Development of Tools and Methods

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Nicholas Carter

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João Cardoso

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Ioannis Papaefstathiou, Technical university of Crete, GR

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Rajiv Maheshwary

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My Design Task(s)



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Volker Aue

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Scott Fischaber

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Joachim Gerlach, Albstadt-Sigmaringen University, DE

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Andreas Graf

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Gianpiero Cabodi, Politecnico di Torino, IT

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Mely Chen Chi

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Jing Ye

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Marco Roveri

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Fondazione Bruno Kessler



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Technical White Papers

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Jamil Kawa

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Roberto Zafalon, STMicroelectronics SRL, IT

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chantal ykman

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Sebastian Sattler, University Erlangen-Nuermberg, DE

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Sybille Hellebrand, University of Paderborn, DE

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Yu HU, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CN

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Marco Lattuada

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