EVOLVE: Towards Converging Big-Data, High-Performance and Cloud-Computing Worlds
Achilleas Tzenetopoulos1, Dimosthenis Masouros1, Konstantina Koliogeorgi1, Sotirios Xydis1,2, Dimitrios Soudris1, Antony Chazapis3, Christos Kozanitis3, Angelos Bilas3, Christian Pinto4, Huy-Nam Nguyen5, Stelios Louloudakis6, Georgios Gardikis7, George Vamvakas7, Michelle Aubrun8, Christy Symeonidou9, Vassilis Spitadakis9, Konstantinos Xylogiannopoulos10, Bernhard Peischl10, Tahir Emre Kalayci11, Alexander Stocker11 and Jean-Thomas Acquaviva12
1Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS), Athens, Greece
2Department of Informatics and Telematics (DIT), Harokopio University of Athens (HUA), Greece
3Institute of Computer Science, FORTH, Heraklion, Greece
4IBM Research Europe, Dublin, Ireland
5ATOS/Bull, Paris, France
6Sunlight.io, Heraklion, Greece
7Space Hellas S.A., Athens, Greece
8Thales Alenia Space, Toulouse, France
9NEUROCOM Luxembourg, Luxembourg
10AVL List GmbH, Graz, Austria
11Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH, Graz, Austria
12DataDirect Networks, Paris, France
EVOLVE is a pan European Innovation Action that aims to fully-integrate High-Performance-Computing (HPC) hardware with state-of-the-art software technologies under a unique testbed, that enables the convergence of HPC, Cloud and Big- Data worlds and increases our ability to extract value from massive and demanding datasets. EVOLVE’s advanced compute platform combines HPC-enabled capabilities, with transparent deployment in high abstraction level, and a versatile Big-Data processing stack for end-to-end workflows. Hence, domain experts have the potential to improve substantially the efficiency of existing services or introduce new models in the respective domains, e.g., automotive services, bus transportation, maritime surveillance and others. In this paper, we describe EVOLVE’s testbed, and evaluate the performance of the integrated pilots from different domains.
Keywords: HPC, Cloud-computing, Big-Data, computing platform, accelerators, interference, resource orchestration.