E1 Assertion Based Verification: a Common Verification Infrastructure for SoC and Embedded Software

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09:30E1.1.1Introduction to ABV and PSL
Graziano Pravadelli, Università di Verona, IT

10:00E1.1.2ABV for SoC
Masahiro Fujita, University of Tokyo, JP

11:00E1Coffee Break

Monday and Friday morning and afternoon coffee breaks will be located in the Salle de Reception. On Tuesday-Thursday the breaks will be located in the Exhibition Hall. Morning and afternoon (with the exception of Thursday afternoon which is a 30 minute break) coffee breaks on Tuesday-Thursday are extended breaks and will run for 60 minutes (coffee points will be open for the first 30 minutes only) from the start time indicated in the programme.
11:30E1.2Session 2
11:30E1.2.1Dynamic ABV for embedded SW
Giuseppe Di Guglielmo, Columbia University, US

12:30E1.2.2ABV and the IEC 60730 safety standard
Cristina Marconcini, STM Product, IT

13:00E1Lunch Break

Buffet meal
