08:30am - 08:45am | Opening session |
08:45am - 10:00am | Invited talk: Eric Coelingh, Volvo Car Corporation:
"From SARTRE towards Autonomous Driving - An Experience Report and Outlook" |
10:00am - 10:30am | Coffee break |
10:30am - 12:00pm | Benjamin Vedder, Thomas Arts, Jonny Vinter and Magnus Jonsson: “Combining Fault-Injection with Property-Based Testing” Krishnan Srinivasarengan, Goutam Y G and Girish Chandra: “Home Energy Simulation for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Applications” Shivam Bhasin, Tarik Graba, Jean-Luc Danger, Yves Mathieu, Daisuke Fujimoto and Makoto Nagata: “Physical Security Evaluation at an Early Design-Phase: A Side-Channel Aware Simulation Methodology” |
12:00pm - 01:00pm | Lunch |
01:00pm - 02:30pm | Ashur Rafiev, Alexei Iliasov, Alexander Romanovsky, Andrey Mokhov, Fei Xia and Alex Yakovlev: “ArchOn: Architecture-open Resource-driven Cross-layer Modelling Framework” Peter Kourzanov: “DSL methods for CPS simulation in the cloud” Md. Abdullah Al Mamun and Jörgen Hansson: “Reducing Simulation Testing Time by Parallel Execution of Loosely-Coupled Segments of a Test Scenario” |
02:30pm - 03:00pm | Coffee break |
03:00pm - 04:00pm | Delf Block, Sönke Heeren, Stefan Kühnel, Andre Leschke, Bernhard Rumpe and Vladislavs Serebro: “Simulations on Consumertests: A Perspective for Driver Assistance Systems” Daniel Cesarini, Luca Cassano, Alessio Fagioli and Marco Avvenuti: “Modeling and Simulation of Energy-Aware Adaptive Policies for Automatic Weather Stations” |
04:00pm - 05:00pm | Final discussion, closing session, and final remarks. |
8:30 - 8:45 | Opening session Chairs: Görschwin Fey, Emmanuelle Encrenaz-Tiphéne |
8:45 - 9:30 | Invited talk Managing Design Knowledge for IP Cores – State-of-the-art and Open Questions Alexander Rath Infineon Technologies AG, Munich, Germany |
9:30 - 10:30 | Technical session: Formal and semi-formal Automatic identification of logical relationships among internal signals with small numbers of test vectors Masahiro Fujita, Takeshi Matsumoto and Satoshi Jo University of Tokyo, Japan Using Natural Language Documentation in the Formal Verification of Hardware Designs Christopher Harris and Ian Harris University of California, Irvine, USA Understanding Compound Systems from their Components' Properties Syed-Hussein Syed-Alwi and Emmanuelle Encrenaz Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6, France Design Understanding with Fast Prototyping from Assertions Katell Morin-Allory, Fatemeh Javaheri and Dominique Borrione Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France |
10:30 - 11:00 | Coffee break & poster presentations Posters: Detecting Concurrency Problems in System Level Designs Alper Sen and Onder Kalaci Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey Automatically connecting hardware blocks via light-weight matching techniques Jan Malburg1, Niklas Krafczyk1 and Goerschwin Fey1,2 1University of Bremen, Germany 2German Aerospace Center, Bremen, Germany Exact Solution for Trace Signal Selection with Pseudo Boolean Optimization (PBO) Shridhar Choudhary, Kousuke Oshima, Amir Masoud Gharehbaghi, Takeshi Matsumoto and Masahiro Fujita The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JAPAN |
11:00 - 12:00 | Invited talk Capturing and Validating Design Understanding using Formal Properties Raik Brinkmann OneSpinSolutions GmbH, Munich, Germany |
12:00 - 13:00 | Lunch |
13:00 - 13:45 | Invited talk Design Understanding in SOC Development - Recent Advances and New Challenges Lyes Benalycherif ST Microelectronics, Grenoble, France |
13:45 - 14:15 | Technical session: System level productivity DiplodocusDF: Analyzing Hardware/Software Interactions with a Dinosaur Andrea Enrici, Ludovic Apvrille and Renaud Pacalet Telecom ParisTech, Biot, France Towards a Multi-dimensional and Dynamic Visualization for ESL Designs Jannis Stoppe1, Marc Michael2, Mathias Soeken1,2, Robert Wille1,2,3 and Rolf Drechsler1,2 1DFKI GmbH, Bremen, Germany 2University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany 3Technical University Dresden, Germany |
14:15 - 15:00 | Invited talk Software Reverse Engineering Rainer Koschke University of Bremen, Germany |
15:00 - 15:30 | Coffee break & poster presentations |
15:30 - 16:15 | Technical session: Reverse and automatic engineering Increasing Verilog’s Generative Power Cherif Salama1 and Walid Taha2 1Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt 2Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden zamiaCAD: Understand, Develop and Debug Hardware Designs Maksim Jenihhin1, Valentin Tihhomirov1, Syed Saif Abrar1, Jaan Raik1 and Guenter Bartsch2 1Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia 2zamiaCAD, Germany Mutation based Feature Localization Jan Malburg1, Emmanuelle Encrenaz-Tiphene2 and Goerschwin Fey1,3 1University of Bremen, Germany 2Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6, France 3German Aerospace Center, Bremen, Germany |
16:15 - 17:00 | Panel Design understanding – where do industry and acdemia team up? Panelists: Ian Harris, Lyes Benalycherif, Raik Brinkmann The panel will summarize the results of the day and prioritize topics focusing on three questions:
Chair: Paul Franzon, North Carolina State University, US
08:15 Welcome Address
Saqib Khursheed, University of Liverpool, UK
08:20 Keynote Presentation: 3D Technology – Key Enabler for 3D Heterogeneous Integration
Jürgen Wolf, IZM Fraunhofer, DE.
3D integration is a key technology for microelectronics to meet the growing demands regarding more functionality, increase in performance, miniaturization and cost reduction and becomes important for application areas e.g. cyber physical systems, internet of things, ambient assisted living (AAL), information & communication, security and health. Interposers with Through Silicon Vias (TSVs) are becoming a very important element and a key enabler for the realization of 3D Systems-in-Packages (SiPs) whose main advantages are the decoupling of front end / back end processing for the implementation of TSVs and redistribution layers to integrate multiple devices into a system in package (WL-SiP). Specific applications result in technical approaches ranging from high density TSV integration, high density RDL for digital applications to interposers for RF applications as well as MEMS and sensor integration and optical interconnects. The presentation will highlight results and technical achievements for 3D integration using TSV interposer and addresses also the broad spectrum of topics from design, technology and reliability related to 3D systems.
M. Jürgen Wolf studied electrical engineering and joined Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration (IZM) in 1994 working in the field of wafer level packaging and system in package (SiP). Since 2011 he is head of department Wafer Level System Integration and also responsible for the management of “ASSID - All Silicon System Integration Dresden”. He is also involved in a number of research projects on national, European and international level. Wolf is a European representative in the technical working group Assembly & Packaging of ITRS, a board member of EURIPIDES, JISSO and a member of IEEE/SMTA. Furthermore, he is a representative of the Fraunhofer Cluster 3D Integration.
09:00 Special Session: Reliability and Thermal issues in 3D ICs
09:00 Overview of 3D-Reliability Research in Imec
Kristof Croes – IMEC, BE
09:20 Advanced Failure Analysis Techniques for 3D Packages
Frank Altmann - Fraunhofer IWM Halle, DE
09:40 Research Directions on Thermal Impact of 3D Assembly
Haykel Ben Jaama- CEA-LETI, FR
10:00 SESSION 2: Coffee Break & Posters
10:30 SESSION 3: Invited Talk and Panel
10:30 Invited Talk: Heterogeneous Sensor Integration; Increased Technology Readiness Level
Maaike Visser - SINTEF, Norway
11:00 Panel Session: Are Slow Standardization and CAD-Tool Development Hindering the Progress of 3D IC Design and Integration?
Moderator: Françoise Von Trapp – “Queen of 3D”, 3DInCites, US
Panelists: Brandon Wang – Cadence Design Systems, US
Juergen Schloeffel – Mentor Graphics, DE
Makoto Nagata – Kobe University, JP
Mustafa Badaroglu – Qualcomm Technologies, BE
13:00 SESSION 4: Technology and Design Challenges for 3D ICs
Chair: Thomas Thärigen, Cascade Microtec GmbH, DE
13:00 Integration of Through -Silicon Vias in a High Performance BiCMOS Technology for RF -Grounding and 3D -Integration
M. Wietstruck1, M. Kaynak1, S. Marschmeyer1, K. Zoschke2, and B. Tillack1,3
1 IHP,DE ; 2 Fraunhofer IZM, DE ; 3 Technische Universität Berlin, DE
13:18 2.5D & 3D Technologies require Innovative Lithography Solutions
Klaus Ruhmer, Philippe Cochet,Roger McCleary
Rudolph Technologies, US
13:36 3D Wirebondless IGBT Module for High Power Applications
Z. Y. Gao1, Y. X. Ren1, Y.C. Lee2, H.L. Yiu2, X.Q. Shi1
1 Hong Kong Applied Science & Technology Research Institute (ASTRI), HK; 2Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP), HK
13:54 Towards Trustworthy NoC-Based 3D-MPSoCs
Johanna Sepúlveda1,2, Guy Gogniat2, Marius Strum1
1 University of São Paulo, BR; 2 LAB-STICC, Lorient, FR
14:12 A TSV-Property-aware Synthesis Method for Application Specific 3D-NoCs
Felix Miller, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf, Vladimir Todorov, Daniel Mueller-Gritschneder, Ulf Schlichtmann
Technische Universität, München, DE
14:30 SESSION 5: Coffee Break & Posters
15:00 SESSION 6: Test and Thermal Challenges for 3D ICs
Chair: Basel Halak, U of Southampton, UK
15:00 Design, Test Generation, Processing, and Pre- and Post-Bond Measurement Results of a 3D-DfT Demonstrator Chip Stack
Erik Jan Marinissen1, Bart De Wachter1, Stephen O’Loughlin1, Sergej Deutsch2, Christos Papameletis2, Tobias Burgherr2
1IMEC, BE ; 2Cadence Design Systems, DE
15:18 Power and DFT Aware Partitioning for 3D-SOCs
Amit Kumar and Sudhakar M. Reddy
University of Iowa, US
15:36 System Level Thermal Modelling for 3D IC: A Memory-on-Logic 3D Test Case Study
Cristiano Santos 1,3, Pascal Vivet1, Denis Dutoit1, Philippe Garrault2, Nicolas Peltier2, Ricardo Reis3
15:54 Thermal Power Plane enabling Dual-Side Electrical Interconnects supporting High-Performance Chip Stacking
Thomas Brunschwiler1, Stefano Oggioni2, Timo Tick1, Gerd Schlottig1, Hubert Harrer3
1IBM Research, Zurich, CH; 2IBM ISC, Milan, IT; 3IBM STG, Böblingen, DE
16:12 Thermal Coupling in TSV-Based 3-D Integrated Circuits
Ioannis Savidis1 and Eby G. Friedman2
1Drexel University, US; 2University of Rochester, US
16:30 CLOSE
A Novel Low-Power TSV Interconnection Scheme Based On Adiabatic Energy-Recovery Logic
Khaled Salah
Mentor Graphics, Cairo, Egypt
3D IC Test through Power Line Methodology
Alberto Pagani, Alessandro Motta
STMicroelectronics – SPA FMTR&D (Sense, Power & Automotive Front-end Manufacturing & Technology R&D)
2.5D Test Cost Optimization using 3D-COSTAR
Mottaqiallah Taouil1, Said Hamdioui1, Erik Jan Marinissen2 and Sudipta Bhawmik3
1Delft University of Technology, NL, 2IMEC, BE, 3Qualcomm, US
Test Pattern Retargeting in 3D SICs Using an IEEE P1687 based 3DFT architecture
Yassine Fkih1,2, Pascal Vivet1, Bruno Rouzeyre2, Marie-Lise Flottes2, Giorgio Di Natale2, Juergen Schloeffel3
1CEA-Leti, MINATEC Campus, FR, 2LIRMM, Univ Montpellier II/CNRS, FR, 3Mentor Graphics, DE
Impact Analysis of Through-Silicon-Via Variation on Performance and Energy Consumption of 3D Networks-on-Chip Architectures
Michael Opoku Agyeman, Ali Ahmadinia
School of Engineering and Built Environment Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK
Processing and Microstructure of Solid-Liquid Interdiffusion Interconnects for 3D Integration
Iuliana Panchenko1, Juergen Grafe1, Maik Mueller2, Klaus-Juergen Wolter2, M. Juergen Wolf1, Klaus-Dieter Lang1
1Fraunhofer IZM ASSID, Moritzburg, Germany, 2Electronics Packaging Laboratory, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany
M. Juergen Wolf , K.-D. Lang
Fraunhofer IZM ASSID, Berlin, Dresden, Germany
Mats Brorsson - professor of Computer Architecture at KTH, Sweden and a senior researcher at Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS). His current research are in programming models, run-time systems, operating systems and the architecture of parallel computer systems in particular multi- and many-core systems. Prof. Brorsson has authored and co-authored over 50 scientific papers in international conferences and journals.
Tapani Ahonen is a part-time Senior Scientist at Technoconsult (TC), Denmark and an Assistant Professor at Tampere University of Technology (TUT), Finland. His work is focused on proof-of-concept driven computer systems design with emphasis on many-core processing environments. Ahonen has an MSc in Electrical Engineering and a PhD in Information Technology from TUT. He has an extensive international publication record including edited books and journals, written book chapters and journal articles, invited talks in high-quality conferences, as well as full-length papers and paper abstracts in conference proceedings.
Sven Karlsson - associate professor at DTU Informatics, DTU, Denmark. His research interests are in programming models, compilers, architectures, operating systems and system software for parallel computers. He has published more than 30 papers in these fields.
Walter Stechele - associate professor at Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany. His research interests include visual computing and robotic vision, with focus on Multi Processor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) architectures and design methodology, low power optimization, dynamic reconfiguration of FPGA devices, and applications in automotive and robotics.
Adam Morawiec - director at ECSI. He holds a PhD from TIMA Lab/INPG in Grenoble and is working in the domain of specification and design languages, system design and synthesis. He is an author of several scientific publications and editor of 4 books. He was also a chair of scientific conferences (DASIP, S4D, ESLsyn).
Time | Label | Session |
08:30 | W7.1 | Opening Session Chair: Co-Chair: |
08:45 | W7.2 | Invited Talk by Prof. L. O. Chua |
08:45 | W7.2.1 | Memristor: State-of-the-Art L. O. Chua, University of California, Berkeley, US This exposition shows that the potassium ion-channels and the sodium ion-channels that are distributed over the entire length of the axons of our neurons are in fact locally-active memristors. In particular, they exhibit all of the fingerprints of memristors, including the characteristic pinched hysteresis Lissajous figures in the voltage-current plane, whose loop areas shrink as the frequency of the periodic excitation signal increases. Moreover the pinched hysteresis loops for the potassium ion-channel memristor, and the sodium ion-channel memristor, from the Hodgkin-Huxley axon circuit model are unique for each periodic excitation signal. An in-depth circuit-theoretic analysis and characterizations of these two classic biological memristors are presented via their small-signal memristive equivalent circuits, their frequency response, and their Nyquist plots. Just as the Hodgkin-Huxley circuit model has stood the test of time, its constituent potassium ion-channel and sodium ion-channel |
10:00 | W7 | Coffee Break |
10:15 | W7.4 | Session 1 |
10:15 | W7.4.1 | Invited Talk: Resistive Switching - From Basic Switching Mechanism to Device Applications Thomas Mikolajick1, Hannes Mähne2, H. Wylezich2 and Stefan Slesazeck2 1NaMLab gGmbH and Technische Universität Dresden, DE; 2NaMLab gGmbH, DE Resistive switching mechanisms are under intense study in the last 15 years mainly for applications in next generation memories. A variety of physical mechanisms exist that lead to different switching characteristics. Based on the portfolio of different device characteristics the device properties may be adjusted to different application needs. In this talk the progress in tailoring resistive switching characteristics both from literature as well as from the authors group will be shown and conclusions for prospects in semiconductor memories and other applications will be drawn. |
11:15 | W7.4.2 | The art of SPICE modeling of memristive systems Dalibor Biolek, University of Defense and Brno University of Technology, CZ A methodology for accurate and reliable modeling of memristive devices in SPICE environment is presented. Due to specific features of SPICE-family programs, the simulation results can be burdened with errors, either evident or not apparent at first sight, or the solution may not be found at all. The above two kinds of problems, called imperfections and non-convergence issues, can be magnified in circuits containing memristive elements with a specific hysteresis behavior. Four key factors, influencing the accuracy and reliability, are discussed: numerical limits in SPICE, rules of building up behavioral models, the way of modeling the state and port equations, and setting the parameters of the analysis. The recommendations are applicable to a wide class of SPICE-family simulation programs. Demonstrations are given for PSpice and HSPICE. |
12:00 | W7 | Lunch |
13:00 | W7.5 | Session 2 |
13:00 | W7.5.1 | Modeling and simulation of memristive devices for memory and logic applications Stephan Menzel1 and Rainer Waser2 1Forschungszentrum Jülich, DE; 2RWTH Aachen Universität, DE Redox-based mesistive switching devices are a potential candidate for future non-volatile memory and logic applications. To enable circuit design using memristive devices predictive simulation models are required. In this work basic requirements are defined that needs to be fulfilled to accurately model memristive devices. In addition, a physics-based modeling approach for the resistive switching in ECM cells is presented which fulfills the relevant criteria. It is based on the electrochemical driven growth and dissolution of a metallic filament and covers self-consistently the basic experimental characteristics: I-V characteristics, nonlinear switching kinetics, and multilevel switching behavior. |
13:45 | W7.5.2 | Memory Intensive Computing Shahar Kvatinski, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, IL Over the past years, new memory technologies such as RRAM, STT-MRAM, PCM etc., have emerged. These technologies, located in the metal layers of the chip, are relatively fast, dense, and power-efficient, and can be considered as memristors. Usually, the use of these devices has been limited to flash, DRAM, and SRAM replacement. This talk is focused on different uses of memristors. For example, new memory structures, different than the conventional memory hierarchy, opening opportunity to a new era in computer architecture - the era of Memory Intensive Computing. Memristors can also be integrated with CMOS in logic circuits. Alternatively, they can be used as a stand-alone logic, suitable to perform logic within the memory and provide opportunity for new computer architectures, different than classical von Neumann. |
14:30 | W7 | Coffee Break |
15:00 | W7.6 | Session 3 |
15:00 | W7.6.1 | Ferroelectric Memristors for Neuromorphic Computing Sören Boyn, CNRS/Thales, FR Thanks to the progress in Nanotechnologies and Material Science, physicists and condensed matter scientists have recently been able to build smart nano-devices with enhanced capabilities. Some of these new devices show functionalities that could be extremely interesting for bio-inspired computing. It has been demonstrated for example that some analog and tunable nano-resistors called Memristors can mimic synapses on silicon. The industry is already developing dense networks of these nano-devices for classical digital memories. It is therefore no longer a dream to envisage building bio-inspired chips based on large-scale, high density parallel networks of these advanced devices, and taking advantage of their full functionalities. What's more, the inherent qualities of massively parallel architectures: the speed, the tolerance to defects and the low power consumption are more and more appreciated these days when computer processors are heating so much that they cannot be used at all times, and when transistors are shrinking so much that they will no longer be reliable. It is becoming a common thesis that bio-inspired chips such as Artificial Neural Networks will soon enter the market as a back-up or accelerator of more traditional computing architectures. In this talk, after a brief introduction on memristors nano-devices and their applications, I will focus on our work: the development of a new generation of memristors, based on purely electronic effects, the ferroelectric memristors. I will show that, by tuning interface properties and finely engineering the dynamics of ferroelectric polarization, we can control the response of these memristors. Furthermore, I will demonstrate their suitability in terms of endurance and retention. |
15:00 | W7.6.2 | Is memristor the 4th circuit element? Frank Zhigang Wang, School of Computing University of Kent Canterbury, GB Chua proposed a Basic Circuit Element Quadrangle including the three classic elements (resistor, inductor and capacitor) and his formulated, named memristor as the fourth element. Based on an observation that this quadrangle may not be perfectly symmetric, we propose a Basic Circuit Element Triangle, in which memristor as well as mem-capacitor and mem-inductor lead three basic element classes, respectively. An intrinsic mathematical relationship is found to support this new classification. We believe that this triangle is concise, mathematically sound and aesthetically beautiful, compared with Chua's quadrangle. The importance of finding a correct circuit element table is similar to that of Mendeleev's Periodic Table of Chemical Elements in Chemistry. A correct circuit element table would also request to rewrite the physics textbooks. |
15:00 | W7.6.3 | NbOx/Nb2O5 memristor modeling based on Chua's Unfolding Principle Alon Ascoli1, Stefan Slesazeck2, Hannes Mähne2, Ronald Tetzlaff1 and Thomas Mikolajick3 1Technische Universität Dresden, DE; 2NaMLab gGmbH, DE; 3NaMLab gGmbH and Technische Universität Dresden, DE Prof. Chua has recently introduced a systematic approach to the modeling of memristors known as Unfolding Principle. Sharing Chua's opinion that the availability of a general mathematical framework capable to capture the dynamics of real memristors would boost the ongoing exploration of their full potential in various applications developing new types of circuits including non-volatile memories, neuromorphic systems, spike-based signal processing machines and sensor systems, in this presentation we introduce a Unfolding Principle-based model for the threshold switching behavior of a NbOx/Nb2O5 memristor fabricated at NaMLab. The accuracy of the proposed mathematical description is demonstrated through a number of case studies. The proposed model is accurate yet simple and thus suited for time-efficient circuit simulations. The availability of reliable mathematical frameworks, such as the one proposed here, would certainly pave the way towards a more rapid, extensive and intensive introduction of the memristor into the realm of circuit elements at disposal of integrated circuit designers. |
15:00 | W7.6.4 | Pattern Classification and Recognition with Memristive Circuits Fabien Alibart1 and D. B. Strukov2 1CNRS, FR; 2University of California at Santa Barbara, US We will discuss recent experimental results on pattern classification and recognition tasks implemented with memristive [1] (ReRAM [2]) neural networks. The Pt/TiO2-x/Pt memristive devices (Fig. 1a, b), which are utilized in both demonstrations, are fabricated with nanoscale e-beam-defined protrusion which localizes the active area during the forming process to ~(20 nm)3 volume and as a result helps in improving device yield. In particular, we will first discuss demonstration of pattern classification task for 3×3 binary images by a single-layer perceptron network implemented with 10 x 2 memristive crossbar circuits (Fig. 1c) in which synaptic weights are realized with memristive devices. The perceptron circuit is trained by ex-situ and in-situ methods to perform binary classification for a set of patterns from an original work by Widrow [3]. In the ex-situ case, the synaptic weights are calculated on the precursor software-based network and then imported sequentially to the crossbar circuits using variation-tolerant programming algorithm [4]. For the in-situ training, the weights are adjusted in parallel following perceptron learning rule by applying voltage pulses from pre-synaptic and post-synaptic neurons. Both approaches work successfully (Fig. 1d) despite significant variations in switching behavior of memristive devices as well as half-select and leakage problems in crossbar circuits [5]. |
15:00 | W7.6.5 | Memristor crossbar array circuits for neuromorphic applications Kyeong-Sik Min, Kookmin University, KR Crossbar array architecture is the most suitable to realize high-density memristor-based synapses. In this presentation, we discuss various crossbar array circuits for mimicking synaptic functions in terms of area, power, etc. In addition, variations in fabrication process, power supply voltage, etc that can affect the synaptic functions of memristor-based crossbar array will be analyzed and discussed in this presentation. |
16:40 | W7.7 | Closing Session |
Time | Label | Session |
08:30 | W6.1 | Opening Session Organisers: Chair: Co-Chair: Welcoming comments |
08:45 | W6.2 | Keynote Talk |
08:45 | W6.2.1 | Designing Efficient and Reliable Multicore Processors for Networking, Servers, and Beyond Shubu Mukherjee, Cavium Networks, US |
09:45 | W6.3 | Paper Session I: New Challenges at the System Level |
09:45 | W6.3.1 | Multi-Core Emulation for Dependable and Adaptive Systems Prototyping Cristiana Bolchini and Matteo Carminati, Politecnico di Milano, IT |
09:45 | W6.3.2 | Fault-tolerant Routing Approach for 3D Stacked Meshes Masoumeh Ebrahimi, Masoud Daneshtalab and Juha Plosila, University of Turku, FI |
10:30 | W6 | Coffee Break |
11:00 | W6.4 | Paper Session II: Reliability Threads in New Technologies |
11:00 | W6.4.1 | Invited Talk - Steep Slope Devices: Opportunities and Challenges for Processor Design Vijaykrishnan Narayanan, Penn State, US |
11:00 | W6.4.2 | BTI reliability from Planar to FinFET nodes: Will the next node be more or less reliable? Halil Kukner1, Pieter Weckx2, Praveen Raghavan1, Ben Kaczer1, Doyoung Jang1, Francky Catthoor3, Liesbet Van der Perre2, Rudy Lauwereins3 and Guido Groeseneken3 1IMEC, BE; 2KU Leuven, BE; 3IMEC, KU Leuven, BE |
11:00 | W6.4.3 | Analysis of Random Dopant Fluctuations and Oxide Thickness on a 16nm L1 Cache Design*) Cagri Eryilmaz1, Azam Seyedi2, Ozman Unsal3 and Andrian Cristal4 1Middle Eastern Technical University, TR and Barcelona Supercomputing Center, ES, ; 2Barcelona Supercomputing Center and Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, ES; 3Barcelona Supercomputing Center, ES; 4Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya and IIIA-CSIC, ES |
12:00 | W6 | Lunch Break |
13:00 | W6.5 | Paper Session III: Application Specific Solutions |
13:00 | W6.5.1 | FPGA Defect Tolerance based on Equivalent Configurations Generation Parthasarathy M. B. Rao, Abdulazim Amouri and Mehdi B. Tahoori, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE |
13:00 | W6.5.2 | A Complex Control System for Testing Fault-Tolerance Methodologies*) Jakub Podivinsky, Marcela Simkova and Zdenek Kotasek, Brno University of Technology, CZ |
13:30 | W6.6 | Panel Session Organiser: Chair: |
Panelists: Speakers: Mehdi Tahoori1, Oliver Bringmann2, Adrian Evans3 and Viacheslav Izosimov4 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE; 2FZI/University of Tuebingen, DE; 3iROC, FR; 4Semcon, SE | ||
14:30 | W6.7 | Coffee Break & Poster Session |
14:30 | W6.7.1 | BADR: Boosting Reliability Through Dynamic Redundancy Ihsen Alouani1, Smail Niar1, Mazen Saghir2 and Fadi Kurdahi3 1University of Valenciennes, FR; 2Texas A&M University, QA; 3University of California at Irving, US |
14:30 | W6.7.2 | Automatic Detection and Correction of Defective Pixels for Medical and Space Imagers Eliahu Cohen1, Moriel Shnitser2, Tsvika Avraham2, Ofer Hadar2 and Yocheved Dotan3 1Tel-Aviv University, IL; 2Ben-Gurion University, IL; 3Ruppin Academic Center, IL |
14:30 | W6.7.3 | Implementing Double Error Correction Orthogonal Latin Squares Codes in Xilinx FPGAs Mustafa Demirci1, Pedro Reviriego2 and Juan Antonio Maestro2 1Alesan, TR; 2Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, ES |
14:30 | W6.7.4 | On Reliability Enhancement Using Adaptive Core Voltage Scaling and Variations on TSMC 28nm LP process process FPGAs Petr Pfeifer and Zdenek Pliva, Technical University of Liberec, CZ |
14:30 | W6.7.5 | Power and Performance Optimization in Long-term Operation André Romão1, Jorge Semião1, Carlos Leong2, Marcelino Santos3, Isabel Teixeira3 and Paulo Teixeira3 1University of Algarve, PT; 2INESC-ID, PT; 3Technical University of Lisbon, PT |
15:00 | W6.8 | Paper Session IV: Resiliency, Self-Test and Self-Diagnosis |
15:00 | W6.8.1 | Invited Talk - DEEP-ER: Scalable resiliency in Exascale Computing Michael Kauschke, Intel, DE |
15:00 | W6.8.2 | Improving the Reliability of Skewed Caches through ECC based Hashes Sercan Yegin1, Burak Karsli1, Oguz Ergin1, Marco Ottavi2, Salvatore Pontarelli2 and Pedro Reviriego3 1TOBB University, TR; 2University of Rome Tor Vergata, IT; 3Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, ES |
15:00 | W6.8.3 | A new Diagnostic method for VLIW Processors*) Davide Sabena, Luca Sterpone and Matteo Sonza Reorda, Politecnico di Torino, IT |
15:00 | W6.8.4 | Aging Monitoring Methodology for Built-In Self-Test Applications*) João Coelho1, Jorge Semião1, Carlos Leong2, Marcelino Santos3, Isabel Teixeira3 and Paulo Teixeira3 1University of Algarve, PT; 2INESC-ID, PT; 3Technical University of Lisbon, PT |
16:15 | W6.9 | Closing Session |
*)indicates short paper
Time | Label | Session |
08:30 | W3.1 | Opening Session |
08:45 | W3.2 | Session 1 Trends in Heterogeneous Computing: the industrial perspective |
08:45 | W3.2.1 | Heterogeneous Computing in the Cloud: emerging trends from the industry Steve Hebert, Nimbix, |
09:15 | W3.2.2 | Higher Level Programming Abstractions for FPGAs using OpenCL Bogdan Pasca, Altera European Technology Centre, |
09:45 | W3.3 | Panel 1 |
Panelists: Panelists: Koen Bertels1, Steve Hebert2 and Bogdan Pasca3 1Delft University of Technology, NL; 2Nimbix, ; 3Altera European Technology Centre, | ||
10:30 | W3 | Coffee Break+Poster Session 1 |
11:00 | W3.4 | Session 2 - Research challenges in Heterogeneous Computing design flows |
11:00 | W3.4.1 | FPGA based accelerators for Big Data: Polymorphic computing for Big Data Koen Bertels, Delft University of Technology, |
11:30 | W3.4.2 | Mapping applications to heterogeneous accelerators: tool flows and run-time systems Christian Plessl, University of Paderborn, |
12:00 | W3 | Lunch |
13:00 | W3.5 | Session 3 -Compilers and code optimization for hardware-accelerated platforms |
13:00 | W3.5.1 | From Software Code to Hardware: Directions in High-Level Synthesis Philippe Coussy, Université de Bretagne-Sud, Lab-STICC, FR |
13:30 | W3.5.2 | Polyhedral compilation and code transformations for High-Level Synthesis Louis-Noel Pouchet, University of California Los Angeles, US |
14:00 | W3.6 | Session 4 - Towards higher-level design approaches |
14:00 | W3.6.1 | CoDesign with Verity: bidirectional control-flow across the FPGA-CPU divide Eduardo Aguilar Peleaz, Imperial College, GB |
14:30 | W3.6.2 | Borrowing high-level paradigms from parallel computing: an OpenMP-based design flow Alessandro Cilardo, University of Naples Federico II, IT |
15:00 | W3.7 | Panel 2 |
Panelists: Speakers: Philippe Coussy1, Louis-Noel Pouchet2 and Eduardo Aguilar Peleaz3 1Université de Bretagne-Sud, Lab-STICC, FR; 2University of California Los Angeles, US; 3Imperial College, GB | ||
15:30 | W3 | Coffee Break + Poster Session 2 |
16:00 | W3.8 | Session 5 - Current and emerging heterogeneous computing applications |
16:00 | W3.8.1 | Heterogeneous HPC: combining FPGAs, CPUs, and GPUs for financial analytics David Thomas, Imperial College, GB |
16:30 | W3.9 | Panel 3 |
Panelists: Speaker: Alessandro Cilardo, University of Naples Federico II, IT Panelists: Steve Hebert1 and Bogdan Pasca2 1Nimbix, ; 2Altera European Technology Centre, | ||
16:45 | W3.10 | Closing Session |
Time | Label | Session |
08:30 | W1.1 | Opening Session |
08:30 | W1.1.1 | Opening Remarks Dimitris Gizopoulos1, Hans-Joachim Weunderlich2 and Paolo Prinetto3 1University of Athens, GR; 2University of Stuttgart, DE; 3Politecnico di Torino, It |
08:30 | W1.1.2 | Keynote 1: GPGPU for dependable systems - a blessing or a curse? Avi Mendelson, Technion, IL |
09:15 | W1.2 | Invited Talk 1 |
09:15 | W1.2.1 | GPGPU Reliability - Challenges and Research Directions Sudhanva Gurumurthi, AMD, US |
09:45 | W1.3 | Session 1 - "Software Approaches for GPUs Dependability Enhancement" Chair: Co-Chair: |
09:45 | W1.3.1 | An improved fault mitigation strategy for CUDA Fermi GPUs Stefano Di Carlo, Giulio Gambardella, Ippazio Martella, Paolo Prinetto, Daniele Rolfo and Pascal Trotta, Politecnico di Torino, IT |
10:05 | W1.3.2 | Software-Based Techniques for Reducing the Vulnerability of GPU Applications Si Li1, Vilas Sridharan2, Sudhanva Gurumurthi2 and Sudhakar Yalamanchili1 1Georgia Tech., US; 2AMD, US |
10:25 | W1.3.3 | A-ABFT: Autonomous Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance on GPUs Claus Braun, Sebastian Halder and Hans-Joachim Wunderlich, University of Stuttgart, DE |
10:45 | W1 | Coffee Break+Posters |
11:30 | W1.4 | Invited Talk 2 |
11:30 | W1.4.1 | Reliable Acceleration - Reliability in a World of GPUs & Other Special Purpose Accelerators Arijit Biswas, Intel, US |
12:00 | W1 | Lunch |
13:00 | W1.5 | Keynote 2 |
13:00 | W1.5.1 | GPU Related Errors in Large Scale Systems: A Study of Blue Waters Supercomputer at NCSA-Illinois Ravishankar K. Iyer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US |
13:45 | W1.6 | Session 2 - "Fault Detection and Tolerance in GPUs" Chair: Co-Chair: |
13:45 | W1.6.1 | Benefits and Countermeasures of Increasing the GPU code Degree of Parallelism Paolo Rech and Luigi Carro, UFRGS, BR |
13:45 | W1.6.2 | On the Evaluation of Soft-Errors Detection Techniques for GPGPUs Davide Sabena1, Matteo Sonza Reorda1, Luca Sterpone1, Paolo Rech2 and Luigi Carro2 1Politecnico di Torino, IT; 2UFRGS, BR |
13:45 | W1.6.3 | Tolerating Hard Faults in GPGPUs Waleed Dweik, Mohammad AbdelMajeed and Murali Annavaram, University of Southern California, US |
14:45 | W1 | Coffee Break |
15:15 | W1.7 | Panel Session Organiser: |
Panelists: Speakers: Sudhakar Yalamanchili1, Ravishankar K. Iyer2, Stefano Di Carlo3, Sudhanva Gurumurthi4, Arijit Biswas5 and Bodo Hoppe6 1Georgia Tech., US; 2University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US; 3Politecnico di Torino, IT; 4AMD, US; 5Intel, US; 6IBM, DE | ||
16:45 | W1.8 | Closing Session |