Proceedings DATE 2012

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All DATE Proceedings are accessible from DATE venue and will also be publically available two years after DATE! Meanwhile you will find current proceedings at IEEE Xplore Digital Library!


© 2012 EDAA

ISBN: 978-3-9810801-8-6

Getting Started

DATE 2012 contains the proceedings of the Design, Automation and Test in Europe for year 1998-2012.

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On the top navigation bar, click on a 'year' link to view the conference proceeding of a particular year. You can then access the proceeding by the Table of Contents, Abstracts, Session Index, or Author Index from the left navigation bar.

Two icons are used as links in these files:
Abstract Icon links to the abstract of a paper,
PDF Icon links to the PDF (Portable Document Format) file of the paper, which will be displayed on Acrobat Reader.

In the Table of Contents file, you may choose to view an abstract of the paper or the actual technical paper, by clicking on the appropriate icon. The Abstracts file contains all the abstracts of the technical papers, it also has links to the PDF files of the papers. The session title in the Session Index file links to the corresponding session in the Abstracts file.

Each technical paper is in a PDF file, named for the session in which it appeared at the conference.
