ExplFrame: Exploiting Page Frame Cache for Fault Analysis of Block Ciphers
Anirban Chakraborty1,a, Sarani Bhattacharya2, Sayandeep Saha1,b and Debdeep Mukhopadhyay1,c
1Dept. of Computer Science IIT Kharagpur, India
2COSIC, ESAT KU Leuven, Belgium
Page Frame Cache (PFC) is a purely software cache, present in modern Linux based operating systems (OS), which stores the page frames that were recently released by the processes running on a particular CPU. In this paper, we show that the page frame cache can be maliciously exploited by an adversary to steer the pages of a victim process to some pre-decided attacker-chosen locations in the memory. We practically demonstrate an end-to-end attack, ExplFrame, where an attacker having only user-level privilege is able to force a victim process's memory pages to vulnerable locations in DRAM and deterministically conduct Rowhammer to induce faults. As a case study, we induce single bit faults in the T-tables on OpenSSL (v1.1.1) AES using our proposed attack ExplFrame. We also propose an improvised fault analysis technique which can exploit any Rowhammer-induced bit-flips in the AES T-tables.
Keywords: Page Frame Cache, Buddy Allocator, OpenSSL, Rowhammer, DRAM, Fault Injection