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Marry Cheng

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Vlado Sruk

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Walter Anheier, Universität Bremen, DE

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First name: 
Family name: 
Universität Bremen



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Technical White Papers

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Abbas Sheibanyrad

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Anton Gerasimov

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Simon Fielding

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Anton Chepurov

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Mike Casey

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Hans-Joachim Wunderlich, University of Stuttgart, DE

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Bertil Svensson

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Vazgen Melikyan

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Walter Kellerer

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Alan Su

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Bodo Kaufmann

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First name: 
Family name: 
austriamicrosystems AG
My Job Function(s)
My Design Area(s)
Semi Library



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Technical White Papers

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Fernando Barbero

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John Goodacre

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Hassan Sohofi

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Nicola Bombieri, University of Verona, IT

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Pascal Brechat

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Marco Giammarini

Personal information
First name: 
Family name: 
Università Politecnica delle Marche
My hardware and software IP demand(s)



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Technical White Papers

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