6.08 Audit Committee

The Audit Committee shall organise a professional audit of the financial records of DATE and report to the DEC and DSC about its findings.

The Audit Committee shall be composed of three independent external financial experts, which may be representatives of the DSC. The Audit Committee shall be chaired by one of the three experts.

The term for independent experts shall be limited only by their availability and their continuing independence of the actual organisation of the Event

The Chair shall be responsible for reporting audit results to the DEC and to the DSC. In this reporting both majority and minority viewpoints could be mentioned.

A minimum of one audit shall be performed before the DATE accounts are closed for each DATE.

A detailed audit process description shall be made in terms of tasks to be performed on which books and accounts, and this description shall be updated each year to come to an accumulation of experience in the DATE organisation with respect to financial auditing. This process description shall be distributed to all DEC Chairs.

The Chair shall at least convene one meeting in which the audit tasks are distributed over the members of the Committee. In this meeting shall also the structure be determined of the audit report, and also which part of the report is the responsibility of which person to fill it in.