Development of Tools and Methods

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Andreas Schütte

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Lei PI

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Hari Mony

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Muhammad Rashid

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Thomson R &D



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Qiang Zhou

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YeonGon Cho

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Vittorio Zaccaria, Politecnico di Milano, IT

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Fabien Colas-Bigey, Thales Communications, FR

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Umberto Bondi, ALaRI, Università della Svizzera italiana, CH

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Friedhelm Stappert

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Continental Automotive GmbH



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Andras Vajda

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Jennifer Dworak

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Jan Haase, Technical University Vienna, AT

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Prabhat Avasare

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Paul Dempsey

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EDA Tech Forum Journal
My Design Task(s)
N/A Press
My hardware and software IP demand(s)
N/A Press



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Jian-Jia Chen

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Alain Girault, INRIA, FR

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Pallab Dasgupta

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Priyank Kalla

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