IoT Security Assessment through the Interfaces P‐SCAN Test Bench Platform
Thomas Maurin1,a, Laurent‐Frédéric Ducreux1,b, George Caraiman2,c and Philippe SISSOKO2,d
1Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France CEA, LETI, MINATEC Campus, Grenoble, France
2LCIE Bureau Veritas Fontenay-aux-Roses, France
The recent, massive and always‐growing usage of communicating objects exchanging data over interconnected networks makes these objects vulnerable to cyber‐attacks. Ranging from mainstream industrial devices to IoT products, the P‐SCAN test platform is designed as a convenient solution to democratize connected objects security assessment. Associated to guidelines easing the definition of a device security target, the platform provides a library of test suites which enables automating the process of testing security features on the device's communication interfaces. As technologies evolve, the platform is designed to be scalable and customisable (new interfaces, new standard test suites, specific test cases with respect to new Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) to detect potential vulnerabilities. This paper explains the identified business needs and market segment, the related value proposition and gives an overview of the provided technical solution.