SDK4ED: One-click platform for Energy-aware, Maintainable and Dependable Applications
Charalampos Marantos1, Miltiadis Siavvas2, Dimitrios Tsoukalas2, Christos P. Lamprakos1, Lazaros Papadopoulos1, Paweł Boryszko4, Katarzyna Filus4, Joanna Domańska4, Apostolos Ampatzoglou3, Alexander Chatzigeorgiou3, Erol Gelenbe4, Dionysios Kehagias2 and Dimitrios Soudris1
1School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
2Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Thessaloniki, Greece
3Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, Greece
4Institute of Theoretical & Applied Computer Science, IITIS-PAN, Gliwice, Poland
Developing modern secure and low-energy applications in a short time imposes new challenges and creates the need of designing new software tools to assist developers in all phases of application development. The design of such tools cannot be considered a trivial task, as they should be able to provide optimization of multiple quality requirements. In this paper, we introduce the SDK4ED platform, which incorporates advanced methods and tools for measuring and optimizing maintainability, dependability and energy. The presented solution offers a complete tool-flow for providing indicators and optimization methods with emphasis on embedded software. Effective forecasting models and decision-making solutions are also implemented to improve the quality of the software, respecting the constraints imposed on maintenance standards, energy consumption limits and security vulnerabilities. The use of the SDK4ED platform is demonstrated in a healthcare embedded application.
Keywords: Software quality, Energy consumption, Dependability, Development Toolkit.