Applying Reservation-based Scheduling to a C-based Hypervisor: An industrial case study
Dakshina Dasari1,a, Michael Pressler1,b, Arne Hamann1,c, Dirk Ziegenbein1,d and Paul Austin2
1Corporate Research, Robert Bosch GmbH
Existing software scheduling mechanisms do not suffice for emerging applications in the automotive space, which have the conflicting needs of performance and predictability. As a concrete case, we consider the ETAS lightweight hypervisor (LWHVR), a commercially viable solution in the automotive industry, deployed on multicore microcontrollers. We describe the architecture of the hypervisor and its current scheduling mechanisms based on Time Division Multiplexing. We next show how Reservation-based Scheduling (RBS) can be implemented in the ETAS LWHVR to efficiently use resources while still providing freedom from interference and explore design choices towards an efficient implementation of such a scheduler. With experiments from an industry use case, we also compare the performance of RBS and the existing scheduler in the hypervisor.