Efficient Optical Power Delivery System for Hybrid Electronic-Photonic Manycore Processors
Shixi Chen, Jiang Xu, Xuanqi Chen, Zhifei Wang, Jun Feng, Jiaxu Zhang, Zhongyuan Tian and Xiao Li
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
A lot of efforts have been devoted to optically enabled high-performance communication infrastructures for future manycore processors. Silicon photonic network promises high bandwidth, high energy efficiency and low latency. However, the ever-increasing network complexity results in high optical power demands, which stress the optical power delivery and affect delivery efficiency. Facing these challenges, we propose Ring-based Optical Active Delivery (ROAD) system, to effectively manage and efficiently deliver high optical power throughout photonic-electronic hybrid systems. Experimental results demonstrate up to 5.49X energy efficiency improvement compared to traditional design without affecting processor performance.
Keywords: Optical power management, Optical power delivery, manycore processors, Silicon Optical network.