Visualizing Decision Diagrams for Quantum Computing

Robert Wille1,2, Lukas Burgholzer1 and Michael Artner1
1Institute for Integrated Circuits, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
2Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH (SCCH), Hagenberg, Austria


With the emergence of more and more applications for quantum computing, also the development of corresponding methods for design automation is receiving increasing interest. In this respect, decision diagrams provide a promising basis for many design tasks such as simulation, synthesis, verification, and more. However, users of the corresponding tools often do not have a proper background or an intuition about how these methods based on decision diagrams work and what their strengths and limits are. In an effort to make decision diagrams for quantum computing more accessible, we present a visualization tool which visualizes quantum decision diagrams and allows to explore their behavior when used in the design tasks mentioned above. The installation-free web-tool allows users to interactively learn how decision diagrams can be used in quantum computing, e.g., to (1) compactly represent quantum states and the functionality of quantum circuits, (2) to efficiently simulate quantum circuits, and (3) to verify the equivalence of two circuits. The tool is available at

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