Media Partners

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Event Secretariat

date at kitdresden [dot] de
Eva Smejkal, K.I.T. Group GmbH, DE
date at kitdresden [dot] de
phone: +49 351 4967 312.

Company Logo Company Description Websitesort icon
Chip Design Magazine

Chip Design covers all of the technical challenges and implementation options engineers face in the development and manufacture of today's complex integrated circuits. Chip Design is the only media network dedicated to the advanced IC Design market. Visit to stay informed about the latest developments in chip modeling, architecture, design, test and manufacture, from EDA tools to digital and analog hardware issues. The System Level Design and Low Power Engineering Portals offer focused editorial content you won’t want to miss. And, be sure to visit for valuable information about all of Extension Media's outstanding technology resources.

Chip Design Magazine
EDA Confidential

EDA is a commercial-free publication providing a quiet place for conversation about the Electronic Design Automation industry and its companion technologies. The coverage does not intend to be comprehensive, but does intend to provide some food for thought. To that end, EDA Confidential includes "Recipes", Freddy Santamaria's "Gourmet Corner", as well as "Voices" of other contributing authors, "Off the Record" op-ed pieces, and "Conference" coverage.

EDA Confidential and

EDACafe.Com is the #1 EDA web portal. Thousands of IC, FPGA and System designers visit EDACafé.com to learn the latest news and research design tools and services. The sites attract more than 75,000 unique visitors each month and leverages TechJobsCafé.com to bring you job opportunities targeted to engineering and design. And daily e-newsletters reach more than 40,000 engineering professionals. For more details and

EE Times Europe provides marketing professionals in the electronics industry with integrated online and print marketing services. EE Times Europe’s print edition is a monthly magazine that brings news, analysis and product and design information to 70,000 highly qualified subscribers in over 40 European countries. EE Times Europe‘s web site welcomes over 110,000 monthly unique visitors. EE Times Europe’s electronic newsletters reach over 30,000 daily readers.

EE Times Europe
Elektronik i Norden

Elektronik i Norden, an important tool for the Nordic electronic industry. We want Elektronik i Norden to be the most important source of information for the Nordic electronic industry (Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark). A circulation of 25 800 personally addressed copies proves we are the major electronics paper in this area. We publish news, comments and in-depth technical articles.
Engineering & Technology Magazine – Published by The IET

Engineering & Technology is packed with articles on the latest technology covering the areas of communications, control, consumer technology, electronics, IT, manufacturing & power engineering. It is Europe's largest circulation engineering magazine, published monthly & offers a global circulation of over 140,000 copies to more than 100 countries & a high pass-on readership.
Each member of the Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET) receives a copy as part of their membership package. Readers include design & development engineers, system designers & integrators, solutions providers & installers, engineering distributors, consultants, planners, facilities managers & end-users.
With its HQ in London & regional offices in Europe, North America & Asia-Pacific, the Institution of Engineering & Technology provides a global knowledge network to facilitate the exchange of ideas & promote the positive role of technology around the World. The Institution of Electrical Engineers, dating from 1889, became the Institution of Engineering & Technology in 2006. It now organises more than 120 conferences & other events each year whilst providing professional advice & briefings to industry, education & governments.