FM04 Forum: Advancing Diversity in EDA

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14:00FM04.1Welcome and Introduction

Ayse Coskun, Boston University, US
Elaheh Bozorgzadeh, University of California, Irvine, US

14:15FM04.2Keynote: "VLSI Design Methods for Low Power Encryption"

Ingrid Verbauwhede, KU Leuven and UCLA, BE

In this talk, I will present the evolution in research on hardware security. I will also discuss current hot hardware security research topics going forward. This title also reflects my start in academia. It was the title of my very first NSF grant funded in a call on EDA "Design Automation for Micro and Nano Systems". I will use this and other examples to show how to survive in a research environment which might not be ready for either of them: women nor the need for hardware security.

14:45FM04.3Panel 1: Mastering Your Leadership Skills

Elaheh Bozorgzadeh, University of California, Irvine, US

Marilyn Wolf, Georgia Institute of Technology, US
Nuria Llin, Texas Instruments, DE
Cristiana Bolchini, Politecnico di Milano, IT

This panel focuses on leadership development in academic and industry settings in EDA. Panel will address topics such as strategies for increasing upward mobility particularly for women and URM; developing leadership skills to create a an innovative, productive, and inclusive environment; various alternative career paths towards inspirational leadership.

15:30FM04.4Coffee Break
16:00FM04.5Panel 2: Negotiating: Practical Strategies for Women and URM in Tech

Ingrid Verbauwhede, KU Leuven and UCLA, BE

Ian Harris, University of Californa Irvine, US
X. Sharon Hu, University of Notre Dame, US
Aida Todri-Sanial, LIRMM, FR

This panel addresses various aspects of negotiation in EDA industry and academia at different job levels, including regarding the gender and minority pay gap, when seeking promotions, or for increasing personal visibility at the workplace. The panelists will provide practical strategies as well as broader insights.

16:45FM04.6Panel 3: Work-Life Balance: Myth or Reality?

Hai (Helen) Li, Duke University, US

Nele Mentens, KU Leuven, BE
Chengmo Yang, University of Delaware, US
Laura Pozzi, USI Lugano, CH

This panel discusses observations, challenges, and methods regarding work-life balance, seeking answers to questions such as: What does balance mean at different stages of life and career? How do work-life balance and personal goals interact? Are there better (or worse) ways for time management?

17:30FM04.7Speed Mentoring Session

This structured mentoring session will match each mentee with a few mentors throughout the session, with the goals of getting quick tips and feedback, as well as identifying good mentor-mentee matches for longer term mentorship.

18:00FM04.8Closing Remarks, followed by DATE Reception