W06 Workshop on Manufacturable and Dependable Multicore Architectures at Nanoscale (MEDIAN)

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08:30W06.1Opening session

Lorena Anghel, TIMA, FR
Olivier Heron, CEA, FR

08:30W06.1.1Welcome presentation


Elena Gramatova, University of Technology in Bratislava, SK

08:40W06.2.1Reliability Challenges for Cyber-Physical Systems
Zebo Peng, Linköping University, SE

09:40W06.3Paper session I: Fault Tolerance and Test Techniques for Low Power Design

Elena Gramatova, University of Technology in Bratislava, SK

09:40W06.3.1BTI Analysis for High Performance and Low power SRAM Sense Amplifier Designs
Innocent Agbo1, Mottaqiallah Taouil1, Said Hamdioui2, Halil Kukner3, Pieter Weckx4, Praveen Raghavan3 and Francky Catthoor3
1Delft UT, NL; 2Delft University of Technology, NL; 3IMEC, BE; 4IMEC vzw, BE

10:00W06.3.2Power-Aware Online Detection of Hardware Defects for Manycore Systems with DVFS Support
Mohammad-Hashem Haghbayan1, Amir-Mohammad Rahmani2, Mohammad Fattah1, Pasi Liljeberg1, Juha Plosila1 and Hannu Tenhunen1
1University of Turku, FI; 2Turku Center for Computer Science (TUCS), Finland, FI

10:20W06.4Poster session and coffee break
10:20W06.4.1A new adaptive system for software-based test generation of processors
Jan Hudec1 and Elena Gramatova2
1Slovak UT, SK; 2University of Technology in Bratislava, SK

10:20W06.4.2Radiation Impact on Mechanical Application Driven by FPGA-based Controller
Jakub Podivínský1, Marcela Simkova2 and Zdenek Kotasek2
1Brno UT, CZ; 2FIT VUT in Brno, CZ

10:20W06.4.3A Fault Resilient Routing Algorithm for Heterogeneous 3D NoCs
Masoumeh Ebrahimi1, Ronak Salamat2, Nader Bagherzadeh3 and Masoud Daneshtalab4
1university of Turku, FI; 2Univ. California, US; 3University of California Irvine, US; 4UTU, FI

10:20W06.4.4Mixed Criticality Metric for Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems on Multi-Core Architectures
Viacheslav Izosimov1 and Erik Levholt2
1The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), SE; 2Svenska Grindmatriser AB, SE

10:20W06.4.5Secured Connectivity of Distributed Agents in Presence of Many NoC Fault.
Mohammad Fattah, Pasi Liljeberg and Juha Plosila, University of Turku, FI

10:20W06.4.6On Aging of Latches' Robustness
Martin Omana1, Luz Antuanet Adanaque Infante1, Cecilia Metra2 and Daniele Rossi3
1Univ. Bologna, IT; 2Università di Bologna, IT; 3Univ. Southampton, GB

10:20W06.4.7Influence of Reconfiguration Techniques for Dynamically Scheduled Superscalar Processors on Power Consumption
Tobias Koal1, Robert Karas1, Heinrich Theodor Vierhaus1 and Mario Schölzel2
1BTU Cottbus, DE; 2IHP and Univ. Potsdam, DE

10:20W06.4.8Extended Checkers for Control Part of Routers in Network-on-Chips
Ranganathan Hariharan1, Behrad Niazmand1, Thomas Hollstein2, Jaan Raik2 and Gert Jervan1
1Tallinn UT, EE; 2Tallinn University of Technology, EE

10:20W06.4.9Simulation framework for optimizing SRAM power consumption under reliability constraint
Florian Cacho1, Erwan Piriou2, Olivier Heron3 and Vincent Huard1
1STMicroelectronics, FR; 2CEA LIST, FR; 3CEA, FR

11:20W06.5Paper session II: Verification and Test Techniques for Reliable Design

Olivier Heron, CEA, FR

11:20W06.5.1Evaluation of Failures Masking Across the Software Stack
Thiago Santini1, Paolo Rech1, Anderson Luiz Sartor2, Ulisses Brisolara Corrêa3, Luigi Carro4 and Flavio Wagner4
1Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, BR; 2Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), BR; 3Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Sul-rio-grandense, BR; 4UFRGS, BR

11:40W06.5.2A novel Formal Verification Framework for future MPSoC Architectures
Christian Schöler1, René Krenz-Baath1 and Roman Obermaisser2
1Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt, DE; 2University of Siegen, DE

13:00W06.7Invited talk

Maksim Jenihhin, Tallinn University of Technology, EE

13:00W06.7.1Technology Scaling and Reliability Challenges in the Multicore Era
Vincent Huard, STMicroelectronics, FR

13:40W06.8Paper session III: Dependable Systems and Components

Maksim Jenihhin, Tallinn University of Technology, EE

13:40W06.8.1Efficient online testing of an array of reconfigurable RISC Processors
S. Pagliarini1, Salvatore Pontarelli2, JImson Mathew3, Dhiraj K. Pradhan3, Ioannis Sourdis4, D.A. Khan5, A. Malek5, S. Tzilis5, Georgios Smaragdos6 and Christos Strydis6
1Univ. of Bristol, GB; 2University of Rome "Tor Vergata", IT; 3University of Bristol, GB; 4Chalmers Univeristy of Technology, SE; 5Chalmers UT, SE; 6Erasmus Medical Center, NL

14:00W06.8.2Measuring and Identifying Aging-Critical Paths in FPGAs
Petr Pfeifer1, Jaan Raik2, Maksim Jenihhin2, Raimund Ubar2 and Zdenek Pliva1
1Technical University Liberec, CZ; 2Tallinn University of Technology, EE

14:20W06.8.3Dynamic Voltage Scaling with Fault-Tolerance for Lifetime Operation
Jorge Semião1, Carlos Leong2, Ruben Cabral2, Marcelino Santos2, Isabel Teixeira2 and Paulo Teixeira2
1Univ. Algarve, PT; 2INESC-ID, PT

14:40W06.9Coffee break
15:00W06.10Paper session IV: Dependable Multicore Systems and Processors Testing and Self-repair

Lorena Anghel, TIMA, FR

15:00W06.10.1Software-Based Self-Repair for Heterogenous Multi-Core Systems
Sebastian Müller1, Heinrich Theodor Vierhaus1 and Mario Schölzel2
1BTU Cottbus, DE; 2IHP and Univ. Potsdam, DE

15:20W06.10.2Universal Pseudo-random Generation of Assembler Codes for Processors
Ondrej Cekan, Marcela Simkova and Zdenek Kotasek, FIT VUT in Brno, CZ

15:40W06.10.3Exploring check-pointing and rollback recovery under selective SBST in Chip Multi-Processors
Michael Skitsas1, Chrysostomos Nicopoulos2 and Maria Michael2
1Univ. Cyprus, CY; 2University of Cyprus, CY

16:00W06.11Discussion and Closing session

Lorena Anghel, TIMA, FR
Olivier Heron, CEA, FR

16:00W06.11.1Discussion and Closing session