Track 1 Saal 1 | 9.1 SPECIAL DAY Hot Topic: CMOS scaling - from evolutionary to revolutionary computing | | | 10.1 SPECIAL DAY Hot Topic: Memories today and tomorrow | | | 11.1 SPECIAL DAY Embedded Tutorial: Alternatives to CMOS | | | 12.1 SPECIAL DAY Hot Topic: The future of interfacing to the natural world |
Track 2 Konferenz 6 | 9.2 Low-Cost, High-Performance NoCs | | | 10.2 Wireless NoCs | | | 11.2 Transitioning NoC Design Techniques to Future Challenges | | | 12.2 Hot topic: How Secure are PUFs Really? On the Reach and Limits of Recent PUF Attacks |
Track 3 Konferenz 1 | 9.3 Hardware Implementations for Data Security | | | 10.3 Green Computing Systems | | | 11.3 Industry relevant research and practice for system design | | | 12.3 Multimedia Systems |
Track 4 Konferenz 2 | 9.4 Timing challenges in validation | | | 10.4 System-level evaluation | | | 11.4 Enabling validation on fast platforms | | | 12.4 Physical Aspects |
Track 5 Konferenz 3 | 9.5 Hot Topic: Connecting Different Worlds - Technology Abstraction for Reliability-Aware Design and Test | | | 10.5 Analysis of Components and Systems | | | 11.5 Memory Resource Allocation and Scheduling in MPSoC | | | 12.5 System-level Design Space Exploration |
Track 6 Konferenz 4 | 9.6 Schedulability analysis | | | 10.6 Multi-processor and distributed systems | | | 11.6 System-Level Thermal Estimation and Management | | | 12.6 Error Resilience and Power Management |
Track 7 Konferenz 5 | 9.7 Timing Analysis and Cell Design | | | 10.7 Advances in Synthesis | | | 11.7 Power and Emerging Technologies in Reconfigurable Computing | | | 12.7 Built-in Self-Test Solutions for Mixed-Signal and RF ICs |
Track 8 Exhibition Theatre | 9.8 Embedded Tutorial: Memcomputing: the Cape of Good Hope | | | 10.8 EDA+3D+MEMS Innovation Agenda 2020 Fueling the Innovation Chain of Electronics | | | 11.8 Embedded Tutorial: GPGPUs: how to combine high computational power with high reliability | | | 12.8 Panel: Future SoC verification methodology: UVM evolution or revolution? |
Track Conference Level, foyer | | IP4 Interactive Presentations | | | | | | | IP5 Interactive Presentations | |
Track University Booth, Booth 3, Exhibition Area | | | UB09 Session 9 | | UB10 Session 10 | | | UB11 Session 11 | | |
Track 0 Saal 1 | | | | | | 11.0 Special Day Keynote | | | | |