PHYLAX: Snapshot-based Profiling of Real-Time Embedded Devices via JTAG Interface

Charalambos Konstantinou1, Eduardo Chielle2,a and Michail Maniatakos2,b
1Tandon School of Engineering, New York University
2New York University Abu Dhabi


Real‐time embedded systems play a significant role in the functionality of critical infrastructure. Legacy microprocessor‐based embedded systems, however, have not been developed with security in mind. Applying traditional security mechanisms in such systems is challenging due to computing constraints and/or real‐time requirements. Their typical 20‐30 year lifespan further exacerbates the problem. In this work, we propose PHYLAX, a plug‐and‐play solution to detect intrusions in already installed embedded devices. PHYLAX is an external monitoring tool which does not require code instrumentation. Also, our tool adapts and prioritizes intrusion detection based on the requirements of the underlying infrastructure (power grid, chemical factory, etc.) as well as the computing capabilities of the target embedded system (CPU model, memory size, etc.). PHYLAX can be employed on any legacy device which incorporates a JTAG interface. As a case study, we present the inclusion of PHYLAX on a power grid recloser controller.

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