W04 6th Workshop on Design Automation for Understanding Hardware Designs (DUHDE6)

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07:30W04.1Registration Desk opens
08:30W04.2Workshop opening

Christian Krieg, TU Wien, AT
Oliver Keszöcze, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE

08:45W04.3Invited talk: Addressing Integrated Circuit Integrity Using Statistical Analysis and Machine Learning Techniques

Burcin Cakir, Princeton University, US


Burcin Cakir received her B.S. degree from Electrical Engineering Department of Bilkent University, and her Ph.D. degree from Princeton University. Her research motivation is formulating models that can represent real systems accurately and express mathematical bases/frameworks for further analysis. She had experience in developing algorithms and analyses to help design secure hardware systems. She is a recipient of Francis Robbins Upton Fellowship award from Princeton University. Her work on Hardware Trojan detection received Best Paper Award at DATE Conference (2015). She also has served as a referee on various journals and conferences and gave workshop and seminar talks. Besides her work at Princeton, she also had experience in industry research with two internships at Microsoft Research (MSR) in Redmond and Cambridge Labs.

09:30W04.4Paper presentation block 1

Christian Krieg, TU Wien, AT
Oliver Keszöcze, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE

09:30W04.4.1Towards Gate-Level Design of QCA Circuits

10:00W04.5Coffee break 1
10:30W04.6Paper presentation block 2

Christian Krieg, TU Wien, AT
Oliver Keszöcze, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE

10:30W04.6.1Deductive Binary Code Verification Based on Source-Code-Level ACSL Specifications

11:00W04.6.2Extracting Assertions for Conflicts in HDL Descriptions

11:30W04.6.3Complete Specification Mining

12:00W04.7Lunch break
13:00W04.8Invited talk: Reverse Engineering for Security: Views From the Top and the Bottom.

Christian Krieg, TU Wien, AT
Oliver Keszöcze, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE

Pramod Subramanyan, Indian Institute of Technology Kaipur, IN


Recent years have seen much hand-wringing about security concerns posed by malicious hardware designs. Seemingly at the other end of the spectrum are inadvertent hardware design flaws that lead to security breaches. The former concern has led to development of algorithmic reverse engineering techniques, Hardware Trojan detection algorithms and side-channel analysis algorithms -- all of which aim to algorithmically discover malicious behavior from the bottom up. The latter concern has led to the progress in top-down security verification techniques based on model checking and syntax-guided synthesis. In this talk, I will try to review some recent progress in both top-down and bottom-up analysis. I will argue that both top-down and bottom-up techniques can synergistically benefit each other.


Pramod Subramanyan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He obtained his Ph.D. from Princeton University and subsequent to his Ph.D., he was a postdoctoral scholar at the University of California, Berkeley. His research interests lie at the intersection of systems security and formal methods. His current research is focused on system-building techniques that can provide verifiable guarantees of security. Pramod's research has won several awards including the Best Paper Award at the ACM Computer and Communication Security conference, the ACM SIGDA Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation in Electronic Design Automation Award, the Best Student Paper Award at IEEE Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust.

14:00W04.9Paper presentation block 3

Christian Krieg, TU Wien, AT
Oliver Keszöcze, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE

14:00W04.9.1Generating a UML Sequence Diagram from a Natural Language Scenario Description

14:30W04.10Coffee break 2
15:00W04.11Invited talk: Project Trellis: open bitstream documentation for the Lattice ECP5 FPGAs

Christian Krieg, TU Wien, AT
Oliver Keszöcze, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE

David Shah, Symbiotic EDA, GB


The Lattice ECP5 is a family of mid-range (up to 85k logic cells) FPGAs. Project Trellis has created open source bitstream, architecture and timing documentation for them; in order to open up a better understanding of their internals. This has led to the development of an end-to-end open source Verilog to bitstream flow for these parts using Yosys for synthesis and nextpnr for place-and-route, and opens the door to low-level experimentation not possible within the constraints of the vendor FPGA tools. Open source compilers such as GCC and LLVM are now widely used and accepted in the software development community; and developing open bitstream documentation is a first step to bringing the FPGA ecosystem to parity with this. This talk will describe the processes used to build this open documentation, detail some of the interesting lessons learnt along the way, and describe some of the possibilities that bitstream documentation bring for development and verification - with almost everything discussed equally applicable to FPGAs from other vendors.
Bio: David Shah is a engineer at Symbiotic EDA and a Electronic and Information Engineering student at Imperial College London. He entered the world of open source FPGAs by extending Project Icestorm, the iCE40 bitstream documentation project, to include the newer iCE40 UltraPlus FPGAs. As well developing Project Trellis, he has been involved in the development of a new open source FPGA place-and-route tool, nextpnr.
16:00W04.12Paper presentation block 4

Christian Krieg, TU Wien, AT
Oliver Keszöcze, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE

16:00W04.12.1Engineering of an Effective Automatic Assertion-based Verification Platform

16:30W04.12.2Design Mapper: Dataflow Analysis for Better Floorplans

17:00W04.12.3Using AI for the Performance Verification of High-End Processors

17:15W04.12.4The Verification Cockpit - Harnessing Data Analytics for the HW Verification Process

17:30W04.13Workshops end