Realizing Quantum Algorithms on Real Quantum Computing Devices
Carmen G. Almudever1, Lingling Lao1, Robert Wille2 and Gian G. Guerreschi3
1 Quantum & Computer Engineering Department and QuTech, Delft University of Technology
2 Institute for Integrated Circuits, Johannes Kepler University Linz
3 Intel Labs
Quantum computing is currently moving from an academic idea to a practical reality. Quantum computing in the cloud is already available and allows users from all over the world to develop and execute real quantum algorithms. However, companies which are heavily investing in this new technology such as Google, IBM, Rigetti, Intel, IonQ, and Xanadu follow diverse technological approaches. This led to a situation where we have substantially different quantum computing devices available thus far. They mostly differ in the number and kind of qubits and the connectivity between them. Because of that, various methods for realizing the intended quantum functionality on a given quantum computing device are available. This paper provides an introduction and overview into this domain and describes corresponding methods, also referred to as compilers, mappers, synthesizers, transpilers, or routers.