Resilience Evaluation via Symbolic Fault Injection on Intermediate Code
Hoang M. Le1,a, Vladimir Herdt1,b, Daniel Große1,2,c and Rolf Drechsler1,2
1Institute of Computer Science, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
2Cyber-Physical Systems, DFKI GmbH, Bremen, Germany
There is a growing need for error‐resilient software that can tolerate hardware faults as well as for new resilience evaluation techniques. For the latter, a promising direction is to apply formal techniques in fault injection‐based evaluations to improve the coverage of evaluation results. Building on the recent development of Software‐implemented Fault Injection (SWiFI) techniques on compiler's intermediate code, this paper proposes a novel resilience evaluation framework combining LLVM-based SWiFI and SMT‐based symbolic execution. This novel combination offers significant advantages over state‐of‐theart approaches with respect to accuracy and coverage.