One‐Way Shared Memory
Martin Schoeberl
Technical University of Denmark
Standard multicore processors use the shared main memory via the on‐chip caches for communication between cores. However, this form of communication has two limitations: (1) it is hardly time‐predictable and therefore not a good solution for real‐time systems and (2) this single shared memory is a bottleneck in the system. This paper presents a communication architecture for time predictable multi core systems where core‐local memories are distributed on the chip. A network‐on‐chip constantly copies data from a sender core‐local memory to a receiver core‐local memory. As this copying is performed in one direction we call this architecture a one‐way shared memory. With the use of time‐division multiplexing for the memory accesses and the network‐on‐chip routers we achieve a time predictable solution where the communication latency and bandwidth can be bounded. An example architecture for a 3x3 core processor and 32‐bit wide links and memory ports provides a cumulative bandwidth of 29 bytes per clock cycle. Furthermore, the evaluation shows that this architecture, due to its simplicity, is small compared to other network‐on‐chip solutions.