Development of Tools and Methods

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Wenhui Zhao, University of Hong Kong, HK

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Arun Joseph, Systems and Technology Laboratory, IBM, IN

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Systems and Technology Laboratory, IBM



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Renato Sala, intecs, IT

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Ons MBAREK, LEAT, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, FR

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Edouard Ngoya, XLIM-CNRS, University of Limoges, FR

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Juan Francesconi, Universidad Nacional del Sur, AR

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Jorge Johanny Sáenz Noval, SMDH, BR

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Jorge Johanny
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Sáenz Noval



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Muhsen Owaida, University of Thessaly, GR

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Arne Heittman, RWTH Aachen University, DE

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Michele Portolan, Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs France, FR

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Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs France



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Diana Goehringer, Ruhr-University Bochum, DE

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Marco D. Santambrogio

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Aida Todri-Sanial, CNRS-LIRMM/University of Montpellier, FR

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Alaaeldien Medra

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Kurt Coble

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Eli Moas

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Ad Peeters

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Jens Brandenburg

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Maurice Meijer

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NXP Semiconductors



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Torsten Reich

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Fraunhofer IIS/EAS



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