Time | Label | Session |
09:30 | B.1 | Session 1 |
09:30 | B.1.1 | Introduction and tutorial overview Frank Oppenheimer, OFFIS, DE |
10:00 | B.1.2 | An MDD Methodology for Specification and Performance Estimation of Embedded Systems Eugenio Villar, Universidad de Cantabria, ES |
11:00 | B | Coffee Break Monday and Friday morning and afternoon coffee breaks will be located in the Salle de Reception. On Tuesday-Thursday the breaks will be located in the Exhibition Hall. Morning and afternoon (with the exception of Thursday afternoon which is a 30 minute break) coffee breaks on Tuesday-Thursday are extended breaks and will run for 60 minutes (coffee points will be open for the first 30 minutes only) from the start time indicated in the programme. |
11:30 | B.2 | Session 2 |
11:30 | B.2.1 | Virtual Platform Generation, Integration and Extension of Extra-Functional Properties Emmanuel Vaumorin, Magillem, FR |
12:00 | B.2.2 | Industrial experience report for model-based design in space/aerospace applications (demo) Francisco Ferrero, GMV AD, ES |
13:00 | B | Lunch Break Buffet meal |
14:30 | B.3 | Session 3 |
14:30 | B.3.1 | From RTL IP to Functional System-Level Models with Extra-Functional Properties Davide Quaglia, EDALab, IT |
15:15 | B.3.2 | High-Level Synthesis-based Hardware Power and Timing Estimation Philipp A. Hartmann, OFFIS, DE |
16:00 | B | Coffee Break Monday and Friday morning and afternoon coffee breaks will be located in the Salle de Reception. On Tuesday-Thursday the breaks will be located in the Exhibition Hall. Morning and afternoon (with the exception of Thursday afternoon which is a 30 minute break) coffee breaks on Tuesday-Thursday are extended breaks and will run for 60 minutes (coffee points will be open for the first 30 minutes only) from the start time indicated in the programme. |
16:30 | B.4 | Session 4 |
16:30 | B.4.1 | Software Power and Timing Estimation Carlo Brandolese, Politecnico di Milano, IT |
17:00 | B.4.2 | Network-aware Design-Space Exploration of a Power-Efficient Embedded Application (demo) Sara Bocchio, STMicroelectronics, IT |
17:30 | B.4.3 | Summary and Closing remarks Frank Oppenheimer, OFFIS, DE |