7.03 The Finance Chair

The Finance Chair shall be responsible for all financial matters related to DATE.

The Finance Chair shall be responsible for keeping a document updated describing the financial policies of DATE as far as the DEC has established policies not detailed in the DATE JS&RA or in these DATE Operating Procedures.

The Finance Chair shall compose with the General Vice-Chair the budget for the next DATE. They shall make together a proposal for the required advance from the sponsors to start up the next DATE timely.

The Finance Chair shall be the owner of the budget of DATE as soon as this is approved by the DSC.

The Finance Chair shall prepare a prediction of the required cash flow evolution during the DATE year on the basis of the approved budget.

The Finance Chair shall be responsible for allocating the authority for spending of each budget item to the corresponding Chair or Chairs. This allocation shall be given in writing to the Chairs at the May/June DEC meeting.

The Finance Chair shall keep track per Chair of the status of each budget item: planned income/expense, committed expense, received income/spent expense and he/she shall report on it at the DEC meetings.

The Finance Chair must approve in advance any income or expenditure that substantially deviates from the budget.

The Finance Chair shall be responsible for DATE following the rules of the DATE JS&RA with respect to financial expenditures.

The Finance Chair shall compose together with the General Chair, the DSC and the current Secretariats the task lists needed for the preparation of the competitive bid for the contracts for the Conference and Exhibition Secretariats.

The Finance Chair shall oversee consultation with the Event Manager the execution of the Conference and Exhibition Secretariat contracts in the process of managing the DATE income and expenses.

The Finance Chair shall also ensure, in consultation with the Event Manager, that the Conference and Exhibition Secretariats provide monthly financial reports to the General Chair for review. The Finance Chair shall also report all major expenses to the DSC as stated in the DATE JS&RA.

The Finance Chair shall notify the General Chair if problems develop, and shall also notify the DSC if the financial position of DATE is threatened.

The Finance Chair shall assist, as consulted by the Audit Committee, in the auditing of the financial records after DATE. He/she shall explain the differences between the budget and its realisation, give a complete overview of all income and expenses, as reflected in the evolution of the bank accounts, and shall ensure that a complete audit trail is possible.

The Finance Chair shall always maintain control of the DATE bank accounts in close co-operation with the EDAA Finance chair.

At the end of the DATE year the Finance Chair shall be responsible for closing the books, making a complete income/expense and assets/liabilities overview, and do this as soon as possible, but latest per 31 May, taking provisions for any unresolved financial item. He/she shall ensure that such provisions are forwarded onto the budget of the next DATE.

The Finance Chair shall be responsible for transferring the surplus minus the by the DSC agreed advance for the next DATE to the EDAA bank account for distribution to the sponsors.

In cases of disputed expenses, the General Chair shall have final approval authority.