Quick Checklist summary
This document describes the guidelines to prepare and present audio-visual materials at DATE 2019. To maintain the highest possible standards, you are requested to follow the guidelines strictly.
Media of AV Material
Each conference room will have the following equipment: video projector (beamer), PC running Windows 7 with latest PowerPoint and Acrobat Reader (PDF), microphone (in bigger conference rooms only), laser pointer, and screen.
You can create your presentation with your preferred program application, as long as you can save it in PDF or PowerPoint format. We provide a PowerPoint template presentation. You are encouraged to use this template to prepare your presentation. Press here to download the PowerPoint file.
DATE 2019 will provide a centralized presentation management system. All presentations need to be copied manually to the notebooks used for presentations before conference start. Therefore, all speakers are requested to prepare their presentations in time and upload them to a web-based upload service. The upload server will close on Friday, 22 March 2019 19:00:00 CET.
General Rules for Preparing AV Material
When preparing your AV material, keep the time limit for your presentation in mind. 10 to 15 slides are adequate for short presentations (15 minutes).
All slides must use landscape format. Color should be used carefully and color combinations resulting in a low contrast should be avoided.
The first slide should contain the title of your paper and the author names, your affiliations and your company or university logo (if applicable). This will be the only page where a logo is permitted.
You should also prepare the following slides:
Please make sure that index expressions are also readable. Please note that minimum font size requirements apply also to index expressions.
Keep the material simple and uncluttered.
Program listings and very long equations should be avoided. Tables should be represented graphically, wherever possible. Do not use the valuable space on your slides for large company logos and other elements that do not help in motivation or understanding your work. Duplicates of slides should be produced in case the same information is needed twice.
All presentations will be checked for conformance with the standards described above. Authors may be required to modify their presentations to conform with these guidelines or according to the suggestions of the session chair. Moderators have the right to refuse entries if the quality of the presentation material is not adequate.
The conference is using the latest available version of PowerPoint (PPT,PPTX) as well as PDF Reader v1.4. Macintosh users: please convert your file to PC format or PDF before you leave for the conference. Be aware that PowerPoint Mac-to-PC conversions can lead to unexpected results, especially with fonts, certain formats of embedded graphics, and special characters (ASCII characters 128 to 255). Your file will be transferred to a conference computer used for talk preparation and presentation. To avoid questions of PowerPoint compatibility, please embed your fonts, covert them to vectors or use only compatible fonts (e.g. Arial, Courier New, Lucida Sans, Times New Roman, Verdana). You are required to use horizontal (landscape) slide format. In-file embedded video is not supported. If you have video content to show, please create a link within your document pointing to an external video file. Officially supported video containers are: MPEG, AVI and DivX using the content codecs MPEG-1 and MPEG-4. Audio is not supported. Several other video codecs may work (use at own risk). Limited video conversation capabilities are available via the A/V staff at the conference. The exact A/V room location will be announced at the conference and can be obtained from the registration desk.
Presentation Submission:
In advance to the conference, an online presentation upload web site is provided to easily submit/update a single presentation file. Additional files (maybe video) cannot be submitted this way. Please contact local Audio/Video staff at the conference to check and integrate such files manually. The upload website location and the required password are sent to all speakers via a separate email. An initial submission needs to be uploaded at the latest 3 days before the conference starts. Later updates are possible at the conference via the same upload website using the same password. As a backup, you are required to take your presentation file with you to the conference (CD/DVD/Memory-Stick). You will not be allowed to use your own laptop for presentation. No exceptions.
At the Conference:
All oral presenters are required to meet with the local conference Audio/Video staff at least one day before their talk to check their presentation at one of the conference computers. All oral presenters will be advancing their slides using a remote control or a mouse. As in previous years, you will need to be very careful with the use of animation. There may be a delay from when you push the button and when the next feature or slide appears, and multiple pushes may advance your presentation too far. Also, because of potential problems, pre-timed presentations will not be allowed. Please limit your file size to less than 25 Mbytes to minimize problems with storage and access speed that can result in a distorted or incomplete presentation.
Presentation Preview:
Preview computer systems, identical in software and hardware to the one used for presentation, will be available in the Audio/Video office at the conference. This room can be used at any time during the conference for presentation concerns. Since this facility will be shared between multiple presenters, its use can be limited and it will not be available for editing presentations or for rehearsal. Please bring your own laptop if you want to edit your presentation on site.
Speakers must check their presentation at least half a day before their actual presentation. The notebooks for slide checks will be available from Monday morning. There will be technicians available at the conference to help in case of any technical problem.
Speaker’s Breakfast
There will be a speaker’s breakfast on the morning of your presentation. It will be located in the Lunch Area on lower level of the venue, and it will start at 7:30. Attending the speaker's breakfast at the morning of your presentation is mandatory, in order to get the final instructions.
Please be in the session room at least 20 minutes before the actual session starts. Make yourself familiar with the technical equipment. During your presentation you should keep in mind your time limit. The session moderator will stop your presentation if it takes more than your allocated time slot.