Automatic Integration of Cycle-accurate Descriptions with Continuous‐time Models for Cyber‐Physical Virtual Platforms
Michele Loraa, Stefano Centomob, Davide Quagliac and Franco Fummid
Department of Computer Science, University of Verona
Development of cyber‐physical systems' control algorithms usually relies on architecture‐agnostic abstract models, often leading to ineffective implementations. This paper presents a technique to automatically integrate cycle‐accurate models of digital HW components with continuous‐time physical models. It proposes a solution to the semantic gap between the involved models of computation. Furthermore, model generation and integration for both Simulink‐based proprietary environment and FMI‐based portable standard are presented. The aim of such techniques is to produce cyber‐physical virtual‐platforms: a powerful tool to refine control algorithms up to their SW implementations on the actual HW platform.