DATE PhD Forum 2016 
The DATE PhD forum is part of the DATE Conference and hosted by the European Design Automation Association (EDAA), the ACM Special Interest Group on Design Automation (SIGDA), and the IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation (CEDA). It offers the opportunity for PhD students to present their thesis work to a broad audience in the design, automation and test community from academia and industry. During the presentation at the DATE Conference, it helps students to establish contacts. Representatives from industry and academia get a glance of state-of-the-art research in design, automation and test. The review process resulted in the selection of the PhD students listed below. We thank EDAA, ACM SIGDA, CEDA and DATE for making this forum possible.
Rolf Drechsler, University of Bremen/DFKI GmbH, DE (Chair, DATE PhD Forum 2016)
PhD Forum Committee
Valeria Bertacco, University of Michigan, US
Davide Bertozzi, University of Ferrara, IT
Anupam Chattopadhyay, Nanyang Technological University, SG
Mingsong Chen, East China Normal University, CN
Yiran Chen, University of Pittsburgh, US
Giorgio Di Natale, LIRMM, FR
Nikil Dutt, UC Irvine, US
Franco Fummi, Universita' di Verona, IT
Shiyan Hu, Michigan Technological University, US
Younghyun Kim, Purdue University, US
Bing Li, Technische Universität München (TUM), DE
Martha Johanna Sepulveda Florez, Technische Universität München (TUM), DE
Sander Stuijk, Eindhoven University of Technology, NL
Daniel Tille, Infineon Technologies, DE
Miroslav N. Velev, Aries Design Automation, US
Natarajan Viswanathan, IBM Corporation, US
Robert Wille, Johannes Kepler University, AT
Pingqiang Zhou, Shanghai Tech University, CN
Admitted Presentations
1. A Method for Power Abstraction and Simulation of Hardware Components at System Level
Daniel Lorenz, OFFIS, DE
2. Auto-tuning Techniques for Compiler Optimization
Amir Hossein Ashouri, Politecnico Di Milano, IT
3. System-Level Design of Embedded Systems for Reliability
Hananeh Aliee, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE
4. Analyzing Systems for Correct Implementation of Robustness
Niels Thole, University of Bremen, DE
5. Novel EDA techniques for Printed Electronics Circuits
Manuel Llamas, UAB, ES
6. Proactive Power and Thermal Aware Optimizations for Energy-Efficient Cloud Computing
Patricia Arroba, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, ES
7. Research on VLSI architecture for Intra prediciton in H.265 for 8K UHDTV video decoder
Jianbin Zhou, Waseda University, JP
8. Enabling Caches in Probabilistic Timing Analysis
Leonidas Kosmidis, Barcelona Supercomputing Center and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, ES
9. Resilient Design for Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuits
Shengcheng Wang, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE
10. Low-Power High-Performance High-Reliable Spintronic Design
Rajendra Bishnoi, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE
11. Automatic Reconfigurable Platforms Design
Carlo Sau, University of Cagliari, IT
12. Robust Image Processing Hardware Acceleration on Reconfigurable Devices for Critical Applications
Pascal Trotta, Politecnico di Torino, IT
13. Novel Reliability Estimation Techniques for Nano-scale Circuits Affected by Noise, Process Variations and Aging
Usman Khalid, Sapienza University of Rome, IT
14. Analysis, Design, and Optimization of Embedded Control Systems
Amir Aminifar, Linköping University, SE
15. Hardware-enhanced run-time Management for Many-Core Processors
Daniel Gregorek, University of Bremen, DE
16. Design and Formal Analysis of Run-DMC, A Dynamically-Scheduled Real-Time Memory Controller
Yonghui Li, Eindhoven University of Technology, NL
17. Exploiting Body Biasing in Dynamically Reconfigurable Processors
Johannes Maximilian Kühn, Keio University/Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, JP
18. Optimization and Complexity Analysis of Quantum Circuits
Abdessaied Nabila, University of Bremen, DE
19. Generating Optimal Functional Coverages in Digital Systems
Alfonso Martinez, Computer Research Center (CIC-IPN), MX
20. Holistic Actor-Oriented Modeling of Embedded Systems for ESL Power Consumption Evaluation
Rafael Rosales, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE
21. Uncertainty Quantification of Integrated Circuits and Microelectromechanical Systems
Zheng Zhang, MIT and Argonne National Labs, US
22. A Homogeneous Platform-Based Design Approach for the Design of Heterogeneous Systems
Michele Lora, University of Verona, IT
23. Modeling and Mitigation of Parametric Time-Dependent Variability in Digital Systems
Dimitrios Rodopoulos, ICCS/NTUA, GR
24. Highly Automated Formal Verification of Arithmetic Circuits
Amr Sayed Ahmed, University of Bremen, 28359 Bremen, Germany, DE
25. A Platform for High-Performance and Power-Aware Network Processing on GPUs
Federico Busato, University of Verona, IT
26. FPGA Mapping Considering Aging and Process Variation
Mohammad Ebrahimi, University of Tehran, IR
27. Circuit-Level Optimizations for Cryptography
Vladimir Rozic, ESAT/COSIC and iMinds, KU Leuven, BE
28. Design and Scheduling of Real-Time Embedded Systems
Zaid Al-bayati, McGill University, CA