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Benjamin Glas

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Hari Mony

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Muhammad Rashid

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Thomson R &D



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Technical White Papers

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YeonGon Cho

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Jerome Rampon

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Fabien Colas-Bigey, Thales Communications, FR

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Friedhelm Stappert

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Continental Automotive GmbH



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Technical White Papers

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Chris Sellathamby

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john dalton

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Prabhat Avasare

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Darryl Gauthey

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The Swatch Group Recherche et Développement S.A.



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Technical White Papers

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Joakim Fjäder

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Woo-Cheol Kwon

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Nicolas Chauveau

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Jos Hulzink

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Volker Meyer zu Bexten

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Meyer zu Bexten
Infineon Technologies
My Design Task(s)



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Technical White Papers

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Norbert Abel

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Sohini Dasgupta

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Sandeeep Kumar

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jean gaude bagavane bagavane

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jean gaude bagavane
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auro pvt ltd,



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Technical White Papers

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