Time | Label | Session |
08:30 | W01.1 | Opening Session |
08:30 | W01.1.1 | TRUDEVICE: Trustworthy Manufacturing and Utilization of Secure Devices Giorgio Di Natale1, Ilia Polian2, Francesco Regazzoni3 and Nicolas Sklavos4 1LIRMM, FR; 2University of Passau, DE; 3AlaRI, CH; 4University of Patras, GR |
08:45 | W01.2 | Keynote Talk 1 Chair: |
08:45 | W01.2.1 | On the need for side-channel protection for IoT devices De Mulder Elke, Cryptography Research, Rambus, FR |
09:30 | W01.3 | Session 1 Chair: |
09:30 | W01.3.1 | Assessment of the laser-induced fault model towards continuous CMOS technology shrinkage. Jean-Max Dutertre1, Philippe Candelier2, Clement Champeix3, Stephan De Castro4, Giorgio Di Natale4, Marie-Lise Flottes4, Marc Lacruche1, Mathieu Lisart2, Jean-Baptiste Rigaud1, Cyril Roscian5, Bruno Rouzeyre6 and Alexandre Sarafianos7 1ENSM-SE, FR; 2STMicroelectronics,, FR; 3STMicroelectronics, FR; 4LIRMM, FR; 5École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne, FR; 6University Montpellier, FR; 7ST Microelectronics,, FR |
09:45 | W01.3.2 | Relaibility Model of TMR System Considering Transient Faults Martin Danhel1, Filip Štepanek2 and Hana Kubatova1 1Faculty of Information Technology - Czech Technical University in Prague, CZ; 2-, CZ |
10:00 | W01.3.3 | Scan Chain Encryption for the Test, Diagnosis and Debug of Secure Circuits Giorgio Di Natale1, Marie-Lise Flottes1, Bruno Rouzeyre2, Paolo PRINETTO3 and Marco Restifo3 1LIRMM, FR; 2University Montpellier, FR; 3Politecnico di Torino, IT |
10:15 | W01.3.4 | Evolutionary Algorithms and the Design of S-boxes for Energy Efficient Ciphers Stjepan Picek1, Bohan Yang2, Vladimir Rožić3, Nele Mentens4 and Ingrid Verbauwhede5 1Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, HR; 2ESAT/COSIC, BE; 3K.U.Leuven, BE; 4ESAT/COSIC and iMinds, KU Leuven, BE; 5KU Leuven and UCLA, BE |
10:30 | W01.4 | Poster Session 1 Chair: |
10:30 | W01.4.1 | Relaibility Model of TMR System Considering Transient Faults Martin Danhel1, Filip Štepanek2 and Hana Kubatova1 1Faculty of Information Technology - Czech Technical University in Prague, CZ; 2-, CZ |
10:30 | W01.4.2 | A 16-bit FPGA processor for π -Cipher Mohamed El-Hadedy1, Hristina Mihajloska2, Danilo Gligoroski3 and Kevin Skadron4 1Research Associate, US; 2University Ss Cyril and Methodius, MK; 3NTNU, NO; 4University of Virginia, US |
10:30 | W01.4.3 | AndTrojanID? Android Trojans Identification Using Dynamic Feature Jelena Milosevic1, Alberto Ferrante2 and Miroslaw Malek2 1ALaRI, CH; 2ALaRI - USI, CH |
10:30 | W01.4.4 | Cyber Attack/Defense Algorithms Based on Data Hiding in Compressed Video Stream Yaron Amsalem and Ofer Hadar, Ben-Gurion University, IL |
10:30 | W01.4.5 | STT-MTJ-Based True Random Number Generator Elena Ioana Vatajelu1, Giorgio Di Natale2 and Paolo PRINETTO3 1POLITO, IT; 2LIRMM, FR; 3Politecnico di Torino, IT |
10:30 | W01.4.6 | Characterization of high-speed Q-RNG using CMOS photon counting detectors Emna Amri1, Samuel Burri2, Yacine Felk1, Francesco Regazzoni3, Damien Stucki1, Siddharth Sinha4, Edoardo Charbon5 and Hugo Zbinden6 1IDQuantique, CH; 2EPFL, CH; 3AlaRI, CH; 4TUDelft, NL; 5TUDelft and EPFL, CH; 6Université de Genève, CH |
10:30 | W01.4.7 | Study of Security-Awareness in Cyber-Physical Internet of Things Viacheslav Izosimov1 and Martin Törngren2 1The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), SE; 2KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SE |
10:30 | W01.4.8 | Assessment of the laser-induced fault model towards continuous CMOS technology shrinkage Jean-Max Dutertre1, Philippe Candelier2, Clement Champeix3, Stephan De Castro4, Giorgio Di Natale4, Marie-Lise Flottes4, Marc Lacruche1, Mathieu Lisart2, Jean-Baptiste Rigaud1, Cyril Roscian5, Bruno Rouzeyre6 and Alexandre Sarafianos7 1ENSM-SE, FR; 2STMicroelectronics,, FR; 3STMicroelectronics, FR; 4LIRMM, FR; 5École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne, FR; 6University Montpellier, FR; 7ST Microelectronics,, FR |
10:30 | W01.4.9 | Protecting FPGA targets in hostile environment: A proposition for kill-switch in FPGA Debapriya Basu Roy1, Shivam Bhasin2, Jean-Luc Danger2, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay3 and Sylvain Guilley2 1Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, IN; 2Télécom ParisTech, FR; 3Indian Institute of Technology, IN |
11:00 | W01.5 | Session 2 Chair: |
11:00 | W01.5.1 | Utilizing Intrinsic Delay Variability in Complex Digital Circuits for Defining PUF Behavior Matthias Sauer1, Linus Feiten1, Bernd Becker1, Ulrich Rührmair2 and Ilia Polian3 1University of Freiburg, DE; 2Technische Universität München, DE; 3University of Passau, DE |
11:15 | W01.5.2 | Key reconciliation protocol application to error correction in silicon PUF responses Brice Colombier1, Bossuet Lilian1 and David Hely2 1University of St. Etienne, FR; 2Univ. Grenoble Alpes, FR |
11:30 | W01.5.3 | On metrics to quantify the inter-device uniqueness of Physically Unclonable Functions Linus Feiten, Matthias Sauer and Bernd Becker, University of Freiburg, DE |
11:45 | W01.5.4 | TOTAL: TRNG On-the-fly Testing for Attack detection using Lightweight hardware Bohan Yang1, Vladimir Rožić2, Nele Mentens3, Wim Dehaene4 and Ingrid Verbauwhede5 1ESAT/COSIC, BE; 2K.U.Leuven, BE; 3ESAT/COSIC and iMinds, KU Leuven, BE; 4imec vzw, KU Leuven, BE; 5KU Leuven and UCLA, BE |
12:00 | W01.5.5 | STT-MTJ-Based True Random Number Generator Elena Ioana Vatajelu1, Giorgio Di Natale2 and Paolo PRINETTO3 1POLITO, IT; 2LIRMM, FR; 3Politecnico di Torino, IT |
13:00 | W01.6 | Keynote Talk 2 Chair: |
13:00 | W01.6.1 | Implant security: The new deep end Christos Strydis, Erasmus Medical Center, NL |
13:45 | W01.7 | Session 3 Chair: |
13:45 | W01.7.1 | Malicious hardware logic detection based on combinatorial testing Paris Kitsos1, Dimitris Simos2, Kyriakos Stefanidis3 and Artemios G. Voyiatzis2 1Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece, GR; 2SBA Research, AT; 3ISI/Athena RC, GR |
14:00 | W01.7.2 | Duplication-based Concurrent Detection of Hardware Trojans in Integrated Circuits Palanichamy Manikandan1, Papa-Sidy Ba2, Sophie Dupuis2, Marie-Lise Flottes2, Giorgio Di Natale2 and Bruno Rouzeyre3 1LIRMM, Univ. Montpellier, Montpellier, France, FR; 2LIRMM, FR; 3University Montpellier, FR |
14:15 | W01.7.3 | Low-Overhead Hardware Trojan insertion in Cryptographic ICs Ioannis Voyiatzis1, P. Kyrkos2, Thanos Milidonis1 and Costas Efstathiou1 1Technological Educational Institute of Athens, GR; 2Department of Informatics, Technological Educational Institute of Athens, GR |
14:30 | W01.8 | Poster Session 2 Chair: |
14:30 | W01.8.1 | Relaibility Model of TMR System Considering Transient Faults Martin Danhel1, Filip Štepanek2 and Hana Kubatova1 1Faculty of Information Technology - Czech Technical University in Prague, CZ; 2-, CZ |
14:30 | W01.8.2 | A 16-bit FPGA processor for π -Cipher Mohamed El-Hadedy1, Hristina Mihajloska2, Danilo Gligoroski3 and Kevin Skadron4 1Research Associate, US; 2University Ss Cyril and Methodius, MK; 3NTNU, NO; 4University of Virginia, US |
14:30 | W01.8.3 | AndTrojanID? Android Trojans Identification Using Dynamic Feature Jelena Milosevic1, Alberto Ferrante2 and Miroslaw Malek2 1ALaRI, CH; 2ALaRI - USI, CH |
14:30 | W01.8.4 | Cyber Attack/Defense Algorithms Based on Data Hiding in Compressed Video Stream Yaron Amsalem and Ofer Hadar, Ben-Gurion University, IL |
14:30 | W01.8.5 | STT-MTJ-Based True Random Number Generator Elena Ioana Vatajelu1, Giorgio Di Natale2 and Paolo Prinetto3 1POLITO, IT; 2LIRMM, FR; 3Politecnico di Torino, IT |
14:30 | W01.8.6 | Characterization of high-speed Q-RNG using CMOS photon counting detectors Emna Amri1, Samuel Burri2, Yacine Felk1, Francesco Regazzoni3, Damien Stucki1, Siddharth Sinha4, Edoardo Charbon5 and Hugo Zbinden6 1IDQuantique, CH; 2EPFL, CH; 3AlaRI, CH; 4TUDelft, NL; 5TUDelft and EPFL, CH; 6Université de Genève, CH |
14:30 | W01.8.7 | Study of Security-Awareness in Cyber-Physical Internet of Things Viacheslav Izosimov1 and Martin Törngren2 1The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), SE; 2KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SE |
14:30 | W01.8.8 | Assessment of the laser-induced fault model towards continuous CMOS technology shrinkage Jean-Max Dutertre1, Philippe Candelier2, Clement Champeix3, Stephan De Castro4, Giorgio Di Natale4, Marie-Lise Flottes4, Marc Lacruche1, Mathieu Lisart2, Jean-Baptiste Rigaud1, Cyril Roscian5, Bruno Rouzeyre6 and Alexandre Sarafianos7 1ENSM-SE, FR; 2STMicroelectronics,, FR; 3STMicroelectronics, FR; 4LIRMM, FR; 5École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne, FR; 6University Montpellier, FR; 7ST Microelectronics,, FR |
14:30 | W01.8.9 | Protecting FPGA targets in hostile environment: A proposition for kill-switch in FPGA Debapriya Basu Roy1, Shivam Bhasin2, Jean-Luc Danger2, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay3 and Sylvain Guilley2 1Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, IN; 2Télécom ParisTech, FR; 3Indian Institute of Technology, IN |
15:00 | W01.9 | Session 4 Chair: |
15:00 | W01.9.1 | Automatic Side-Channel Leakage Mitigation at the Micro-Architecture Level Hermann Seuschek, Technische Universität München, DE |
15:15 | W01.9.2 | Design and implementation of a waveform-matching based triggering system Arthur Beckers1, Josep Balasch1, Benedikt Gierlichs1 and Ingrid Verbauwhede2 1Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BE; 2KU Leuven and UCLA, BE |
15:30 | W01.9.3 | GliFreD: Glitch-Free Duplication Towards Power-Equalized Circuits on FPGAs Alexander Wild1, Amir Moradi2 and Tim Güneysu3 1Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security, Ruhr University Bochum, DE; 2Ruhr University Bochum, DE; 3University of Bremen, DE |
15:45 | W01.10 | Session 5 |
15:45 | W01.10.1 | Extending Remote Attestation for Hardware Reconfigurable Trusted Platforms Domenico Amelino, Mario Barbareschi, Alessandro Cilardo and Antonino Mazzeo, University of Naples Federico II, IT |
16:00 | W01.10.2 | AndTrojanID? Android Trojans Identification Using Dynamic Feature Jelena Milosevic1, Alberto Ferrante2 and Miroslaw Malek2 1ALaRI, CH; 2ALaRI - USI, CH |
16:15 | W01.10.3 | Study of Security-Awareness in Cyber-Physical Internet of Things Viacheslav Izosimov1 and Martin Törngren2 1The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), SE; 2KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SE |
16:30 | W01.10.4 | An FPGA Based Third-Party Intellectual Property Isolation Mechanism Mario Barbareschi, Salvatore Miranda and Antonino Mazzeo, University of Naples Federico II, IT |
16:45 | W01.11 | Closing Session |
16:45 | W01.11.1 | Closing Remarks Giorgio Di Natale, LIRMM, FR Ilia Polian1, Francesco Regazzoni2 and Nicolas Sklavos3 1University of Passau, DE; 2AlaRI, CH; 3University of Patras, GR |