7.12 Special Session Chair

The Special Sessions Chair shall organise sessions with interesting high-quality technical contributions that are other than technical papers. Usually several persons are involved in organising the different types of sessions:

  • Panels
  • Hot Topics
  • Embedded tutorials

The Special Sessions Chair shall be responsible for a series of panel sessions that will be presented during DATE. The Chair will select the topics for the panels with the advice and consent of the Conference Program Chair. The topics shall cover controversial areas of technology that will invoke comments from those attending. The Chair shall select a moderator for each session and working with this moderator, select the other panel members. The Special Sessions Chair will supervise this event at the Conference.

The Special Sessions Chair shall be responsible for a series of hot topic sessions that will be presented during DATE. The Chair will select the topics for the panels with the advice and consent of the Conference Program Chair. Hot topics are new areas of interest that will be presented from different perspectives in an educational context. The major purpose is to inform the attendees of these new developments. The Special Sessions Chair will supervise this event at the Conference.