Date: Wednesday 11 March 2015
Time: 17:00 - 18:30
Location / Room: Chartreuse
Norbert Wehn, University of Kaiserslautern, DE
David Raphael, CEA-LIST, FR
This session introduces Innovative experiments from Industry that address the challenges of system design Each experiment presents a demonstrator and shows a substantial measurable economic and or strategic impact.
Time | Label | Presentation Title Authors |
17:00 | 8.4.1 | DSP BASED PROGRAMMABLE FHD HEVC DECODER Speakers: Sangjo Lee1, Joonho Song2, Wonchang Lee2, Doohyun Kim2, Jaehyun Kim2 and Shihwa Lee2 1SAMSUNG Electronics, KR; 2Samsung Electronics, Abstract A programmable video decoding system with multi-core DSP and co-processors is presented. This system is adopted by Digital TV System on Chip (SoC) and is used for FHD High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) decoder under 400MHz. Using the DSP based programmable solution, we can reduce commercialization period by one year because we can parallelize algorithm development, software optimization and hardware design. In addition to the HEVC decoding, the proposed system can be used for other application such as other video decoding standard for multi-format decoder or video quality enhancement. Download Paper (PDF; Only available from the DATE venue WiFi) |
17:15 | 8.4.2 | ACCELERATING COMPLEX BRAIN-MODEL SIMULATIONS ON GPU PLATFORMS Speakers: HoangAnh DuNguyen1, Zaid Al-Ars1, Georgios Smaragdos2 and Christos Strydis2 1Delft University of Technology, NL; 2Erasmus Medical Center, NL Abstract The Inferior Olive (IO) in the brain, in conjunction with the cerebellum, is responsible for crucial sensorimotor-integration functions in humans. In this paper, we simulate a computationally challenging IO neuron model consisting of three compartments per neuron in a network arrangement on GPU platforms. Several GPU platforms of the two latest NVIDIA GPU architectures (Fermi, Kepler) have been used to simulate large-scale IO-neuron networks. These networks have been ported on 4 diverse GPU platforms and implementation has been optimized, scoring 3x speedups compared to its unoptimized version. The effect of GPU L1-cache and thread block size as well as the impact of numerical precision of the application on performance have been evaluated and best configurations have been chosen. In effect, a maximum speedup of 160x has been achieved with respect to a reference CPU platform. Download Paper (PDF; Only available from the DATE venue WiFi) |
17:30 | 8.4.3 | A PACKET-SWITCHED INTERCONNECT FOR CONTROL APPLICATIONS ON ZYNQ WITH BEST-EFFORT AND REAL-TIME SERVICES Speakers: Runan Ma1, Axel Jantsch2 and Zhida Hui3 1FuDan University, CN; 2Vienna University of Technology, AT; 3Memcom.Soc Microelectronics Ltd, CN Abstract A packet-switched interconnect design which supports real-time, best-effort and a data management engine (DME) for industrial control application based on the Zynq7000 FPGA platform is described. This interconnect uses a modified round-robin arbitration and realizes a combination of best-effort and real-time communication with time stamping. The interconnect offers an intuitive API for SW programmers and addresses real-time issues as found in hierarchical control loops of industrial applications such as vision-guided high-speed sorting systems. A comparison of data transfer performance between the proposed interconnect and a bus based structure is made. Download Paper (PDF; Only available from the DATE venue WiFi) |
17:45 | 8.4.4 | (Best Paper Award Candidate) REDUCING TRACE SIZE IN MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS ENDURANCE TESTS Speakers: Serge Vladimir Emteu Tchagou1, Alexandre Termier2, Jean-François Méhaut3, Brice Videau3, Miguel Santana4 and René Quiniou5 1University of Grenoble Alpes, STMicroelectronics, FR; 2University of Rennes 1, FR; 3University of Grenoble Alpes, FR; 4STMicroelectronics, FR; 5INRIA Rennes, FR Abstract Proper testing of applications over embedded systems such as set-top boxes requires endurance tests, i.e. running applications for extended periods of times, typically several days. In order to understand bugs or poor performances, execution traces have to be analyzed, however current trace analysis methods are not designed to handle several days of execution traces due to the huge quantity of data generated. Our proposal, designed for regular applications such as multimedia decoding/encoding, is to monitor execution by analysing trace on the fly in order to record trace only in time periods where a suspicious activity is detected. Our experiments show a significant reduction in the trace size compared to recording the whole trace. Download Paper (PDF; Only available from the DATE venue WiFi) |
18:00 | 8.4.5 | EXPLORATION AND DESIGN OF EMBEDDED SYSTEMS INCLUDING NEURAL ALGORITHMS Speakers: Jean-Marc Philippe1, Alexandre Carbon1, Olivier Brousse2 and Michel Paindavoine2 1CEA LIST, FR; 2GlobalSensing Technologies, FR Abstract The current trend in embedded systems is to make them surrounding the users, providing services thanks to a knowledge of their environment. These self-awareness and context-awareness properties are provided by numerous sensors, from different types. Using the provided information causes at least two problems: the fusion of data from different sources, and the noise induced by sensors which are closer from the processing unit than ever. Additionally, the needed applications that use these information are based on different recognition processings, sometimes not easy to formalize with conventional algorithms. Processing chains using neural-based algorithms are promising approaches for solving these kinds of issues. Unfortunately, embedding bio-inspired algorithms in an embedded system is not so easy since there is no exploration environment for this specific task. Moreover, neural networks often need pre- or post-processing of data for optimal operation. This paper presents early results of a collaboration towards the design of such an exploration environment coming from a joint laboratory between an SME and a Research Institute. Download Paper (PDF; Only available from the DATE venue WiFi) |
18:15 | 8.4.6 | A NEW DISTRIBUTED FRAMEWORK FOR INTEGRATION OF DISTRICT ENERGY DATA FROM HETEROGENEOUS DEVICES Speakers: Francesco Gavino Brundu1, Edoardo Patti1, Andrea Acquaviva1, Michelangelo Grosso2, Gaetano Rasconà2, Salvatore Rinaudo3 and Enrico Macii1 1Politecnico di Torino, IT; 2ST-Polito, IT; 3STMicroelectronics s.r.l., IT Abstract The introduction of "smart" low-cost sensing (and actuating) devices enabled the recent diffusion of technological products within the "Internet of Things" paradigm. In a city district context, such devices are crucial for visualization and simulation of energy consumption trends, to increase the energy distribution network efficiency and promote user awareness. Nevertheless, to unlock the potential of this technology, many challenges have to be faced at district level due to the current lack of interoperability between heterogeneous data sources. In this work, we introduce an original infrastructure model, which efficiently manage and integrate district energy data. Download Paper (PDF; Only available from the DATE venue WiFi) |
18:30 | End of session | |
19:30 | DATE Party in Museum of Grenoble (Musée de Grenoble, 5 Place de Lavalette, 38000 Grenoble, France) As one of the main networking opportunities during the DATE week, the DATE Party states a perfect occasion to meet friends and colleagues in a relaxed atmosphere while enjoying local amenities. It will take place on March 11, 2015, from 19:30 to 23:00 in the renowned "Musée de Grenoble" (Grenoble Museum). This painting museum features a unique collection of ancient, modern and contemporary art including major masterpieces of classical Flemish, Dutch, Italian and Spanish painting and all the great pot-1945 contemporary art-trends, right up to the most recent artwork of the 2000s. During this evening, you can enjoy the famous French Cuisine and outstanding wines. Discover the region of the French Alps through ist cheese and wine specialties. The dinner will be accompanied by jazz songs and instrumental music from Anna Cruz and her vocal band. Another highlight will be the show waders "THE INSEPARABLES", sweet and ephemeral characters walking through the premises, releasing dreams and laughter. Furthermore, at the very beginning of the evening, from 20h00 to 21h30, you will have the opportunity to visit parts of the permanent collection of the museum (ninetieth and twenties century). Please kindly note that it is not a seated dinner. All delegates, exhibitors and their guests are invited to attend the party. Please be aware that entrance is only possible with a valid party ticket. Each full conference registration includes a ticket for the DATE Party (which needs to be booked during the online registration process though). Additional tickets can be purchased on-site at the registration desk (subject to availability of tickets). Price for extra ticket: 60 € per person. How to get there: The tram B has a stop called "Notre Dame Musee". That stop is next to the Museum. Attendees would take the tram A from Alpexpo and change for Tram B in one of the stations between "Gares" and "Maison du Tourisme" to get to the museum. The trip takes about 30 minutes. |