer, P
- Probabilistic Response Time Bound for CAN Messages with Arbitrary Deadlines [p. 1114]
- Ayoub, R
- TempoMP: Integrated Prediction and Management of Temperature in Heterogeneous MPSoCs [p. 593]
- Azevedo, J
- Impact of Resistive-Open Defects on the Heat Current of TAS-MRAM Architectures [p. 532]
- Babayan, E
- Investigating the Effects of Inverted Temperature Dependence (ITD) on Clock Distribution Networks [p. 165]
- Bahl, S
- EDA Solutions to New-Defect Detection in Advanced Process Technologies [p. 123]
- Bainbridge, W J
- Area Efficient Asynchronous SDM Routers Using 2-Stage Clos Switches [p. 1495]
- Bamakhrama, M A
- A Methodology for Automated Design of Hard-Real-Time Embedded Streaming Systems [p. 941]
- Banerjee, A
- Formal Methods for Ranking Counterexamples through Assumption Mining [p. 911]
- Timing Analysis of Cyber-Physical Applications for Hybrid Communication Protocols [p. 1233]
- Baronti, F
- Batteries and Battery Management Systems for Electric Vehicles [p. 971]
- Bartolini, A
- Quantifying the Impact of Frequency Scaling on the Energy Efficiency of the Single-Chip Cloud Computer [p. 181]
- Bartzas, A
- A Divide and Conquer Based Distributed Run-time Mapping Methodology for Many-Core Platforms [p. 111]
- Basten, T
- Playing Games with Scenario- and Resource-Aware SDF Graphs Through Policy Iteration [p. 194]
- Modeling Static-Order Schedules in Synchronous Dataflow Graphs [p. 775]
- Basu, S
- Correct-by-Construction Multi-Component SoC Design [p. 647]
- Bathen, L A D
- VaMV: Variability-aware Memory Virtualization [p. 284]
- 3D-FlashMap: A Physical-Location-Aware Block Mapping Strategy for 3D NAND Flash Memory [p. 1307]
- Battezzati, N
- SURF Algorithm in FPGA: A Novel Architecture for High Demanding Industrial Applications [p. 161]
- Bauer, L
- Dynamic Cache Management in Multi-Core Architectures through Run-time Adaptation [p. 485]
- Partial Online-Synthesis for Mixed-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures [p. 1555]
- Baumanns, S
- Large Signal Simulation of Integrated Inductors on Semi-Conducting Substrates [p. 1221]
- Beaumont, M
- SAFER PATH: Security Architecture Using Fragmented Execution and Replication for Protection against Trojaned Hardware [p. 1000]
- Becker, B
- On the Optimality of K Longest Path Generation Algorithm Under Memory Constraints [p. 418]
- Verification of Partial Designs Using Incremental QBF Solving [p. 623]
- Becker, J
- A Cycle-Approximate, Mixed-ISA Simulator for the KAHRISMA Architecture [p. 21]
- On Demand Dependent Deactivation of Automotive ECUs [p. 69]
- Virtualized On-Chip Distributed Computing for Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Multi-Core Systems [p. 280]
- Becker, M
- MOUSSE: Scaling MOdelling and Verification to Complex HeterogeneoUS Embedded Systems Evolution [p. 296]
- Belta, C
- Experimentally Driven Verification of Synthetic Biological Circuits [p. 236]
- Benini, L
- Smart Power Unit with Ultra Low Power Radio Trigger Capabilities for Wireless Sensor Networks [p. 75]
- Fast and Lightweight Support for Nested Parallelism on Cluster-Based Embedded Many-Cores [p. 105]
- Quantifying the Impact of Frequency Scaling on the Energy Efficiency of the Single-Chip Cloud Computer [p. 181]
- Design of a Collective Communication Infrastructure for Barrier Synchronization in Cluster-Based Nanoscale MPSoCs [p. 491]
- A Resilient Architecture for Low Latency Communication in Shared-L1 Processor Clusters [p. 887]
- P2012: Building an Ecosystem for a Scalable, Modular and High-Efficiency Embedded Computing Accelerator [p. 983]
- Analysis of Instruction-level Vulnerability to Dynamic Voltage and Temperature Variations [p. 1102]
- An Energy Efficient DRAM Subsystem for 3D Integrated SoCs [p. 1138]
- Benkner, S
- Programmability and Performance Portability Aspects of Heterogeneous Multi-/Manycore Systems [p. 1403]
- Benoit, P
- Amplitude Demodulation-based EM Analysis of Different RSA Implementations [p. 1167]
- Berangi, R
- AFRA: A Low Cost High Performance Reliable Routing for 3D Mesh NoCs [p. 332]
- Berkelaar, M
- Transistor-Level Gate Model Based Statistical Timing Analysis Considering Correlations [p. 917]
- Beroulle, V
- Evaluation of a New RFID System Performance Monitoring Approach [p. 1439]
- Bertacco, V
- Approximating Checkers for Simulation Acceleration [p. 153]
- CrashTest'ing SWAT: Accurate, Gate-Level Evaluation of Symptom-Based Resiliency Solutions [p. 1106]
- Bertels, K
- Using Multi-objective Design Space Exploration to Enable Run-time Resource Management for Reconfigurable Architectures [p. 1379]
- Bertozzi, D
- Design of a Collective Communication Infrastructure for Barrier Synchronization in Cluster-Based Nanoscale MPSoCs [p. 491]
- A Cross-Layer Approach for New Reliability-Performance Trade-Offs in MLC NAND Flash Memories [p. 881]
- Bertrand, D
- Challenges and New Trends in Probabilistic Timing Analysis [p. 810]
- Beste, M
- Layout-Driven Robustness Analysis for Misaligned Carbon Nanotubes in CNTFET-based Standard Cells [p. 1609]
- Bhardwaj, K
- An MILP-Based Aging-Aware Routing Algorithm for NoCs [p. 326]
- Bhatia, S
- Experimentally Driven Verification of Synthetic Biological Circuits [p. 236]
- Bi, X
- Spintronic Memristor Based Temperature Sensor Design with CMOS Current Reference [p. 1301]
- Bittner, K
- Simulation of the Steady State of Oscillators in the Time Domain [p. 1355]
- Blech, J O
- Static Scheduling of a Time-Triggered Network-on-Chip Based on SMT Solving [p. 509]
- Blom, H
- Timing Modeling with AUTOSAR - Current State and Future Directions [p. 805]
- Bocca, A
- Mechatronic System for Energy Efficiency in Bus Transport [p. 342]
- Bolchini, C
- An Adaptive Approach for Online Fault Management in Many-Core Architectures [p. 1429]
- Bombieri, N
- FAST-GP: An RTL Functional Verification Framework Based on Fault Simulation on GP-GPUs [p. 562]
- Bonamy, R
- UPaRC -- Ultra-Fast Power-aware Reconfiguration Controller [p. 1373]
- Bonilla, E
- Predicting Best Design Trade-offs: A Case Study in Processor Customization [p. 1030]
- Borde, E
- Model Driven Resource Usage Simulation for Critical Embedded Systems [p. 312]
- Bordoloi, U D
- A Scalable GPU-based Approach to Accelerate the Multiple-Choice Knapsack Problem [p. 1126]
- Bortolotti, D
- Design of a Collective Communication Infrastructure for Barrier Synchronization in Cluster-Based Nanoscale MPSoCs [p. 491]
- Bose, P
- Power Management of Multi-Core Chips: Challenges and Pitfalls [p. 977]
- Bosio, A
- Impact of Resistive-Open Defects on the Heat Current of TAS-MRAM Architectures [p. 532]
- Bovington, J
- Power-Efficient Calibration and Reconfiguration for On-Chip Optical Communication [p. 1501]
- Bowman, K
- Design for Test and Reliability in Ultimate CMOS [p. 677]
- Bozga, M
- State-of-the-art Tools and Techniques for Quantitative Modeling and Analysis of Embedded Systems [p. 370]
- Brachtendorf, H G
- Simulation of the Steady State of Oscillators in the Time Domain [p. 1355]
- Brandl, M
- Batteries and Battery Management Systems for Electric Vehicles [p. 971]
- Brault, J -M
- NOCEVE: Network On Chip Emulation and Verification Environment [p. 163]
- Brayton, R
- Mapping into LUT Structures [p. 1579]
- Brayton, R K
- Scalable Progress Verification in Credit-Based Flow-Control Systems [p. 905]
- Brenner, U
- VLSI Legalization with Minimum Perturbation by Iterative Augmentation [p. 1385]
- Bringmann, O
- Hybrid Source-Level Simulation of Data Caches Using Abstract Cache Models [p. 376]
- Optimal Energy Management and Recovery for FEV [p. 683]
- Analysis of Multi-Domain Scenarios for Optimized Dynamic Power Management Strategies [p. 862]
- Brisk, P
- Selective Flexibility: Breaking the Rigidity of Datapath Merging [p. 1543]
- Brockman, J B.
- CACTI-3DD: Architecture-level Modeling for 3D Die-stacked DRAM Main Memory [p. 33]
- Brokalakis, A
- An FPGA-based Parallel Processor for Black-Scholes Option Pricing Using Finite Differences Schemes [p. 709]
- Bruening, A
- Memristor Technology in Future Electronic System Design [p. 592]
- Panel: What Is EDA Doing for Trailing Edge Technologies? [p. 874]
- Brunelli, D
- Smart Power Unit with Ultra Low Power Radio Trigger Capabilities for Wireless Sensor Networks [p. 75]
- Buckl, C
- Embedded Systems and Software Challenges in Electric Vehicles [p. 424]
- Static Scheduling of a Time-Triggered Network-on-Chip Based on SMT Solving [p. 509]
- Burg, A
- Multi-Core Architecture Design for Ultra-Low-Power Wearable Health Monitoring Systems [p. 988]
- Burgio, P
- Fast and Lightweight Support for Nested Parallelism on Cluster-Based Embedded Many-Cores [p. 105]
- Buyuktosunoglu, A
- Power Management of Multi-Core Chips: Challenges and Pitfalls [p. 977]
- Cai, Y
- Error Patterns in MLC NAND Flash Memory: Measurement, Characterization, and Analysis [p. 521]
- Calazans, N
- An Accurate Single Event Effect Digital Design Flow for Reliable System Level Design [p. 224]
- Calimera, A
- IR-Drop Analysis of Graphene-Based Power Distribution Networks [p. 81]
- Investigating the Effects of Inverted Temperature Dependence (ITD) on Clock Distribution Networks [p. 165]
- Campagna, S
- An Hybrid Architecture to Detect Transient Faults in Microprocessors: An Experimental Validation [p. 1433]
- Campbell, S A
- Weighted Area Technique for Electromechanically Enabled Logic Computation with Cantilever-Based NEMS Switches [p. 727]
- Camposano, R
- Moore Meets Maxwell [p. 1275]
- Canedo, A
- Intelligent and Collaborative Embedded Computing in Automation Engineering [p. 344]
- Towards Parallel Execution of IEC 61131 Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems Applications [p. 554]
- Carloni, L P
- Compositional System-Level Design Exploration with Planning of High-Level Synthesis [p. 641]
- Carr, S B
- Experimentally Driven Verification of Synthetic Biological Circuits [p. 236]
- Catthoor, F
- Ultra Low Power Litho Friendly Local Assist Circuitry for Variability Resilient 8T SRAM [p. 1042]
- A Hybrid HW-SW Approach for Intermittent Error Mitigation in Streaming-Based Embedded Systems [p. 1110]
- Cenni, F
- Holistic Modeling of Embedded Systems with Multi-Discipline Feedback: Application to a Precollision Mitigation Braking System [p. 739]
- Cha, B
- Salvaging Chips with Caches beyond Repair [p. 1263]
- Chakrabarty, K
- Test Generation for Clock-Domain Crossing Faults in Integrated Circuits [p. 406]
- Test Pin Count Reduction for NoC-based Test Delivery in Multicore SOCs [p. 787]
- A Cyberphysical Synthesis Approach for Error Recovery in Digital Microfluidic Biochips [p. 1239]
- Chakraborty, K
- An MILP-Based Aging-Aware Routing Algorithm for NoCs [p. 326]
- Chakraborty, S
- Embedded Systems and Software Challenges in Electric Vehicles [p. 424]
- Time-triggered Implementations of Mixed-Criticality Automotive Software [p. 1227]
- Timing Analysis of Cyber-Physical Applications for Hybrid Communication Protocols [p. 1233]
- Chandrasekar, K
- A Scan Pattern Debugger for Partial Scan Industrial Designs [p. 558]
- Chang, K-H
- RTL Analysis and Modifications for Improving At-speed Test [p. 400]
- Chang, L-P
- Dual Greedy: Adaptive Garbage Collection for Page-Mapping Solid-State Disks [p. 117]
- Chang, N
- Multiple-Source and Multiple-Destination Charge Migration in Hybrid Electrical Energy Storage Systems [p. 169]
- Embedded Systems and Software Challenges in Electric Vehicles [p. 424]
- State of Health Aware Charge Management in Hybrid Electrical Energy Storage Systems [p. 1060]
- Chang, S-C
- A Probabilistic Analysis Method for Functional Qualification under Mutation Analysis [p. 147]
- Chang, Y-W
- Statistical Thermal Modeling and Optimization Considering Leakage Power Variations [p. 605]
- Chao, H-L
- Congestion-Aware Scheduling for NoC-based Reconfigurable Systems [p. 1561]
- Chatterjee, D
- Approximating Checkers for Simulation Acceleration [p. 153]
- Chaturvedi, S
- Static Analysis of Asynchronous Clock Domain Crossings [p. 1122]
- Chatziparaskevas, G
- An FPGA-based Parallel Processor for Black-Scholes Option Pricing Using Finite Differences Schemes [p. 709]
- Chen, C
- Nano-Electro-Mechanical Relays for FPGA Routing: Experimental Demonstration and a Design Technique [p. 1361]
- Mapping into LUT Structures [p. 1579]
- Chen, C-L
- Weighted Area Technique for Electromechanically Enabled Logic Computation with Cantilever-Based NEMS Switches [p. 727]
- Chen, D
- Real-time Implementation and Performance Optimization of 3D Sound Localization on GPUs [p. 832]
- Chen, H
- QBF-Based Boolean Function Bi-Decomposition [p. 816]
- Cyber-Physical Cloud Computing: The Binding and Migration Problem [p. 1425]
- Chen, H-M
- Agglomerative-Based Flip-Flop Merging with Signal Wirelength Optimization [p. 1391]
- On Effective Flip-Chip Routing via Pseudo Single Redistribution Layer [p. 1597]
- Chen, J
- A Multi-Parameter Bio-Electric ASIC Sensor with Integrated 2-Wire Data Transmission Protocol for Wearable Healthcare System [p. 443]
- Chen, J-J
- Timing Analysis of Cyber-Physical Applications for Hybrid Communication Protocols [p. 1233]
- Chen, K
- CACTI-3DD: Architecture-level Modeling for 3D Die-stacked DRAM Main Memory [p. 33]
- Chen, L
- Online Scheduling for Multi-Core Shared Reconfigurable Fabric [p. 582]
- CrashTest'ing SWAT: Accurate, Gate-Level Evaluation of Symptom-Based Resiliency Solutions [p. 1106]
- Chen, M-L
- On Effective Flip-Chip Routing via Pseudo Single Redistribution Layer [p. 1597]
- Chen, Q
- Efficient Variation-Aware EM-Semiconductor Coupled Solver for the TSV Structures in 3D IC [p. 1409]
- Characterization of the Bistable Ring PUF [p. 1459]
- Chen, S-H
- On Effective Flip-Chip Routing via Pseudo Single Redistribution Layer [p. 1597]
- Chen, S-J
- Congestion-Aware Scheduling for NoC-based Reconfigurable Systems [p. 1561]
- Chen, W
- Out-of-Order Parallel Simulation for ESL Design [p. 141]
- Chen, Y
- 3DHLS: Incorporating High-Level Synthesis in Physical Planning of Three-Dimensional (3D) ICs [p. 1185]
- Spintronic Memristor Based Temperature Sensor Design with CMOS Current Reference [p. 1301]
- Asymmetry of MTJ Switching and Its Implication to STT-RAM Designs [p. 1313]
- Architecting a Common-Source-Line Array for Bipolar Non-Volatile Memory Devices [p. 1451]
- Chen, Y-C
- A Probabilistic Analysis Method for Functional Qualification under Mutation Analysis [p. 147]
- Chen, Y-R
- Congestion-Aware Scheduling for NoC-based Reconfigurable Systems [p. 1561]
- Chen, Y-T
- Dynamically Reconfigurable Hybrid Cache: An Energy-Efficient Last-Level Cache Design [p. 45]
- Cheng, K-T
- Power-Efficient Calibration and Reconfiguration for On-Chip Optical Communication [p. 1501]
- Cheng, X
- Energy-Efficient Branch Prediction with Compiler-Guided History Stack [p. 449]
- Cherkaoui, A
- Comparison of Self-Timed Ring and Inverter Ring Oscillators as Entropy Sources in FPGAs [p. 1325]
- Chian, M
- New Foundry Models - Accelerations in Transformations of the Semiconductor Industry [p. 2]
- Chiang, M-F
- A Compression-based Area-efficient Recovery Architecture for Nonvolatile Processors [p. 1519]
- Chillet, D
- UPaRC -- Ultra-Fast Power-aware Reconfiguration Controller [p. 1373]
- Choi, K
- State-based Full Predication for Low Power Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture [p. 1367]
- Chong, S
- Nano-Electro-Mechanical Relays for FPGA Routing: Experimental Demonstration and a Design Technique [p. 1361]
- Chou, C-N
- Multi-Patch Generation for Multi-Error Logic Rectification by Interpolation with Cofactor Reduction [p. 1567]
- Chou, H-M
- A Probabilistic Analysis Method for Functional Qualification under Mutation Analysis [p. 147]
- Chou, H-Z
- RTL Analysis and Modifications for Improving At-speed Test [p. 400]
- Choudhary, A
- Dynamic Directories: A Mechanism for Reducing On-Chip Interconnect Power in Multicores [p. 479]
- Chua, L O
- Memristor Technology in Future Electronic System Design [p. 592]
- Chuang, Y-L
- Statistical Thermal Modeling and Optimization Considering Leakage Power Variations [p. 605]
- Cifrain, M
- Batteries and Battery Management Systems for Electric Vehicles [p. 971]
- Clavier, L
- Holistic Modeling of Embedded Systems with Multi-Discipline Feedback: Application to a Precollision Mitigation Braking System [p. 739]
- Colazzo, S
- SURF Algorithm in FPGA: A Novel Architecture for High Demanding Industrial Applications [p. 161]
- Condo, C
- A Network-on-Chip-based Turbo/LDPC Decoder Architecture [p. 1525]
- Cong, J
- Dynamically Reconfigurable Hybrid Cache: An Energy-Efficient Last-Level Cache Design [p. 45]
- Combining Module Selection and Replication for Throughput-Driven Streaming Programs [p. 1018]
- Constantin, J
- Multi-Core Architecture Design for Ultra-Low-Power Wearable Health Monitoring Systems [p. 988]
- Cordes, D
- Multi-Objective Aware Extraction of Task-Level Parallelism Using Genetic Algorithms [p. 394]
- Corporaal, H
- Playing Games with Scenario- and Resource-Aware SDF Graphs Through Policy Iteration [p. 194]
- Scheduling for Register File Energy Minimization in Explicit Datapath Architectures [p. 388]
- Modeling Static-Order Schedules in Synchronous Dataflow Graphs [p. 775]
- Cosemans, S
- Ultra Low Power Litho Friendly Local Assist Circuitry for Variability Resilient 8T SRAM [p. 1042]
- Coskun, A K
- Quantifying the Impact of Frequency Scaling on the Energy Efficiency of the Single-Chip Cloud Computer [p. 181]
- Analysis and Runtime Management of 3D Systems with Stacked DRAM for Boosting Energy Efficiency [p. 611]
- Reducing the Energy Cost of Computing through Efficient Co-Scheduling of Parallel Workloads [p. 994]
- Costa, E
- Design of Low-Complexity Digital Finite Impulse Response Filters on FPGAs [p. 1197]
- Craninckx, J
- Design of an Intrinsically-Linear Double- VCO-based ADC with 2nd-order Noise Shaping [p. 1215]
- Cristal, A
- TagTM - Accelerating STMs with Hardware Tags for Fast Meta-Data Access [p. 39]
- Csaba, G
- Characterization of the Bistable Ring PUF [p. 1459]
- Cucuccio, A
- Middleware Services for Network Interoperability in Smart Energy Efficient Buildings [p. 338]
- Cui, T
- Weighted Area Technique for Electromechanically Enabled Logic Computation with Cantilever-Based NEMS Switches [p. 727]
- Cui, X
- Modeling and Testing of Interference Faults in the Nano NAND Flash Memory [p. 527]
- Cui, Z
- Real-time Implementation and Performance Optimization of 3D Sound Localization on GPUs [p. 832]
- Cullmann, C
- Hybrid Source-Level Simulation of Data Caches Using Abstract Cache Models [p. 376]
- Cupaiuolo, T
- A Flexible and Fast Software Implementation of the FFT on the BPE Platform [p. 1467]
- Czutro, A
- On the Optimality of K Longest Path Generation Algorithm Under Memory Constraints [p. 418]
- Daghar, A
- Verifying Jitter in an Analog and Mixed Signal Design Using Dynamic Time Warping [p. 1413]
- Damavandpeyma, M
- Modeling Static-Order Schedules in Synchronous Dataflow Graphs [p. 775]
- Daneshtalab, M
- CATRA -Congestion Aware Trapezoid-based Routing Algorithm for On-Chip Networks [p. 320]
- Dang, X
- S/DC: A Storage and Energy Efficient Data Prefetcher [p. 461]
- Danger, J-L
- RSM: A Small and Fast Countermeasure for AES, Secure against First- and Second-order Zero-Offset SCAs [p. 1173]
- Daniel, L
- An Efficient Framework for Passive Compact Dynamical Modeling of Multiport Linear Systems [p. 1203]
- Darringer, J A
- Power Management of Multi-Core Chips: Challenges and Pitfalls [p. 977]
- Das, A
- Dynamic Directories: A Mechanism for Reducing On-Chip Interconnect Power in Multicores [p. 479]
- PUF-based Secure Test Wrapper Design for Cryptographic SoC Testing [p. 866]
- Das, S
- PowerAdviser: An RTL Power Platform for Interactive Sequential Optimizations [p. 550]
- Dasgupta, P
- Formal Methods for Ranking Counterexamples through Assumption Mining [p. 911]
- Dastgeer, U
- Programmability and Performance Portability Aspects of Heterogeneous Multi-/Manycore Systems [p. 1403]
- David, A
- State-of-the-art Tools and Techniques for Quantitative Modeling and Analysis of Embedded Systems [p. 370]
- Davoodi, A
- A Sensor-Assisted Self-Authentication Framework for Hardware Trojan Detection [p. 1331]
- Custom On-Chip Sensors for Post-Silicon Failing Path Isolation in the Presence of Process Variations [p. 1591]
- De Jonghe, D
- Hierarchical Analog Circuit Reliability Analysis Using Multivariate Nonlinear Regression and Active Learning Sample Selection [p. 745]
- Advances in Variation-Aware Modeling, Verification, and Testing of Analog ICs [p. 1615]
- De Micheli, G
- Voltage Propagation Method for 3-D Power Grid Analysis [p. 844]
- De Smedt, B
- Large Signal Simulation of Integrated Inductors on Semi-Conducting Substrates [p. 1221]
- De, V
- Design for Test and Reliability in Ultimate CMOS [p. 677]
- Defo, G B G
- MOUSSE: Scaling MOdelling and Verification to Complex HeterogeneoUS Embedded Systems Evolution [p. 296]
- Dehaene, W
- Design of a Low-Energy Data Processing Architecture for WSN Nodes [p. 570]
- Ultra Low Power Litho Friendly Local Assist Circuitry for Variability Resilient 8T SRAM [p. 1042]
- Deniz, E
- Verification Coverage of Embedded Multicore Applications [p. 252]
- Densmore, D
- Experimentally Driven Verification of Synthetic Biological Circuits [p. 236]
- Desbarbieux, J-I
- An Out-of-Order Superscalar Processor on FPGA: The ReOrder Buffer Design [p. 1549]
- Dey, O
- Virtualized On-Chip Distributed Computing for Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Multi-Core Systems [p. 280]
- Di Carlo, S
- A Cross-Layer Approach for New Reliability-Performance Trade-Offs in MLC NAND Flash Memories [p. 881]
- Di Guglielmo, G
- Enabling Dynamic Assertion-based Verification of Embedded Software through Model-driven Design [p. 212]
- Di Guglielmo, L
- Enabling Dynamic Assertion-based Verification of Embedded Software through Model-driven Design [p. 212]
- Di Natale, M
- Task Implementation of Synchronous Finite State Machines [p. 206]
- Dilillo, L
- Impact of Resistive-Open Defects on the Heat Current of TAS-MRAM Architectures [p. 532]
- Dimitrakopoulos, G
- Dynamic-Priority Arbiter and Multiplexer Soft Macros for On-Chip Networks Switches [p. 542]
- Doemer, R
- Out-of-Order Parallel Simulation for ESL Design [p. 141]
- Dogan, A Y
- Multi-Core Architecture Design for Ultra-Low-Power Wearable Health Monitoring Systems [p. 988]
- Dolinsky, U
- Programmability and Performance Portability Aspects of Heterogeneous Multi-/Manycore Systems [p. 1403]
- Domic, A
- Panel: What Is EDA Doing for Trailing Edge Technologies? [p. 874]
- Donno, M
- Mechatronic System for Energy Efficiency in Bus Transport [p. 342]
- dos Santos, L C V
- On ESL Verification of Memory Consistency for System-on-Chip Multiprocessing [p. 9]
- Dousti, M J
- Minimizing the Latency of Quantum Circuits during Mapping to the Ion-Trap Circuit Fabric [p. 840]
- Drach, N
- An Out-of-Order Superscalar Processor on FPGA: The ReOrder Buffer Design [p. 1549]
- Drechsler, R
- A Guiding Coverage Metric for Formal Verification [p. 617]
- Automatic Design of Low-Power Encoders Using Reversible Circuit Synthesis [p. 1036]
- Debugging of Inconsistent UML/OCL Models [p. 1078]
- Eliminating Invariants in UML/OCL Models [p. 1142]
- Druml, N
- Estimation Based Power and Supply Voltage Management for Future RF-Powered Multi-Core Smart Cards [p. 358]
- Du, K
- High Performance Reliable Variable Latency Carry Select Addition [p. 1257]
- Duan, G
- Low Power Aging-Aware Register File Design by Duty Cycle Balancing [p. 546]
- Dutt, N D
- VaMV: Variability-aware Memory Virtualization [p. 284]
- 3D-FlashMap: A Physical-Location-Aware Block Mapping Strategy for 3D NAND Flash Memory [p. 1307]
- Ebeid, E
- Refinement of UML/MARTE Models for the Design of Networked Embedded Systems [p. 1072]
- Ebrahimi, M
- CATRA -Congestion Aware Trapezoid-based Routing Algorithm for On-Chip Networks [p. 320]
- SCFIT: A FPGA-based Fault Injection Technique for SEU Fault Model [p. 586]
- Edwards, D
- Area Efficient Asynchronous SDM Routers Using 2-Stage Clos Switches [p. 1495]
- Een, N
- Mapping into LUT Structures [p. 1579]
- Ejlali, A
- SCFIT: A FPGA-based Fault Injection Technique for SEU Fault Model [p. 586]
- Eklow, B
- On Effective TSV Repair for 3D-Stacked ICs [p. 793]
- Eles, P
- Co-Design Techniques for Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems with Communication Security Constraints [p. 947]
- A Scalable GPU-based Approach to Accelerate the Multiple-Choice Knapsack Problem [p. 1126]
- Ellen, C
- Automatic Transition Between Structural System Views in a Safety Relevant Embedded Systems Development Process [p. 820]
- Enescu, F
- Efficient Gröbner Basis Reductions for Formal Verification of Galois Field Multipliers [p. 899]
- Ernst, R
- Using Timing Analysis for the Design of Future Switched Based Ethernet Automotive Networks [p. 57]
- A High-Performance Dense Block Matching Solution for Automotive 6D-Vision [p. 268]
- Formal Analysis of Sporadic Overload in Real-Time Systems [p. 515]
- Optimizing Performance Analysis for Synchronous Dataflow Graphs with Shared Resources [p. 635]
- Challenges and New Trends in Probabilistic Timing Analysis [p. 810]
- Probabilistic Response Time Bound for CAN Messages with Arbitrary Deadlines [p. 1114]
- Etzien, C
- Automatic Transition Between Structural System Views in a Safety Relevant Embedded Systems Development Process [p. 820]
- Eusse, J
- Hybrid Simulation for Extensible Processor Cores [p. 288]
- Fabiano, M
- A Cross-Layer Approach for New Reliability-Performance Trade-Offs in MLC NAND Flash Memories [p. 881]
- Fahmy, S
- Embedded Systems and Software Challenges in Electric Vehicles [p. 424]
- Fan, M
- Neighbor-Aware Dynamic Thermal Management for Multi-core Platform [p. 187]
- Harmonic Semi-Partitioned Scheduling for Fixed-Priority Real-Time Tasks on Multi-Core Platform [p. 503]
- Fan, X
- Exploring Pausible Clocking Based GALS Design for 40-nm System Integration [p. 1118]
- Fantechi, G
- Batteries and Battery Management Systems for Electric Vehicles [p. 971]
- Fanucci, L
- Low-power Embedded System for Real-Time Correction of Fish-Eye Automotive Cameras [p. 340]
- Batteries and Battery Management Systems for Electric Vehicles [p. 971]
- Fatemi, H
- Sliding-Mode Control to Compensate PVT Variations in Dual Core Systems [p. 1048]
- Fathy, M
- AFRA: A Low Cost High Performance Reliable Routing for 3D Mesh NoCs [p. 332]
- Faura, D
- Model Driven Resource Usage Simulation for Critical Embedded Systems [p. 312]
- Fernandez, J
- Design of a Collective Communication Infrastructure for Barrier Synchronization in Cluster-Based Nanoscale MPSoCs [p. 491]
- Ferrari, A
- Mechatronic System for Energy Efficiency in Bus Transport [p. 342]
- Fesquet, L
- Comparison of Self-Timed Ring and Inverter Ring Oscillators as Entropy Sources in FPGAs [p. 1325]
- Fettweis, G
- Pathways to Servers of the Future - Highly Adaptive Energy Efficient Computing (HAEC) [p. 1161]
- Towards A Wireless Medic Smart Card - Invited Paper [p. 1483]
- Figueras, J
- Efficiency Evaluation of Parametric Failure Mitigation Techniques for Reliable SRAM Operation [p. 1343]
- Fiorini, P
- Predictive Control of Networked Control Systems over Differentiated Services Lossy Networks [p. 1245]
- Firouzi, F
- NBTI Mitigation by Optimized NOP Assignment and Insertion [p. 218]
- Fischer, V
- Comparison of Self-Timed Ring and Inverter Ring Oscillators as Entropy Sources in FPGAs [p. 1325]
- Flamand, E
- P2012: Building an Ecosystem for a Scalable, Modular and High-Efficiency Embedded Computing Accelerator [p. 983]
- Flores, P
- Design of Low-Complexity Digital Finite Impulse Response Filters on FPGAs [p. 1197]
- Fohler, G
- On-line Scheduling of Target Sensitive Periodic Tasks with the Gravitational Task Model [p. 578]
- Fradet, P
- SPDF: A Schedulable Parametric Data-Flow MoC [p. 769]
- Franchi, E
- Low-power Embedded System for Real-Time Correction of Fish-Eye Automotive Cameras [p. 340]
- Fritz, G
- Evaluation of a New RFID System Performance Monitoring Approach [p. 1439]
- Fu, X
- CrashTest'ing SWAT: Accurate, Gate-Level Evaluation of Symptom-Based Resiliency Solutions [p. 1106]
- Fuin, D
- P2012: Building an Ecosystem for a Scalable, Modular and High-Efficiency Embedded Computing Accelerator [p. 983]
- Fummi, F
- Enabling Dynamic Assertion-based Verification of Embedded Software through Model-driven Design [p. 212]
- MOUSSE: Scaling MOdelling and Verification to Complex HeterogeneoUS Embedded Systems Evolution [p. 296]
- FAST-GP: An RTL Functional Verification Framework Based on Fault Simulation on GP-GPUs [p. 562]
- Refinement of UML/MARTE Models for the Design of Networked Embedded Systems [p. 1072]
- Furst, J-N
- Quantifying the Impact of Frequency Scaling on the Energy Efficiency of the Single-Chip Cloud Computer [p. 181]
- Gadkari, A
- An Integrated Test Generation Tool for Enhanced Coverage of Simulink/Stateflow Models [p. 308]
- Gall, H
- Batteries and Battery Management Systems for Electric Vehicles [p. 971]
- Gamatie, A
- Design of Streaming Applications on MPSoCs Using Abstract Clocks [p. 763]
- Gan, J
- Robust and Flexible Mapping for Real-time Distributed Applications during the Early Design Phases [p. 935]
- Ganguly, R
- Experimentally Driven Verification of Synthetic Biological Circuits [p. 236]
- Ganta, D
- ASIC Implementations of Five SHA-3 Finalists [p. 1006]
- Gao, J
- A Clustering-Based Scheme for Concurrent Trace in Debugging NoC-Based Multicore Systems [p. 27]
- Gao, M
- Power-Efficient Calibration and Reconfiguration for On-Chip Optical Communication [p. 1501]
- Gao, P
- Design of an Intrinsically-Linear Double- VCO-based ADC with 2nd-order Noise Shaping [p. 1215]
- Garcia-Ortiz, A
- Automatic Design of Low-Power Encoders Using Reversible Circuit Synthesis [p. 1036]
- Garside, J
- Area Efficient Asynchronous SDM Routers Using 2-Stage Clos Switches [p. 1495]
- Garudadri, H
- A Closed-loop System for Artifact Mitigation in Ambulatory Electrocardiogram Monitoring [p. 431]
- Gatti, M
- Model Driven Resource Usage Simulation for Critical Embedded Systems [p. 312]
- Gebhard, G
- Hybrid Source-Level Simulation of Data Caches Using Abstract Cache Models [p. 376]
- Geilen, M
- Playing Games with Scenario- and Resource-Aware SDF Graphs Through Policy Iteration [p. 194]
- Modeling Static-Order Schedules in Synchronous Dataflow Graphs [p. 775]
- Genser, A
- Estimation Based Power and Supply Voltage Management for Future RF-Powered Multi-Core Smart Cards [p. 358]
- Gerdes, M
- Time Analysable Synchronisation Techniques for Parallelised Hard Real-Time Applications [p. 671]
- Ghodrat, M A
- Optimization Intensive Energy Harvesting [p. 272]
- Giegerich, M
- Batteries and Battery Management Systems for Electric Vehicles [p. 971]
- Gielen, G
- Hierarchical Analog Circuit Reliability Analysis Using Multivariate Nonlinear Regression and Active Learning Sample Selection [p. 745]
- A Fast Analog Circuit Yield Estimation Method for Medium and High Dimensional Problems [p. 751]
- Impact of TSV Area on the Dynamic Range and Frame Rate Performance of 3D-Integrated Image Sensors [p. 836]
- Design of an Intrinsically-Linear Double- VCO-based ADC with 2nd-order Noise Shaping [p. 1215]
- Advances in Variation-Aware Modeling, Verification, and Testing of Analog ICs [p. 1615]
- Girard, P
- Impact of Resistive-Open Defects on the Heat Current of TAS-MRAM Architectures [p. 532]
- Girault, A
- SPDF: A Schedulable Parametric Data-Flow MoC [p. 769]
- Giusto, P
- Using Timing Analysis for the Design of Future Switched Based Ethernet Automotive Networks [p. 57]
- Givargis, T
- MEDS: Mockup Electronic Data Sheets for Automated Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems Using Digital Mockups [p. 1417]
- Glass, M
- Designing FlexRay-based Automotive Architectures: A Holistic OEM Approach [p. 276]
- Goehringer, D
- Virtualized On-Chip Distributed Computing for Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Multi-Core Systems [p. 280]
- Goel, M
- A High Performance Split-Radix FFT with Constant Geometry Architecture [p. 1537]
- Goel, S K
- EDA Solutions to New-Defect Detection in Advanced Process Technologies [p. 123]
- Gol, E A
- Experimentally Driven Verification of Synthetic Biological Circuits [p. 236]
- Goldman, R
- Investigating the Effects of Inverted Temperature Dependence (ITD) on Clock Distribution Networks [p. 165]
- Gomony, M D
- DRAM Selection and Configuration for Real-Time Mobile Systems [p. 51]
- Gong, J
- Off-path Leakage Power Aware Routing for SRAM-based FPGAs [p. 87]
- Goossens, K
- DRAM Selection and Configuration for Real-Time Mobile Systems [p. 51]
- Memory-Map Selection for Firm Real-Time SDRAM Controllers [p. 828]
- A TDM NoC Supporting QoS, Multicast, and Fast Connection Set-Up [p. 1283]
- Goossens, S
- Memory-Map Selection for Firm Real-Time SDRAM Controllers [p. 828]
- Gope, D
- Moore Meets Maxwell [p. 1275]
- Goswami, D
- Time-triggered Implementations of Mixed-Criticality Automotive Software [p. 1227]
- Goswami, D
- Timing Analysis of Cyber-Physical Applications for Hybrid Communication Protocols [p. 1233]
- Graeb, H
- ITRS 2011 Analog EDA Challenges and Approaches - Invited Paper [p. 1150]
- Graef, M W M
- Beyond CMOS - Benchmarking for Future Technologies [p. 129]
- Grass, E
- Exploring Pausible Clocking Based GALS Design for 40-nm System Integration [p. 1118]
- Grivet-Talocia, S
- Moore Meets Maxwell [p. 1275]
- Grosse, D
- A Guiding Coverage Metric for Formal Verification [p. 617]
- Grudnitsky, A
- Partial Online-Synthesis for Mixed-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures [p. 1555]
- Gruian, F
- Robust and Flexible Mapping for Real-time Distributed Applications during the Early Design Phases [p. 935]
- Guarnieri, V
- FAST-GP: An RTL Functional Verification Framework Based on Fault Simulation on GP-GPUs [p. 562]
- Guderian, F
- Towards A Wireless Medic Smart Card - Invited Paper [p. 1483]
- Guerra, R
- On-line Scheduling of Target Sensitive Periodic Tasks with the Gravitational Task Model [p. 578]
- Guilley, S
- RSM: A Small and Fast Countermeasure for AES, Secure against First- and Second-order Zero-Offset SCAs [p. 1173]
- Guo, X
- ASIC Implementations of Five SHA-3 Finalists [p. 1006]
- Gupta, A
- Runtime Power Estimator Calibration for High-Performance Microprocessors [p. 352]
- Gupta, M S
- Power Management of Multi-Core Chips: Challenges and Pitfalls [p. 977]
- Gupta, P
- VaMV: Variability-aware Memory Virtualization [p. 284]
- Test Generation for Clock-Domain Crossing Faults in Integrated Circuits [p. 406]
- Gupta, R K
- Analysis of Instruction-level Vulnerability to Dynamic Voltage and Temperature Variations [p. 1102]
- Gupta, S K
- Salvaging Chips with Caches beyond Repair [p. 1263]
- Layout-Aware Optimization of STT MRAMs [p. 1455]
- Haddock, T
- Experimentally Driven Verification of Synthetic Biological Circuits [p. 236]
- Haedicke, F
- A Guiding Coverage Metric for Formal Verification [p. 617]
- Hahn, D
- Complexity, Quality and Robustness - The Challenges of Tomorrow's Automotive Electronics [p. 870]
- Haid, J
- Estimation Based Power and Supply Voltage Management for Future RF-Powered Multi-Core Smart Cards [p. 358]
- Hamdioui, S
- DfT Schemes for Resistive Open Defects in RRAMs [p. 799]
- Hameed, F
- Dynamic Cache Management in Multi-Core Architectures through Run-time Adaptation [p. 485]
- Hammami, O
- NOCEVE: Network On Chip Emulation and Verification Environment [p. 163]
- Hamouche, R
- Component-Based and Aspect-Oriented Methodology and Tool for Real-Time Embedded Control Systems Design [p. 1421]
- Hamouda, A Y
- AIR (Aerial Image Retargeting): A Novel Technique for In-Fab Automatic Model-Based Retargeting-for-Yield [p. 1603]
- Han, K
- State-based Full Predication for Low Power Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture [p. 1367]
- Han, X
- Out-of-Order Parallel Simulation for ESL Design [p. 141]
- Han, Y
- A Clustering-Based Scheme for Concurrent Trace in Debugging NoC-Based Multicore Systems [p. 27]
- Hanke, M
- Formal Analysis of Sporadic Overload in Real-Time Systems [p. 515]
- Hankendi, C
- Reducing the Energy Cost of Computing through Efficient Co-Scheduling of Parallel Workloads [p. 994]
- Hansen, J
- Multi-Token Resource Sharing for Pipelined Asynchronous Systems [p. 1191]
- Hansen, R
- Cyber-Physical Cloud Computing: The Binding and Migration Problem [p. 1425]
- Hapke, F
- EDA Solutions to New-Defect Detection in Advanced Process Technologies [p. 123]
- Haratsch, E F
- Error Patterns in MLC NAND Flash Memory: Measurement, Characterization, and Analysis [p. 521]
- Hardavellas, N
- Dynamic Directories: A Mechanism for Reducing On-Chip Interconnect Power in Multicores [p. 479]
- Hari, S K S
- CrashTest'ing SWAT: Accurate, Gate-Level Evaluation of Symptom-Based Resiliency Solutions [p. 1106]
- Haron, N Z
- DfT Schemes for Resistive Open Defects in RRAMs [p. 799]
- Harrant, M
- Measuring and Improving the Robustness of Automotive Smart Power Microelectronics [p. 872]
- Hartmanns, A
- State-of-the-art Tools and Techniques for Quantitative Modeling and Analysis of Embedded Systems [p. 370]
- Hasholzner, R
- Variation-Aware Leakage Power Model Extraction for System-Level Hierarchical Power Analysis [p. 346]
- Hassoun, S
- Genetic/Bio Design Automation for (Re-)Engineering Biological Systems [p. 242]
- Haubelt, C
- Variation-Aware Leakage Power Model Extraction for System-Level Hierarchical Power Analysis [p. 346]
- He, Y
- Scheduling for Register File Energy Minimization in Explicit Datapath Architectures [p. 388]
- Healy, M B
- Power Management of Multi-Core Chips: Challenges and Pitfalls [p. 977]
- Hedrich, L
- Fast Isomorphism Testing for a Graph-based Analog Circuit Synthesis Framework [p. 757]
- Heer, C
- Exploring Pausible Clocking Based GALS Design for 40-nm System Integration [p. 1118]
- Hely, D
- Evaluation of a New RFID System Performance Monitoring Approach [p. 1439]
- Henkel, J
- Accurate Source-Level Simulation of Embedded Software with Respect to Compiler Optimizations [p. 382]
- Dynamic Cache Management in Multi-Core Architectures through Run-time Adaptation [p. 485]
- Power-Efficient Error-Resiliency for H.264/AVC Context-Adaptive Variable Length Coding [p. 697]
- Partial Online-Synthesis for Mixed-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures [p. 1555]
- Henry, M B
- ASIC Implementations of Five SHA-3 Finalists [p. 1006]
- Henschel, O P
- On ESL Verification of Memory Consistency for System-on-Chip Multiprocessing [p. 9]
- Herkersdorf, A
- Virtual Platforms: Breaking New Grounds [p. 685]
- Hermanns, H
- State-of-the-art Tools and Techniques for Quantitative Modeling and Analysis of Embedded Systems [p. 370]
- Heuser, A
- Revealing Side-Channel Issues of Complex Circuits by Enhanced Leakage Models [p. 1179]
- Ho, T-Y
- A Cyberphysical Synthesis Approach for Error Recovery in Digital Microfluidic Biochips [p. 1239]
- Holt, J
- Verification Coverage of Embedded Multicore Applications [p. 252]
- Hopkins, B
- SAFER PATH: Security Architecture Using Fragmented Execution and Replication for Protection against Trojaned Hardware [p. 1000]
- Howe, R T
- Nano-Electro-Mechanical Relays for FPGA Routing: Experimental Demonstration and a Design Technique [p. 1361]
- Hsiao, M S
- RAG: An Efficient Reliability Analysis of Logic Circuits on Graphics Processing Units [p. 316]
- A Scan Pattern Debugger for Partial Scan Industrial Designs [p. 558]
- Hsiung, P-A
- Congestion-Aware Scheduling for NoC-based Reconfigurable Systems [p. 1561]
- Hsu, H-W
- On Effective Flip-Chip Routing via Pseudo Single Redistribution Layer [p. 1597]
- Hsuing, H
- Salvaging Chips with Caches beyond Repair [p. 1263]
- Hu, Y
- Off-path Leakage Power Aware Routing for SRAM-based FPGAs [p. 87]
- Huang, C-Y
- A Probabilistic Analysis Method for Functional Qualification under Mutation Analysis [p. 147]
- Multi-Patch Generation for Multi-Error Logic Rectification by Interpolation with Cofactor Reduction [p. 1567]
- Huang, H
- Dynamically Reconfigurable Hybrid Cache: An Energy-Efficient Last-Level Cache Design [p. 45]
- Fair Energy Resource Allocation by Minority Game Algorithm for Smart Buildings [p. 63]
- Huang, J
- Static Scheduling of a Time-Triggered Network-on-Chip Based on SMT Solving [p. 509]
- Cyber-Physical Cloud Computing: The Binding and Migration Problem [p. 1425]
- Huang, K
- Off-path Leakage Power Aware Routing for SRAM-based FPGAs [p. 87]
- Huang, M
- Combining Module Selection and Replication for Throughput-Driven Streaming Programs [p. 1018]
- Huang, P-K
- Multi-Patch Generation for Multi-Error Logic Rectification by Interpolation with Cofactor Reduction [p. 1567]
- Huang, S
- ASIC Implementations of Five SHA-3 Finalists [p. 1006]
- Huebner, M
- Virtualized On-Chip Distributed Computing for Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Multi-Core Systems [p. 280]
- Huisken, J
- Ultra Low Power Litho Friendly Local Assist Circuitry for Variability Resilient 8T SRAM [p. 1042]
- Hung, C Y
- Challenges in Verifying an Integrated 3D Design [p. 167]
- Huss, A
- Optimal Energy Management and Recovery for FEV [p. 683]
- Huss, S A
- Side Channel Analysis of the SHA-3 Finalists [p. 1012]
- Ienne, P
- Selective Flexibility: Breaking the Rigidity of Datapath Merging [p. 1543]
- Ike, A
- Fast Cycle Estimation Methodology for Instruction-Level Emulator [p. 248]
- Illikkal, R
- PCASA: Probabilistic Control-Adjusted Selective Allocation for Shared Caches [p. 473]
- Indaco, M
- A Cross-Layer Approach for New Reliability-Performance Trade-Offs in MLC NAND Flash Memories [p. 881]
- Irwin, M J
- An FPGA-based Accelerator for Cortical Object Classification [p. 691]
- Iyengar, V
- Challenges in Verifying an Integrated 3D Design [p. 167]
- Iyer, R
- PCASA: Probabilistic Control-Adjusted Selective Allocation for Shared Caches [p. 473]
- Jacobson, H
- Power Management of Multi-Core Chips: Challenges and Pitfalls [p. 977]
- Jafari, F
- Worst-Case Delay Analysis of Variable Bit-Rate Flows in Network-on-Chip with Aggregate Scheduling [p. 538]
- Jahn, M
- Middleware Services for Network Interoperability in Smart Energy Efficient Buildings [p. 338]
- Jandhyala, V
- Moore Meets Maxwell [p. 1275]
- Jang, M-W
- Weighted Area Technique for Electromechanically Enabled Logic Computation with Cantilever-Based NEMS Switches [p. 727]
- Jang, S
- Mapping into LUT Structures [p. 1579]
- Janota, M
- QBF-Based Boolean Function Bi-Decomposition [p. 816]
- Janssen, R
- Large Signal Simulation of Integrated Inductors on Semi-Conducting Substrates [p. 1221]
- Jantsch, A
- Worst-Case Delay Analysis of Variable Bit-Rate Flows in Network-on-Chip with Aggregate Scheduling [p. 538]
- Parallel Probing: Dynamic and Constant Time Setup Procedure in Circuit Switching NoC [p. 1289]
- Jedda, H
- Current Source Modeling for Power and Timing Analysis at Different Supply Voltages [p. 923]
- Jentsch, M
- Middleware Services for Network Interoperability in Smart Energy Efficient Buildings [p. 338]
- Jeong, K
- MAPG: Memory Access Power Gating [p. 1054]
- Jerke, G
- Hierarchical Propagation of Geometric Constraints for Full-Custom Physical Design of ICs [p. 1471]
- Jha, N K
- Enabling Advanced Inference on Sensor Nodes Through Direct Use of Compressively-sensed Signals [p. 437]
- Jiang, J
- On the Optimality of K Longest Path Generation Algorithm Under Memory Constraints [p. 418]
- CrashTest'ing SWAT: Accurate, Gate-Level Evaluation of Symptom-Based Resiliency Solutions [p. 1106]
- Jiang, K
- Co-Design Techniques for Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems with Communication Security Constraints [p. 947]
- Jiang, L
- On Effective TSV Repair for 3D-Stacked ICs [p. 793]
- Efficient Variation-Aware EM-Semiconductor Coupled Solver for the TSV Structures in 3D IC [p. 1409]
- Jin, T
- Low Power Aging-Aware Register File Design by Duty Cycle Balancing [p. 546]
- Jin, Y
- Post-Deployment Trust Evaluation in Wireless Cryptographic ICs [p. 965]
- Jones, A K
- Asymmetry of MTJ Switching and Its Implication to STT-RAM Designs [p. 1313]
- Jones, D L
- Real-time Implementation and Performance Optimization of 3D Sound Localization on GPUs [p. 832]
- Jones, S
- Optimal Energy Management and Recovery for FEV [p. 683]
- Jonsson, F
- A Multi-Parameter Bio-Electric ASIC Sensor with Integrated 2-Wire Data Transmission Protocol for Wearable Healthcare System [p. 443]
- Jouppi, N P.
- CACTI-3DD: Architecture-level Modeling for 3D Die-stacked DRAM Main Memory [p. 33]
- Jovic, J
- Hybrid Simulation for Extensible Processor Cores [p. 288]
- Juan, D-C
- Statistical Thermal Modeling and Optimization Considering Leakage Power Variations [p. 605]
- Kahng, A B
- MAPG: Memory Access Power Gating [p. 1054]
- Kakoee, M R
- A Resilient Architecture for Low Latency Communication in Shared-L1 Processor Clusters [p. 887]
- Kalla, P
- Efficient Gröbner Basis Reductions for Formal Verification of Galois Field Multipliers [p. 899]
- Kalligeros, E
- Dynamic-Priority Arbiter and Multiplexer Soft Macros for On-Chip Networks Switches [p. 542]
- Kamal, M
- An Architecture-Level Approach for Mitigating the Impact of Process Variations on Extensible Processors [p. 467]
- Kandemir, M
- Performance-Reliability Tradeoff Analysis for Multithreaded Applications [p. 893]
- Kang, S
- MAPG: Memory Access Power Gating [p. 1054]
- Karim, K S
- AIR (Aerial Image Retargeting): A Novel Technique for In-Fab Automatic Model-Based Retargeting-for-Yield [p. 1603]
- Karimi, N
- Test Generation for Clock-Domain Crossing Faults in Integrated Circuits [p. 406]
- Karlsson, D
- Timing Modeling with AUTOSAR - Current State and Future Directions [p. 805]
- Karnik, T
- Design for Test and Reliability in Ultimate CMOS [p. 677]
- Karri, R
- Logic Encryption: A Fault Analysis Perspective [p. 953]
- Kasper, M
- Side Channel Analysis of the SHA-3 Finalists [p. 1012]
- Kathareios, G
- A Divide and Conquer Based Distributed Run-time Mapping Methodology for Many-Core Platforms [p. 111]
- Katoen, J-P
- Model Checking of Scenario-Aware Dataflow with CADP [p. 653]
- Katz, Y
- Generating Instruction Streams Using Abstract CSP [p. 15]
- Kazmierski, T J
- Response-surface-based Design Space Exploration and Optimization of Wireless Sensor Nodes with Tunable Energy Harvesters [p. 733]
- Keng, B
- Non-Solution Implications Using Reverse Domination in a Modern SAT-based Debugging Environment [p. 629]
- Kerkhoff, H G
- Monitoring Active Filters under Automotive Aging Scenarios with Embedded Instrument [p. 1096]
- Kessler, C
- Programmability and Performance Portability Aspects of Heterogeneous Multi-/Manycore Systems [p. 1403]
- Kestur, S
- An FPGA-based Accelerator for Cortical Object Classification [p. 691]
- Khatri, S P
- A Fast, Source-Synchronous Ring-based Network-on-Chip Design [p. 1489]
- Khellah, M
- Design for Test and Reliability in Ultimate CMOS [p. 677]
- Kiamehr, S
- NBTI Mitigation by Optimized NOP Assignment and Insertion [p. 218]
- Kim, D
- A Case Study on the Application of Real Phase-Change RAM to Main Memory Subsystem [p. 264]
- Kim, H
- On-Chip Source Synchronous Interface Timing Test Scheme with Calibration [p. 1146]
- Kim, N S
- Workload-Aware Voltage Regulator Optimization for Power Efficient Multi-Core Processors [p. 1134]
- Kim, Y
- Multiple-Source and Multiple-Destination Charge Migration in Hybrid Electrical Energy Storage Systems [p. 169]
- A Case Study on the Application of Real Phase-Change RAM to Main Memory Subsystem [p. 264]
- Embedded Systems and Software Challenges in Electric Vehicles [p. 424]
- Kirsch, C
- Cyber-Physical Cloud Computing: The Binding and Migration Problem [p. 1425]
- Kluge, F
- Time Analysable Synchronisation Techniques for Parallelised Hard Real-Time Applications [p. 671]
- Knoedler, K
- Optimal Energy Management and Recovery for FEV [p. 683]
- Knoll, A
- Static Scheduling of a Time-Triggered Network-on-Chip Based on SMT Solving [p. 509]
- Bounding WCET of Applications Using SDRAM with Priority Based Budget Scheduling in MPSoCs [p. 665]
- Knoth, C
- Current Source Modeling for Power and Timing Analysis at Different Supply Voltages [p. 923]
- Kocabas, U
- PUF-based Secure Test Wrapper Design for Cryptographic SoC Testing [p. 866]
- Kocik, R
- Component-Based and Aspect-Oriented Methodology and Tool for Real-Time Embedded Control Systems Design [p. 1421]
- Koenig, R
- A Cycle-Approximate, Mixed-ISA Simulator for the KAHRISMA Architecture [p. 21]
- Kogel, T
- Virtual Platforms: Breaking New Grounds [p. 685]
- Kondratyev, A
- Exploiting Area/Delay Tradeoffs in High-Level Synthesis [p. 1024]
- Kotiyal, S
- Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Based Design of All Optical Reversible Binary Adder [p. 721]
- Kouters, T
- Memory-Map Selection for Firm Real-Time SDRAM Controllers [p. 828]
- Kress, R
- Panel: What Is EDA Doing for Trailing Edge Technologies? [p. 874]
- Kriebel, F
- Power-Efficient Error-Resiliency for H.264/AVC Context-Adaptive Variable Length Coding [p. 697]
- Krinke, A
- Hierarchical Propagation of Geometric Constraints for Full-Custom Physical Design of ICs [p. 1471]
- Kristic, M
- Exploring Pausible Clocking Based GALS Design for 40-nm System Integration [p. 1118]
- Krone, S
- Towards A Wireless Medic Smart Card - Invited Paper [p. 1483]
- Kulkarni, J
- Design for Test and Reliability in Ultimate CMOS [p. 677]
- Kuntz, S
- Timing Modeling with AUTOSAR - Current State and Future Directions [p. 805]
- Kunze, M
- Measuring and Improving the Robustness of Automotive Smart Power Microelectronics [p. 872]
- Kural, E
- Optimal Energy Management and Recovery for FEV [p. 683]
- Kuwamura, S
- Fast Cycle Estimation Methodology for Instruction-Level Emulator [p. 248]
- Kwon, S
- A Case Study on the Application of Real Phase-Change RAM to Main Memory Subsystem [p. 264]
- Lafaye, M
- Model Driven Resource Usage Simulation for Critical Embedded Systems [p. 312]
- Lai, L-C
- Design and Analysis of Via-Configurable Routing Fabrics for Structured ASICs [p. 1479]
- Lam, T-K
- Almost Every Wire is Removable: A Modeling and Solution for Removing Any Circuit Wire [p. 1573]
- Landis, D L
- Hazard Driven Test Generation for SMT Processors [p. 256]
- Landolt, F
- Cyber-Physical Cloud Computing: The Binding and Migration Problem [p. 1425]
- Larsen, K G
- State-of-the-art Tools and Techniques for Quantitative Modeling and Analysis of Embedded Systems [p. 370]
- Lau, J
- Measuring and Improving the Robustness of Automotive Smart Power Microelectronics [p. 872]
- Laur, R
- Simulation of the Steady State of Oscillators in the Time Domain [p. 1355]
- Lavagno, L
- Exploiting Area/Delay Tradeoffs in High-Level Synthesis [p. 1024]
- Laversanne, S
- Optimal Energy Management and Recovery for FEV [p. 683]
- Le, B
- Leveraging Reconfigurability to Raise Productivity in FPGA Functional Debug [p. 292]
- Non-Solution Implications Using Reverse Domination in a Modern SAT-based Debugging Environment [p. 629]
- Lee, C L
- Modeling and Testing of Interference Faults in the Nano NAND Flash Memory [p. 527]
- Lee, C-J
- Agglomerative-Based Flip-Flop Merging with Signal Wirelength Optimization [p. 1391]
- Lee, D
- Weighted Area Technique for Electromechanically Enabled Logic Computation with Cantilever-Based NEMS Switches [p. 727]
- Lee, M-C
- Mitigating Lifetime Underestimation: A System-Level Approach Considering Temperature Variations and Correlations between Failure Mechanisms [p. 1269]
- Lee, S
- A Case Study on the Application of Real Phase-Change RAM to Main Memory Subsystem [p. 264]
- Bloom Filter-based Dynamic Wear Leveling for Phase-Change RAM [p. 1513]
- Lee, W S
- Nano-Electro-Mechanical Relays for FPGA Routing: Experimental Demonstration and a Design Technique [p. 1361]
- Legay, A
- State-of-the-art Tools and Techniques for Quantitative Modeling and Analysis of Embedded Systems [p. 370]
- Lehner, W
- Pathways to Servers of the Future - Highly Adaptive Energy Efficient Computing (HAEC) [p. 1161]
- Leteinturier, P
- Embedded Systems and Software Challenges in Electric Vehicles [p. 424]
- Leupers, R
- Hybrid Simulation for Extensible Processor Cores [p. 288]
- Virtual Platforms: Breaking New Grounds [p. 685]
- Leveque, A
- Holistic Modeling of Embedded Systems with Multi-Discipline Feedback: Application to a Precollision Mitigation Braking System [p. 739]
- Lewis, M
- Verification of Partial Designs Using Incremental QBF Solving [p. 623]
- Li, B
- Variation-Aware Leakage Power Model Extraction for System-Level Hierarchical Power Analysis [p. 346]
- Li, H
- Spintronic Memristor Based Temperature Sensor Design with CMOS Current Reference [p. 1301]
- Architecting a Common-Source-Line Array for Bipolar Non-Volatile Memory Devices [p. 1451]
- A Complexity Adaptive Channel Estimator for Low Power [p. 1531]
- Li, H-C
- On Effective Flip-Chip Routing via Pseudo Single Redistribution Layer [p. 1597]
- Li, M
- RAG: An Efficient Reliability Analysis of Logic Circuits on Graphics Processing Units [p. 316]
- A Sensor-Assisted Self-Authentication Framework for Hardware Trojan Detection [p. 1331]
- Custom On-Chip Sensors for Post-Silicon Failing Path Isolation in the Presence of Process Variations [p. 1591]
- Li, S
- CACTI-3DD: Architecture-level Modeling for 3D Die-stacked DRAM Main Memory [p. 33]
- A Compression-based Area-efficient Recovery Architecture for Nonvolatile Processors [p. 1519]
- Li, T
- Reli: Hardware/Software Checkpoint and Recovery Scheme for Embedded Processors [p. 875]
- Li, X
- A Clustering-Based Scheme for Concurrent Trace in Debugging NoC-Based Multicore Systems [p. 27]
- Off-path Leakage Power Aware Routing for SRAM-based FPGAs [p. 87]
- NOCEVE: Network On Chip Emulation and Verification Environment [p. 163]
- Li, Y
- Asymmetry of MTJ Switching and Its Implication to STT-RAM Designs [p. 1313]
- Liang, Y
- Real-time Implementation and Performance Optimization of 3D Sound Localization on GPUs [p. 832]
- Lilja, D J
- Weighted Area Technique for Electromechanically Enabled Logic Computation with Cantilever-Based NEMS Switches [p. 727]
- Liljeberg, P
- CATRA -Congestion Aware Trapezoid-based Routing Algorithm for On-Chip Networks [p. 320]
- Lin, H-Y
- A Probabilistic Analysis Method for Functional Qualification under Mutation Analysis [p. 147]
- Lin, R-B
- Design and Analysis of Via-Configurable Routing Fabrics for Structured ASICs [p. 1479]
- Lin, W-H
- Dual Greedy: Adaptive Garbage Collection for Page-Mapping Solid-State Disks [p. 117]
- Lin, X
- State of Health Aware Charge Management in Hybrid Electrical Energy Storage Systems [p. 1060]
- Lindwer, M
- Exploiting Binary Translation for Fast ASIP Design Space Exploration on FPGAs [p. 566]
- Lippautz, M
- Cyber-Physical Cloud Computing: The Binding and Migration Problem [p. 1425]
- Lisherness, P
- Power-Efficient Calibration and Reconfiguration for On-Chip Optical Communication [p. 1501]
- Liu, B
- Dynamically Reconfigurable Hybrid Cache: An Energy-Efficient Last-Level Cache Design [p. 45]
- Off-path Leakage Power Aware Routing for SRAM-based FPGAs [p. 87]
- A Fast Analog Circuit Yield Estimation Method for Medium and High Dimensional Problems [p. 751]
- Combining Module Selection and Replication for Throughput-Driven Streaming Programs [p. 1018]
- Liu, C
- Dynamically Reconfigurable Hybrid Cache: An Energy-Efficient Last-Level Cache Design [p. 45]
- Liu, D
- A Block-Level Flash Memory Management Scheme for Reducing Write Activities in PCM-based Embedded Systems [p. 1447]
- Liu, G
- Neighbor-Aware Dynamic Thermal Management for Multi-core Platform [p. 187]
- Liu, H
- Off-path Leakage Power Aware Routing for SRAM-based FPGAs [p. 87]
- An Operational Matrix-Based Algorithm for Simulating Linear and Fractional Differential Circuits [p. 1463]
- Liu, H-Y
- Compositional System-Level Design Exploration with Planning of High-Level Synthesis [p. 641]
- Liu, S
- Parallel Probing: Dynamic and Constant Time Setup Procedure in Circuit Switching NoC [p. 1289]
- Liu, S S-Y
- Agglomerative-Based Flip-Flop Merging with Signal Wirelength Optimization [p. 1391]
- Liu, X
- Energy-Efficient Branch Prediction with Compiler-Guided History Stack [p. 449]
- Liu, X-X
- Runtime Power Estimator Calibration for High-Performance Microprocessors [p. 352]
- Parallel Statistical Analysis of Analog Circuits by GPU-accelerated Graph-based Approach [p. 852]
- A GPU-Accelerated Envelope-Following Method for Switching Power Converter Simulation [p. 1349]
- Liu, Y
- A Compression-based Area-efficient Recovery Architecture for Nonvolatile Processors [p. 1519]
- Lo Iacono, D
- A Flexible and Fast Software Implementation of the FFT on the BPE Platform [p. 1467]
- Lochner, H
- Complexity, Quality and Robustness - The Challenges of Tomorrow's Automotive Electronics [p. 870]
- Loghi, M
- Application-Specific Memory Partitioning for Joint Energy and Lifetime Optimization [p. 364]
- Loi, I
- A Resilient Architecture for Low Latency Communication in Shared-L1 Processor Clusters [p. 887]
- An Energy Efficient DRAM Subsystem for 3D Integrated SoCs [p. 1138]
- Lorentz, V
- Batteries and Battery Management Systems for Electric Vehicles [p. 971]
- Louerat, M-M
- Holistic Modeling of Embedded Systems with Multi-Discipline Feedback: Application to a Precollision Mitigation Braking System [p. 739]
- Lu, J
- S/DC: A Storage and Energy Efficient Data Prefetcher [p. 461]
- Lu, K
- Accurately Timed Transaction Level Models for Virtual Prototyping at High Abstraction Level [p. 135]
- Lu, S-L
- Design for Test and Reliability in Ultimate CMOS [p. 677]
- Lu, Z
- Worst-Case Delay Analysis of Variable Bit-Rate Flows in Network-on-Chip with Aggregate Scheduling [p. 538]
- Parallel Probing: Dynamic and Constant Time Setup Procedure in Circuit Switching NoC [p. 1289]
- Lugli, P
- Characterization of the Bistable Ring PUF [p. 1459]
- Lukasiewycz, M
- Designing FlexRay-based Automotive Architectures: A Holistic OEM Approach [p. 276]
- Embedded Systems and Software Challenges in Electric Vehicles [p. 424]
- Time-triggered Implementations of Mixed-Criticality Automotive Software [p. 1227]
- Luo, Y
- A Cyberphysical Synthesis Approach for Error Recovery in Digital Microfluidic Biochips [p. 1239]
- Luy, L
- Fast Isomorphism Testing for a Graph-based Analog Circuit Synthesis Framework [p. 757]
- Lv, J
- Efficient Gröbner Basis Reductions for Formal Verification of Galois Field Multipliers [p. 899]
- Macii, A
- Investigating the Effects of Inverted Temperature Dependence (ITD) on Clock Distribution Networks [p. 165]
- Macii, E
- IR-Drop Analysis of Graphene-Based Power Distribution Networks [p. 81]
- Investigating the Effects of Inverted Temperature Dependence (ITD) on Clock Distribution Networks [p. 165]
- Middleware Services for Network Interoperability in Smart Energy Efficient Buildings [p. 338]
- Application-Specific Memory Partitioning for Joint Energy and Lifetime Optimization [p. 364]
- Mackay, K
- Impact of Resistive-Open Defects on the Heat Current of TAS-MRAM Architectures [p. 532]
- Madsen, J
- Robust and Flexible Mapping for Real-time Distributed Applications during the Early Design Phases [p. 935]
- Maffione, M
- SURF Algorithm in FPGA: A Novel Architecture for High Demanding Industrial Applications [p. 161]
- Magno, M
- Smart Power Unit with Ultra Low Power Radio Trigger Capabilities for Wireless Sensor Networks [p. 75]
- Mahapatra, R N
- A Fast, Source-Synchronous Ring-based Network-on-Chip Design [p. 1489]
- Mahmood, H
- Application-Specific Memory Partitioning for Joint Energy and Lifetime Optimization [p. 364]
- Mahmood, Z
- An Efficient Framework for Passive Compact Dynamical Modeling of Multiport Linear Systems [p. 1203]
- Mai, K
- Error Patterns in MLC NAND Flash Memory: Measurement, Characterization, and Analysis [p. 521]
- Majumdar, S
- A Closed-loop System for Artifact Mitigation in Ambulatory Electrocardiogram Monitoring [p. 431]
- Makosiej, A
- Stability and Yield-Oriented Ultra-Low-Power Embedded 6T SRAM Cell Design Optimization [p. 93]
- Makris, Y
- Post-Deployment Trust Evaluation in Wireless Cryptographic ICs [p. 965]
- Maliuk, D
- Post-Deployment Trust Evaluation in Wireless Cryptographic ICs [p. 965]
- Mammo, B
- Approximating Checkers for Simulation Acceleration [p. 153]
- Mancini, S
- Enhancing Non-Linear Kernels by an Optimized Memory Hierarchy in a High Level Synthesis Flow [p. 1130]
- Mandal, A
- A Fast, Source-Synchronous Ring-based Network-on-Chip Design [p. 1489]
- Mangassarian, H
- Non-Solution Implications Using Reverse Domination in a Modern SAT-based Debugging Environment [p. 629]
- Marconi, T
- Online Scheduling for Multi-Core Shared Reconfigurable Fabric [p. 582]
- Marculescu, D
- Statistical Thermal Modeling and Optimization Considering Leakage Power Variations [p. 605]
- Mitigating Lifetime Underestimation: A System-Level Approach Considering Temperature Variations and Correlations between Failure Mechanisms [p. 1269]
- Mariani, G
- Using Multi-objective Design Space Exploration to Enable Run-time Resource Management for Reconfigurable Architectures [p. 1379]
- Maricau, E
- Hierarchical Analog Circuit Reliability Analysis Using Multivariate Nonlinear Regression and Active Learning Sample Selection [p. 745]
- Advances in Variation-Aware Modeling, Verification, and Testing of Analog ICs [p. 1615]
- Marin, P
- Verification of Partial Designs Using Incremental QBF Solving [p. 623]
- Marinho, J M
- Preemption Delay Analysis for Floating Non-Preemptive Region Scheduling [p. 497]
- Marinissen, E J
- EDA Solutions to New-Defect Detection in Advanced Process Technologies [p. 123]
- Challenges and Emerging Solutions in Testing TSV-Based 2 1/2D-and 3D-Stacked ICs - Invited Paper [p. 1277]
- Marinkovic, S
- Smart Power Unit with Ultra Low Power Radio Trigger Capabilities for Wireless Sensor Networks [p. 75]
- Markov, I L
- RTL Analysis and Modifications for Improving At-speed Test [p. 400]
- Marongiu, A
- Fast and Lightweight Support for Nested Parallelism on Cluster-Based Embedded Many-Cores [p. 105]
- Design of a Collective Communication Infrastructure for Barrier Synchronization in Cluster-Based Nanoscale MPSoCs [p. 491]
- Marques-Silva, J
- QBF-Based Boolean Function Bi-Decomposition [p. 816]
- Marsh, G
- A Closed-loop System for Artifact Mitigation in Ambulatory Electrocardiogram Monitoring [p. 431]
- Martin, G
- Virtual Platforms: Breaking New Grounds [p. 685]
- Martina, M
- A Network-on-Chip-based Turbo/LDPC Decoder Architecture [p. 1525]
- Martinez Nova, A
- Optimization Intensive Energy Harvesting [p. 272]
- Marwedel, P
- Multi-Objective Aware Extraction of Task-Level Parallelism Using Genetic Algorithms [p. 394]
- Masera, G
- A Network-on-Chip-based Turbo/LDPC Decoder Architecture [p. 1525]
- Masrur, A
- Timing Analysis of Cyber-Physical Applications for Hybrid Communication Protocols [p. 1233]
- Masson, G
- UWB: Innovative Architectures Enable Disruptive Low Power Wireless Applications - Invited Paper [p. 1160]
- Massouri, A
- Holistic Modeling of Embedded Systems with Multi-Discipline Feedback: Application to a Precollision Mitigation Braking System [p. 739]
- Matthes, M
- Large Signal Simulation of Integrated Inductors on Semi-Conducting Substrates [p. 1221]
- Maurine, P
- Amplitude Demodulation-based EM Analysis of Different RSA Implementations [p. 1167]
- McConaghy, T
- Advances in Variation-Aware Modeling, Verification, and Testing of Analog ICs [p. 1615]
- Meder, K
- The Mobile Society - Chances and Challenges for Micro- and Power Electronics [p. 1]
- Meissner, M
- Fast Isomorphism Testing for a Graph-based Analog Circuit Synthesis Framework [p. 757]
- Melikyan, V
- Investigating the Effects of Inverted Temperature Dependence (ITD) on Clock Distribution Networks [p. 165]
- Meloni, P
- Exploiting Binary Translation for Fast ASIP Design Space Exploration on FPGAs [p. 566]
- Melpignano, D
- P2012: Building an Ecosystem for a Scalable, Modular and High-Efficiency Embedded Computing Accelerator [p. 983]
- Memik, G
- Dynamic Directories: A Mechanism for Reducing On-Chip Interconnect Power in Multicores [p. 479]
- Meng, J
- Analysis and Runtime Management of 3D Systems with Stacked DRAM for Boosting Energy Efficiency [p. 611]
- Mesman, B
- Scheduling for Register File Energy Minimization in Explicit Datapath Architectures [p. 388]
- Messaoudi, J
- A Fast Analog Circuit Yield Estimation Method for Medium and High Dimensional Problems [p. 751]
- Meumeu Yomsi, P
- Challenges and New Trends in Probabilistic Timing Analysis [p. 810]
- Meyer zu Bexten, V
- Measuring and Improving the Robustness of Automotive Smart Power Microelectronics [p. 872]
- Meyer, M
- Exploiting Area/Delay Tradeoffs in High-Level Synthesis [p. 1024]
- Miele, A
- An Adaptive Approach for Online Fault Management in Many-Core Architectures [p. 1429]
- Milbredt, P
- Designing FlexRay-based Automotive Architectures: A Holistic OEM Approach [p. 276]
- Miller, B
- MEDS: Mockup Electronic Data Sheets for Automated Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems Using Digital Mockups [p. 1417]
- Miller, C
- Verification of Partial Designs Using Incremental QBF Solving [p. 623]
- Mir, S
- Testing RF Circuits with True Non-Intrusive Built-In Sensors [p. 1090]
- Miremadi, S G
- SCFIT: A FPGA-based Fault Injection Technique for SEU Fault Model [p. 586]
- Miryala, S
- IR-Drop Analysis of Graphene-Based Power Distribution Networks [p. 81]
- Mishchenko, A
- Mapping into LUT Structures [p. 1579]
- Mishra, P
- Automated Generation of Directed Tests for Transition Coverage in Cache Coherence Protocols [p. 3]
- Misra, S K
- A Scan Pattern Debugger for Partial Scan Industrial Designs [p. 558]
- Mitea, O
- Fast Isomorphism Testing for a Graph-based Analog Circuit Synthesis Framework [p. 757]
- Mitra, S
- Formal Methods for Ranking Counterexamples through Assumption Mining [p. 911]
- Nano-Electro-Mechanical Relays for FPGA Routing: Experimental Demonstration and a Design Technique [p. 1361]
- Mitra, T
- Online Scheduling for Multi-Core Shared Reconfigurable Fabric [p. 582]
- Mittag, M
- Hierarchical Propagation of Geometric Constraints for Full-Custom Physical Design of ICs [p. 1471]
- Mittermaier, N
- EDA Solutions to New-Defect Detection in Advanced Process Technologies [p. 123]
- Mohalik, S
- Verifying Timing Synchronization Constraints in Distributed Embedded Architectures [p. 200]
- Mohammadi, A
- SCFIT: A FPGA-based Fault Injection Technique for SEU Fault Model [p. 586]
- Mohanram, K
- High Performance Reliable Variable Latency Carry Select Addition [p. 1257]
- Mojumder, N N
- Layout-Aware Optimization of STT MRAMs [p. 1455]
- Molnos, A
- A TDM NoC Supporting QoS, Multicast, and Fast Connection Set-Up [p. 1283]
- Monga, I
- Benefits of Green Energy and Proportionality in High Speed Wide Area Networks Connecting Data Centers [p. 175]
- Monteiro, J
- Design of Low-Complexity Digital Finite Impulse Response Filters on FPGAs [p. 1197]
- Morad, R
- Approximating Checkers for Simulation Acceleration [p. 153]
- Morche, D
- Yield Optimization for Radio Frequency Receiver at System Level [p. 848]
- UWB: Innovative Architectures Enable Disruptive Low Power Wireless Applications - Invited Paper [p. 1160]
- Morgan, M
- Fixed Origin Corner Square Inspection Layout Regularity Metric [p. 1397]
- Moses, J
- PCASA: Probabilistic Control-Adjusted Selective Allocation for Shared Caches [p. 473]
- Moshovos, A
- Toward Virtualizing Branch Direction Prediction [p. 455]
- Mueller, W
- MOUSSE: Scaling MOdelling and Verification to Complex HeterogeneoUS Embedded Systems Evolution [p. 296]
- Mueller-Gritschneder, D
- Accurately Timed Transaction Level Models for Virtual Prototyping at High Abstraction Level [p. 135]
- Automated Construction of a Cycle-Approximate Transaction Level Model of a Memory Controller [p. 1066]
- Muradore, R
- Predictive Control of Networked Control Systems over Differentiated Services Lossy Networks [p. 1245]
- Muralimanohar, N
- CACTI-3DD: Architecture-level Modeling for 3D Die-stacked DRAM Main Memory [p. 33]
- Murillo, L
- Hybrid Simulation for Extensible Processor Cores [p. 288]
- Mutlu, O
- Error Patterns in MLC NAND Flash Memory: Measurement, Characterization, and Analysis [p. 521]
- Nagel,
- Pathways to Servers of the Future - Highly Adaptive Energy Efficient Computing (HAEC) [p. 1161]
- Nahir, A
- Approximating Checkers for Simulation Acceleration [p. 153]
- Nair, I
- Power Management of Multi-Core Chips: Challenges and Pitfalls [p. 977]
- Namyst, R
- Programmability and Performance Portability Aspects of Heterogeneous Multi-/Manycore Systems [p. 1403]
- Narayanan, R
- Verifying Jitter in an Analog and Mixed Signal Design Using Dynamic Time Warping [p. 1413]
- Narayanan, V
- Hazard Driven Test Generation for SMT Processors [p. 256]
- An FPGA-based Accelerator for Cortical Object Classification [p. 691]
- Nassar, M
- RSM: A Small and Fast Countermeasure for AES, Secure against First- and Second-order Zero-Offset SCAs [p. 1173]
- Nassery, A
- An Analytical Technique for Characterization of Transceiver IQ Imbalances in the Loop-Back Mode [p. 1084]
- Nazhandali, L
- ASIC Implementations of Five SHA-3 Finalists [p. 1006]
- Nazin, S A
- Yield Optimization for Radio Frequency Receiver at System Level [p. 848]
- Nelis, V
- Preemption Delay Analysis for Floating Non-Preemptive Region Scheduling [p. 497]
- Neogy, A
- Analysis and Design of Sub-Harmonically Injection Locked Oscillators [p. 1209]
- Newby, T
- SAFER PATH: Security Architecture Using Fragmented Execution and Replication for Protection against Trojaned Hardware [p. 1000]
- Newell, D
- PCASA: Probabilistic Control-Adjusted Selective Allocation for Shared Caches [p. 473]
- Nicolaidis, M
- Design for Test and Reliability in Ultimate CMOS [p. 677]
- Nicolau, A
- VaMV: Variability-aware Memory Virtualization [p. 284]
- Nikolov, H
- A Methodology for Automated Design of Hard-Real-Time Embedded Streaming Systems [p. 941]
- Nirmaier, T
- Measuring and Improving the Robustness of Automotive Smart Power Microelectronics [p. 872]
- Novo, D
- Selective Flexibility: Breaking the Rigidity of Datapath Merging [p. 1543]
- O'Flynn, B
- Smart Power Unit with Ultra Low Power Radio Trigger Capabilities for Wireless Sensor Networks [p. 75]
- Oertel, M
- Automatic Transition Between Structural System Views in a Safety Relevant Embedded Systems Development Process [p. 820]
- Olivo, P
- A Cross-Layer Approach for New Reliability-Performance Trade-Offs in MLC NAND Flash Memories [p. 881]
- Osello, A
- Middleware Services for Network Interoperability in Smart Energy Efficient Buildings [p. 338]
- Osewold, C
- Automatic Design of Low-Power Encoders Using Reversible Circuit Synthesis [p. 1036]
- Oz, I
- Performance-Reliability Tradeoff Analysis for Multithreaded Applications [p. 893]
- Ozev, S
- An Analytical Technique for Characterization of Transceiver IQ Imbalances in the Loop-Back Mode [p. 1084]
- Palermo, G
- Using Multi-objective Design Space Exploration to Enable Run-time Resource Management for Reconfigurable Architectures [p. 1379]
- Panagopoulos, G
- A Framework for Simulating Hybrid MTJ/CMOS Circuits: Atoms to System Approach [p. 1443]
- Pang, G K H
- An Operational Matrix-Based Algorithm for Simulating Linear and Fractional Differential Circuits [p. 1463]
- Papaefstathiou, I
- An FPGA-based Parallel Processor for Black-Scholes Option Pricing Using Finite Differences Schemes [p. 709]
- Parameswaran, S
- Reli: Hardware/Software Checkpoint and Recovery Scheme for Embedded Processors [p. 875]
- Park, M S
- An FPGA-based Accelerator for Cortical Object Classification [p. 691]
- Park, S
- Embedded Systems and Software Challenges in Electric Vehicles [p. 424]
- State-based Full Predication for Low Power Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture [p. 1367]
- Park, S P
- Layout-Aware Optimization of STT MRAMs [p. 1455]
- Parsa, R
- Nano-Electro-Mechanical Relays for FPGA Routing: Experimental Demonstration and a Design Technique [p. 1361]
- Partlo III, W E
- Weighted Area Technique for Electromechanically Enabled Logic Computation with Cantilever-Based NEMS Switches [p. 727]
- Patel, H D
- An Instruction Scratchpad Memory Allocation for the Precision Timed Architecture [p. 659]
- Patil, S
- Test Generation for Clock-Domain Crossing Faults in Integrated Circuits [p. 406]
- Weighted Area Technique for Electromechanically Enabled Logic Computation with Cantilever-Based NEMS Switches [p. 727]
- Patti, E
- Middleware Services for Network Interoperability in Smart Energy Efficient Buildings [p. 338]
- Pautet, L
- Model Driven Resource Usage Simulation for Critical Embedded Systems [p. 312]
- Pavlidis, V F
- Voltage Propagation Method for 3-D Power Grid Analysis [p. 844]
- Pecheux, F
- Holistic Modeling of Embedded Systems with Multi-Discipline Feedback: Application to a Precollision Mitigation Braking System [p. 739]
- Pedram, M
- Multiple-Source and Multiple-Destination Charge Migration in Hybrid Electrical Energy Storage Systems [p. 169]
- An Architecture-Level Approach for Mitigating the Impact of Process Variations on Extensible Processors [p. 467]
- Minimizing the Latency of Quantum Circuits during Mapping to the Ion-Trap Circuit Fabric [p. 840]
- State of Health Aware Charge Management in Hybrid Electrical Energy Storage Systems [p. 1060]
- Pelissier, M
- UWB: Innovative Architectures Enable Disruptive Low Power Wireless Applications - Invited Paper [p. 1160]
- Pellegrini, A
- CrashTest'ing SWAT: Accurate, Gate-Level Evaluation of Symptom-Based Resiliency Solutions [p. 1106]
- Pelz, G
- Measuring and Improving the Robustness of Automotive Smart Power Microelectronics [p. 872]
- Peng, Z
- Co-Design Techniques for Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems with Communication Security Constraints [p. 947]
- Peraldi-Frati, M-A
- Timing Modeling with AUTOSAR - Current State and Future Directions [p. 805]
- Peranandam, P
- An Integrated Test Generation Tool for Enhanced Coverage of Simulink/Stateflow Models [p. 308]
- Pereira, E
- Cyber-Physical Cloud Computing: The Binding and Migration Problem [p. 1425]
- Perin, G
- Amplitude Demodulation-based EM Analysis of Different RSA Implementations [p. 1167]
- Perlo, P
- Mechatronic System for Energy Efficiency in Bus Transport [p. 342]
- Petracca, M
- Compositional System-Level Design Exploration with Planning of High-Level Synthesis [p. 641]
- Petters, S M
- Preemption Delay Analysis for Floating Non-Preemptive Region Scheduling [p. 497]
- Pham, H-M
- UPaRC -- Ultra-Fast Power-aware Reconfiguration Controller [p. 1373]
- Pidan, D
- Approximating Checkers for Simulation Acceleration [p. 153]
- Piguet, C
- Fixed Origin Corner Square Inspection Layout Regularity Metric [p. 1397]
- Pillement, S
- UPaRC -- Ultra-Fast Power-aware Reconfiguration Controller [p. 1373]
- Pimentel, A D
- Design Space Pruning through Hybrid Analysis in System-level Design Space Exploration [p. 781]
- Pineda de Gyvez, J
- Sliding-Mode Control to Compensate PVT Variations in Dual Core Systems [p. 1048]
- Pino, R E
- Spintronic Memristor Based Temperature Sensor Design with CMOS Current Reference [p. 1301]
- Pino, Y
- Logic Encryption: A Fault Analysis Perspective [p. 953]
- Piscitelli, R
- Design Space Pruning through Hybrid Analysis in System-level Design Space Exploration [p. 781]
- Pllana, S
- Programmability and Performance Portability Aspects of Heterogeneous Multi-/Manycore Systems [p. 1403]
- Plosila, J
- CATRA -Congestion Aware Trapezoid-based Routing Algorithm for On-Chip Networks [p. 320]
- Plyaskin, R
- Virtual Platforms: Breaking New Grounds [p. 685]
- Polian, I
- On the Optimality of K Longest Path Generation Algorithm Under Memory Constraints [p. 418]
- Pomata, S
- Exploiting Binary Translation for Fast ASIP Design Space Exploration on FPGAs [p. 566]
- Poncino, M
- IR-Drop Analysis of Graphene-Based Power Distribution Networks [p. 81]
- Investigating the Effects of Inverted Temperature Dependence (ITD) on Clock Distribution Networks [p. 165]
- Multiple-Source and Multiple-Destination Charge Migration in Hybrid Electrical Energy Storage Systems [p. 169]
- Application-Specific Memory Partitioning for Joint Energy and Lifetime Optimization [p. 364]
- Pons, M
- Fixed Origin Corner Square Inspection Layout Regularity Metric [p. 1397]
- Pontes, J
- An Accurate Single Event Effect Digital Design Flow for Reliable System Level Design [p. 224]
- Pop, P
- Robust and Flexible Mapping for Real-time Distributed Applications during the Early Design Phases [p. 935]
- Poplavko, P
- SPDF: A Schedulable Parametric Data-Flow MoC [p. 769]
- Popovici, E
- Smart Power Unit with Ultra Low Power Radio Trigger Capabilities for Wireless Sensor Networks [p. 75]
- Popp, R M
- Beyond CMOS - Benchmarking for Future Technologies [p. 129]
- Potkonjak, M
- Dynamically Reconfigurable Hybrid Cache: An Energy-Efficient Last-Level Cache Design [p. 45]
- Optimization Intensive Energy Harvesting [p. 272]
- Poulos, Z
- Leveraging Reconfigurability to Raise Productivity in FPGA Functional Debug [p. 292]
- Pourshaghaghi, H R
- Sliding-Mode Control to Compensate PVT Variations in Dual Core Systems [p. 1048]
- Prakash, A
- An Instruction Scratchpad Memory Allocation for the Precision Timed Architecture [p. 659]
- Pravadelli, G
- Enabling Dynamic Assertion-based Verification of Embedded Software through Model-driven Design [p. 212]
- MOUSSE: Scaling MOdelling and Verification to Complex HeterogeneoUS Embedded Systems Evolution [p. 296]
- Prenat, G
- Impact of Resistive-Open Defects on the Heat Current of TAS-MRAM Architectures [p. 532]
- Prinetto, P
- A Cross-Layer Approach for New Reliability-Performance Trade-Offs in MLC NAND Flash Memories [p. 881]
- Prochazka, W
- Batteries and Battery Management Systems for Electric Vehicles [p. 971]
- Provine, J
- Nano-Electro-Mechanical Relays for FPGA Routing: Experimental Demonstration and a Design Technique [p. 1361]
- Puaut, I
- Preemption Delay Analysis for Floating Non-Preemptive Region Scheduling [p. 497]
- Qian, Z
- A Flit-level Speedup Scheme for Network-on-Chips Using Self-Reconfigurable Bi-directional Channels [p. 1295]
- Qin, X
- Automated Generation of Directed Tests for Transition Coverage in Cache Coherence Protocols [p. 3]
- Qin, Z
- A Block-Level Flash Memory Management Scheme for Reducing Write Activities in PCM-based Embedded Systems [p. 1447]
- Quaglia, D
- Refinement of UML/MARTE Models for the Design of Networked Embedded Systems [p. 1072]
- Predictive Control of Networked Control Systems over Differentiated Services Lossy Networks [p. 1245]
- Quan, G
- Neighbor-Aware Dynamic Thermal Management for Multi-core Platform [p. 187]
- Harmonic Semi-Partitioned Scheduling for Fixed-Priority Real-Time Tasks on Multi-Core Platform [p. 503]
- Quinton, S
- Formal Analysis of Sporadic Overload in Real-Time Systems [p. 515]
- Challenges and New Trends in Probabilistic Timing Analysis [p. 810]
- Raabe, A
- Static Scheduling of a Time-Triggered Network-on-Chip Based on SMT Solving [p. 509]
- Bounding WCET of Applications Using SDRAM with Priority Based Budget Scheduling in MPSoCs [p. 665]
- Rafaila, M
- Measuring and Improving the Robustness of Automotive Smart Power Microelectronics [p. 872]
- Raffo, L
- Exploiting Binary Translation for Fast ASIP Design Space Exploration on FPGAs [p. 566]
- Ragel, R
- Reli: Hardware/Software Checkpoint and Recovery Scheme for Embedded Processors [p. 875]
- Rahimi, A
- Analysis of Instruction-level Vulnerability to Dynamic Voltage and Temperature Variations [p. 1102]
- Rahman, M
- Post-Synthesis Leakage Power Minimization [p. 99]
- Rajeev, A C
- Verifying Timing Synchronization Constraints in Distributed Embedded Architectures [p. 200]
- Rajendran, J
- Logic Encryption: A Fault Analysis Perspective [p. 953]
- Rambo, E A
- On ESL Verification of Memory Consistency for System-on-Chip Multiprocessing [p. 9]
- Ramesh, S
- Verifying Timing Synchronization Constraints in Distributed Embedded Architectures [p. 200]
- An Integrated Test Generation Tool for Enhanced Coverage of Simulink/Stateflow Models [p. 308]
- Ranganathan, N
- Runtime Power Gating in Caches of GPUs for Leakage Energy Savings [p. 300]
- Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Based Design of All Optical Reversible Binary Adder [p. 721]
- Ranjan, A
- PowerAdviser: An RTL Power Platform for Interactive Sequential Optimizations [p. 550]
- Raviram, S
- An Integrated Test Generation Tool for Enhanced Coverage of Simulink/Stateflow Models [p. 308]
- Ray, S
- Scalable Progress Verification in Credit-Based Flow-Control Systems [p. 905]
- Mapping into LUT Structures [p. 1579]
- Raychowdhury, A
- Design for Test and Reliability in Ultimate CMOS [p. 677]
- Rehman, S
- Power-Efficient Error-Resiliency for H.264/AVC Context-Adaptive Variable Length Coding [p. 697]
- Reinhardt, A
- Yield Optimization for Radio Frequency Receiver at System Level [p. 848]
- Reinig, H
- Automated Construction of a Cycle-Approximate Transaction Level Model of a Memory Controller [p. 1066]
- Reinman, G
- Dynamically Reconfigurable Hybrid Cache: An Energy-Efficient Last-Level Cache Design [p. 45]
- Richards, A
- Programmability and Performance Portability Aspects of Heterogeneous Multi-/Manycore Systems [p. 1403]
- Richter, M
- Test Pin Count Reduction for NoC-based Test Delivery in Multicore SOCs [p. 787]
- Rimon, M
- Generating Instruction Streams Using Abstract CSP [p. 15]
- Rinaudo, S
- Investigating the Effects of Inverted Temperature Dependence (ITD) on Clock Distribution Networks [p. 165]
- Rivers, J
- EDA Solutions to New-Defect Detection in Advanced Process Technologies [p. 123]
- Rivers, J A
- Power Management of Multi-Core Chips: Challenges and Pitfalls [p. 977]
- Rochange, C
- Time Analysable Synchronisation Techniques for Parallelised Hard Real-Time Applications [p. 671]
- Rofouei, M
- Optimization Intensive Energy Harvesting [p. 272]
- Rohfleisch, B
- Variation-Aware Leakage Power Model Extraction for System-Level Hierarchical Power Analysis [p. 346]
- Roncella, R
- Batteries and Battery Management Systems for Electric Vehicles [p. 971]
- Roop, P S
- Correct-by-Construction Multi-Component SoC Design [p. 647]
- Rosenstiel, W
- Beyond CMOS - Benchmarking for Future Technologies [p. 129]
- Hybrid Source-Level Simulation of Data Caches Using Abstract Cache Models [p. 376]
- Analysis of Multi-Domain Scenarios for Optimized Dynamic Power Management Strategies [p. 862]
- Hierarchical Propagation of Geometric Constraints for Full-Custom Physical Design of ICs [p. 1471]
- Rosiére, M
- An Out-of-Order Superscalar Processor on FPGA: The ReOrder Buffer Design [p. 1549]
- Rosing, T S
- Benefits of Green Energy and Proportionality in High Speed Wide Area Networks Connecting Data Centers [p. 175]
- TempoMP: Integrated Prediction and Management of Temperature in Heterogeneous MPSoCs [p. 593]
- MAPG: Memory Access Power Gating [p. 1054]
- Rottmann, A
- Cyber-Physical Cloud Computing: The Binding and Migration Problem [p. 1425]
- Rousseau, F
- Enhancing Non-Linear Kernels by an Optimized Memory Hierarchy in a High Level Synthesis Flow [p. 1130]
- Rox, J
- Using Timing Analysis for the Design of Future Switched Based Ethernet Automotive Networks [p. 57]
- Roy, K
- A Framework for Simulating Hybrid MTJ/CMOS Circuits: Atoms to System Approach [p. 1443]
- Layout-Aware Optimization of STT MRAMs [p. 1455]
- Roy, S
- Runtime Power Gating in Caches of GPUs for Leakage Energy Savings [p. 300]
- An MILP-Based Aging-Aware Routing Algorithm for NoCs [p. 326]
- Roychowdhury, J
- Analysis and Design of Sub-Harmonically Injection Locked Oscillators [p. 1209]
- Rozic, V
- Low-Cost Implementations of On-the-Fly Tests for Random Number Generators [p. 959]
- Rudolf, R
- Automated Critical Device Identification for Configurable Analogue Transistors [p. 858]
- Ruehrmair, U
- Characterization of the Bistable Ring PUF [p. 1459]
- Ruggiero, M
- Multi-Core Architecture Design for Ultra-Low-Power Wearable Health Monitoring Systems [p. 988]
- Rupnow, K
- Real-time Implementation and Performance Optimization of 3D Sound Localization on GPUs [p. 832]
- Sabarad, J
- An FPGA-based Accelerator for Cortical Object Classification [p. 691]
- Sabena, D
- A New SBST Algorithm for Testing the Register File of VLIW Processors [p. 412]
- Sabry, M M
- Thermal Balancing of Liquid-Cooled 3D-MPSoCs Using Channel Modulation [p. 599]
- A Hybrid HW-SW Approach for Intermittent Error Mitigation in Streaming-Based Embedded Systems [p. 1110]
- Sadeghi, A-R
- PUF-based Secure Test Wrapper Design for Cryptographic SoC Testing [p. 866]
- Sadooghi-Alvandi, M
- Toward Virtualizing Branch Direction Prediction [p. 455]
- Sadri, M
- Quantifying the Impact of Frequency Scaling on the Energy Efficiency of the Single-Chip Cloud Computer [p. 181]
- Safari, S
- An Architecture-Level Approach for Mitigating the Impact of Process Variations on Extensible Processors [p. 467]
- Sahlbach, H
- A High-Performance Dense Block Matching Solution for Automotive 6D-Vision [p. 268]
- Sai, B
- A Compression-based Area-efficient Recovery Architecture for Nonvolatile Processors [p. 1519]
- Sainrat, P
- Time Analysable Synchronisation Techniques for Parallelised Hard Real-Time Applications [p. 671]
- Salajka, V
- Towards New Applications of Multi-Function Logic: Image Multi-Filtering [p. 824]
- Salcic, Z
- Correct-by-Construction Multi-Component SoC Design [p. 647]
- Saletti, R
- Batteries and Battery Management Systems for Electric Vehicles [p. 971]
- San Segundo Bello, D
- Impact of TSV Area on the Dynamic Range and Frame Rate Performance of 3D-Integrated Image Sensors [p. 836]
- Sanchez, D
- Optimal Energy Management and Recovery for FEV [p. 683]
- Sanders, B
- Exploring Pausible Clocking Based GALS Design for 40-nm System Integration [p. 1118]
- Saponara, S
- Low-power Embedded System for Real-Time Correction of Fish-Eye Automotive Cameras [p. 340]
- Batteries and Battery Management Systems for Electric Vehicles [p. 971]
- Saranovac, L
- Selective Flexibility: Breaking the Rigidity of Datapath Merging [p. 1543]
- Sasao, T
- Row-Shift Decompositions for Index Generation Functions [p. 1585]
- Sassone, A
- Investigating the Effects of Inverted Temperature Dependence (ITD) on Clock Distribution Networks [p. 165]
- Satpathy, M
- An Integrated Test Generation Tool for Enhanced Coverage of Simulink/Stateflow Models [p. 308]
- Sauer, M
- On the Optimality of K Longest Path Generation Algorithm Under Memory Constraints [p. 418]
- Sawicki, J
- Panel: What Is EDA Doing for Trailing Edge Technologies? [p. 874]
- Scarpelli, A
- Mechatronic System for Energy Efficiency in Bus Transport [p. 342]
- Schaumont, P
- ASIC Implementations of Five SHA-3 Finalists [p. 1006]
- Schindler, W
- Revealing Side-Channel Issues of Complex Circuits by Enhanced Leakage Models [p. 1179]
- Schirner, G
- Application-Specific Power-Efficient Approach for Reducing Register File Vulnerability [p. 574]
- Schirrmeister, F
- Virtual Platforms: Breaking New Grounds [p. 685]
- Schlichtmann, U
- Accurately Timed Transaction Level Models for Virtual Prototyping at High Abstraction Level [p. 135]
- Current Source Modeling for Power and Timing Analysis at Different Supply Voltages [p. 923]
- Automated Construction of a Cycle-Approximate Transaction Level Model of a Memory Controller [p. 1066]
- Characterization of the Bistable Ring PUF [p. 1459]
- Schmutzler, C
- On Demand Dependent Deactivation of Automotive ECUs [p. 69]
- Schneider, R
- Time-triggered Implementations of Mixed-Criticality Automotive Software [p. 1227]
- Schoenmaker, W
- Large Signal Simulation of Integrated Inductors on Semi-Conducting Substrates [p. 1221]
- Schrijen, G-J
- Comparative Analysis of SRAM Memories Used as PUF Primitives [p. 1319]
- Schuchardt, M
- Dynamic Directories: A Mechanism for Reducing On-Chip Interconnect Power in Multicores [p. 479]
- Sciuto, D
- An Adaptive Approach for Online Fault Management in Many-Core Architectures [p. 1429]
- Scotti, S
- Holistic Modeling of Embedded Systems with Multi-Discipline Feedback: Application to a Precollision Mitigation Braking System [p. 739]
- Sebastian, M
- Probabilistic Response Time Bound for CAN Messages with Arbitrary Deadlines [p. 1114]
- Sebeke, C
- Panel: What Is EDA Doing for Trailing Edge Technologies? [p. 874]
- Sechen, C
- Post-Synthesis Leakage Power Minimization [p. 99]
- Sekanina, L
- A SAT-based Fitness Function for Evolutionary Optimization of Polymorphic Circuits [p. 715]
- Towards New Applications of Multi-Function Logic: Image Multi-Filtering [p. 824]
- Sen, A
- Verification Coverage of Embedded Multicore Applications [p. 252]
- Senepa, L
- SURF Algorithm in FPGA: A Novel Architecture for High Demanding Industrial Applications [p. 161]
- Sengupta, R
- Cyber-Physical Cloud Computing: The Binding and Migration Problem [p. 1425]
- Sengupta, S
- A Scan Pattern Debugger for Partial Scan Industrial Designs [p. 558]
- Shafiee, A
- AFRA: A Low Cost High Performance Reliable Routing for 3D Mesh NoCs [p. 332]
- Shafique, M
- Power-Efficient Error-Resiliency for H.264/AVC Context-Adaptive Variable Length Coding [p. 697]
- Shah, H
- Bounding WCET of Applications Using SDRAM with Priority Based Budget Scheduling in MPSoCs [p. 665]
- Shahid, M A
- Cross Entropy Minimization for Efficient Estimation of SRAM Failure Rate [p. 230]
- Shao, Z
- 3D-FlashMap: A Physical-Location-Aware Block Mapping Strategy for 3D NAND Flash Memory [p. 1307]
- A Block-Level Flash Memory Management Scheme for Reducing Write Activities in PCM-based Embedded Systems [p. 1447]
- Sharifi, S
- TempoMP: Integrated Prediction and Management of Temperature in Heterogeneous MPSoCs [p. 593]
- Sharma, V
- Ultra Low Power Litho Friendly Local Assist Circuitry for Variability Resilient 8T SRAM [p. 1042]
- She, D
- Scheduling for Register File Energy Minimization in Explicit Datapath Architectures [p. 388]
- Shen, C-C
- A Probabilistic Analysis Method for Functional Qualification under Mutation Analysis [p. 147]
- Shin, D
- State of Health Aware Charge Management in Hybrid Electrical Energy Storage Systems [p. 1060]
- Shin, J
- Power Management of Multi-Core Chips: Challenges and Pitfalls [p. 977]
- Shoaib, M
- A Closed-loop System for Artifact Mitigation in Ambulatory Electrocardiogram Monitoring [p. 431]
- Enabling Advanced Inference on Sensor Nodes Through Direct Use of Compressively-sensed Signals [p. 437]
- Silvano, C
- Using Multi-objective Design Space Exploration to Enable Run-time Resource Management for Reconfigurable Architectures [p. 1379]
- Sima, V-M
- Using Multi-objective Design Space Exploration to Enable Run-time Resource Management for Reconfigurable Architectures [p. 1379]
- Simons, M
- On Demand Dependent Deactivation of Automotive ECUs [p. 69]
- Sinanoglu, O
- Logic Encryption: A Fault Analysis Perspective [p. 953]
- Singh, M
- Multi-Token Resource Sharing for Pipelined Asynchronous Systems [p. 1191]
- Singh, P
- Hazard Driven Test Generation for SMT Processors [p. 256]
- Sinha, R
- Correct-by-Construction Multi-Component SoC Design [p. 647]
- Sinkar, A A
- Workload-Aware Voltage Regulator Optimization for Power Efficient Multi-Core Processors [p. 1134]
- Smolinski, R
- CrashTest'ing SWAT: Accurate, Gate-Level Evaluation of Symptom-Based Resiliency Solutions [p. 1106]
- Soeken, M
- Debugging of Inconsistent UML/OCL Models [p. 1078]
- Eliminating Invariants in UML/OCL Models [p. 1142]
- Song, W
- Area Efficient Asynchronous SDM Routers Using 2-Stage Clos Switches [p. 1495]
- Sonza Reorda, M
- A New SBST Algorithm for Testing the Register File of VLIW Processors [p. 412]
- Sotomayor Torres, C M
- Beyond CMOS - Benchmarking for Future Technologies [p. 129]
- Soudris, D
- A Divide and Conquer Based Distributed Run-time Mapping Methodology for Many-Core Platforms [p. 111]
- Souissi, Y
- RSM: A Small and Fast Countermeasure for AES, Secure against First- and Second-order Zero-Offset SCAs [p. 1173]
- Sridhar, A
- Thermal Balancing of Liquid-Cooled 3D-MPSoCs Using Channel Modulation [p. 599]
- Srivastav, M
- ASIC Implementations of Five SHA-3 Finalists [p. 1006]
- Stattelmann, S
- Hybrid Source-Level Simulation of Data Caches Using Abstract Cache Models [p. 376]
- Stefan, R
- A TDM NoC Supporting QoS, Multicast, and Fast Connection Set-Up [p. 1283]
- Stefanni, F
- Refinement of UML/MARTE Models for the Design of Networked Embedded Systems [p. 1072]
- Stefanov, T
- A Methodology for Automated Design of Hard-Real-Time Embedded Streaming Systems [p. 941]
- Steger, C
- Estimation Based Power and Supply Voltage Management for Future RF-Powered Multi-Core Smart Cards [p. 358]
- Steinbach, D
- Guidelines for Model Based Systems Engineering [p. 159]
- Steininger, A
- Designing FlexRay-based Automotive Architectures: A Holistic OEM Approach [p. 276]
- Steinmann, J
- Optimal Energy Management and Recovery for FEV [p. 683]
- Sterpone, L
- A New SBST Algorithm for Testing the Register File of VLIW Processors [p. 412]
- Stipic, S
- TagTM - Accelerating STMs with Hardware Tags for Fast Meta-Data Access [p. 39]
- Stoettinger, M
- Side Channel Analysis of the SHA-3 Finalists [p. 1012]
- Revealing Side-Channel Issues of Complex Circuits by Enhanced Leakage Models [p. 1179]
- Stojilovic, M
- Selective Flexibility: Breaking the Rigidity of Datapath Merging [p. 1543]
- Stratigopoulos, H
- Advances in Variation-Aware Modeling, Verification, and Testing of Analog ICs [p. 1615]
- Stratigopoulos, H-G
- Testing RF Circuits with True Non-Intrusive Built-In Sensors [p. 1090]
- Straube, S
- Complexity, Quality and Robustness - The Challenges of Tomorrow's Automotive Electronics [p. 870]
- Stripf, T
- A Cycle-Approximate, Mixed-ISA Simulator for the KAHRISMA Architecture [p. 21]
- Strong, R
- MAPG: Memory Access Power Gating [p. 1054]
- Stuijk, S
- Playing Games with Scenario- and Resource-Aware SDF Graphs Through Policy Iteration [p. 194]
- Modeling Static-Order Schedules in Synchronous Dataflow Graphs [p. 775]
- Suaya, R
- An Efficient Framework for Passive Compact Dynamical Modeling of Multiport Linear Systems [p. 1203]
- Sun, F
- Automatic Generation of Functional Models for Embedded Processor Extensions [p. 304]
- Sun, G
- 3DHLS: Incorporating High-Level Synthesis in Physical Planning of Three-Dimensional (3D) ICs [p. 1185]
- Modeling and Design Exploration of FBDRAM as On-chip Memory [p. 1507]
- Suri, B
- A Scalable GPU-based Approach to Accelerate the Multiple-Choice Knapsack Problem [p. 1126]
- Swick, R
- Cyber-Physical Cloud Computing: The Binding and Migration Problem [p. 1425]
- Taatizadeh, P
- Automated Critical Device Identification for Configurable Analogue Transistors [p. 858]
- Tabkhi, H
- Application-Specific Power-Efficient Approach for Reducing Register File Vulnerability [p. 574]
- Tahar, S
- Towards Improving Simulation of Analog Circuits Using Model Order Reduction [p. 1337]
- Verifying Jitter in an Analog and Mixed Signal Design Using Dynamic Time Warping [p. 1413]
- Tahoori, M B
- NBTI Mitigation by Optimized NOP Assignment and Insertion [p. 218]
- Layout-Driven Robustness Analysis for Misaligned Carbon Nanotubes in CNTFET-based Standard Cells [p. 1609]
- Tamiya, Y
- Fast Cycle Estimation Methodology for Instruction-Level Emulator [p. 248]
- Tan, M
- Energy-Efficient Branch Prediction with Compiler-Guided History Stack [p. 449]
- Tan, S X-D
- Runtime Power Estimator Calibration for High-Performance Microprocessors [p. 352]
- Parallel Statistical Analysis of Analog Circuits by GPU-accelerated Graph-based Approach [p. 852]
- A GPU-Accelerated Envelope-Following Method for Switching Power Converter Simulation [p. 1349]
- Tang, K-F
- Multi-Patch Generation for Multi-Error Logic Rectification by Interpolation with Cofactor Reduction [p. 1567]
- Tang, Q
- Transistor-Level Gate Model Based Statistical Timing Analysis Considering Correlations [p. 917]
- Tang, W-C
- Almost Every Wire is Removable: A Modeling and Solution for Removing Any Circuit Wire [p. 1573]
- Tasic, B
- Advances in Variation-Aware Modeling, Verification, and Testing of Analog ICs [p. 1615]
- Teh, Y F
- A Flit-level Speedup Scheme for Network-on-Chips Using Self-Reconfigurable Bi-directional Channels [p. 1295]
- Tehranipoor, M
- A Sensor-Assisted Self-Authentication Framework for Hardware Trojan Detection [p. 1331]
- Teich, J
- Designing FlexRay-based Automotive Architectures: A Holistic OEM Approach [p. 276]
- Variation-Aware Leakage Power Model Extraction for System-Level Hierarchical Power Analysis [p. 346]
- Tenhunen, H
- CATRA -Congestion Aware Trapezoid-based Routing Algorithm for On-Chip Networks [p. 320]
- A Multi-Parameter Bio-Electric ASIC Sensor with Integrated 2-Wire Data Transmission Protocol for Wearable Healthcare System [p. 443]
- Tetzlaff, R
- Memristor Technology in Future Electronic System Design [p. 592]
- Thach, D
- Fast Cycle Estimation Methodology for Instruction-Level Emulator [p. 248]
- Thaler, A
- Batteries and Battery Management Systems for Electric Vehicles [p. 971]
- Thapliyal, H
- Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Based Design of All Optical Reversible Binary Adder [p. 721]
- Theelen, B
- Model Checking of Scenario-Aware Dataflow with CADP [p. 653]
- Theocharides, T
- Towards Accurate Hardware Stereo Correspondence: A Real-Time FPGA Implementation of a Segmentation-Based Adaptive Support Weight Algorithm [p. 703]
- Thibault, S
- Programmability and Performance Portability Aspects of Heterogeneous Multi-/Manycore Systems [p. 1403]
- Thiele, D
- Optimizing Performance Analysis for Synchronous Dataflow Graphs with Shared Resources [p. 635]
- Thomas, O
- Stability and Yield-Oriented Ultra-Low-Power Embedded 6T SRAM Cell Design Optimization [p. 93]
- Tischendorf, C
- Large Signal Simulation of Integrated Inductors on Semi-Conducting Substrates [p. 1221]
- Todorov, V
- Automated Construction of a Cycle-Approximate Transaction Level Model of a Memory Controller [p. 1066]
- Todri, A
- Impact of Resistive-Open Defects on the Heat Current of TAS-MRAM Architectures [p. 532]
- Tokunaga, C
- Design for Test and Reliability in Ultimate CMOS [p. 677]
- Tomic, S
- TagTM - Accelerating STMs with Hardware Tags for Fast Meta-Data Access [p. 39]
- Tong, D
- Energy-Efficient Branch Prediction with Compiler-Guided History Stack [p. 449]
- S/DC: A Storage and Energy Efficient Data Prefetcher [p. 461]
- Topcuoglu, H R
- Performance-Reliability Tradeoff Analysis for Multithreaded Applications [p. 893]
- Topham, N
- Predicting Best Design Trade-offs: A Case Study in Processor Customization [p. 1030]
- Torres, L
- Amplitude Demodulation-based EM Analysis of Different RSA Implementations [p. 1167]
- Tosun, O
- Performance-Reliability Tradeoff Analysis for Multithreaded Applications [p. 893]
- Traff, J L
- Programmability and Performance Portability Aspects of Heterogeneous Multi-/Manycore Systems [p. 1403]
- Tretmans, J
- State-of-the-art Tools and Techniques for Quantitative Modeling and Analysis of Embedded Systems [p. 370]
- Tristl, M
- Measuring and Improving the Robustness of Automotive Smart Power Microelectronics [p. 872]
- Trummer, R
- Cyber-Physical Cloud Computing: The Binding and Migration Problem [p. 1425]
- Tsai, H-P
- Design and Analysis of Via-Configurable Routing Fabrics for Structured ASICs [p. 1479]
- Tschanz, J
- Design for Test and Reliability in Ultimate CMOS [p. 677]
- Tsui, C-Y
- A Flit-level Speedup Scheme for Network-on-Chips Using Self-Reconfigurable Bi-directional Channels [p. 1295]
- Ttofis, C
- Towards Accurate Hardware Stereo Correspondence: A Real-Time FPGA Implementation of a Segmentation-Based Adaptive Support Weight Algorithm [p. 703]
- Tung, S-Y
- Congestion-Aware Scheduling for NoC-based Reconfigurable Systems [p. 1561]
- Turturici, M
- Low-power Embedded System for Real-Time Correction of Fish-Eye Automotive Cameras [p. 340]
- Tuveri, G
- Exploiting Binary Translation for Fast ASIP Design Space Exploration on FPGAs [p. 566]
- Ungerer, T
- Time Analysable Synchronisation Techniques for Parallelised Hard Real-Time Applications [p. 671]
- Unsal, O
- TagTM - Accelerating STMs with Hardware Tags for Fast Meta-Data Access [p. 39]
- Vahid, F
- MEDS: Mockup Electronic Data Sheets for Automated Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems Using Digital Mockups [p. 1417]
- Valero, M
- TagTM - Accelerating STMs with Hardware Tags for Fast Meta-Data Access [p. 39]
- van Berkel, C H
- A Complexity Adaptive Channel Estimator for Low Power [p. 1531]
- van der Leest, V
- Comparative Analysis of SRAM Memories Used as PUF Primitives [p. 1319]
- van der Meijs, N
- Transistor-Level Gate Model Based Statistical Timing Analysis Considering Correlations [p. 917]
- Vandling, G
- EDA Solutions to New-Defect Detection in Advanced Process Technologies [p. 123]
- Varman, P
- High Performance Reliable Variable Latency Carry Select Addition [p. 1257]
- Vasicek, Z
- A SAT-based Fitness Function for Evolutionary Optimization of Polymorphic Circuits [p. 715]
- Vatajelu, E I
- Efficiency Evaluation of Parametric Failure Mitigation Techniques for Reliable SRAM Operation [p. 1343]
- Vaupel, M
- Virtual Platforms: Breaking New Grounds [p. 685]
- Vega, A
- Power Management of Multi-Core Chips: Challenges and Pitfalls [p. 977]
- Veljkovic, F
- Low-Cost Implementations of On-the-Fly Tests for Random Number Generators [p. 959]
- Veneris, A
- Leveraging Reconfigurability to Raise Productivity in FPGA Functional Debug [p. 292]
- Non-Solution Implications Using Reverse Domination in a Modern SAT-based Debugging Environment [p. 629]
- Verbauwhede, I
- PUF-based Secure Test Wrapper Design for Cryptographic SoC Testing [p. 866]
- Low-Cost Implementations of On-the-Fly Tests for Random Number Generators [p. 959]
- Verma, N
- Enabling Advanced Inference on Sensor Nodes Through Direct Use of Compressively-sensed Signals [p. 437]
- Vincent, P
- UWB: Innovative Architectures Enable Disruptive Low Power Wireless Applications - Invited Paper [p. 1160]
- Vinco, S
- MOUSSE: Scaling MOdelling and Verification to Complex HeterogeneoUS Embedded Systems Evolution [p. 296]
- Violante, M
- An Hybrid Architecture to Detect Transient Faults in Microprocessors: An Experimental Validation [p. 1433]
- Virazel, A
- Impact of Resistive-Open Defects on the Heat Current of TAS-MRAM Architectures [p. 532]
- Vivet, P
- An Accurate Single Event Effect Digital Design Flow for Reliable System Level Design [p. 224]
- Vizzini, D
- Cyber-Physical Cloud Computing: The Binding and Migration Problem [p. 1425]
- Vladimerescu, A
- Stability and Yield-Oriented Ultra-Low-Power Embedded 6T SRAM Cell Design Optimization [p. 93]
- Voyiatzis, I
- Input Vector Monitoring on Line Concurrent BIST Based on Multilevel Decoding Logic [p. 1251]
- Vyagrheswarudu, N
- PowerAdviser: An RTL Power Platform for Interactive Sequential Optimizations [p. 550]
- Wajsbürt, F
- An Out-of-Order Superscalar Processor on FPGA: The ReOrder Buffer Design [p. 1549]
- Walravens, C
- Design of a Low-Energy Data Processing Architecture for WSN Nodes [p. 570]
- Wan, J
- Monitoring Active Filters under Automotive Aging Scenarios with Embedded Instrument [p. 1096]
- Wang, C
- Extending the Lifetime of NAND Flash Memory by Salvaging Bad Blocks [p. 260]
- Wang, C-Y
- A Probabilistic Analysis Method for Functional Qualification under Mutation Analysis [p. 147]
- Wang, H
- Runtime Power Estimator Calibration for High-Performance Microprocessors [p. 352]
- Parallel Statistical Analysis of Analog Circuits by GPU-accelerated Graph-based Approach [p. 852]
- Workload-Aware Voltage Regulator Optimization for Power Efficient Multi-Core Processors [p. 1134]
- A GPU-Accelerated Envelope-Following Method for Switching Power Converter Simulation [p. 1349]
- Wang, J
- A Clustering-Based Scheme for Concurrent Trace in Debugging NoC-Based Multicore Systems [p. 27]
- Wang, K
- S/DC: A Storage and Energy Efficient Data Prefetcher [p. 461]
- Wang, L
- Response-surface-based Design Space Exploration and Optimization of Wireless Sensor Nodes with Tunable Energy Harvesters [p. 733]
- Wang, S
- Low Power Aging-Aware Register File Design by Duty Cycle Balancing [p. 546]
- Wang, S-C
- Mitigating Lifetime Underestimation: A System-Level Approach Considering Temperature Variations and Correlations between Failure Mechanisms [p. 1269]
- Wang, T
- A Block-Level Flash Memory Management Scheme for Reducing Write Activities in PCM-based Embedded Systems [p. 1447]
- Wang, X
- S/DC: A Storage and Energy Efficient Data Prefetcher [p. 461]
- Asymmetry of MTJ Switching and Its Implication to STT-RAM Designs [p. 1313]
- Wang, Y
- Multiple-Source and Multiple-Destination Charge Migration in Hybrid Electrical Energy Storage Systems [p. 169]
- Runtime Power Gating in Caches of GPUs for Leakage Energy Savings [p. 300]
- State of Health Aware Charge Management in Hybrid Electrical Energy Storage Systems [p. 1060]
- 3D-FlashMap: A Physical-Location-Aware Block Mapping Strategy for 3D NAND Flash Memory [p. 1307]
- A Block-Level Flash Memory Management Scheme for Reducing Write Activities in PCM-based Embedded Systems [p. 1447]
- An Operational Matrix-Based Algorithm for Simulating Linear and Fractional Differential Circuits [p. 1463]
- A Compression-based Area-efficient Recovery Architecture for Nonvolatile Processors [p. 1519]
- Wang, Z
- Accurate Source-Level Simulation of Embedded Software with Respect to Compiler Optimizations [p. 382]
- Wassal, A G
- Double-Patterning Friendly Grid-Based Detailed Routing with Online Conflict Resolution [p. 1475]
- Watanabe, Y
- Exploiting Area/Delay Tradeoffs in High-Level Synthesis [p. 1024]
- Watt, J
- Nano-Electro-Mechanical Relays for FPGA Routing: Experimental Demonstration and a Design Technique [p. 1361]
- Weger, A J
- Power Management of Multi-Core Chips: Challenges and Pitfalls [p. 977]
- Wehn, N
- DRAM Selection and Configuration for Real-Time Mobile Systems [p. 51]
- An Energy Efficient DRAM Subsystem for 3D Integrated SoCs [p. 1138]
- Weis, C
- DRAM Selection and Configuration for Real-Time Mobile Systems [p. 51]
- An Energy Efficient DRAM Subsystem for 3D Integrated SoCs [p. 1138]
- Weiss, R
- Estimation Based Power and Supply Voltage Management for Future RF-Powered Multi-Core Smart Cards [p. 358]
- Wenger, M
- Batteries and Battery Management Systems for Electric Vehicles [p. 971]
- Wenninger, J
- Response-surface-based Design Space Exploration and Optimization of Wireless Sensor Nodes with Tunable Energy Harvesters [p. 733]
- Werner, S
- Virtualized On-Chip Distributed Computing for Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Multi-Core Systems [p. 280]
- Whitty, S
- A High-Performance Dense Block Matching Solution for Automotive 6D-Vision [p. 268]
- Wilcock, R
- Automated Critical Device Identification for Configurable Analogue Transistors [p. 858]
- Wille, R
- Automatic Design of Low-Power Encoders Using Reversible Circuit Synthesis [p. 1036]
- Debugging of Inconsistent UML/OCL Models [p. 1078]
- Eliminating Invariants in UML/OCL Models [p. 1142]
- Williams, R S
- Memristor Technology in Future Electronic System Design [p. 592]
- Wilson, P
- Automated Critical Device Identification for Configurable Analogue Transistors [p. 858]
- Wong, H-S P
- Nano-Electro-Mechanical Relays for FPGA Routing: Experimental Demonstration and a Design Technique [p. 1361]
- Wong, N
- Efficient Variation-Aware EM-Semiconductor Coupled Solver for the TSV Structures in 3D IC [p. 1409]
- An Operational Matrix-Based Algorithm for Simulating Linear and Fractional Differential Circuits [p. 1463]
- Wong, W-F
- Extending the Lifetime of NAND Flash Memory by Salvaging Bad Blocks [p. 260]
- Wu, H
- Model Checking of Scenario-Aware Dataflow with CADP [p. 653]
- Wu, K-C
- Mitigating Lifetime Underestimation: A System-Level Approach Considering Temperature Variations and Correlations between Failure Mechanisms [p. 1269]
- Wu, W
- Fair Energy Resource Allocation by Minority Game Algorithm for Smart Buildings [p. 63]
- Wu, Y-L
- Almost Every Wire is Removable: A Modeling and Solution for Removing Any Circuit Wire [p. 1573]
- Xhakoni, A
- Impact of TSV Area on the Dynamic Range and Frame Rate Performance of 3D-Integrated Image Sensors [p. 836]
- Xie, L
- Custom On-Chip Sensors for Post-Silicon Failing Path Isolation in the Presence of Process Variations [p. 1591]
- Xie, Q
- Multiple-Source and Multiple-Destination Charge Migration in Hybrid Electrical Energy Storage Systems [p. 169]
- State of Health Aware Charge Management in Hybrid Electrical Energy Storage Systems [p. 1060]
- Xie, Y
- 3DHLS: Incorporating High-Level Synthesis in Physical Planning of Three-Dimensional (3D) ICs [p. 1185]
- Modeling and Design Exploration of FBDRAM as On-chip Memory [p. 1507]
- Xie, Z
- Energy-Efficient Branch Prediction with Compiler-Guided History Stack [p. 449]
- Xing, X
- Design of an Intrinsically-Linear Double- VCO-based ADC with 2nd-order Noise Shaping [p. 1215]
- Xu, C
- Modeling and Design Exploration of FBDRAM as On-chip Memory [p. 1507]
- Xu, Q
- On Effective TSV Repair for 3D-Stacked ICs [p. 793]
- Clock Skew Scheduling for Timing Speculation [p. 929]
- Xu, Y
- Variation-Aware Leakage Power Model Extraction for System-Level Hierarchical Power Analysis [p. 346]
- Efficient Variation-Aware EM-Semiconductor Coupled Solver for the TSV Structures in 3D IC [p. 1409]
- Yakoushkin, S
- Hybrid Simulation for Extensible Processor Cores [p. 288]
- Yang, G
- A Multi-Parameter Bio-Electric ASIC Sensor with Integrated 2-Wire Data Transmission Protocol for Wearable Healthcare System [p. 443]
- Yang, H
- A Compression-based Area-efficient Recovery Architecture for Nonvolatile Processors [p. 1519]
- Yang, J
- Architecting a Common-Source-Line Array for Bipolar Non-Volatile Memory Devices [p. 1451]
- Yang, S
- Power-Efficient Calibration and Reconfiguration for On-Chip Optical Communication [p. 1501]
- Yang, X
- Almost Every Wire is Removable: A Modeling and Solution for Removing Any Circuit Wire [p. 1573]
- Yang, Y
- Playing Games with Scenario- and Resource-Aware SDF Graphs Through Policy Iteration [p. 194]
- Yang, Y-C
- A Probabilistic Analysis Method for Functional Qualification under Mutation Analysis [p. 147]
- Yang, Y-S
- Leveraging Reconfigurability to Raise Productivity in FPGA Functional Debug [p. 292]
- Ye, R
- Clock Skew Scheduling for Timing Speculation [p. 929]
- Ye, Z
- Weighted Area Technique for Electromechanically Enabled Logic Computation with Cantilever-Based NEMS Switches [p. 727]
- Yeolekar, A
- An Integrated Test Generation Tool for Enhanced Coverage of Simulink/Stateflow Models [p. 308]
- Yi, J
- S/DC: A Storage and Energy Efficient Data Prefetcher [p. 461]
- Yip, T G
- Challenges in Verifying an Integrated 3D Design [p. 167]
- Yoo, S
- A Case Study on the Application of Real Phase-Change RAM to Main Memory Subsystem [p. 264]
- Bloom Filter-based Dynamic Wear Leveling for Phase-Change RAM [p. 1513]
- Yordanov, B
- Experimentally Driven Verification of Synthetic Biological Circuits [p. 236]
- Yu, H
- Fair Energy Resource Allocation by Minority Game Algorithm for Smart Buildings [p. 63]
- A GPU-Accelerated Envelope-Following Method for Switching Power Converter Simulation [p. 1349]
- Yu, W
- Efficient Variation-Aware EM-Semiconductor Coupled Solver for the TSV Structures in 3D IC [p. 1409]
- Yu, Z
- A Complexity Adaptive Channel Estimator for Low Power [p. 1531]
- Yuan, F
- Clock Skew Scheduling for Timing Speculation [p. 929]
- Yun, J
- Bloom Filter-based Dynamic Wear Leveling for Phase-Change RAM [p. 1513]
- Zaccaria, V
- Using Multi-objective Design Space Exploration to Enable Run-time Resource Management for Reconfigurable Architectures [p. 1379]
- Zaki, M H
- Towards Improving Simulation of Analog Circuits Using Model Order Reduction [p. 1337]
- Verifying Jitter in an Analog and Mixed Signal Design Using Dynamic Time Warping [p. 1413]
- Zambelli, C
- A Cross-Layer Approach for New Reliability-Performance Trade-Offs in MLC NAND Flash Memories [p. 881]
- Zatt, B
- Power-Efficient Error-Resiliency for H.264/AVC Context-Adaptive Variable Length Coding [p. 697]
- Zeng, H
- Task Implementation of Synchronous Finite State Machines [p. 206]
- Zergainoh, N-E
- Design for Test and Reliability in Ultimate CMOS [p. 677]
- Zha, J
- Modeling and Testing of Interference Faults in the Nano NAND Flash Memory [p. 527]
- Zhai, J T
- A Methodology for Automated Design of Hard-Real-Time Embedded Streaming Systems [p. 941]
- Zhang, C
- Fair Energy Resource Allocation by Minority Game Algorithm for Smart Buildings [p. 63]
- Voltage Propagation Method for 3-D Power Grid Analysis [p. 844]
- Spintronic Memristor Based Temperature Sensor Design with CMOS Current Reference [p. 1301]
- Zhang, D
- A Compression-based Area-efficient Recovery Architecture for Nonvolatile Processors [p. 1519]
- Zhang, L
- A Clustering-Based Scheme for Concurrent Trace in Debugging NoC-Based Multicore Systems [p. 27]
- Zhang, P
- Combining Module Selection and Replication for Throughput-Driven Streaming Programs [p. 1018]
- Zhang, Y
- Real-time Implementation and Performance Optimization of 3D Sound Localization on GPUs [p. 832]
- Asymmetry of MTJ Switching and Its Implication to STT-RAM Designs [p. 1313]
- Architecting a Common-Source-Line Array for Bipolar Non-Volatile Memory Devices [p. 1451]
- Zhao, B
- Architecting a Common-Source-Line Array for Bipolar Non-Volatile Memory Devices [p. 1451]
- Zhao, S
- Real-time Implementation and Performance Optimization of 3D Sound Localization on GPUs [p. 832]
- Zheng, C
- Low Power Aging-Aware Register File Design by Duty Cycle Balancing [p. 546]
- Zheng, L-R
- A Multi-Parameter Bio-Electric ASIC Sensor with Integrated 2-Wire Data Transmission Protocol for Wearable Healthcare System [p. 443]
- Zheng, Y
- Power-Efficient Calibration and Reconfiguration for On-Chip Optical Communication [p. 1501]
- Zhou, H
- Clock Skew Scheduling for Timing Speculation [p. 929]
- Zimmermann, J
- Optimal Energy Management and Recovery for FEV [p. 683]
- Analysis of Multi-Domain Scenarios for Optimized Dynamic Power Management Strategies [p. 862]
- Ziv, A
- Generating Instruction Streams Using Abstract CSP [p. 15]
- Approximating Checkers for Simulation Acceleration [p. 153]
- Zjajo, A
- Transistor-Level Gate Model Based Statistical Timing Analysis Considering Correlations [p. 917]
- Zohner, M
- Side Channel Analysis of the SHA-3 Finalists [p. 1012]
- Zorian, Y
- Design for Test and Reliability in Ultimate CMOS [p. 677]
- Zou, Q
- 3DHLS: Incorporating High-Level Synthesis in Physical Planning of Three-Dimensional (3D) ICs [p. 1185]
- Zou, Y
- Combining Module Selection and Replication for Throughput-Driven Streaming Programs [p. 1018]
- Zuluaga, M
- Predicting Best Design Trade-offs: A Case Study in Processor Customization [p. 1030]
- Zyulkyarov, F
- TagTM - Accelerating STMs with Hardware Tags for Fast Meta-Data Access [p. 39]