Development of Tools and Methods

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Marcio Ferreira da Silva Oliveira

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Family name: 
Ferreira da Silva Oliveira
C-Lab, University of Paderborn



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rene van leuken

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Herb Reiter

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eda 2 asic Consulting, Inc



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Technical White Papers

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Brett Meyer

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Cristiano Lazzari

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Fabian Mischkalla

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Family name: 
University of Paderborn



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Technical White Papers

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Christoph Kuznik

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Prabhat Mishra

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Alejandro Masrur

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Laurence Pierre, TIMA, FR

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Wedler Markus

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Zhe-Mao Hsu

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Freek Verbeek

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Luca Sterpone

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Hiroyuki Tomiyama, Ritsumeikan University, JP

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Kenneth Francken

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Pedro Berger

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Mircea Stan

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Paul Schwann

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