Synthesis and Optimization of Multiple Portions of Circuits for ECO based on Set-Covering and QBF Formulations

Masahiro Fujita, Yusuke Kimura, Xingming Le, Yukio Miyasaka and Amir Masoud Gharehbaghi
University of Tokyo Tokyo, Japan


Engineering Change Order (ECO) and logic debugging problems where multiple locations in the circuit must be modified are formulated with Quantified Boolean Function (QBF) and set-sovering techniques. The formulation is based on the fanin selection method for each gate. Although the resulting formulation for single portion changes is basically equivalent to Sets of Pairs of Functions to be Distinguished (SPFD) [3], the way of its computations is quite different. Moreover, the simultaneous changes for multipl portions becomes Boolean Relation extension of SPFD. Experimental results and applications to various logic optimization problems are also shown.

Keywords: EDA, logic synthesis, debug, ECO.

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