Response Time Analysis for Energy-Harvesting Mixed-Criticality Systems

Kankan Wanga, Yuhan Lina and Qingxu Dengc
Northeastern University, China


With the increasing demand for real-time computing applications on energy-harvesting embedded devices which are deployed wherever it is not possible or practical to recharge, the worst-case performance analysis becomes crucial. However, it is difficult to bound the worst-case response time of tasks under both timing and energy constraints due to the uncertainty of harvested energy. Based on this motivation, this paper studies response time analysis for Energy-Harvesting Mixed-Criticality (EHMC) systems. We present schedulability analysis algorithm to extend the Adaptive Mixed Criticality (AMC) approach to EHMC systems. Furthermore, we develop two response time bounds for it. To our best knowledge, this is the first work of response time analysis for EHMC systems. Finally, we examine both the effectiveness and the tightness of the bounds by experiments.

Keywords: Energy-Harvesting, Mixed-Criticality, AMC, Response Time Analysis, Real-Time Scheduling.

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