Exploiting Data-Dependence and Flip-Flop Asymmetry for Zero-Overhead System Soft Error Mitigation
Liangzhen Laia and Vikas Chandrab
ARM Research.
Soft error is one of the major threats for resilient computing. Unlike SRAM soft error, which can be effectively protected by ECC, Flip-Flop soft error protection can be costly. We observe that flip-flops/latches can have asymmetric soft error rates when storing different logic values. This asymmetry can be used in conjunction with the different signal probabilities of registers in a design. In this work, we first demonstrate that flip-flop cells can be designed to have different soft error rates when storing different logic values. We also propose a methodology to match registers in a design with the flip-flop cells that minimize the soft error rates. Experimental results on commercial processor show that, with only flip-flop layout changes, our proposed scheme can reduce system SER by 16% with no overhead in performance, power and area. The system SER reduction can be improved to 48% with schematic changes and 6.7% average increase in flip-flop area.