DATE 2018 EU Projects Booth 
This year too, DATE will have an extra section of the Proceedings dedicated to European Projects. EU Project Coordinators are invited to submit a paper (up to six pages) presenting preliminary ideas, work in progress or lessons learned from the project; papers will be peer-reviewed and selected based on innovation and originality; in particular, we would like to give visibility to papers addressing DATE topics. European Projects papers should be submitted before Sunday, October 15, 2017 23:59:59 CET. Submissions need to be made on-line via the following URL:
via the DATE website. For more information, please contact:
European Projects Chair
Paul Pop, Technical University of Denmark, DK
Moreover, like in previous editions, DATE offers the opportunity to rent a booth and/or meeting room for presenting project material or demos making DATE an ideal venue to meet your community. For booth rental and room reservations, please contact the Event Secretariat K.I.T. Group (see below).
DATE offers a good value booth package to European Projects/Clusters who wish to show their work and results during the DATE exhibition. Moreover, presenting your project at DATE is an excellent opportunity to promote project continuation and find partners for new projects.
- Private cubicle
- Wall panels, on 2 sides
- 1 table & 2 chairs
- Name sign
- 1 kW electricity connection
- Access to shared meeting space
Terms and Conditions apply. Please contact the Exhibition Manager for more details.
Total cost: EUR 2,000 (All costs are collected from the DATE Conference Organization K.I.T. Group on behalf of the Conference Host, EDAA, without VAT.)
Exhibition Stand Contact:
Event Secretariat
European Projects at DATE, Dresden
DATE EU Projects TPC:
- Giovanni Agosta, Politecnico di Milano, IT
- Pierfrancesco Foglia, Università di Pisa, IT
- Flavius Gruian, Lunds Universitet, SE
- Manolis Marazakis, Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas, GR
- Somnath Mazumdar, Simula Research Laboratory, NO
- Jari Nurmi, Tampere University of Technology, FI
- Gilles Sicard, The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), FR
- Dimitrios Soudris, National Technical University of Athens, GR
- Lorenzo Verdoscia, National Research Council, IT
Please see the below list of DATE 2018 European Projects:
- COEMS - Continuous Observation of Embedded Multicore Systems
- dReDBox (Disaggregated Data Center in a Box)
- HiPEAC - European Network on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation