Track 1 Salle Oisans | 9.1 SPECIAL DAY Hot Topic: Game-changing Innovative Technology Platforms for Health Care | | | 10.1 SPECIAL DAY Hot Topic: Wearable Medical Applications | | | 11.1 SPECIAL DAY Hot Topic: Implantable Medical Applications | | | | | 12.1 SPECIAL DAY Hot Topic: Technology and Design Platforms for Diagnostics |
Track 2 Belle Etoile | 9.2 Hot Topic - Transparent Use of Accelerators in Heterogeneous Computing Systems | | | 10.2 Emerging Memory Architectures | | | 11.2 Variability and Robustness for Emerging Technologies | | | | | 12.2 Solver Advances and Emerging Applications |
Track 3 Stendhal | 9.3 NoC Optimization | | | 10.3 Modern Architectures for Real-Time Systems | | | 11.3 Hot Topic - Multi/Many-Core Programming: Where Are We Standing? | | | | | 12.3 Patterning, Pairing, Placement and Packing |
Track 4 Chartreuse | 9.4 Advanced Trends in Alternative Technologies | | | 10.4 Energy Aware Data Center: Design and Management | | | 11.4 Logic Synthesis: the Faithful, the Approximate and the Stochastic | | | | | 12.4 High-Level Specifications and Models |
Track 5 Meije | 9.5 Modeling and Simulation of Extra-Functional Properties | | | 10.5 Reconfigurable Architectures and Applications | | | 11.5 Ultra-low Power Devices for Health and Rehabilitation | | | | | 12.5 New Perspectives in Next-Generation Medical Systems |
Track 6 Bayard | 9.6 Design, Synthesis and Validation of Analog Circuits | | | 10.6 Circuit Design and Test: From Characterization to Measurement | | | 11.6 Video Architectures for Multimedia and Communications | | | | | 12.6 Medical Design Automation: Is All That Simulation and Model Reduction Getting Into Your "Head"? |
Track 7 Les Bans | 9.7 Test Generation, Fault Simulation and Diagnosis | | | 10.7 Expanding the Applicability of Formal Methods | | | 11.7 Exploiting Dark Silicon | | | | | 12.7 Brain Health and Mental Disorders: new challenges for electronic engineers |
Track 8 Salle Lesdiguières | 9.8 Hot Topic - Monolithic 3D: A Path to Real 3D Integrated Chips | | | 10.8 From IP to EDA Tools Enterprise Management: What is so special? | | | | 11.8 Exhibition Keynote - Designing Systems for the Connected Autonomous Future: An Industry Perspective | | 12.8 Tutorial: An Industry Approach to FPGA/ARM System Development and Verification | | |
Track Exhibition Area | | IP4 Interactive Presentations | | | | | | | | | IP5 Interactive Presentations | |
Track University Booth, Booth 4, Exhibition Area | | | UB09 Session 9 | | UB10 Session 10 | | | | UB11 Session 11 | | | |
Track 0 Salle Oisans | | | | | | 11.0 SPECIAL DAY Keynote | | | | | | |