Development of Tools and Methods

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Sven van Haastregt

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Dominique Borrione

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yunsi fei

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Yinhe Han

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Stuart Weeks

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Axel Schneider

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Pascal Benoit

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Josef Meiler

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Lilian Janin

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Wahid Ahmed

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Sudhakar Reddy

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Alberto Bosio, LIRMM, FR

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Gilles Jacquemod, University of Nice, FR

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Alun Foster

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My Job Function(s)
Research and Innovation consulting
My Product Application(s)
Embedded Systems applications
My Design Flow(s)
High-level system simulation to SW intergation



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Technical White Papers

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Arnaud Virazel, LIRMM, FR

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Christian Genz

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Axel Jantsch

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Harald Devos

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Tohru Ishihara

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Renaud Pacalet

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