W07 New Platforms for Future Cars: Safety and Security Challenges

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08:30W07.1Welcome and Opening

Selma Saidi, Hamburg University of Technology, DE

08:40W07.2Session 1: New Hardware Solution for Future Cars

Muhammad Shafique, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), AT

08:40W07.2.1Engineering Dependable Platforms for Automated Driving
Simon Burton, Robert Bosch GmbH, DE

09:10W07.2.2Why Multi-Core Microcontroller Architectures like AURIX will be ubiquitous in Autonomous Cars
Albrecht Mayer, Infineon Technologies, DE

09:40W07.2.3Consolidating High-Performance and High-Integrity Autonomous Driving Functions on the MPPA Manycore Processor
Benoît Dupont de Dinechin, Kalray S.A., FR

10:10W07.3Coffee break
10:30W07.4Session 2: Predictability and Efficiency in Multicore Architectures

Jürgen Teich, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE

10:30W07.4.1Efficient Usage of Many-core Heterogeneous Processor Architectures in Critical Real-time Embedded Systems
Eduardo Quinones, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, ES

11:00W07.4.2A Scalable Approach For Parallelizing Legacy Embedded Control Software
Hermann von Hasseln1 and Stefan Resmerita2
1Daimler AG, DE; 2University of Salzburg/Chrona GmbH, AT, AT

11:45W07.4.3LET Based Communication for Heterogeneous Workloads in Multicore Systems
Rolf Ernst, TU Braunschweig, DE

12:15W07.5Lunch break
13:30W07.6Session3: Embedded Security in Cars

Rolf Ernst, TU Braunschweig, DE

13:30W07.6.1Trends in Automotive Security
Andre Osterhues, ESCRYPT GmbH., DE

14:00W07.6.2Securing the Connected Car
Timo van Roermund, NXP Semiconductors, Hamburg, DE

14:30W07.6.3Automotive Microcontrollers - its not just all about safety and security.
Glenn Farrall, Infineon Technologies AG, Bristol,, GB

15:00W07.7Coffee break
15:30W07.8Panel Discussion
16:30W07.9Closing Session