Track 1 Auditorium A | 1.1 Opening Session: Plenary, Awards Ceremony & Keynote Addresses | | | 2.1 Executive Panel: The Electronics Innovation Landscape: Opportunities, Challenges and Strategies | | | | | | | | | | | |
Track 1 5BC | | | | | | | | | | 3.1 IT&A Session: Parallel Ultra-Low-Power Computing for the IoT: Applications, Platforms, Circuits | | | | 4.1 IT&A Session: The Emergence of Silicon Photonics: From High Performance Computing to Data Centers and Quantum Computing | |
Track Booth 1, Exhibition Area | | UB01 Session 1 | | | | UB02 Session 2 | | | | | UB03 Session 3 | | | | UB04 Session 4 |
Track Exhibition Area | | | CB1 Coffee Break | | | | | | | | | | CB2 Coffee Break | | |
Track Garden Foyer | | | | | | | | LB1 Lunch Break | | | | | | | |
Track IP sessions (in front of rooms 4A and 5A) | | | | | | | | | | | | IP1 Interactive Presentations | | | |
Track 2 4BC | | | | 2.2 Stochastic, Approximate and Neural Computing | | | | | | 3.2 Hot Topic Session: New Benchmarking Vectors for Emerging Devices, Circuits, and Architectures: Energy, Delay, and ... Accuracy | | | | 4.2 Logic, Interconnects, Neurons: New Realizations | |
Track 3 2BC | | | | 2.3 Cache memory management for performance and reliability | | | | | | 3.3 Hardware Trojans and Fault Attacks | | | | 4.3 Efficient memory design | |
Track 4 3A | | | | 2.4 Performance and Power Analysis | | | | | | 3.4 Guardbanding and Approximation | | | | 4.4 From functional validation to functional qualification | |
Track 5 3C | | | | 2.5 Reliability and Energy-Efficiency: Two Pillars of NoC Design | | | | | | 3.5 Low-power brain inspired computing for embedded systems | | | | 4.5 Hot Topic Session: On How to Design and Manage Exascale Computing System Technologies | |
Track 6 5A | | | | 2.6 Advancing Test for Mixed-Signal and Microfluidic Circuits and Systems | | | | | | 3.6 Mechanisms for hardware fault testing, recovery and metastability management | | | | 4.6 Fault modeling, test generation and diagnosis | |
Track 7 3B | | | | 2.7 EU Project Special Session: from Secure Clouds to reliable and variable HPC | | | | | | 3.7 Scheduling and Optimization | | | | 4.7 Process variation management for today's and tomorrow's computing | |
Track 8a Exhibition Theatre | | | | | 2.8a Smart Medical Devices | | | | | | | | | | |
Track 8b Exhibition Theatre | | | | | | | 2.8b Smart Medical Devices, Part 2 | | | | | | | | |
Track 0 Garden Foyer | | | | | | | | | 3.0 LUNCH TIME KEYNOTE SESSION: Precision Medicine: Where Engineering and Life Science meet | | | | | | |
Track 9 Auditorium A | | | | | | | | | | 3.9 A tribute to Ralph Otten | | | | | |
Track 8 Exhibition Theatre | | | | | | | | | | 3.8 Addressing Challenges in Today's Datacenter Systems' Design | | | | 4.8 CV Fair DATE 2017 | |