A Design Automation of Electronic Systems: Past Accomplishments and Challenges Ahead A Tribute to Robert Brayton

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08:15A.1Opening Session
08:30A.2Simulation and Circuit Design
08:30A.2.1EDA beyond Electronics: Anecdotal Evidence in Systems Biology, MRI Optimization, and Electric Vehicle Simulation
Jacob White, MIT, US

09:00A.2.2Phase Logic Using Self-Sustaining Nonlinear Oscillators
Jaijeet Roychowdhury, University of California, Berkeley, US

09:30A.3Logic Synthesis and Computer Architecture
09:30A.3.1Towards the Unification of Synthesis and Verification in Logic and Architectural Design
Masahiro Fujita, University of Tokyo, JP

10:00A.3.2From 2-Level to Architectural Synthesis: a Long Trip for Design Automation
Jordi Cortadella, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, ES

10:30A.3.3Decomposition of Boolean Expressions 30 Years After the First Algebraic Factoring Algorithm
Victor Kravets, IBM, US

11:00A.4Physical Design and Timing Analysis
11:00A.4.1Space (and Physical Design): the Final Frontier for VLSI
Igor Markov, University of Michigan, US

11:30A.4.2Technology-Based Logic Transforms
Rajeev Murgai, Synopsys, IN

12:00ALunch Break

Buffet meal
13:00A.5Formal Verification and Equivalence Checking
13:00A.5.1Combining Algorithms to Solve Intractable Problems
Ken McMillan, Microsoft, US

13:30A.5.2Integrating Induction and Deduction for Verification and Synthesis
Sanjit Seshia, University of California, Berkeley, US

14:00A.6New Frontiers of EDA
14:00A.6.1New Frontiers of Logic Design Tools
Giovanni De Micheli, Ecole Polyt. de Lausanne, CH

14:30A.6.2Bio-Design Automation: Designing Genetic Circuits with EDA Principles
Douglas Densmore, Boston University, US

15:00A.7Formal Models
15:00A.7.1Error Localization using Maximal Satisfiability
Rupak Majumdar, University of California, Los Angeles, US

15:30A.7.2The Unknown Component Problem
Alexandre Petrenko, CRIM, CA

16:00A.8System Design
16:00A.8.1From Latency-Insensitive to Communication-Based System- Level Design
Luca Carloni, Columbia University, US

16:30A.8.2EDA: the Last 40 Years and the next 20 Years
Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, University of California, Berkeley, US


Robert Brayton, University of California at Berkeley, US
Tiziano Villa, Università di Verona, IT

Robert Brayton

Robert Brayton received the BSEE degree from Iowa State University in 1956 and the Ph.D. degree in mathematics from MIT in 1961. He was a member of the Mathematical Sciences Department of the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center until he joined the EECS Department at Berkeley in 1987. He held the Edgar L. and Harold H. Buttner Endowed Chair and retired as the Cadence Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering at Berkeley.

He is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering, an IEEE Fellow, and has received the following awards: IEEE Guilleman-Cauer (1971), ISCAS Darlington (1987), IEEE CAS Technical Achievement (1991), IEEE Emanuel R. Piore (2006), ACM Kanallakis (2006), European DAA Lifetime Achievement (2006), EDAC/CEDA Phil Kaufman (2007), D.O. Pederson best paper in Trans. CAD (2008), ACM/IEEE A. Richard Newton Technical Impact in EDA (2009), Iowa State University Distinguished Alumnus (2010), SRC Technical Excellence (2011) and ACM/SIGDA Pioneering Achievement (2011).

He has co-authored over 460 technical papers, and 11 books in the areas of the analysis of nonlinear networks, simulation and optimization of electrical circuits, logic synthesis, and formal design verification.
