Comparison of GPU Computing Methodologies for Safety-Critical Systems: An Avionics Case Study

Marc Benito1,2, Matina Maria Trompouki1, Leonidas Kosmidis1,2, Juan David Garcia3, Sergio Carretero3 and Ken Wenger4
1Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
2Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Spain
3Airbus Defence and Space, Getafe, Spain
4CoreAVI, Waterloo, ON, Canada


Introducing advanced functionalities in safety-critical systems requires using more powerful architectures such as GPUs. However software in safety-critical industries is subject to functional certification, which cannot be achieved using standard GPU programming languages such as CUDA and OpenCL. Fortunately, GPUs are already used in certified critical systems for display tasks, using safety-certified solutions such as OpenGL SC 2.0. In this paper, we compare two state-of-the art graphics-based methodologies, OpenGL SC 2.0 and Brook Auto/BRASIL for the implementation of a prototype avionics case study. We evaluate both methods on a realistic industrial setup, composed by an avionics-grade GPU and a safety-certified GPU driver in terms of development metrics and performance, showing their feasibility.

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