About DATE
DATE is a leading international event providing unique networking opportunities, bringing together designers and design automation users, researchers and vendors, as well as specialists in hardware and software design, test and manufacturing of electronic circuits and systems.
In 2022, the conference will take place as a virtual conference online. The 25th DATE conference will be held from 14 to 23 March and is chaired by Professor Cristiana Bolchini, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
DATE 2022 was intended to have a special format, aiming at bringing back the community together after two editions online, trying to balance the uncertainty of the situation and the desire to be partially back in presence. A special program has been organized to start the conference with two days in presence in Antwerp, Belgium, full of outstanding talks and moments to meet and chat.
However, the current situation of the COVID-19 infections across Europe and the consequent travelling/quarantine restrictions adopted by governments, companies and institutions have a strong impact on our health concerns and travelling opportunities, for speakers as well as attendees.
The "in presence" experience remains a fundamental aspect of any conference and of DATE in the specific, for its many networking moments, as well as for the social activities, however the safety of the community is once more a priority. Therefore, the DATE Organizing Committees opted to move DATE 2022 to a completely virtual event, moving the program of the first two days online also.
Updated information about the conference is always available online at: https://www.date-conference.com/