7.06 Conference Program Chair

The Conference Program Chair shall be responsible for the Conference Program and the Conference Program Committee. In this capacity the Conference Program Chair shall insure the technical excellence of the Conference and insure that the paper selection process is impartial.

Conference Program Chair responsibilities include:

  • Select the Topic Chairs of the Conference Program Committee
  • Supervise the distribution of papers for review
  • Chair the Conference Program Committee meeting: lead the effort of arranging papers into sessions and be prepared to take final decisions there
  • Guide and control all communications with the authors
  • Remind the authors of important dates and standards
  • Assist the Proceedings Chair in supervising the Proceedings publication process
  • Supervise the technical content of all presentations at the Conference.

The Conference Program Chair shall also, with the consent of the DEC, propose invited papers on selected topics, panel sessions, embedded tutorials, etc. The DEC may retain a professional Conference Secretariat to assist the Conference Program Chair in his or her duties. The Conference Program Chair shall specify in writing which tasks the Conference Secretariat should perform for his/her Committee.

The Conference Program Chair shall assign the Session Moderators for the Conference. The Conference Program Chair may request nominations for Moderators from the Conference Program Committee.

The Conference Program Chair shall be responsible for the publication of the first and final Call for Papers for the year of his/her term of Office.

The Conference Program Chair shall be responsible for the publication of the Advanced Program and the Final Program.