Mixed-Cell-Height Legalization on CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Systems

Haoyu Yang1, Kit Fung2, Yuxuan Zhao2, Yibo Lin3 and Bei Yu2,a
2Chinese University of Hong Kong
3Peking University


Legalization conducts refinements on post-globalplacement cell location to compromise design constraints and parameters. These include placement fence regions, power/ground rail alignments, timing, wire length and etc. In advanced technology nodes, designs can easily contain millions of mutiple-row standard cells, which challenges the scalability of modern legalization algorithms. In this paper, for the first time, we investigate dedicated legalization algorithms on heterogeneous platforms, which promises intelligent usage of CPU and GPU resources and hence provides new algorithm design methodologies for large scale physical design problems. Experimental results on IC/CAD 2017 and ISPD 2015 contest benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness and the efficiency of the proposed algorithm, compared to the state-of-theart legalization solution for mixed-cell-height designs.

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